Showing Posts For Jade.7614:

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade.7614


Oh MY GOODNESS!!! Did you EVER miss the point of my post!! I asked for the map to be opened so you can find things you need B4 map completion, then map completion can be done at as leisurely pace. As it is now, when I have a character that does not have some maps opened up, I have to figure out where the ‘portals’ are to adjoining maps so I can find a way into the map from one I have open 2 or three away. It’s exhausting. At least if we could open the ‘portals’ to other maps would even be helpful. bold I am not talking about buying map completion!!!bold Why can no one understand that?
And teleport to a friend is no more special than revive orbs or repair cans. Make them available for purchase.


Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade.7614


I would also like to have the option to ‘buy’ map opening. Could we have the map opened (not necessarily completed), at least so it is easier to find things in an unexplored map?

There are numerous guides to help you find what you need for map completion. There is the wiki for starters. GW2Timer has a full map that shows you everything including map gates. Lulleh (Oopsy) has a great list of all the maps you need for map completion with an entire custom route planned and explained. You can find those maps here:

The ability to buy map discovery on the gem store would break the spirit of map completion and there are those like me who still enjoy it. I was remarking to a guild mate earlier how we get so wrapped up in achievements, WvW, sPvP, rewards, bosses, and so we tend to forget how beautiful this game is put together both visually and musically. Map completion is a way you can recapture some of that beauty.

Do the Tyrian Explorers Society proud… explore!

Post Your Build Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Jade.7614


What gear stats do people use for damage and survivability in PVE?

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade.7614


“However, there are two issues:
If people can buy them, they aren’t special rewards; they are just money saved.
It makes map completion purchasable; that isn’t currently true.”
Again, NOT ASKING TO PURCHASE MAP COMPLETION. Had to cap it since people can’t seem to read. I asked for the map to be opened so you know where things are that you are looking for and maybe a wp or two per section. Map completion to be done manually like normal people. All POIs, Vistas, and skill points , and mastery points to be achieved manually.
On the teleport to a friend. I can’t seem to get any. I have opened countless chests and not gotten any. Their favorite item to put in a chest is two useless items and one moderately useful. I have even purchased Black Lion keys looking for them, to no avail. All of those who object to others purchasing probably have at least 30 on each toon anyway. Hence they don’t need to buy. But some of us do need to. Why does it have to be ‘special’ to you? It is a utility just like repair canisters and revive orbs which are all available to purchase.

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade.7614


the other thing I said was not buy map completion but just open the maps and wp, all other achievements on the map would still have to be done the old fashioned way. Sheesh!! L 2 READ

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade.7614


As I said previously, those who object just shouldn’t buy them !! :P

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade.7614


Can Anet PLEASE put teleport to a friend in the gem store? I would also like to have the option to ‘buy’ map opening. Could we have the map opened (not necessarily completed), at least so it is easier to find things in an unexplored map? Speaking as a player who both works and goes to school full time, I don’t have any toons with map completion, but to have the map opened at least with waypoints would be so worth it. Those who are against the idea of either of these things, simply do not buy them!!


Is the story bugged? (Confessors End)

in Living World

Posted by: Jade.7614


I think mine is bugged. I cannot even get past the elementals to get to the end fight. The blood stone crystals are supposed to damage their break bar, but it is not doing anything. I am using the counter magic- nothing- nada- zilch effect

how do I get Living World..

in Living World

Posted by: Jade.7614


how do I get Living World if I have Heart of Thorns already?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jade.7614


crafting is currently annoying- I am in Hoelbrak crafting. Have to run back and forth bank, trading post crafting station is on another level by the way. Can’t we just craft where we are? This is annoying and time consuming. But Mounts would help.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jade.7614


agree with above plus:
-can we see what level people’s toons are? especially in the guild roster?
- agree with make capital city chat global
-definitely agree with making events on our maps more visible no matter how far we are from it.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jade.7614


8) Hearts. Um, any chance we can re-do hearts with the same character? Events are not enough and some hearts were even more fun than whole event system.

9) Dragons. OK, so I took the time, found the timer on the internet because otherwise I wouldn´t know when they spawn at all and got loot. Junk, greens, 1 blue item. Seriously? :-D Dragons chest and this kind of loot :-D make the loot worthy of dragons. Even low level harpy from human starter zone dropped me rare item and dragons give greens and blues? Even the nail from dragon claw should be more valuable than any exotic item…

10) Map – events visual. Have you ever been in Orr area? As soon as you enter the chat is filled up with: “grets up” or “plinxs ready”. After 15min it´s getting annoying as hell and I want to block all of those shouters in chat. Can you make events visible in the map? You are in the map, you can see every events and their stages no matter if they are on the other side of the map or near the place you are standing. [/quote]

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jade.7614


Also, don’t like the changes to daily quests- I have yet to complete even 1 full set of dailies now. Put the dailies back the way they were or give people the option to have the old way if they want it.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jade.7614


I agree with all of the above, plus would like
- a in game LFG mechanism
-more dungeon waypoints
-as many have said previously, a way to be able to adjust loot so that all involved in the fights get it even if they die, or just put the rez rushing back in, that was even better.
-more bank space/bag space
-like the teamwork and personalized loot i.e not fighting for same loot/resources (gathering too) kudos for that!!
-except for the removal of rez rushing- don’t like it, not able to get back to the fight to help. Most of the time the surviving party members are having a hard enough time just surviving and don’t have time to rez you. Especially considering if you try to rez someone, the boss seems to focus on you.‘’
-why did you make ninja changes to the boss fights on the end of January patching?
- be able to mail things to your other toons because a bank is not always handy.
- MOUNTS PLEASE- you can even make them available for purchase only idc, but we need them
- speed buff for ALL classes I know for sure engies don’t have one, or at least mine doesn’t

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jade.7614


Good suggestions, quoted some things that have been bothering me as well:

Preview gear and weapons on the trading post.

Helper NPCs in storyline quests should be more useful.

Waypoint costs need readjusting. A reduced cost for completing a zone you can travel to would be nice.

Option to see own name and HP bar

Also, add first person mode, please!