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Animations in PVP Thoughts

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


Okay so iv been pvping for quite a long time now since the release of the game lv 28 glory atm, im not here to complain bout anything im just here to give a suggestion of making the HEAL animation more visible or more obvious so that clutch interrupts can be done which
1) Greatly increases the skill cap of PVP
2) Gives great satisfaction to the interruptor
3) Makes the game more fun in the PVP aspect
4) Increase the variety of stredagies avaliable ( chain interrupts,etc) which promotes teamplay
because unlike WOW GW has no casting bar which is good, but during a team fight like 3v3 or 4v4 its so messy its hard to actually see when people are casting a heal spell thus making it very hard to interrupt , my suggestion here is simple
Just make the heal animations for all proffessions more obvious.
I want to know the thoughts of YOU guys as players .

Animations in PVP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Javious.4912


Okay so iv been pvping for quite a long time now since the release of the game lv 28 glory atm, im not here to complain bout anything im just here to give a suggestion of making the HEAL animation more visible or more obvious so that clutch interrupts can be done which
1) Greatly increases the skill cap of PVP
2) Gives great satisfaction to the interruptor
3) Makes the game more fun in the PVP aspect
4) Increase the variety of stredagies avaliable ( chain interrupts,etc) which promotes teamplay
because unlike WOW GW has no casting bar which is good, but during a team fight like 3v3 or 4v4 its so messy its hard to actually see when people are casting a heal spell thus making it very hard to interrupt , my suggestion here is simple
Just make the heal animations for all proffessions more obvious.
Thank you ANET

Which race most fun for PVE based on storyline?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Javious.4912


Discuss Here, which race has the most intriguing and fun storyline for you.

Most fun and intriguing PVE race?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Javious.4912


Hi guys, i have been pvping the whole entire 2 weeks and it just gets boring due to the limit of skill u can reach…
Now im trying out pve and can i have suggestions on which is the most fun race to play (storyline wise)

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


Well i have to totally agree with zipzo on this one, FYI just randomly getting a class to level 2 and going to pvp, playing a few games face rolling in sPVP dosnt mean you KNOW the class( thus i said many people havnt tried so to speak at a level of decent experience) and my concern here is the 1v1 meta game of thief and gurdian not how NEWBIES feel about the class like how u described yourself, playing a thief, picking up random runes and BARELY Touched the specs(triats) and own yourkitten of with EASE.
Well either your just a pro player or just a everyday average qq joe, who does not even know the specifics of the class WELL and i repeat WELL and just blabber off talking **** all day and spamming QQ QQ, and also what makes YOU ASSUME that you can do it while others cant? Your just an average joe arnt you?
And the way you speak just says that you don’t actually care about what others think but your stuck in your own mindset.
And the fact that you said gurdians were average WITHOUT any SPECIFICS on how is it balanced like what i stated in my orginal post is just irrelevant.
And what makes you think i havnt tried, when i played thief from glory level 1 to glory level 18 unlike you which just played a few games and blabbering here in the forums?
Please…. get yourself in the right mindset before you troll around.

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


Play with stability, problem solved /yawns

And I’m not meaning to play with daggerstorm but to play as a group thief. If you re seriously chargin a SW guard as a thief they are some braincells not workin .

Well i like it that you come from a neutral stand point but sir if you havnt tried the thief class and esp fighting a gurdian 1v1 its very hard to explain how ridiculous is the situation right now in the 1v1 state

Every class should have her NEMESIS. Ever was, ever is, ever will be the case, can’t be more simple.

LOL you call a CLASS counter a fair game??? a Spec( BUILD) counter would be fair but a class that CANNOT build another class no matter what spec is just stupid and should not ever be there.
And have u even played tourneys? Yea let the gurdian be on the point for 20 secs so he can gain more points thus letting my team down LOL seriously u cant be kidding on your post right? Or trolling?

Yeah I have pretty high high amount of matches won as a guardian, same goes for kills in general.

I’m also playin Guard / Mesmer / Engineer.

As a Guard my direct nemesis is the engie, as a mesmer it’s the elementalist or a well played guard, and as an engie it’s the ranger

And well yeah Im findin it absolutely normal that you can’t beat all the classes on your own or with the build you’re currently runnin.

