Showing Posts For Idus Martiae.7804:
Well when I said WvW is a gold sink, that’s assumi you actually want to try and compete with siege equipment. You’re not forced to spend anything in WvW, and if you can avoid dying, repair costs will be minimal. But if you want to participate to the full, you could spend every bit of gold you have.
Well can I have your gold then? (edit, I see you spent it all, ahh well…) I’m broke and need it all for siege gear and repairs. WvW seems to me to be the biggest obgoing gold sink. I don’t even have any exotics yet as I’ve been doing mostly PvP, not PvE.
So it seems you make money in PvE and spend it in PvP. If you don’t want to do both, it’s a bit of a dilema.
I’m not sure if this is something I’m doing wrong, but quite often, I seem to get stuck in combat mode and can’t get out of it. My character is fixed in the combat animation, even when I try to stow my weapon.
The worst situation was last night when running with my group in WvW, we were running from the middle of a borderlands map to the far north point. I have perma swiftness via speedy kits, but half way to the destination, they were almost all off my mini map as my swiftness was running at combat mode swiftness, while they were all moving at non-combat speeds.
I haven’t been able to identify any unique set of circumstances that cause the problem, so can’t help with debugging, except to say WvW is where I notice it most, and it seems to be getting worse.
continued from above
5. The Outmanned and Orb of Power buffs
Problem: – Outmanned give bonus XP, which is useless if you are outmanned to the point you can’t earn any XP. The Orb of Power buff rewards powerful servers by granting them even more power. While this is a great incentive to capture these, it acts like a reverse handicap.
Solution:- Many have suggested it, and I don’t know what the cons are, but swapping the outmanned and orb of power buffs seems appropriate.
6. Line of Sight
Problem:- While defending a wall (in my case as a Grenadier with extended range), I can’t attack most of the time as I don’t have “line of sight” to the ground below due to the little edges on top of the walls. I have to jump up and stand virtually in space to be able to lob my grenades on the ground below. Meanwhile, the attackers below can put their AoE circles 3/4 or more of the way across the top of the wall so I can’t even get close to the edge to throw my grenades, and even worse, a ranger is shooting me through those very same ledges that I can’t see though, and which my grenades will explode upon, on the rare occasions I can get line of sight.
Solution:- I don’t care which way it goes, but it should be the same for all range/AoE if they can hit me with the same range weapon, I should also be able to hit them. Currently it seems the attacker have about a 300 range advantage over defenders.
7. Particle Effects & ground targetting
Problem:- One again as a Grenadier, but I’m sure other AoE skills have the same problem, a lot of the time in big battles, I have no idea where my targets are as I can’t see for particle effects. This means I just end up wildly spamming and hoping I’m hitting somewhere where there are enemies.
Solution:- I know this was discussed a lot in beta, but I’m not sure if any solutions same out of it. Could we have a slider to tone down particle effects if we want would be my first thought?
OK those are the main ones I’ve seen personally or had most complaints on, with what I hope are some meaningful answers. If anyone else has some that I missed, please list here, but stick to the facts.
Hope I’ve got everything right and that this helps. Thanks.
After going through a lot of the posts here, and from my own experience, I’d like to offer up some suggestions and major issues that I think need to be addressed. Please do not turn this thread into a rant fest. Add some solid fact based suggestions or issues if you have them, but try to avoid subjective issues or opinions. Hopefully this will help the devs sort out real game issues from more obtuse issues.
1. Culling and invisible mobs
Problem:- Mobs of players spawn around you all at once, with no advance warning they are coming.
Solution: Obviously there are limits on what the server and our clients can render, so it’s a tough nut to crack. I did see a suggestion that if at least player tags were rendered, we would know something is headed our way, and I would think that should be easier on processor resources, although I could be wrong? Any other ideas from knowledgeable people about what visual queue we could get that wouldn’t be resource heavy? What about an audio queue to indicate the sound of approaching troupes or something?
