Showing Posts For JasperHuff.8472:
PS: what do i do with 22 leftover repair canisters now?
I’ve only read mention of no repair costs, not that there won’t be any repairs needed.
I might be wrong, but it clearly states there will still be a need to repair:
April Feature Pack:We feel the time penalty to return and repair accomplishes our goal enough to not need a secondary cost that punishes newer and less experienced players the most.
Start farming… Running the GW2Stuff overlay and hit every event you possibly can, should produce a ton of drops that can get you resources and/or gold for resources. Champion trains can also help.
It’s a long, long road
It happens… I see nothing wrong with it, stinks when you’re the one, but it’s a valid tactic I believe…
The only way to fix it, is to get downed, waypoint away, or relog.
You can try to drop to siege and then cancel. Works for me…
You get about 10 levels per craft that you take from 0-400. Another 3 from 400 to 500.
To hit 40 with just crafting, you need to put 4 crafts at 400, which I don’t think can be done for under 40g. I’m making assumptions that if you do only have one other toon at 40 you haven’t even exposed 50% of the map and won’t have a stockpile of materials needed to do it for free. Check out gw2crafts for guides on crafting. You can’t do it on one item…
There are scrolls that will instantly level you to 20, and then you’re looking at only two crafts.
I’d say hop on the train in Queensdale and grind out your leveling there…
Either your own server or one with a favorable route.. Nodes change normally with a server patch (I think due next week 12/10) or the less populated servers have noticed that if it’s not a populated server, when there’s nobody left in the zone it can reinitialize when someone zones in.
You can preview the routes using the website and decide if you like the route for your server or another…
They are saying you need to buy a recipe for the boots… You had a recipe for the Insignia, now you just need a recipe for the boots …
Recipe: [&ClMcAAA=]
I can’t confirm that’s the correct recipe, not in game right now… But I believe you will need that as well.
SBI-EB why so bad?
A lot of the EB regulars I think are on the borderlands. I know I couldn’t take the pugs anymore and I’m a pug!
Server: Stormbluff Isle
Same issue, could not access guild bank. I stood down, but then I couldn’t represent again. Tried in LA and Divinity Reach after logging off/on. Returned to myAsuran home world and was able to represent again. Can now access guild bank in LA as well. Going to try on other toons on my account, at least one other is getting the “Must join a guild” when trying to access the guild bank.
UPDATE: Logoff and back on and can’t access guild bank again.
(edited by JasperHuff.8472)
Same here, stood down and could not represent again.
Returning to my home world then allowed me to represent and I can now access guild bank.
Server: Stormbluff isle