Back to the fact : why the hell would you want to CHARGE a guardian that is runnin 2 OR 3 WEAPONS SIMULTANEOUSLY.

You can perfectly annoy the hell out of him by not chargin and playin with bow as a sin while you do your best to avoid stomps of hammer, by playin with your tools you know.

Ho and btw, the direct nemesis of Mesmer is the guardian. I’ve encountered some really, really good ones and they couldn’t do much against my guard

actually a mesmers nemesis is a bow thief fynnu but true
and why would I charge a guard ? well u seen when the points are ticking and u as a Roemer have to backcap points u see Mr gurDian over there with no SW but as u engages he summons it out what do u do? run? than he will take the point . that’s what I was trying to say although bow seems like a decent option

ps sorry for bad spelling my iPhones autocorrect is just fed up

(edited by Javious.4912)

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


thats why i play mesmer lol cause i cant stand having a nemesis.
Lol and at zipzo , your actually only relating to the SW gurdians here but not adressing to the 100% uptime retaliation and meditation gurdians well more to the retaliation side, and also, the thing im proposing here is the fact that why there is NO gurdian QQ and gurdian nerf posts when there are TONS load of thief QQ post if its just a L2P issue?
Than L2P to counter Thieves and stop whining for nerfkitten

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


Play with stability, problem solved /yawns

And I’m not meaning to play with daggerstorm but to play as a group thief. If you re seriously chargin a SW guard as a thief they are some braincells not workin .

Well i like it that you come from a neutral stand point but sir if you havnt tried the thief class and esp fighting a gurdian 1v1 its very hard to explain how ridiculous is the situation right now in the 1v1 state

Every class should have her NEMESIS. Ever was, ever is, ever will be the case, can’t be more simple.

LOL you call a CLASS counter a fair game??? a Spec( BUILD) counter would be fair but a class that CANNOT build another class no matter what spec is just stupid and should not ever be there.
And have u even played tourneys? Yea let the gurdian be on the point for 20 secs so he can gain more points thus letting my team down LOL seriously u cant be kidding on your post right? Or trolling?

Anet please give us a casual dueling system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Javious.4912


Please we need a dueling system if not everytime i wanna test out or just have fun doing a 1v1 with a friend i have to desperately find a empty room in sPVP and hopekitten disrupt my duels after i tell them that im dueling.

And theres no harm in implementing a dueling 1v1 system for casual play or for just fun.

Making a E - sport team

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


not sure if your just 12 but i agree with you to a certain extent and also looking up for a team with decent experience add me up if u want IGN: Ricky move

Missing critical game functions.

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


quite true, but i believe this will come sooner or later.

So glad 1v2 is nearly impossible to win...

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


Nah you can actually win 2v1s without these 2 conditions well 2) being an exception cause you just need a good utility skill to stealth or make you invurn (mist form) while u stomp.

It feels a bit punishing at times.

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


Why does the skill that’s interrupted while being CC’d get an additional CD?Am i being punished for trying to use it and not hiding myself better,or something?Should i watch when i do it while others watch me watching them to see when i am going to actually do it…i feel like the game is laughing at me every time that happens.

Can i please win a 1v2?I just did extremely well against 2 Warriors,all skills perfect timing and all,used my skill to the max which i rarely do tbh.I had to burn my 1 stun breaker because…you can imagine.Then had no stability to finish the one,got knocked back twice in a row,he got a res and finished me.Can we please get a brief 3/4 sec immunity to CC after being CC’d to be able to finish someone on the second go?Isn’t a one chance enough anyway?My toon tends to spend a lot of time on the ground in an awkward position and doctors say it is not good for his back.

While i am at it,can we please have criticals on the combat log,HP bars over allies always when hurt without having to click on them and the ability to move the party UI as well as our HP bar (also can we get the option for a simple character bar like we do for the party).

Thanks for giving us this awesome game,good luck with sorting bits and bobs out

1) after being interrupted it will have a longer cd implemented as first its to reward those who actually interrupted your spell which is honestly NOT EASY to do and second if in clutch matches an interrupt gets in as again i add on the fact that interrupts are not easy to do and of course a decent one like interrupting a heal, if the extra 3.5 seconds cooldown wasnt implemented than whats the point of interrupting and that would bring down the skill cap of the game.
2) the down state i believe is to implement some sort of teamplay in the game i know how u feel cause as a mesmer i win alot of 2v1s but some random third guy or thier whole team just comes in and kill me + revive them but you jsut have to accept it.

