Showing Posts For Jaxson.1593:


in Crafting

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


Instead of having your chef ingredients (yes, this is the one that needs it but it DESPERATELY calls for it, with hundreds of random things in VERY inconsistent categories — e.g., WHICH category does “bowl of soup stock” go into? Is it "cooking ingredients, where many of the other “bowl of xxxx…” are?

Oh, NO, it’s under “soups”.

And you’re supposed to know this WHY?

If it was ALPHA, you could just look under “bowl”.

No, having to freaking type in a search filter for everything i want is ridiculous because I’m generally not looking at any specific thing, I’m trying to find things I don’t KNOW i can craft, and it’s annoying enough to have to do THIS basically by randomly tossing ingredients into a pot to see if they officially make anything — and NOT KNOWING if I have key INTERMEDIATE ingredients.

The whole process takes hours to figure anything out instead of the minutes every other crafting discipline takes, because chef is about mixing almost completely random components to find out not only if they mix but if YOU can mix them — and it’s not like this level makes particular sense — “Bowl of Cabbage Stirfry” is level 200? What, like any moron college freshman could not make this in his dorm room on a hot plate? “Plate of Pasta with Tomato Sauce” is level 100? Seriously? 10yos make this when the parents are late getting home. :-/

Why is there no bank slot for COOKING BASES?

in Crafting

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


It’s just insane. I can craft an item — but I need clam chowder.

But to have clam chowder, I have to have cream soup base.

But to make cream soup base, I need BOTH poutry stock AND roux.

I’m sure I’ve offloaded those into a storage character, but the point is, there’s literally NO sensible justification for why I have to go HUNT through them when they OUGHT to be stored in the CRAFTING elements!!

Even if it was a lower-count holder (i.e., say, 25 instead of 250), ALL the useless intermediate crafting items (like dowels used for weapons) ought to have spaces in the crafting storage, so that you don’t take up precious slots in the bank or have to offload to some currently unused char’s inventory. Hell, even make it like 2 dozen for each crafter (3 for the chef), with only intermediate stuff able to go into it.

No, I’m not freaking buying more BANK slots just to hold this crap, it’s a stupid, pointless nuisance for no justifiable reason.


BALANCE. Or at least a party find mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


“Defeat the foreman and his crew” in Dedgehaunt.

This skill challenge is ridiculous. There’s no way a necro can solo it, it shreds the minions like they were tissue paper. This despite the fact that a trait skill is making them 50% tougher.

This game is so ephing unbalanced sometimes. They pretty much force you to party with someone but give you no real mechanism for finding others who want to attain similar goals. I can get this kind of thing down to a tenth of a bar, but it wipes me out completely every freaking time.


There’s a “Veteran mining suit” over to the lower right side of Dredgehaunt that’s just absurd, too. Summoned no less than five minions in under 60 seconds, and overwhelms you… because the necro minions aren’t even half as tough as the Ranger’s pet, and they don’t draw aggro anywhere near as well, either. The dredge minions just run right past them most of the time and attack the player.

(edited by Jaxson.1593)

[Grp Ev] Defeat the krait neoss that's...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


Why in GOD’s name is this CAMPED right on top of the skill point in Quetzal Bay…?

I mean RIGHT on top of it, never leaving it for more than about 45-60 seconds.

There aren’t enough people around at this time of day to kill the champ, and you can’t get anywhere NEAR the thing for long enough to get the skill point as a result.

I can HANDLE everything else, but I kitten ed sure can’t solo a freaking CHAMPION, and I’m not supposed to be able to.

It’s so ridiculous it’s not even funny.

“Come back later”… yeah, nice idea. FEH.

There are times when this game’s IMBALANCES because it aims to only play for PARTIES make it more annoying than pleasing. >:-/

If the kitten ed thing had a larger radius of circling, you could time your approach to allow you to kill the defenders and then get the SP while he was further away. But he moves in such a ridiculously tight circle that it’s impossible.

Copyright Question: Charr Species

in Community Creations

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


Talking off the top of my head, as long as it doesn’t diminish the value, calls attention to the game, isn’t done “in mass”, and isn’t done for profit, then ANet’s attorneys would have to be buttheads to bother you.

Granted, corporate attorneys can be buttheads, so that’s not a guarantee.

Call it a “felinoid” and not a “charr”, and make some of the more obvious charr-like features removable (the horns, etc.,) then you should be able to avoid any issues even if there is a complaint.

What, no LOLcats?

in Community Creations

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


I did a search for lolcats. This isn’t a cat, but it is in the spirit…



Voice bug at Asura story mission

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


This bug is still there, BTW. I just spotted it on my own asura elementalist.

Autoattack problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


Erm, is this even being looked at?

Probably not. :-S

A Merchant that DOES NOT SELL **FOOD**?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


No, this is a BUG, it’s a design bug in the sense that it should not be such a pain in the rectal orifice to find a merchant who does basic item sales.

