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i will test the two bugs i post up
The flesh golem aggro mech on DS and the consume condition lock up
In addition
Consume Condition seems to get locked for seconds when a new condition is applied – educated guess. (Still trying to figure out why it gets locked)
many times in PvP, my consume condition appears to be permenently locked on 2 second CD, even though i am not stunned of knocked back, my guess is everytime a new condition is applied, it will lock up
When you transform into DS, your flesh golem will stop attacking.
Life Blasts target does not trigger Flesh Golem aggro
@They are Hashes
To test it properly u have to run to a location while training mobs. Have your target selected as a mob and auto attack it.
Have one minion with you, that minion should attack the targeted mob. When that minion dies, you will be stuck in combat mode for about 5 seconds.
I have found that if the targeted mob moves back to its original spot, then you will leave your combat mode, however, if you minion attacked the mob at its spawn location, and subsequently died, the targeted mob appears to be in a state of permanent aggro, and in turn bring you. the minion master into a state of combat as well.
@Angry Flying Squirrel
Yer the issue of bad minion AI combined with the inability to unsummon minions really stuffs with this mechanic. Your minion might get stuck in a location and in turn put you into combat mode. You are unable to unsummon them, and unable to deselect the minion through skill switch.
The worst case scenario was when i had my bone fiend attack an mob off a cliff with constant obstruction. Could not do anything to move out of combat. Had to relog.
Also another bug/area for testing, is whether DS scales with your attributes.
it seems to me regardless of your trait points, the DS has the same defense. Someone pointed out that DS life force is scaled to Vitality. I am curious to see the numbers.
From personal experience, extra toughness doenst seem to make the DS anymore tankier than if i had no points in toughness,
An easy way to test would be hitting a necro in DS while fitted with full toughness, and hitting the necro in DS without toughness to see if there is any difference.
@ They are hashes
Which bug would you like me to replay
Another question i have is regarding tanking the common bursts from other classes as a Necro.
Is it better to tank through Toughness or Vitality.
It seems that the Toughness Trait for Necro is really awful. Two wasted Minor Traits, and not many defence enhancing skills.
Blood Magic trait line in theory is much more effective. However the broken Life Steal Skills really bug me. Life Siphon and Life Transfer deal dmg but appears to steal very low amount of HP even when traited.
Also, in order to break stun and remove boon, Necro has to take certain skill sets
For utilities you will need one stun break (plague sig, spec armour or spec walk) which all have a minute CD. A boon removal skill such as corrupt boon (which is full of bugs) or Shivers from Focus.
Taking these skill really limits your build.
A couple of bugs
Dagger attack range is often bugged on objects. You can stand in front of it, and your dagger attack will show animation, while the actual attacks will miss.
Minions sometimes attack empty space or unattackable objects if you target it and trigger your attack animation
When your minions die while mobs, you will still be stuck in combat mode even though you are outside of the mob’s aggro range. Happened to me many times on vistas. i.E, cant view vista since i am still in combat mode, but have no minions summoned, and no mobs targeted. Had to re-log
Dagger Skill, Dark Pact has an invisible conal casting range, although does not show when you cast. i.e, it can miss when your opponent is standing side on to you, even though the tool tip suggests a single target skill.
Well the problem with toughness is that i have two wasted traits in jagged horror and protection of the horde as i don’t want to play minions.
another issue with stun break + dodge + DS is that you need at least 50% endurance and at least 10% life force.
Nekro Stun breakers have around 1min CD, which means that if you survive the first combo, your skills are still on CD for the next combo.
I am also wondering what kind of maximum burst dmg a Nekro can do. I have been trying to test out the damage output, it seeks 3k on 3 attacks (with dual dagger) max power + crit dmg is the most i can do.
(edited by JYC.5026)
Stun breaker breaks the stun, but doesn’t stop the incoming damage.
for example warrior bull charges you. You get stunned.
You use your stun breaker. His next move still hits you for 10k+. That’s 50% of my life gone in 2 seconds.
I am curious to compare some of the other burst damages i have seen used against me in PvP
Pistol Whip – 10k
Heartseeker – 8k
Hundred Blades – 19k
Crossfire 8k
Nekro Dmg …
Life Blast – 1k
Dagger auto attack 2.5k on crit with power build.
I have been playing my Necro on sPvP for the past week, and like most other people here have often found the class highly frustrating, especially in 1v1 situations.
However in team vs team battles i found that Necros can really outperform some of the other classes. Here is one of few builds I have been running lately and have been rather successful in sPvP.
The full build can be found here.;ToAg0UMZYSwklJHTSmWFMKY/B
Reaper’s Might, Spiteful Marks, Chill of Death
Mark of Evasion, Quickening Thirst
Spectral Master, Unyielding Blast, Soul Marks
Consume Condition. Spectral Walk, Signet of Spite, Signet of Locust. Lich Form
sPvP Strategy
sPvP is all about capturing nodes, this is where this build really shines. With the alternating use of Locust Swarm and the 20% Swiftness Duration from the Rune Set Bonus, you can have permanent 33% movement speed at all times.