And yea i agree with what yawn said too.

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


Yea that is what people call sPVP and of course it needs to be balanced for everyone to have fun, but lets say that happens to you everytime, than after some time , you would have the gut feeling that a thief would come in anytime cause your like 20% than at that time, so what do you do? First be more aware of a thief nearby, second DODGE ROLL and most thieves will just Q up like 5 HS, and there you go you not getting one shotted in 2 seconds and having more reaction time , and btw FYI thats a thieves job to assasinate lol also any class can do that i mean if your low on health any class can run in and kill you easily for an average player of course.

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


I just love it when people come down to look at animation bit. Can you really look for all the animations on so many players around you esp asuras? No you cant.

Also PW has animation too. Also HS and every other thing Thief does so whats the difference.

You see thief fly to you you dodge. And not once but twice because that way you will make him miss 2 HS and you will dodge other 2 and he is out of ini and then he will stealth if he is succesful in doing so because all the stealth mechanics are broken. If he does go in his general direction spam 1 and there you go you have a free kill.

Thiefs are UP you just cant dodge. Animations are useless since you cant see them in time to react.

Please play Thief make a HS build and try it out or PW build. You will see how hard it is to land those. In fact any build requires more skill than guardian that can simply uses my 6k dmg and retaliates so I kill my self. OH yeah I forgot he has animation for that too.

The problems you describe with the inability to watch animations is just symptomatic of the 8v8 zergy environment. In a 1v1, the case which OP is debating and actually happen in 5v5, you can very well see the animations coming (even in 2v2).

I don’t remember complaining about PW or HS, so I do not see the point of bringing that up. I have no problem with either in 1v1. However, most people complained about HS spam, or its lack of variety and how it was a one click only noobstomper, not really the damage. PW, from my understanding, is comboed with quickness and a teleport. I don’t see any problem with it. It’s similar to the 100B combo from Warrior. It’s easily countered by a stun breaker if you get caught or anticipation. Of course, once again in a 8v8 situation, you’ll likely get roflstomped.

I already play 5 professions in sPvP and have absolutely no reason, nor will to play Thief. However, I’m sure I’d quickly find a way to dispatch those Guardians you seem to dislike because I know how they work, but that would be at the price of another profession or build having now the advantage. I just suggested possible solutions to the difficulties OP was having against a Guardian.

I believe I gave enough explanations for people to start thinking about how they can counter those guardian builds with their Thief. Just QQing will get you nowhere, just like other people QQing about PW and 100B will get them nowhere either.

Through my experience with different professions, it’s become very apparent people need to accept that their build, while it can be strong overall, will always have a few nemesis around.

For example, I’ve been playing my Guardian Retribution build an hour earlier. A condition necro happened to be there. In my normal DPS GS/Hammer mode, I completely destroy them. In this build, as a buff bot, I got wtfowned by his insane condition/boon manipulation because I relied on boons.

Well i like it that you come from a neutral stand point but sir if you havnt tried the thief class and esp fighting a gurdian 1v1 its very hard to explain how ridiculous is the situation right now in the 1v1 state ( this is very important cause as the roamer in tPVP you HAVE to be a reliable 1v1 if not your useless lol) and yea you mentioned about different builds countering such and such well i agree with that but im saying that ATM theres NO thief builds that actually counter any orthodox gurdian build right now and not even not counterable its not beatable well again if the gurdian is not akitten

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


talking about animations, as back to my original point its about QQ of thieves and why no QQ for gurdians, as lynn has said the animation of HS and PW is SOOO obvious why cant people dodge than? Instead of qqing all day because of their lack of the abillity to dodge? This just adds to my point.

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


Bait the knockdowns with your blink step moves? Stunbreak-dodgeroll?
You have the most elusive proffesion in the game yet you QQ about slow-hitting OBVIOUS knockback spells.

You play the most FOTM proffesion in the game right now and you’re surprised you run into alot of counter builds?
When i see atleast 2 thiefs in every game, including tourney play, ofcourse i will swap to have CC or retaliation builds.