2. Server populations & queues
Problem:- Some servers have constant huge populations online and are rolling those with lesser numbers. This is mostly a player issue as you can’t force people onto low-pop servers and that’s not an issue I wanted to address here. However, there seems to be a queue issue in these cases. How does one server get twice as many people online playing, and yet I still have to queue for an hour to get into a map? ALos, is there a separate queue for each map, or 1 shared queue? I’ve been trying to queue for all 4 maps at once as I will play on any I can get in, but I notice the last one I queue for is usually the one that comes up.
Solution:- Something for the devs to investigate, as we can’t solve it. Queue lengths and server populations on a map seem to need investigation, as lower population servers in a map should have no queue time I would think. If there is 1 common queue for all WvW maps, I would like to see separate queues for each one, and then then you do get in to any map, pop you from the other queues until you requeue again.
3. Retaliation & Siege
Problem:- Retaliation, if co-ordinated across several people can be kept up almost permanently, and destroys arrow carts very quickly, rendering them almost useless.
Solution:- I know it has already been stated this may be changed to not effect siege. I would just like to re-iterate this is an important change that needs to be done to ensure siege and defense remains viable. I’d also like to consider the long term effect of retaliation on the meta-game, to ensure it doesn’t become a necessity to be competitive.
4. Spawn camping and supply
Problem:- Larger forces owning maps can spawn camp players with multiple siege engines, rendering the competition for the map useless.
Solution:- I thought in Beta we used to get a buff near our spawn point, didn’t we? Also, I would think that spawn points should also be supply camps so incoming forces can load up and if necessary retaliate against spawn campers like this. If necessary, make that supply usable only within the spawn surround. If you aren’t given a home-ground advantage to get out of your camp, then this could become an increasing problem on outmatches servers. Speaking of which…
TBC – message length exceeded
I agree on what’s wrong with crafting, but I’m not sure all of your solutions are the answer. Fisrtly, they can’t makr crafted items better stats, as the whole level playing field of the game would turn back into a best-gear-wins situation. This is one of the issues as crafting gets it’s inherent value from making something “better” or more accessible than loot, which at the moment it isn’t.
Wth the system being so accessible to everyone, the fact we have thousands ++ of people all able to make the exact same thing I see as a lot of the devaluation of crafted materials. I would like to see uniquely obtainable recipes that are in demand for some reason, that you have to put considerable work into getting, be introduced.
Even then, with such a large player base, making something truly unique is almost impossile, and the structure of the TP does not allow unique items to be listed, there has to be set pieces so they can be sorted/searched/stacked. I think this may be one of the biggest limitations to how the crafting system can be customised. One of my ideas in beta was to allow us to sell specific coloured pieces, giving crafters and incentive to be dye completionists, so they could sell custom coloured sets. But alas, it seems this is not possible due the TP limitations as well, and may also be why we can’t sell upgraded items.
I was originally focussing on Chef, dues to the consumable and “high level” nature making it valuable. Unfortunately, since all the power levellers raced to 400 and everyone can make their own or their friends food for nothing now, and with no merchant aloud to keep prices up, food it cost be 1s to make, doesn’t sell for 2c on the TP, making. Chef a dead craft while all these 400 levels exist, unless something new is added that wasn’t automatically available, or available easily to these people who have no interest in crafting really, but were just in it for the levels.
Oversupply and undervalue. Some of your suggestions would help, and it’s a great summary, I’m just wondering if it’s too late to shut the gate after the horse has bolted.
Great write up. The game making me nauseous is my worst issue, although the bouncing/stuck camera, especially in PvP is a real problem too. i’ve lost fights simply because I can’t get the camera under control.
In PvE, I have to have a break ever hour or two, for at least half an hour or so, for my stomach to settle again before I can continue playing. Whenever I have to do a Vista, the nausea threshold becomes about 5 minutes, but I still then have to take an hour break to recover. Basically this means I can not even contemplate trying a full on jumping puzzle, as I wouldn’t make it to the end without being physically sick.
WvW is better, I guess due to more standing still sieging, and more flat ground. SPvP is also generally OK, probably due to short matches and not a lot of closed in terrain.