Showing Posts For JarXLite.6720:

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Quite an impressive, and successful, push from IoJ on SM. Lag wars ensued, haha.

And really.. all of us are pretty much forum warriors.

I wonder if you guys ever realized that we were letting you push us back into our keep and away from SM outer so I could get people into SM to kill those millions of ballistas you guys had set up on the wall breach.

Overall, great push and a great fight inside of inner. Only reason we broke all of that siege you had is because of some sick mesmer portals from my guildies!

I did figure something like that, which is why I was standing guard over them! Of course, I was pretty much the only one, haha. Lone IoJ’s came in, but it wasnt quite enough. When ~5 of ya came through, that was definitely what did it. I only remember having 3 balis and 3 ACs though (one AC on the wall, rest were in the courtyard). The small infiltration group did a darn good job, I dont think there was anyone even manning them right then.

Great fights at SM though, and it seems to be ongoing! Lag has been a really serious issue for me tonight though, dont know whats going on.. :\ Its always a bit slow in SM, especially with large battles, but I have even been getting it just trying to get into towers, etc. I just stand at the door, haha. Ill then give up and run off, and 30 seconds later will be randomly ported back into the tower I was trying to enter. Even in open engagements, everything is taking 5+ seconds to activate at best. Anyone else having worse lag than ever? FPS never dropped that much.

While we were in inner SM I was getting skill lag all the way back at our Overlook Keep!

IoJ commander

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Quite an impressive, and successful, push from IoJ on SM. Lag wars ensued, haha.

And really.. all of us are pretty much forum warriors.

I wonder if you guys ever realized that we were letting you push us back into our keep and away from SM outer so I could get people into SM to kill those millions of ballistas you guys had set up on the wall breach.

Overall, great push and a great fight inside of inner. Only reason we broke all of that siege you had is because of some sick mesmer portals from my guildies!

IoJ commander

22/3 - DR - IoJ - DH

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Great to see DH’s “weekday player dropoff”


IoJ commander

22/3 - DR - IoJ - DH

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Hey, Devona, we’re just welcoming you to the tier. This has happened to every server in T6, including us. Get used to it.

Love you DR, more than DH at least.

IoJ commander

The State of Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


We only need two things imo. A projectile finisher, and for our staff #3 to be fixed.

IoJ commander

Tier 6 pvp

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


You kidding me? Have you looked at the score all day? I’m pretty sure that if we were teamed up with DH we wouldn’t be getting roflstomped. So no. No truth to it.

IoJ commander

3:8 IoJ | Anvil Rock | DH

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Oh no you don’t… If we attack team red we are playing for second and if we attack green we are double teaming. Are we meant to keep a tally of how many IoJ towers we take and offset it with some DH towers?

I for sure know that I won’t say you’re playing for second. Anyone who does is an idiot. All I want is to have a night like reset, instead of the gangbang it is now. I don’t want you to take a tally or anything, just lay off for a while

IoJ commander

3:8 IoJ | Anvil Rock | DH

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


can there be a 3rd team in this matchup plz

Maybe if DH and AR actually fought each other instead of us, there would be.

Sorta to be expected. We’re poking you for weak spots.


Pretty sure you found them. Go attack DH K thx

IoJ commander

3:8 IoJ | Anvil Rock | DH

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


can there be a 3rd team in this matchup plz

Maybe if DH and AR actually fought each other instead of us, there would be.

IoJ commander

2:15 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Oh. My. God. That 30 minute 3 way Stonemist siege today was CRAZY. As one of the commanders in the thick of that battle, I would like to say that you two other servers are awesome! Loving the matchup!

IoJ commander

2:15 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Don’t worry guys, IoJ’s “Oceanic” coverage is just our late night North America crew staying up all night. Every night.

Do you guys ever go to sleep?:)
We had some nice fights at ioj yesterday. I hope we entertained you guys.


I’m sorry, sleep? What is that? It’s WvW man!

IoJ commander

2:15 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Don’t worry guys, IoJ’s “Oceanic” coverage is just our late night North America crew staying up all night. Every night.

IoJ commander

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Hey guys, after seeing hte conspiracy theory about how the boss/chest isn’t dropping the “correct loot table” i went and asked Mr. Vaughn about it. Here was his reply.

“No, I traced it back from the item all the way back to the encounter, and it’s all hooked up. The chance of it dropping is extremely low.”

So we could have already found the place and it just hasn’t dropped.

Very interesting! So that means that it isn’t bugged and can very well be found!

On another note, how are you able to contact him? I believe your statements but am still wondering how you come by this information… maybe I just missed something earlier in the thread though.

