Showing Posts For Ice Blue Eyes.6420:

A word of thanks to Anet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

I just logged on today with my ranger who owned 2 legendaries (Dreamer and Howler) and surprisingly, i just found out a lot of special effects have been added to The Dreamer. Good job Anet.

But the disappointing thing is, the Howler is still broken, Anet please add some special effects to make it better, since its been years ever since players have been asking for it to be updated.

GW2 down?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

I was booted out earlier, and i can’t log in now, is it only me or is it everyone else are experiencing it ?

Question about The Minstrel

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Does the Minstrel has a footprint effect? I am about to craft it, and i saw videos online showing some musical note footsteps, but its only when the weapon is drawn.

So i just want to know does it have footprint effects when its stowed?

BL Gem Store: Issues w/ Chests & Tickets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Simply put, those players who spent over 1000+ golds to buy the skin are screwed terribly. (i am glad i havent) This is a warning and lesson to tell all of you that you shouldn’t spend 1000+ golds on a black lion weapons. Anet can reintroduced the skins back with just one click and you are screwed. I will guess the next weapon they reintroduced will be fused weapons.

About Howler legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

May i know what is the point of making and using a legendary when noone knows what it is?

I can understand that some of you here don’t want your weapons to be too flashy but you can always use a normal warhorn if that’s what it is, a normal warhorn is not flashy.

A legendary take a lot of work and its not easy to get, that’s why you need to make it to a point that AT LEAST when someone saw it, he/she knows it is a legendary.

And the point is Howler is really really dull, i am really disappointed as i put in lots of efforts into it. I really hope Anet can fix this. Thanks

About Howler legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Hi, i just want to make a suggestion to Anet and hope someone can read and of course if possible change the effects of Howler. You see i got the Howler 4 days ago, and i was doing dungeons and world bosses, but non one noticed i was using a legendary until i told them, because the special effects are all so plain and dull.

The footprints are totally unnoticeable, because its white and disappear so quickly when you are running, and when you use your weapon, it only shows out a small wolf head and it disappears so fast that none knows it. The white fog effect around your body is also buggy, sometimes it shows out the mist and sometimes it doesn’t.

And of course the last part is the sound effect, there is only a small howling coming from the warhorn, but noone can even hear it when you are in combat.

I really hope Anet can fix the problem and add more effects to it, as you see i have 3 legendaries, a Dreamer, Quip and Howler, but i don’t have a problem with them except Howler. And i read from the web and other forums that a lot of people are having the same problem as me.

More armors in the Gem Store?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

I have been waiting for new armors to be released in the gemstore. But it has been a long time since they released it.

I mean Anet should cut down on black lion weapons, because there are just too many, and they should include new armors in the next patch. Also No outfits please……i think they have been releasing outfits to replace the armors.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

Miniatures to Wardrobe question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

I just moved some of my miniatures to my account wardrobe, but i realised i cant take them out anymore.

So my question is if i moved for example my year 1 to 3 miniatures to the wardrobe, can i still sell them in trading post?

Feature pack 9/9: feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

I just made a few exotic crafting backpacks….but i noticed they are at level 78, why not level 80? And i wish to add a upgrade such as Azurite Orb to it, but i cant because that upgrade is for level 80 items.

Cant start the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Hi, i cant start my game it says error when i am trying to log in.

Is it just me or everyone are experiencing this problem?

Cant start Guild Wars 1 either……

Chaos of Lyssa bug?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Hey guys i just made the Chaos of Lyssa backpiece, and i am happy with it, but one of my friends said there is a bug with the backpiece, because you should be able to see the face inside the glowing part of the backpiece, but the problem is all i can see is the glowing light and no Lyssa face at all.

Is that a bug?

I have the backpiece too, what you said depends on your graphics quality. If you are using high shader quality than you can see the face and if you are using low shader quality you are going to see the glowing thing only.

Ok thanks for your help problem solved!

For your information guys if u want to see the real quality of the back piece, you have to change your shader quality to medium or high, the low shader quality only shows the glowing part and no face at all.

Chaos of Lyssa bug?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Hey guys i just made the Chaos of Lyssa backpiece, and i am happy with it, but one of my friends said there is a bug with the backpiece, because you should be able to see the face inside the glowing part of the backpiece, but the problem is all i can see is the glowing light and no Lyssa face at all.

Is that a bug?

Getting my slickpack back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ok they already sent me my pve slickpack finally, Anet has great customer support, really appreciated. Thanks for the help

Getting my slickpack back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ok good news they sent me a copy of my slickpack, but the big problem is that its a PVP version, i need it for PVE not PVP -_-

So anyways to change it to PVE?

If not i will have to request them to send me a copy of PVE version again

Getting my slickpack back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

So i contacted the support team and this is the reply they gave me…..

Thanks for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.

In most cases the support team is not able to replace individual items lost in situations of this nature. However, we would like to obtain additional information from you to see if an exception can be made in this case. We cannot guarantee that a replacement will be possible, but please respond with the following information:

• Date and exact time when the Slickpack was transmuted
• Your time zone
• Exact name of the items transmuted.

Once you have provided this information we will investigate and let you know if it is possible for us to replace your lost item. We hope to hear from you soon.

Getting my slickpack back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ok thanks, i just contacted customer service!

Getting my slickpack back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

@Seven Star Stalker

Yup that is a very good suggestion, anet should seriously consider this.

Getting my slickpack back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

So now i am done for…..

I will like to suggest to Anet to come with a new splitter that allows you to choose back your old skins if that is possible……i dont care how much the gem is, i just want my item back.

Getting my slickpack back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

So is there anyways to get back my Slickpack after i transmutated it and i regret now.

I tried to use trasmutation splitter but its doesnt help, and it only changes back to my original item and that is “There with Yakkington, a Travelers Tale”. I just want to get back my slickpack badly.

PTV or Berserker Armor for Guardian

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ok thanks for the advice, does Shield of the Avenger block melee attacks?

PTV or Berserker Armor for Guardian

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ok i have some problems with my guardian lately, i am doing fine in any areas. But there is always this problem that when i am doing COF path 2 the protect magg part i have been getting a lot of aggro from the mobs. All the mobs will start attacking me, while the other players are not getting too much aggro.

My total armor rating is 3147
Attack: 3161
Precision: 36%
Crtitical Damage bonus: 56%
My total HP: 15095

And i am using berserker armor set atm. i have done cof path 2 with other classes and i have no problem surviving. For example my thief with PTV set, i never find any problems.

So now i think its better to change my armor to PTV setting for my guardian, what u guys think? And i will lose all my critical damage bonus and precision which sucks.

Scout Markers on Sparkfly Fen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Hi guys,

I have played through Sparkfly Fen twice on two of my characters, and i am having a problem, whenever i talk to a scout npc, the scout icons on the map doesnt disappear, and its causing some problem for me, because its very confusing to know which scouts i have talked to and vice versa.

Hope you guys can solve this problem, and it happens on Sparkfly Fen only.