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Concerned about WvW and World Options

in WvW

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


The price to move to the linked server every 2 months if it even changes is not that high. From the sound of it you joined TW when TC was already locked so what do you expect?

I personally think anet needs to make fundamental changes to the mode to make it more flexible in this regard. Their ideas that they revealed about disbanding the servers every 3 months and reforming them would have achieved something like that depending on the detail. However with the current system the way they’ve set it up there have to be these sort of restrictions. Its arguable that the system still makes it too easy to stack by moving cheaply to linked servers.

They moved prior to this even coming into beta. I had to be away from the game for about 6 months.

Just FYI, TW are part of an alliance that got advance word on changes to WvW and tried to game the system and the changes to their advantage when they moved to TC en masse. Anet by their statements since and some actions (locking BG and TC last week) are clearly unsympathetic to the alliance and their actions.

I joined before they were on TC

[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian

Concerned about WvW and World Options

in WvW

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


So you took 6 months away from the game (either cause you had to or you wanted to is immaterial) and while you were away your guild moved servers. Now for you to play you have to pay to play on the same team while in WvW and somehow this is ANet’s fault? You are not being “FORCED” to pay anything. You are volunteering to pay in order to play with your guild that moved.

I don’t mind paying once What I mind is paying until unknown time to play with my guild. This is the entire problem here. I should not have to pay non stop to play with them for a game that is advertised as free to play.

They should take these situations into consideration but seemingly are not.

My exact situation in only one of many that could warrant something like this. It would be my opinion that if somebody left the game to serve in the military then came back and to find this situation, I would call BS on their behalf. (I have seen people go into service a great number of times and the guilds move during that time).

All I’m saying is the solution to make people pay constantly to stay with their friends is BS nothing more and nothing less.

[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian

Concerned about WvW and World Options

in WvW

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


Ignoring the support way of getting into full server you are correct.

The reason I’m mad is that I am now met with a pay to play game upon coming back. Under the old system Anet would allow special circumstances by and transfer players from world to world. When I was transferred from one server to another full server the firs time I was the same reason. I was away from the game for ~ 6 months. This time again after ~ 6 months they say no AND the only way for me to continue is to pay the same people saying no. If you cannot find the irony in that...

[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian

Concerned about WvW and World Options

in WvW

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


Why should a guild move around if the new system supposedly balances the population issue?

They moved prior to this even coming into beta. I had to be away from the game for about 6 months.

[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian

Concerned about WvW and World Options

in WvW

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


I think a lot of people are misunderstanding the scenario. I was halfway through the thread before I figured it out. The OP’s guild is on a full server, so (s)he can’t join them there, but (s)he can join a low-population server that’s linked with them. Since links are only temporary, if the OP wants to play after the next link, that means transferring to another low-population server.

OP, do you have any ideas for a solution to your situation? I’m sure removing population caps is off the table, but would you be satisfied if transfers to low-population servers were free? That might fix your problem, although I wonder if that might cause some other problems of its own, like masses of people doing what you’re doing, causing massive population fluctuations as people keep changing servers to preserve previous links.

This is what I’m saying.

The only solution I can think of is a term similar to no man left behind where special circumstances such as mine would warrant a move from where I am to where I want to be as a paid transfer even if it’s full. This could take place in a verity of ways, but the end goal is to not keep players separated from their guilds; and an ongoing paid solution is unacceptable.

To those blaming the guild:
before its a guilds fault it is my fault. I am not blaming myself nor my guild. it was circumstance based on bad timing. Fault has a negative and malicious connotation connected with it. Neither me nor my guild has this in mind when hopping. By blaming the guild you expect them to stay behind for an unknown amount of time just to wait for one person before hopping. If you stopped to think about that you would realize that is unrealistic, and unfair to the guild.

[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian

(edited by JavaChips.5629)

Concerned about WvW and World Options

in WvW

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


So are you complaining about having to pay every 2 months or that it is full? Neither one sounds like Anet’s fault or problem, just wait till they hop servers again and join them at that time. If the guild is that “Good” why don’t they stay put on a T1 server and compete against players/guilds of equal skill? Or are they only that ’Good" against T2 or T3 servers?

One: complaining that I have to pay every two months to continue to play with them (I’m not made of money, and a lot of people that play this game aren’t) It is a problem when you consider the vast amount of payment differences over time and it is a business problem that can be handled only by Anet. Nothing I or this community can do to solve this issue.

Two: reason we don’t always stay in T1 is blackgate. Without figures I would guess that they could loose a good 200 wvw players and still be considered a full server with map queues around the clock. Blackgate has a monopoly on WVW and anet cannot kick people off the server. This is partially their reasoning behind the linking; to also offset the massive difference between BG and every other server.