You can send PMs to developers lol. But I’d be careful with that. If you send them too many they may stop giving players the ability to do this or just stop checking , like Ms. Murdock (who has a constant full PM box haha)

Lol ok I figured that’s what you were doing haha

IoJ commander

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Hey guys, after seeing hte conspiracy theory about how the boss/chest isn’t dropping the “correct loot table” i went and asked Mr. Vaughn about it. Here was his reply.

“No, I traced it back from the item all the way back to the encounter, and it’s all hooked up. The chance of it dropping is extremely low.”

So we could have already found the place and it just hasn’t dropped.

Very interesting! So that means that it isn’t bugged and can very well be found!

On another note, how are you able to contact him? I believe your statements but am still wondering how you come by this information… maybe I just missed something earlier in the thread though.

IoJ commander

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


What about the “Forsaken Halls” mini-dungeon? I’m fairly certain it takes place in a dwarven tomb and that it spawns a “unique” chest. It is the one with the large dark room that you have to jump through.

IoJ commander

I rarely see arah gear, why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Caudecus’s Manor, Twilight Arbor, Citadel of Flame, and Crucible of Eternity all have those stat combinations.

IoJ commander

I rarely see arah gear, why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


It is definitely the most difficult dungeon in the game (opinion) and that is probably why you almost never see anyone with it. I want full Arah on my guardian and once you run it a couple times the difficulty drops as you get to know the encounters. I think that along with being one of the hardest it is also the most fun.

Regarding the question about there being better armor out there, all exotics have the same defense stats, so the Arah armor isn’t better than any other. All armor pieces of the same rarity have the same defense stats. There are different stat combinations, such as berserker’s (power, precision, critical damage) and knight’s (power, precision, toughness) but you can get these from any dungeon because all berserker exotics will have the same stats, all knight’s exotics will have the same stats, etc.

IoJ commander

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Frozen Maw still gives exotics though, got one directly after the 28th update and a few before that. Not saying it’s in there, I’m more inclined to the Font of Rhand due to all the crypts and the way you put out the fire skulls with ice (Grenth was all death and ice).
I know the devs are getting a good laugh from the ‘mystery’ of Final Rest as there are so many possible ‘resting places’ to examine.

I brought up Font of Rhand (Flame Temple Tombs) on the last page. I think it might be a good starting place and it seems to fit with the “lore” we have associated with the staff by its name and look.

IoJ commander

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Stop w/ this Final Rest theories!. The game is almost 6 months now if it in the game it would be found long time ago.

It has been confirmed to be in the game, so your argument is null and void.

Have a good day.

Just because something has been “confirmed to be in the game” does not mean that it is OBTAINABLE in game. For example, in the original Pokemon Red/Blue, Mew was in the game, but the only way to obtain it was via glitch. There was no legitimate to obtain one even though it was in the game.

The very same could be happening in this game. It could be in the loot tables, but that does not mean a thing. The Devs have not confirmed that the loot tables are working as intended or that the boss/chest actually drops the correct loot table. For all we know, the loot tables may be correct, but something other bug maybe messing with the game. The game is a very buggy game after all.

Ill give an example: Suppose the item is supposed to drop in Chest A via the loot tables. However, there is a bug in the game due to bad programming that makes Chest A actually drop Chest B loot. When a Dev goes to check the loot tables, they will see everything is working in the proper order, yet what they will not realize is that Chest A is not actually dropping the correct loot. Just because its in the loot tables does not mean everything else is functioning as it should.

First off, I completely agree with you. This is a possibility and I acknowledge that. However, my post was purely replying to the statement he made about it saying “if it was in the game it would’ve been found by now”. It IS in fact in the game, even if the loot tables are bugged and has not yet been found. Mew was in fact IN the game, it just wasn’t obtainable without using a glitch.

Anyway, I would like to keep this thread on track as I have a lot of interst in this topic. Post your theories!

IoJ commander

Dragonbrand population problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


That still doesn’t explain the lack of activity outside of WvW.


IoJ commander

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


@Riaky: read the thread before you make assumptions

I have some terrific new information everyone. I talked with Mr. Vaughn this weekend and here is what I was told in quotes.

After saying I’ve looked for clues and the staff in AC, and run Zho’qafa catacombs a ton of times, I asked him if he can atleast tell me if its in the open world or not.
“I can’t give away any spoilers, but I can confirm that I’ve looked at the loot tables, and it is in the game. It’s a very rare reward from defeating a boss in the open world.”

I asked him if there were any clues besides NPC dialog that could hint on where it drops
" I don’t know what clues might be present, sorry. Good luck!"

Finally I asked him about the conflicting hints between him and Ms. Murdock about how she said it drops from a Large (no classification as large so this could mean 3 different kinds of chest) boss chest and him saying it drops from a rare boss, I asked is it from a chest or a boss?

“That’s a distinction that I can’t really make, sorry.”

