Showing Posts For JackyCore.2506:
8 good teams and 56 random? (maybe pve/wvw players), amazing.
I’m trying to record and make some videos about my gameplay in spvp/WvW. Be gentle i’m learning to edit videos :P
YouTube links:
This is a mix of my first year of GW2 –
Necro condition build + some minutes of gameplay:
I’ve the same problem can play for 5-10 mins then disconnected (usually after 9pm gmt+1). I’ve already tried to conctact support but they said “try to speak with your provider support, fix your provider, it’s a packet loss problem”. My internet is fine, i don’t have issues with social networks and other games.
I’ve same problem and this time is not the provider!
I’ve the same problem, idk if just my provider or it’s the game, but i’ve random disconnects all 5 minutes. I’ve sent a support ticket.
Hi ArenaNet, i disconnects every 5-10 minutes (max can play for 1-2 hours before disconnect), error code 7:11:3:191:101. It’s not my connection for sure cause i haven’t problems with facebook and web, it started a couple of days ago.
how can I fix it?
(edited by JackyCore.2506)
What’s the point to nerf a BUNKER build? you can’t kill a ranger bunker alone with a romer (maybe with engi) like you can’t kill a guardian bunker… no sense!
gg man (haters gonna hate :P)
Imo after nerf on rtl and stuff ranger bm (s/d + gs) is the best class for run the orb!
“la roba verde conviene riciclarla o venderla?” lol that’s funny xD anyway S/D is not bad only in hotjoin in tournaments is not very good, burst damage is too low.
People are leaving cause there isn’t a real “competition”, actually spvpers can just farm rank points, but is true some classes are too OP like ele bunker and beastmaster.
Where is PvP? That’s rally sad