If you don’t see anything wrong with this explain why. I’m hearing so many people saying what does anet have to do with this when anet implemented it, and opened up this loophole that causes people to pay fees to stay with friends that don’t have to pay fees. Why is that alright? It’s a choice is not good enough. waiting for untold amoutns of time is not good enough. If a guild decides they are done moving then I’m up kitten creek without a paddle, still paying every two months while yall pay nothing. It’s real easy saying deal with it when it’s not you in the hot seat.

[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian

Concerned about WvW and World Options

in WvW

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


This isn’t a who is at fault here. It’s a system that has much larger risks than their previous system; coasting customers to pay for the risks. Saying it’s a guilds fault is completely ignorant (and I mean that in its literal term, not just to be mean). You can’t blame a guild for me having to be away from them. Nor can you ’blame’ them for being good at the game. It’s a circumstance, not a fault.

The same goes with the implementation of ANets new system. Its not a fault, its a circumstance. However the drawback of this circumstance to a select few (including myself) is a disproportional adverse effect. Being that when other just play the game and enjoy it, I have to play the game, and pay for it.

In this light ANet whether intentional or not is screwing over select individuals due to circumstance.

[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian

Concerned about WvW and World Options

in WvW

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


32 people active in the guild and one has to pay every two months for a free to play game. Sounds fair to me. (sarcastic)

My question is how are the other 31 guild members moving servers without paying? Any server move costs gems, the tier only determines how much.

That is correct. They all moved while I was away from the game. During the time they moved the server was T2 or T3. When I got back they were already T1 and a full server.

[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian

Concerned about WvW and World Options

in WvW

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


Currently the only way to get into T1 home server is to wait for a guild to leave or have support move you.

Guilds moving isn’t predictable and cannot be tracked. When my guild moves, the server they move to climbs to T1. Now with linking, the chances of moving is much lower as they will get different match ups over time. This means T1 will be even harder to get into using the guild move method.

Anet has in the past (admittedly with some arguing) agreed to move guildies that have been left behind for one reason or another to the server even if it’s a full T1.

What makes this all unfair is now they seem to stop moving people and now force them to pay to transfer to the linked server over and over. This... Is... Unfair... If you don’t agree with me tell me what makes it fair. Tell me why its fair to go from not paying anything (not even a one time transfer fee) to paying every two months. Tell my why its fair to keep me from my friends, from my guild leader. Tell my why its fair for me to pay tolls in order to remain in their presence. All because I had to take a break from the game. This is the same person I first saw my first time entering WVW and I have a deep respect for him and am very dedicated and loyal to both him and the guild.

32 people active in the guild and one has to pay every two months for a free to play game. Sounds fair to me. (sarcastic)

[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian

(edited by JavaChips.5629)

Concerned about WvW and World Options

in WvW

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


ArenaNet are not punishing you with this system, they are trying to make a system that lets people in lower populated servers enjoy WvW as much as higher populated ones.

This I agree with for the most part, but one of two things happened as a result, something they didn’t foresee which may be my case. I voted yes to this change as it did give me the option to play with them. However this was also before I found out the the server I moved to would be moved to another group and that it would repeat every 2 months.

I want to make it clear that I do not mean any malicious context when I say there is a bias. Possibly segregated would be better suited. Those who have to pay and those who don’t.

Due to the peppered past of Anet there is really no way to tell what their intentions truly are. They could see this as a sad and unforeseen side effect or a happy mistake that they will then take full advantage of. Honestly, I could see either one as equally possible.

[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian

Concerned about WvW and World Options

in WvW

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


If this were the case I would have not been moved before in order to stay with my guild, That move also took place by support to a server that was full.

The second solution is out of the question. You are more or less saying, just up and forget your friends, screw your old guild, forget the years playing with them, and start a new just because some people in support said no. Or are you suggesting instead of having one person moved to a full server let’s instead have the rest of the guild pay a crap ton of money for them to move off a T1 server because of one player... both are outrageous.

Full is not full. It’s a near capacity, and my trip there is being blocked by some fools that only log in once every two weeks where as I play at least 6 hours every single day.

It does not take a genius to see the unjust decisions by anet to deny me being reunited with my guild.

I know there has to be other suffering the same fate that I am. The difference for me is I don’t stand by while others don’t have to pay and I do just to run with a guild.

[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian

(edited by JavaChips.5629)

Concerned about WvW and World Options

in WvW

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


This is not the case. Read what I wrote in full...

The guild has been there a while, I was on a 6 month hiatus when they moved. I am given the option to play with them, however this option now forces me to pay every time they change the linked server.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about read their posts about wvw server linking.

The post is a bit out of date but still tells you what server linking is for wvw. The move is also moving out of beta and their latest implementation introduces rotating linked servers.

[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian

(edited by JavaChips.5629)

Concerned about WvW and World Options

in WvW

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


This I understand, however the premise of this post is not the details of what qualifies a full server. Its that if you cannot get into a ’full’ server you have to pay every two months to continue to play with that server in wvw.