So ill probably set off on an adventure doing every Meta event in the game trying to find chest that may be considered large. I’ve done zho’qafa so many times I’m still a bit weary if it drops from there. I would like it to be connected to lore or at least have some kind of connection to where it drops, but there are no promises. Will be an interesting week. If anyone wants to join me on this, I’m on Yak’s Bend.

IoJ commander

(edited by JarXLite.6720)

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Stop w/ this Final Rest theories!. The game is almost 6 months now if it in the game it would be found long time ago.

It has been confirmed to be in the game, so your argument is null and void.

Have a good day.

IoJ commander

My GW2 thoughts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Looks like Google translate failed us this time.


IoJ commander

Anyone else annoyed by Stealth Rezzing?

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


I hate rezzing in general. I absolutely despise the down system. Once dead, they should be dead.

You can have fun running back from spawn every time you die then. Meanwhile, I’ll be getting revived.

How about whenever you die, you have to delete the character and make a new one! Fair for everyone.

IoJ commander

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


I might have to try out that Death’s Anthem theory. Also, Jeffery’s statement says a loot drop from a rare boss, he does not specify wether or not it is from looting the corpse or from looting a chest, the statement could be interpreted either way.

IoJ commander

Is kholer harder to dodge for you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Also, on my 80 Guardian, his pull/spin kills me only about half of the time. The other half I’m able to dodge away from it with less than 10% hp but I still live.

IoJ commander

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


For reference, here is the wiki link with all the splendid chests:

And here is a list of mini-dungeons:

And here is where I think it is:'s_Anthem

Captain Rotbeard in cursed shore, at the Death’s Anthem waypoint/mini dungeon in the far south. Here is why:

Linsey said: “The only hint I will give on Final Rest is this: You cannot make it. It is dropped from a LARGE boss chest.”

But Jeffrey said: “It’s exactly as Linsey stated previously—it’s a loot drop from a specific (rare) boss.”

Notice the difference in wording… Linsey says it’s from a chest, but Jeffrey says it’s a loot drop from a boss.

Captain Rotbeard spawns when you open the HUGE chest in the ship. He literally is a boss that pops out of a chest. This reconciles both statements. Linsey may have been trying to throw us off when she said it was from the chest-maybe it’s from the boss that spawns from the chest.

Tricksy developers.

IoJ commander

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


3. Lvl req. is 80, it should logicaly be put to zone where lvl 80 monsters are, putting it in low lvl zone would disqualify every player that isnt lvl 80 but is doing boss event. This way even lvl 78 can loot Final Rest if he finish lvl 80 event/boss.

A logical conclusion, but bear in mind the fact that this item has apparently never been obtained. Given that level 80 players tend to gravitate towards level 80 content in the open world, it seems quite likely that the source could be tucked away in a lower-level zone.

Whoever the boss is, it has to have been hit by few enough eighties to have essentially never dropped Final Rest. That pretty much voids the vast majority of Orr.

Kings tombs is one place i can think top off my mind, that nobody bothers clearing when risen king champ spawns. If somebody does on ocassion its not often enough to drop weapon of greatest rarity. I think i read somebody said boss is legendary type and there are few of those in orr.

He does not drop a chest, so that is not an option

IoJ commander

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


The staff in my eyes is very ugly, does it have any especial effect? because if its just an static scythe looks, i dont know why you desire it too much, but good to know if i ever get it ill sell it even more expensive than the bifrost.

I assure you that if I find it, I will sell it for an outrageous amount of money. And I also assure you that SOMEONE will buy it

IoJ commander

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


What about the chain of events in Barradin’s crypts? It has a bunch of bosses and multiple chests, plus it’s a tomb, which goes well with ‘Final Rest’, as well as the final boss being a mage.

Are any of those chests named? I honestly have no idea

IoJ commander

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Does anyone have/can find a list of all the named chests in the game? I think that would be very useful in helping us figure this out

IoJ commander

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


LARGE boss chest could mean two different things.
1. A chest from a LARGE BOSS
2. A LARGE chest from any boss

IoJ commander

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


I have a very strong feeling that it might drop in the mini-dungeon I said earlier. Other than that, has anyone finished their “Explorer” achievements? maybe the boss is hidden in one of those. I know that “Tears of Italaocol” is a very in depth puzzle and is an explorer achievement, so maybe its something like that.

IoJ commander

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Has anyone thought of the Flame Temple Tombs in Diessa Plateau? It’s an old Ascalonian tomb that is actually a mini-dungeon. It fits with the idea that the gargoyles are actually a reference to Ascalon and I almost never see anyone doing it.

IoJ commander

Guide to make the fastest money 4.2.2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Orichalcum sells for 10s each? Might want to check the trading post buddy.

IoJ commander

Is kholer harder to dodge for you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


I love fighting him, but it’s things like this that I feel should have some kind of clear explanation about what works against him.

