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Specializations and versatility

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaws.1569


we simply won’t get any stronger than we are now. we’ll just get different types of strong.

though the mastery system could be interpreted as “getting stronger”, since there are combat-related masteries.

True, I’m just referring to the potential feeling that we’re getting more options, but not much stronger. It’s more of an rpg-progression feeling I’m referring to, you know, going from a little commoner to a god etc.

Of course I could be wrong and these specializations could make us feel a sense of getting stronger after-all, in which case awesome!

Specializations and versatility

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaws.1569


So specializations are going for versatility over power, which is fantastic, but makes me wonder, how will they let us feel stronger and improved in the future if these systems are the groundwork for the future. Will multiple specializations combine in the future to create a more powerful class, or maybe they’ll give us extra elite skill slots, or utility?

One thing’s for sure, I absolutely love that there won’t be any more levels or gear tiers, that was brilliant on their end.

Edit: I didn’t word that very well, I apologize. I understand that horizontal progression is their goal, and I believe it’s going to turn out great! However, over time, maybe the game will need some vertical progression too, or just something that makes you feel more powerful, but without touching the stats system, ya know, like bigger fireballs, greater effects from abilities, even if visual. Progression comes in many forms

(edited by Jaws.1569)

Each Expansion = Dragon?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaws.1569


It seems likely an Elder Dragon will be the focus of each expansion, but that does not mean it definitely will be. Tyria has many threats and many locations worth exploring that have little to do with the Elder Dragons, lets also not forget places like Elona and Cantha.

He’s right, the Elder Dragon’s are the overarching bad guys (or not so bad, depending on certain theories being true or false) but plenty of things go on in the world of Tyria, that’s what I think the living story is going for, showing the smaller pieces that fit together to create the bigger one.

Mastery system fun idea

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaws.1569


So my idea for a mastery, might not be able to come into the game right away. But down the road, as more dragons and giant monsters are introduced, I think being able to gain the ability to climb these dragons etc. to reach a weak spot to deal damage would be awesome, it could even be done like a jumping puzzle, depending on the body of the beast! I think it would make for a very engaging fight.

(edited by Jaws.1569)

Will Anet ever go for dx11/12?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jaws.1569


Most likely not, DX12 according to Microsoft will only be released in Windows10 you may not see to many existing games being reworked for DX12 and Windows10 any time soon after the Windows8 fiasco but who knows there are rumors that you will be able to play Xbox games on 10 so there will not be any shortage of game to play on 10, just not GuildWars2 at least not to its full potential maybe GuildWars3. It’s cool that Windows10 upgrade will be free to 7 and 8 users looking at 10 I like it better than 8 let’s hope Anet is working with 10 so there or no issues for the game when 10 come out we will most likely need to run Guildwars2 in compatibility mode if we do upgrade.

Oh ok, but by the sound of the developers at pax south, it seems like they’re going for a long term investment into guild wars 2, so I don’t think guild wars 3 is coming any time soon, so I still have confidence they’ll try their best to improve gw2, hopefully make it so that more than one cpu will work at maximum potential.

Will Anet ever go for dx11/12?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jaws.1569


Hey, I was just wondering if Anet has a dx upgrade on their minds. If not is there any chance of it happening?

Let's Talk About: Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaws.1569


I’m very interested in what weapons the guardian and warrior will be getting, I just can’t think of a weapon that they don’t already have.

Warrior will get a melee scepter. Obviously.



You know, a part of me really hopes they do get a scepter, hah.

Expansion focus from now on?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaws.1569


Hey, I’m just wondering, with all the great publicity of the expansion, and the (deserved) hype it’s generating, if it’s recieved well enough at launch, will Anet focus more on developing expansions from here on out?

P.S I absolutely love the Heart of Maguuma design, so vibrant!

Let's Talk About: Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaws.1569


I’m very interested in what weapons the guardian and warrior will be getting, I just can’t think of a weapon that they don’t already have.

Expecting big things from now on.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Jaws.1569


What Anet have shown in 1 year of game…is that they care only about the gemstore. Guys, open your eyes, this is not the same Anet that made GW1, they have not the same intentions. They don’t want to create an epic world, but thwy want a business world. And don’t think that im an hater or that i’m happy about this; i’m very sad about this but this is the reality. I play GW1 for 5+ years, i waited GW2 excited…but they lose the opportunity to make a great game, because the care more about the money than the quality; and they will never change their position.

They need money to make more content, and making more content takes time. It’ll take more than a year before you’ll see anything worthwhile I believe, so they are just making little things in the game to keep you occupied. I’m sure Arenanet knows it’s not enough, but they are trying their best. Also of course they want an epic world in their game, you’re missing all the great things they have already put into the game. Improvement will come with experience. Arenanet needs to use these experiments with living story so they can be confident in the new permanent content that will come in the future. Have faith.

Will we see more history detail?

in Lore

Posted by: Jaws.1569


I’m curious if we will be seeing any more history about Tyria in future content and living story. I’m really enjoying the living story and the content you’re pumping out for us, but a core problem with people’s investment in this game is they do not know enough about it.
Maybe some more background information on the smaller characters, or even destinies edge would go a long way. At the beginning of the game you are giving a small summary of a huge world, some detail would go a long way in improving your storytelling.

Thank you.

An Actual Problem with GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaws.1569


I believe that the most desired change in guild wars 2 is the core combat mechanics. Maybe add in more combat choices or movement abilities besides dodging, (I’m hoping this new living story will cover that.) Also the combat could use some more strategy to it, especially the bosses, by that I mean maybe there could be soft spots or weaknesses on the dragons you need to aim for, or maybe more noticeable impacting attacks instead of gradually decreasing health. More interaction in your battles could help too. Being able to climb up a dragon or actually have to watch out for it’s legs would be amazing. My points can only really focus on the boss aspect of the game, but they CAN be implemented into the rest of the game as well, I hope for great things in guild wars 2.

Thank you

(edited by Jaws.1569)