Showing Posts For JJohnson.2603:

Poll: Race/Gender/Profession demographics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JJohnson.2603


Charr Female Warrior
Human Female Mesmer
Slyvari Female Elementalist

Second Death on Warrior's Vengeance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JJohnson.2603


I have this exact same problem, but had no idea what was causing it. Everyonce in a while after dieing and then waypointing back i die immedietly. It is very frustrsting. Thanks for posting a way around this, but hopefully they will fix this eventually.

Emissary of the Mad King

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JJohnson.2603


I have the exact same problem. I have every achievment listed under the Halloween special event, Halloween Huntin, Halloween events completed, it a mad kings world, attend the party, trick or treat bags opened, pumpkin carving and clocktower, but I do not have the “Emissary of the mad king” It says I have only completed 4 achievements.

I reported it as a bug in game.

Missing/Broken Skill Point NPCs [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JJohnson.2603


Akk wilds skillpoint NPC is not showing up.
Server: Sanctum of Rall