Thiefs have no right to QQ about anything, nor do guardians. They are both two of the three most reliable proffesions right now. Though i do have to say thiefs are over the top. highest mobility in the game, most evades, super high bleed stacking, highest damage/spell in the game.

You’re not going to see ANY other proffesion hit for 8k with 1 buttonclick (that doesnt even have a cooldown.) Elementalists are even more easy to kill than thiefs if they want to run a burst build, yet still their burst is twice as hard to hit, and still half as good.

EDIT: forgot to add that the 8k 1 click spell also has a ministun (aka interrupt, which is godly.) Even if you stunbreak the first one, if they have quickness up they will land the second stun before you’re able to avoid it.

By the way, as currently i main as a mesmer, i can tell you that your point of 2 most reliable classes is WRONG, thief after playing it for 18 glory levels as i said and much experience i won like at least 15 tourneys?(gold) really its not that reliable as in team fights it does not really contribute much, i mean if u wanna rofl stop someone in a teamfight with pistol whip, u have to bare in mind that your VERY squishy and once actually enter that teamfight u will probably get 1 shotted by multiple aoes. Well of course thats why i play as a mesmer now good range damage and good melee damage and invurns perfect but thats not the point.

And LOL! u speak as thou as blink and stun break skills are on a what 15 second cooldown?? Well you sir obviously HAVE NOT played a thief long enough from the fact that u mentioned with quickness buff one u can close your eyes, and just spam one button, WRONG! the 0.5 sec stun is NOT long enough for you to continuously land PW in a successful sequence lol the victim would have a 0.5 sec chance to dodge back and thats not very short in a PVP situation is it?

And lol never see any profession with 1 button no cooldown obviously cause no other professions than thief have no cooldowns ??? But what you have to realise is thieves use initiative, something that NON thief players dont know how it even works (not theoratically but experimentally) and just QQ thierkitten through.

And how could you explain a thief (level 19) probably won several tourneys and have -played at least 20 s PVP games not being able to 1v1 a gurdian( level 8 lets say just started a few days ago and no tPVP experience).

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


my main build is a S/P build well i tried all the builds , and yea my interrupts are pretty good cause i actually train it lol but still no chance against gurdians cause they just hurt so much and thier triple meditation spec heals them for bout 2.5k per meditation which is an instant cast skill lol only way to win is open with thieves guild elite which is stupid cause its a 180 s cd.

Anet insulting our intelligence?

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


This is quite true (Y) always thought wtf were dyes for if they cant be used in the battleground

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


and also dont u think 8 sec of knockdown is abit oped? you can easily land it if u actually open up with bane’s signet first.
and yea back to the point, if you know so much of a thieves weakness than why are there SO Much QQ bout thieves being op op op and gurdians not being justified??

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


To use the command twice, you must have 20 pts in the Zeal line which is pretty much useless except for this particular Trait and another 10 pts in the Virtues line at minimum. The other requirement is that you must use the first knockback within 15s of summoning the SW if you want the 2nd knockdown later. But that means, either the first or second knockdown will be rushed and not timed very well during a fight.

The Spirit Weapons move at normal speed, cannot benefit from buffs and do not attack stealthed targets. The Hammer chain is very obvious and can be dodged appropriately easily if you pay attention which you should if you have two SWs on your back.

The best counter against such a Guardian as Thief would be Pistol I think as you can stealth/kite while still doing damage. Remember, if he has SW, he does not have Retaliation up for long, if ever, so unload. Another solution is obviously access to Stability boon.

I’m not saying it’s easy for a Thief as this and Retaliation builds are probably the most annoying for you. You’ll have to live with the fact a Thief getting chain knockdown, by any class, is going to be at disadvantage because he has low HPs and can’t stealth while stunned which is your main damage evasion mechanic.

Since you are so weak to knockback/stun, might be a good idea to pick 2 stun breaks. I run with two on my DPS Guardian and I’m much bulkier than you.

Also, remember that while you might be generally weak against such a build as a typical glass canon Thief, at the same time, that Guardian is very vulnerable to a number of other builds, particularly against fast conditions in general.