In addition to 10% from Locust Signet and 10% from the Quickening Thirst, theoretically, you have the highest movement speed and the longest swiftness duration. (Spectral Walk as a 33s Swiftness gain).
I am currently not sure how movement speed is stacked and whether there is an exact figure, but i would be interested to know.
The key to this build is movement speed. You use your speed to sneak up unguarded nodes and capturing them.
The second role is to rush to high ground positions (there are several great positions on all 4 PvP Maps, which you can camp there and with points stacked in Power and Crit Dmg, your staff hits and marks should do around 800+ per hit. In big team fights, use Mark of Blood and Chillbane to cause havoc, and AOE fear, if you see the opposition focusing fire on one target.
The marks will generate massive amounts of Life Force, due to Gluttony and Soul Marks, and simply pop into DS, use life blast with piercing and vulnerability. Pop out, and continuing hitting your enemies with your staff (with extra Might bonus).
The third role is chasing down single enemies. Cast Spectral Walk (make sure you sever the bond), once in range, cast Dark Pact. Look for the immobalize Countdown, then time Wail of Doom, this should ensnare the target long enough to focus down. If not, then cast Locust Swarm in melee range to cripple. Switch to Staff to Chill, and finally blast using DS, and Dark Path to close the gap if need be.
For survival, when running into a group of players, cast AOE fear on the ground and run. When stunned, hit Spectral Walk, and when targeted by thief, hit DS, Fear and run.
This build is designed to avoid 1v1 battles, but with some tweaking, it can easily be modified into a 1v1 build (see tony’s thread for more details). it’s basically the same build, switching Spec Walk for Spec Armour and traited around speed.
Side note: For Elite, i have chose Lich for extra dmg, you can also use Flesh Golem for 1v1’s or Plague for extra survivability and group control.
I personally like the staff for its AOE skills and longer range. If you prefer Scepter, just take some points away from Spite and put into Curse and switch to conditional dmg utilities such as Blood is Power and Corrupt Boon. The tactics is still the same.
(edited by JYC.5026)
After trying all the possible builds for Nekro out there, i have to admit it is just the worst sPvP class.
It has absolutely no chance 1v1 against any other class right now.
The DPS is horrid, average Dagger hits are 400, while Axes hit at a base of 200. The last 3 1v1s i had with a Thief, a Warrior and a Ranger, i did only 15% dmg while spamming all 9 skills.
Something is horribly wrong. The conditions simply take too long to do damage, while you get bursted down in two seconds.
Each other class has more DPS than Necro.
Hundred Blade + Eviscerate does 20k dmg. Nekro only has around 24k, its basically a two button kill.
Every other class has more disables and interrupts than. The only disable Nekro has is immobalize from the dagger tree, and the laughable Fear.
Worse still every other class has more Escapes than Nekro. Our only Escape is DS, and that only delays our death.
If anyone has any decent builds for the Nekro for sPvP, please do share.
Failed Builds
Fear Build.
I tried to max out all the Traits for Fear (Fear and duration, fear damage, cause fear when downed, etc etc). The mechanic is simply horrible. The three second Fear simply puts opponents one dodge or one move away from me, and simply helps with their skill cool down. We only have one AOE fear skill – the one that has the longest CD + one move in DS (don’t get me started on DS), and even when traited for Fear Damage, the amount is minimal.
Then i see a Thief (or is it a warrior), jump into a full team at a capture point, use the skill Fear Me, and our whole team is feared away from the Way Point for 5 seconds. Right now, Fear is only useful for interrupting finish moves, and even then, it is not direct, and is often bugged by terrain, ie, the the target for the Mark is stuck on a building’s wall.
Death Shroud Build
I honestly have no idea how to incorporate DS into any meaningful PvP apart from as an annoying tool to escape/delay the inevitable death.
Firstly, the Damage from Life Blast may be decent, but the speed is so kittenn slow. Someone should time it, but it feels like every Life Blast is same as three normal attacks from a Scepter, so in terms of DPS, it adds nothing.
The second skill teleports you into death rather than away, and fear is laughable right now. Transfusion is the only decent move, but the I am not 100% sure of the the mechanic. Does the Life Drain add to your original HP Pool or your life force bar. It appears that after Transfusion and when i leave DS, i still have the same amount of HP as when i first entered it, so in other words, you drained some life hoping to heal your HP, and when you finished draining, you are still on 1/10th of your HP, which prompted you to hit DS in the first place.
The worst thing is it completely removes your utility skills, which are more useful than the DS skills, and the recharge time, means that you can’t hop in and out of DS just to spam your utilities. Theoretically, with DS traited, you should be able to stay in DS for longer and have more DPS and tank, but in reality, it only makes you more of a glass cannon and more of a mosquito.