Stability, Arcane Shield, Mist form all prevent the pull. Does Swirling Winds? Does Magnetic Aura? Does Wall of Reflection? Does Aegis? Does stealth? I would intuit that they do, but I am guessing they don’t. And it’s not intuitive that the projectile can pull you through a wall when there’s not even line of sight.

I don’t understand why if I use Arcane shield after the pull, I still get downed just the same as not using it.

Wall of reflection does work, aegis does work, and you can line of sight the wires. Guardian’s shield bubble will absorb the wires so I would assume that means that swirling winds works as well.

IoJ commander

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


What about the champion risen king in Cursed Shore? I’ve never done the event so I don’t know if there is a chest, but it seems that nobody ever bothers to complete it.

IoJ commander

Is kholer harder to dodge for you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


I love the Kholer fight! Its even more fun when you fight him in the room with the adds like he was intended to be fought! On his pull, I’ve found that you can reliably predict when his pull is coming by watching the pattern of his attacks, he also stands still for a while just before the pull. The timing on dodging the pull is very forgiving to the point where you can dodge well before the actual animation and still get the evade.

IoJ commander

Crash and Kicked out of wvw and requeueing

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


I think he meant “where you were” as WvW, not that specific location in WvW.

You might be right about that… Hmmm…

IoJ commander

Crash and Kicked out of wvw and requeueing

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Think of it this way.

What if another server’s zerg was inside the lords room of Stonemist. All of a sudden, they start to disappear. In the chaos, you figure that they either wiped or ragequit and cheer yourselves on for doing so good. You all leave in a zerg to go take some other tower. All of a sudden, less than 2 minutes later, you hear yells from teammates that a 40 man zerg just appeared inside the lord’s room. You then lose Stonemist. What happened? The enemy zerg had everyone log off for a minute and then log right back in to WvW at the last place they were standing. In the middle of your keep.

IoJ commander

Loosing out on stats because of your class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


I think guardians deserve more credit. Guardians are one of the few classes in my experience that can build tanky DPS and can keep both the support/tankiness and the DPS aspect at levels on par with other classes and builds who are only able to build for one of those.

A hammer guardian can keep nearly 100% protection uptime for everyone in his symbols. That’s a nearly permanent 33% damage reduction on an auto attack chain. Stability is one of the rarest boons found in the game, but the guardian skill hallowed ground is an AoE 8 seconds of stability for everyone around you! It’s even a fire combo field!

My hammer guardian can keep up ~10 stacks of might for myself and ALL of my teammates while giving almost infinite protection if they stand in his symbols, while giving everyone around him stability and a fire combo field for burning and AoE might with my blast finisher, and I get healed for 77hp every single time I give a boon to anyone around me, not to mention shouts which also give boons to everyone around me.

IoJ commander

Feb 1: DR/EB/IOJ

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Curious. How bad is the culling for you EB and IoJ guys when you engage us (or DR, in general)?

Pretty bad. I imagine its better for us, though, because our zergs very rarely get more than 20 people. Not as many bodies to cull.

IoJ commander

Feb 1: DR/EB/IOJ

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


As much as I like this match up, it’s probably for the best that it will change.

It has proven to me that match up threads don’t have to be constant whine, and that there can be good fighting and friendly atmosphere in WvW, but the disparity in server power is just too high for it to be fun for a longer period of time.

Totally agree.

IoJ commander

Feb 1: DR/EB/IOJ

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Have fun in T1 Ehmry

IoJ commander

Feb 1: DR/EB/IOJ

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


EB, I have absolutely NO idea how you were able to field that many people on ALL the maps. Crazy influx of people on the reset?

I am honestly just as astonished as you are. I don’t remember nearly this many last week. Makes me wonder if paid transfers are not going to work.

Did you have queues on every map?

IoJ commander

Feb 1: DR/EB/IOJ

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


That large group of IoJ at hills was us running a golem rush tutorial

Anyway, crazy reset. We just kept getting hammered by DR and EB on all fronts!
EB, I have absolutely NO idea how you were able to field that many people on ALL the maps. Crazy influx of people on the reset?

IoJ commander

Gear Boxes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Hey, has anyone bought a gear box yet? if so… what did you get?

IoJ commander

Zerg problems

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Post them up and keep it nice! No names please!

I’ll start: when your zerg decides to go chase 3 invaders back to their spawn and all die due to legendary defenders.

IoJ commander

(edited by JarXLite.6720)

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


I gotta say, guys. This has been my favorite matchup in a while! Great fights EB and DR! However, I honestly hope ANet drops us down another tier in the reset. These coverage wars are really wearing me out!

IoJ commander

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Great fight tonight guys. IoJ made it over 200 and was even in first place for about 10 seconds <3

IoJ commander