Well a decent reply but i still dont think this justifies my QQ lol first of all, normally in tourneys thieves carry BOW and S/P or D/D bow is a must cause of mobillity and in tourneys thieves are all roamers and FYI if u actually get hit by the first command knockdown, it is virtually impossible unless u have a blink to escape the 2nd hammer cause RIGHT IMMEDIATELY after the 1st knockdown is over the 2nd once comes in im not even kidding you can go check and also thieves have NO skills i repeat NO skills that have ANY stabillity buff whatsoever except for dagger storm elite which is stupid cause its an elite on 180 sec cd

And also theres this bug that when STEALTHED, the SW FOLLOW YOU for like 1.5 secs? i mean thats like WTF considering stealth lasts only like 3 secs and the heal of gurdians as well as the 100% uptime retaliation type of gurdians is not justified yet.

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


If im not wrong u can command TWICE before its dead and yea break stun??? u miss the first command but the 2nd weapon chain will hit and its not like it only knockdowns on command normally the weapon chain combo would also knockdown when my break stun is on a 45 sec cd

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


so i would like to ask if gurdians is obviously more oped than thieves where is the QQ for gurdians but why so much hate for thieves?

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


really i dont believe in counters to Classes but i DO believe in counters to specs thats why i just find this ridiculous.
hahaha i just love mesmers thier too good (:

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


Well stealth is a thieves main mechanic lol all you have to do is figure out ways to counter and trust me after you play a thief you will generally know where a thief is in stealth

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


honestly having played a thief for like more than 18 glory levels (25 atm the rest by other classes) thief was my main class until i realised how UP they are compared to mesmers lol, i realise how little utility ( meaning the versatility of what they can do in a fight) they have, all they can actually do well is burst damage, interrupt( if you know how) and than run, they cant really sustain in a team fight and have to run after bursting down someone.

Back to the point, lol have u ever tried killing a gurdian with a thief?? its nearly impossible in a 1v1 situation if the gurdian is actually notkitten that is generally the mainpoint im adressing that in a proper game, one class shouldnt be not able to kill another with equal skill. (Of course the victor is the one that with lesser mistakes, clutch interrupts, good dodges and so on) but for thieves vs gurdian…. not a chance.

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


Ok iv seen ALOT of qq about thieves and people calling out for nerf nerf nerf and yes because anet has to satisfy the majority and nerf HS so as to not lose majority of its consumers, it did, and now what happens? People complain about PW PW PW spam omg noob noob, seriously when anyone wants to QQ PLEASE actually TRY OUT and PLAY the class before QQing so hard and complaining of faceroll and realise that its not that easy to land your PW on a team fight and its even harder to survive as a squishy thief in a teamfight if u actually want to do bursty damage like what everyone is complaining about having 14k hp with 2k toughness is certainly not easy to survive, and if one specs into glass cannon build to do such damage than its justified as he is easily killed, and i know its aggravating to see 17k pistol whip damage done and just die in 3 seconds but do you realise that IF you actually sneak up to the thief and do the same thing u can easily kill him in the same amount of time?? Have anyone thought of that? Well of course you should be able to play your own class decently.

And also on another hand, WHY is gurdians not being called for major nerf when all i see of gurdians in pvp is faceroll? ( i even tried one myself) Really MANY of its created specs are ridiculous, Spirit weapons build with bane signet? You are almost undefeatable 1v1 except against a mesmer with a 8 SECOND KNOCKDOWN (bane signets 2 sec + hammer of wisdom 3 sec command and another 3 sec on chain Immediately right after the command skill which is on a 15 SECONDS cooldown.

This sir is ridiculous i mean a 6 second knockdown on a 15 sec cooldown? Adding on the fact that the weapons damage is pretty decent which crits for 3k to 4k and the damage u deal from scepter and auto attacks are pretty decent, also a gurdians heal heals for 8K + (not triated) on a 32 sec cd THIS is ridiculous IMO the highest heal in the game that has a decent cooldown, and triple meditation builds are just undefeatable by a thief 1v1 seriously ANY Class should be able to beat ANY class 1v1 with a higher skill of the player. Oh and add on mr retaliation with a 30 second retaliation build who is untouchable unless you wanna die.

And now for the final question, WHY are there so manykittenqq posts about thieves being op op op while gurdian is left untouched????! Having played 2 classes, i can tell you that GURDIAN is even MORE faceroll than thieves and and hammer of wisdom is really too much and the 100% uptime retaliation builds are just OPED upfront IMO.