In theory, i can see DS acting like a finisher. Once your opponent’s conditions are stacked, you jump into DS to finish them off. But in PvP, it appears that the time you switch to DS, and the time for the first Life Blast to hit, your opponent has probably had enough time to run out of your range. And the worst thing is while in DS, you can’t extend your opponent’s current condition duration, which allows them to purge it all.
Spectral Build
Spectral Grasp (lol). There should be an achievement for the number of Spectral Grasps you can land. Every single one of mine in PvP has been a miss or an obstruction.kitten it’s a single target spell.
Spectral Armor is actually pretty decent. In theory combined with DS, should provide the nekros with command over life and death. Use spec armor to absorb Damage, Hit DS, and repeat. But DS right now is ineffective as an offensive tool, and without the utilities, it makes it even more cumbersome. Each time i hit DS i know i am going to die rather than Life Blasting my opponent to death.
If anyone out there has an effective DS build or Fear build, please pots it here. In the coming days i will be testing other builds, and if you have a viable builds, please share them here so other Nekro’s can be more of a use.
Thanks all
Hey guys, i have been observing closely at the recent discussions on the state of our class.
Unfortunately, most of the said things are true, however there are still some viable if not ‘usable’ builds out there which i hope the more experienced Necromancer players out there can post up here.
I hope that these player-made and tested builds can shine some light in what appears to be a rather bleak state of affairs right now, and help persuade those who are either thinking about re-rolling another class to wishing to pick up the Nekro to tough it out and discover Nekro’s true potential.
Here are some of the builds i have used, tested, tested and failed abjectly with.
Minion Master
Basically let the minions tank, while you bombard the enemies with your staff. With the Major Trait Flesh of the Master, your minions tank surprisingly well and with the Minion Master Trait, you can usually maintain a healthy number of minions to maximize your own toughness through Protection of Horde.
For single enemies, i use Dagger + Warhorn with its two disables + the flesh golem charge.
For group of mobs and crowd control, i combine the Mark of Blood from my staff and from the trait Mark of Evasion and Chillbane. Usually after a couple of dodges, the mobs are on 60% HP, which i could finish off by exploding one or two bone minions and using my flesh Golem’s Charge. In emergencies, you can always use Transfusion or put some distance between yourself and the mob with Locust Swarm.
Personally i find this build most effective for PvE. The sole reason is that it allows to run around the map with speed from the Locust Swarm and additional Boon duration, while my minions occupy the mob. Most importantly it lets me safely mine resource nodes as mobs will attack my tanked minions, while i mine and run out. (i feel very comfortable running into those Rich mineral nodes in Caverns guarded by Veteran mobs).
This build tanks extremely well, with 20% extra in toughness and vitality, plus life steal from your minions, you can tank most PvE mobs. Heck, you will even have the DS for emergency escape. you can also sacrifice your damage, by putting less Traits in Spite and more Traits in either Blood Magic or Death Magic.
The reason i went for the Staff + Power over Scepter + Conditional Damage was because Staff are mostly from the Death Magic line, so i can save the points for more Vitality/Base DPS (you can switch Minion Mastery with Staff Mastery of Greater Marks). Training of the Master is a MUST for PvE minionmancer builds.
The worst thing about the build is the horrible minion AI. But if ANET puts some simple Pet commands for minions, then the potential for this build is enormous. Both you or your Pet can tank and both you and your pet can dish out DPS + interrupts.
(still testing) PvP Minion Master
So far, this appears to be my most effective tPvP build. Your army of minions will make you extremely tanky and hard to kill. it allows you to defend positions against multiple enemies until allies arrive or hold them up long enough for your team to capture their objective.
Offensively the army of minions are a great distraction for opponents who tab to switch targets.
For 1v1, the strategy i use is to switch to melee, time your disables. (Dark Pact, Wall of Doom, Charge, Rigor Mortis). Then switch to Staff and spam Mark of Blood and Chillbane as well as all your minion skills.
Try to dodge towards your minions, so that you form a little cluster inside your minion army, with your Mark of Blood + Vampiric Minions providing some health Regen.
In PvP, players will ignore your minions, so they don’t need to be tanky, but you do need Training of the Masters to make sure all your minions are dishing out +30% Damage.
I am still undecided whether i should stick with a Staff+Power build or use a Scepter with conditioning. I can also see the huge potential in using Plague Wurm as both offensive condition damage along with exploded bone minions and as defensive tool for instant Teleport out. I will test both of these options later today.
Once again, if only the minion AI was better, it would make PvP encounters for minionmancers much easier to manage. (A lot of the time, your full arsenal of minions will simply stand next to you while the opponent knocks you down and apply the finish move. How i wish my Flesh Golem could use his Charge)