You can be moved into a full server as it has happened to me in the past. Yet now that real money is on the line Anet seems to be head strong in not allowing this anymore. Hence the grievance

To explain the payment a bit more:

1. ANet introduced server linking
2. Linked servers can play together in WVW
3. A full server will never be linked with another full server
4. ANet has opted to change which servers are linked every two months
Issue: because the servers being linked will change every two months if you are not in the T1 server you will have to change your home server every two moths to continue the ability to play on the T1 server. In my case it will be TC, I am not on TC but the guild I have followed for over 3 years is. So, I have to pay every two months when the links change to continue following them.

[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian

(edited by JavaChips.5629)

Concerned about WvW and World Options

in WvW

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


To Whom it may concern,

I know this condition extends far beyond just myself. My issue is that my guild is in T1 for wvw. After many attempts to join the server I cannot find a time of day, or day of week that the server is not full. Now this use to be a too bad so sad situation, but with the introduction server linking for wvw it poses a fundamental issue.

In order to stay with my guild when not on their home server I have to possibly pay every two months in order to continue playing with them. This is an unfair bias, and bordering punishment for not playing the game every day when a guild moves servers.

I have been following the guild for a few years and finally was invited to join the guild, but now, now I may not be able to play with this because of these newly implemented strategies.

Contacting support directly, yields the same uphill battle as everything else.

I make a request that I not be forced to what amounts to a bi-monthly subscription (having to move from linked server to linked server) just so I can play with my guild. There is no reason I should have to pay and others not.

[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian

Black Lion Weapons merch missing - Chaos

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


From what I can tell, in the past if weapon skins are released via black lion tickets, they are not removed from the game.

I have checked within the vault and the merchant next to the trading post at least 10 times just to be sure in the past few weeks and the Chaos weapons are not there.

Any idea where they might have gone?

[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


One thing i dislike about Gvg community is ‘we want gvg, we want it now, we need it now, we deserve it now, if you don’t like it, we quit/massive complain’.

Let’s get some things straight. Gvg mode organizing will take more manpower then spvp and that gamemode already required tons of recourses.

Server cost money. With only 50 euro per bought game, Anet doens’t have the luxury as Blizzard to not carefully spend their money. In my opinion if gvg is so important to you (it sort of is a new part of game, a big expansion, and in that context, with the new servers also having to be paid, a fee would be justified, something like 30 euro’s.

Anet is fighting a hard battle atm. While they must fix bugs non stop, they must brainstorm non stop for new content (it’s not like, you think 5 min and then you have the genius of creating a perfect update, it takes time). Secondly they must (well not really, but it’s their style now, so they are bound to it), put manpower to living story. Thirdly i’m sure they are doing a lot of ‘simple’ stuff to update the game to be even more fun, but these things look on paper easy but take tons of time (take search function for example, i’m sure it took those two guys months of work for it). You guys may hate pve, dungeons, fracs, but it’s a big part of gw2. And that function will update that part of the game pretty well. But stuff like this takes time. Anet must make choices on what to do first. Lately they slowed their pace of the ‘bigger patches’. I think that’s because behind the scenes they are working exhausted (the most obvious word is filtered, sorry to put it like this) on new stuff. And who knows, gvg might be one of them…

The world isn’t perfect. Neither is gw2. While customers are king, gw2 cannot be perfect for them. Gvg cost time, resources and money, something GVG people seem to think grows on Anet backs. It doesn’t. And if you even remotely take the time to think about this, you’ll realize your crazy complaining how wrong anet is for not having gvg yet, is misplaced.

I will have to agree as well. I do partake in wvw gvg’s but each time I do feel guilty as there are better ways to achieve these goals. A gvg is more structured then wvw, I believe on the back end they are working on a means to fulfill these needs by the players. In the meantime, instead of giving anet an ultimatum, just wait for it to be released. It has been shown in the past many times that Anet pays attention to it’s community.

[HL]JavaChips – SoR

[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian

Find guildmates in Spvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


Add a filter to the spvp game list to include matches your guildmates are in.

If you are playing spvp it is most often you are to focused on the game at hand to read guild chat when another guild member asks if anybody else is spvp.

Promotes more team play with people you are use to playing with.

An additional option to hide the status of your match status (hides you from the list)

[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian

Mouse goes off screen while rotating camera

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JavaChips.5629


This can be caused by the second monitor. I was having the same issue a few times and I was keeping track of when the issue occurred. My primary monitor is my left monitor and my secondary monitor is to the right. I noticed that at times when my cursor would move to fast and to far to the right then there was a change the game would lose focus and would no longer capture the mouse. So far the only solution I could come up with was to go into the display settings (nvidia settings in my case) and disable the secondary monitor while playing GW2.

Also you may want to make sure you are not playing in boarderless windowed mode. As this will at times give the same result.


[TW] Tempest Wolves
JavaChips – Asura | Mesmer
Grrdian – Asura | Guardian