Showing Posts For Illuvienaru.4326:
After i ‘discovered’ this, i tried slotting a single Superior Sigil of Demon Summoning on a single weapon, using only that weapon to defeat mobs and the issue still occurred. So it couldn’t have been another stacking Sigil interfering with this one.
For the last five days, i have not been able to access any of the 3 tabs of the BLTP. When open it from anywhere, be it a NPC or through the UI, it only brings up the backdrop of the TP’s UI with no information whatsoever, a blank page. It is very unpleasant as my game experience is greatly altered. More so, i have gems sitting in it and i cannot use them.
This occurred almost immediately after i suggested to a player that attempted to sell something through chat to use the TP. The person did not take my suggestion very well as he started insulting me and everyone else that made the same suggestion. So i don’t know if the TP not working could be due to foul play or hacks, but it is a very strange coincidence.
I submitted one bug report a day for this as i consider this to be game breaking and needs to be fixed. Anyone else ever experienced or is experiencing that TP issue? If so, how did you solve it or what did you attempt?
I submitted a bug in game for this 2 or 3 weeks ago. I wanted to try that sigil out as i never heard of anyone that ever did. That makes 2 of us it seems.
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Posted by: Illuvienaru.4326
same here. =(
from the previous post`s thread, it seems that we’re gonna have to play the wait game.
Dungeons are way, way easier than on release. ANet changed the wipe mechanic to a 5-man group reset instead of a neverending WP respawn. Consequently, they reduced the encounters’ hp pools ( i think ).
If i was OP, i would definitely look into my skills, traits, runes, sigils and ‘gear’ and attempt at a build to survive the dungeon while having enough dmg output. This is part of the learning curve of the game.
Oh! And as a general rule, rez downed players and leave the dead…
The way i see it, stealth in GW2 gives an unfair advantage to thieves ( and mesmers to a certain extent) simply due to the fact that all other professions have a huge nametag hovering over their head permanently and can be spotted from miles around, even behind obstacles when ‘attempting’ to hide, whereas a stealthed toon is COMPLETELY invisible and also has that nametag removed.
Combine that with spike dmg and you got yourself a pretty unkillable toon, given that the player controlling it isn’t half bad.
Logically, it would mean that every single build of every other profession in either WvW or PvP should have something slotted to ‘counter’ stealth, which renders any attempt at an original, fully integrated build completely useless unless stealth is ALWAYS taken into consideration. I don’t see any other specific skill (mechanic) having that kind of importance in other professions. The rest of the defense mechanics are pretty general and/or do not have the same lethal consequences.
I’m lucky my build is designed so i can somewhat defend myself and sometimes kill the thief that backstabs me for 50%+ of my hp. But should i consider myself lucky every time i do get the kill? Or should i always think that the player i just downed must have been a bad one since he has such an advantage that there is no other way i would’ve gotten him? While stealthed, he can spot me simply due to the nametag, keep popping stealth, follow me and backstab, pop back into stealth, etc. and i’m done. Doesn’t seem really fair to me.
I’ve given some thought to this issue because sometimes, as one of the earlier posters stated, you got trolls /laugh at you after getting a backstab kill that there was absolutely nothing you could’ve done against. Like, nothing. And most of the time, this has nothing to do with the player’s skill, only a game mechanic that someone ‘exploits’ (not a real exploit, but you see what i mean) over another player. I don’t care if someone /laughs after having killed me. GG, really. But there’s always that uneasy feeling when it happens after a stealthed thief did it.
There are solutions to this, though.
One i thought of and discussed with some people would be having the same kind of shadowy invisibility that allies have when you Shadow Refuge them, maybe even a little more shadowy. Another would be for the thief to ‘blink’ in and out of stealth at given moments. It could be a combination of both. It could mean remove the nametags in WvW and PvP for everyone, or put em on for thieves permanently.
I’m simply trying to be constructive and give ideas to keep the thief’s initiative advantage due to stealth as well as giving a chance to other professions to play the game as they intended, not only the opposing thief’s way.