Showing Posts For Ian.7380:

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ian.7380


Good job all. Cant say I’m not bummed about finishing 2nd after leading, but it was a super battle, a fun week. It makes “winning” sweeter when you dont win sometimes. BP you rock. I know a lot of you guys are newer. I think when people level up and get experience we will only get stronger. This should make us even hungrier so I’m glad it happened this way, not getting slammed. We all know how sometimes bandwagons happen when things are going good. Dont get too serious or competitive, I know that is fun for most of you wvwrs tho Trash talking I hope was dished out and taken in a gentlemanly way. I dont know what to expect from our traditional friday blitz but I hope Krew and Borlis shows up again like we can. Good job Dragonbrand. I salute you Darkhaven. Lets go Borlis Pass!

Its Chrismas. Dont be a grinch with the siege tonight.

Zaeoz [Krew]
Borlis Pass

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ian.7380


I was just trolling about the xfers lol sorry. I thought it was a little funny at the time, now I just feel bad about it. Merry Cristmas everyone, have fun in the game.

Zaeoz [Krew]
Borlis Pass

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ian.7380


A hearty welcome to the guys from Darkhaven who came over! Good to have you.

Zaeoz [Krew]
Borlis Pass

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ian.7380


dont pve Shadow, come over! free transfer. 7 day trail. Krew probably even has room if you need a guild.

Zaeoz [Krew]
Borlis Pass

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Ian.7380


well vorch, our server has grown a ton in 3 weeks. Thats how long I’ve been playing. My guild has grown from 100 players to 500. [Krew] we dont all rock yet but alot of us do. And we cetainly have the numbers. It is so fun to have seen this and be a part of it. We will be moving up in the ranks, and I hope it continues because the leaders of my guild have made it so fun.

Guild Wars 2 is only 3 months old, Christmas is coming up, I see alot of new players almost every day. I think word of mouth is cathing on, this game is a wow killer. It’s awesome.

Zaeoz [Krew]
Borlis Pass

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Ian.7380


anyone complaining about the alt f4 thing is just mad cause they hate to die and would rather alt f4 than be a good sport. Good excuses tho guys.

Zaeoz [Krew]
Borlis Pass

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Ian.7380


uh oh, someone is loosing. boo hoo hoo

Zaeoz [Krew]
Borlis Pass

11/30 - SF / BP / HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Ian.7380


HoD and SF both smell bad. AR too. I hope AR moves up tonight tho..

Zaeoz [Krew]
Borlis Pass

(edited by Ian.7380)