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Im not a fan of this either, but it would be nice to see it – i could go either way.
on one hand, its nice to have some form of benchmarking, on the other hand, it makes people build completely for damage etc. (or overweight AOE Damage vs single target etc).
just wish we could go see more of ANYTHING in general – k/d ratio, finishes, wins/losses, best team, best combo of classes, etc.
Thanks for the response! much appreciated Jonathan sharp.
im rolling with an i7 OC’d to 4ghz, 12gb ram, and a radeon 7770 and i have no ‘invisible mobs’ – i can see them pretty far across most bridges. still getting 50 or so FPS on 1920×1080 in large battles.
could it be drivers?
Im with u OP – lots of ‘epic’ moments so far in my playtime -
Tho my fav has been rolling with 40 people Sieging Askalion Hills to get the Orb Back – trebs, golems, arrow carts, mesmer portals – everything was working great.
Please reduce the power of orbs or remove them before 1 week matches.
in WvW
Posted by: Intangible.1467
I like the orbs a lot – nothing beats organizing a siege to get ur orb back, then rolling with it back to safety (ideally).
or hunting down orb carriers is always fun.
yes, bump…this needs to happen. we had 4 squads of 5 the other night, its just not practical nor helpful to have to say “group 1 to X” “group 2” etc
id be down too – hit me up.
yes id love to see this too. or conversely, a suggestion /skill suggestion/class suggestion sub forum to get rid of the QQers etc.
They must realize that a HUGE amount of the GW2 players only bought the game because they said “we are want to get into the esports-szene”.
GW is known for its awesome PVP. There are many promisses like spectator-mode, self creation of tourneys and rankings.
Nothing is in the game yet, only free tourneys … and its getting boring !
But GW2 is not going to be an esports-tile even if there is no one working on it !
And for me there is nobody working on GW2-PVP (esports side) until they give us feedback like “we are working on it”, “specmode and esports support is coming”, or something like that.Best example: Free tournament chest rewards = fail. It takes to long bros.
Sorry arenanet, this is not the right way and please communicate with your community !
Just my thoughts …
i def hear u on this – one really disheartening thing i came across today was all the GW1 PVP Modes. I barely played PVP in Gw1 – but was excited about the multiple modes, hoping those are coming ASAP to gw2.
Wouldn’t say this thread is a negative/frustration thread. It’s turning into one perhaps. Most people here just want some reassurance or some semblance of a timeline or show of progress.
oh yeah, sorry – didnt mean this WAS a negative thread, i actually 100% agree with your OP.
just saying, from experience in comm management for a sensitive industry – i can see why they are avoiding the topic/thread right now – they clearly havent shut the thread down so that is a good sign (like some other threads).
Weird that they are answering other posts but not this one :/
its not entirely weird – frustrating? sure, but not abnormal. Generally most Comm managers are told to jump into "low risk’ or ‘positive’ convos – hence u see a lot of the “Thanks for the feedback!” “Hope your enjoying the game!” responses by Comm managers.
With something like PVP and the negative/frustration threads – the response has to be pretty measured or it will flame the issue..
saying that, i would love a response of course =)
id suggest trying to communicate more with players in game – u shouldnt be running 5-6 min regularly, then just hitting the zerg – thats not very fun.
see where u can run supply, or go ninja supply on other areas or where u can build for defense / siege – etc…..
Intermediate solution to off-peak while 24 hour match ups are in place...
in WvW
Posted by: Intangible.1467
Eventually wont wVW be on a 2-week cycle? i imagine some of that ’night capping ’will normalize over time.
right now its just very apparent cause of the 24 hr cycle.
Odd – i play WVW a ton, and can say i dont know if i die more than i do in PVE -
if you are playing smartly, rolling with a guild, and retreating when u need to – this shouldnt be an issue (repair costs).
honestly, i think i die more from falling over the cliffs on the way to the bay or the west keep than i do in actual battle. lol…
Yeah, i dont think the level has a huge impact in WVW – using supply, building siege equip, and helping repair walls is extremely useful – and a level 1 can do that.
Does being level 80 fully decked out help? of course it does. but is it REALLY necessary? no.
I understand the tourney format – but 3 of us + 2 randoms keep getting stomped by organized teams – so i do wish there was some sort of ability to make sure me and buddies are on same team in a PUG.
Then again – you can always play with ur friends by picking the same server #, and hitting the + button. sometimes on map changes the teams mix and match.
just wish there was a ranking / ladder so youd have an idea how good your tounrey randoms are etc,.
I def agree with this – id LOVE to see an update, an ETA.
one of the most dissapointing things about Diablo 3 ( not comparing, just saying) was sitting here (STILL) waiting for PVP updates and ETA.
at least GW2 has a fun PVP system already, id just LOVE to get an update on rankings and some form of ladder.
thanks a-net
Switching gears from the Queue Time issues, and general WvW ‘improvement threads’ – i had a question on Guild Alliances in WvW – ive noticed/heard some servers like Henge of Denravi and Jade Quarry just have a massive amount of Guilds, and guilds forming ‘alliances’ to work together.
Ill tell you on Sorrows Furnace, its felt at many times there are just groups of 3-5 ppl in a guild – not 100+ at one time.
my Question is – to any guilds who HAVE done this on servers with other guilds, how the heck do you go about forming these?
Follow up for Sorrows Furnace Players – Any guilds interesting in organizing some alliances? if so PM me in game.
To be honest, its pretty hard to grasp how fun WVW can be from a video – if you got GW2 just hop in and you’ll get a good sense =)
if not, YouTube has some vids for sure =)