Why the hell does anyone need 97 merchants all selling 9 different food items but can’t find a single one in an area which is actually selling the stuff EVERYONE needs on a regular basis?

THAT is a BUG.

Respawn screws gameplay

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


Look, I GRASP the notion of a shared world and all that needing monsters to respawn, but when you’re the ONLY person in an area — and I mean “AREA” as in “a place where people can fight TOGETHER”, not "people in the same named region while one is standing in a town area and you’re out fighting monsters — then the monsters should not RESPAWN every TWO MINUTES.

I cannot describe the number of times I’ve had some monster down to a fraction of their health MULTIPLE times and then STILL died because something I killed — SOLO — respawned while I was still fighting the bigger bad SOLO.

This respawn crap makes it literally impossible to do many aspects of this game SOLO.

Given that you’ve got NO provision, really, to assist strangers to party up, playing SOLO is often all you have, if friends aren’t on at the time, this is a bit RIDICULOUS.

If it weren’t for the insane respawn crap, you COULD play the game solo. But no, it’s instead aggravating as HELL because I have to kill everything THREE FREAKING TIMES Just to get the bigger monster down sufficient to beat it.

And sometimes — if it’s an “add-on” to an area (the monsters that spawn around a sonic periscope, for the key example) -- there’s NO BALANCE at all because of that respawn rate. You just CANNOT beat everything that’s there on your own no matter HOW long you try, because you simply can’t do that much damage in that short a time while ALSO beating off the respawns. Two people can do it. But not one.

And, did I mention you appear to have given NO THOUGHT to helping people find others looking to do tasks?


in Suggestions

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


Just as one had the ability to ping a location on the map for party members, so, too, does this game beg for it.

It’s really kind of absurd when you’ve grabbed something (say, the remnant of a sonic hedgehog) and want to point your party mates to the exact location, and have to say, while looking at their blue spot, “No, up. Up some more. Now left a bit. Yeah, you should be pretty close now…”


It seems really hard to grasp how, given that this was in GW1, that it wasn’t an automatic “DUH” level inclusion in GW2.

Map Stickies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


It would be a REAL GOOD THING to have the ability to put an icon on the map that I can then place a “post it” note onto. They could be stored locally, if need be.

There are so many times when I want to make a note about something — “Come back to this karma merchant later, he has ‘x’” -- or “The creatures here drop lots of crafting item ‘y’”… or “Watch out for the fitzgig, it’s sneaks up on you here while you’re fighting the wolves…”

It’s ridiculous that you have to write this crap by HAND and keep track of it yourself.

Merchant Menus

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


Give me the ability to click on a merchant appearing on the map — either the main or the minimap — and find out what items they SELL.

Ran into this trying to find a GENERAL merchant in Hoelbrak — spend FIVE MINUTES running around and could not find a SINGLE “merchant” that sold ANYTHING but “FOOD”

For crying out loud, that’s just BEYOND kitten A complete and TOTAL waste of time.

A Merchant that DOES NOT SELL **FOOD**?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


First off —
Why the hell am I unable to get a STEEL logging, gathering or mining tool at a merchant that used to sell me ONLY less than that…? In a BEGINNER AREA, mind you.

If I know I’m going to be out gathering in areas that have NO need of it, then why the hell would I WANT to pay the expense of a MITHRIL tool?

But Second off, I go back to one of the main cities (Hoelbrak, in this case) to find one of the ACTUAL merchants who sells everything — and I’ve gone around to about TEN different merchants — the ONLY thing ANY of them sell is @%#$#^#^ FOOOOOOD.


If you’re going to have merchants that have massively different collections of stuff, then you need to have some EASY way of discerning which ones in your area SELL which things without running to EACH and everyone CHECKING. And particularly which ones of them sell BASIC SUPPLIES.

God what a stupid, pointless WASTE of TIME.

Bank space for crafting intermediates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


This is particularly called for with the “chef” crafting, but it seems to be the case for all of them. You need to craft all these intermediate parts, but there’s no real additional storage for them. Since they can often involve rather expensive initial components — especially later on — it seems ridiculous that there is no storage for them and you have to sell them and buy them back later.

Each crafting discipline should have 20-30 spaces for items only made/used by that craft profession. Perhaps access to this is only enabled at the specific crafting station as a part of that bank setup, and only the intermediate items for that specific profession /u(stuff that can’t be directly used or applied) could be stored there.

Whether it should be associated only with that character or with the entire account is up to you (i.e., if I change ‘x’ to an artificer from a tailor, and then train ‘y’ as a tailor… does ‘y’ have access to things ‘x’ created as a tailor? or does ‘x’ have to move stuff into the general bank first, THEN put it into the crafter-pro storage…?)

This is woefully, desperately needed for the chef — his profession has a HUGE array of intermediate creations — creams, concoctions, and for forth — that are needed to make something as you advance… yet they use ingredients, like eggs and such — that are expensive as hell to buy.

Autoattack problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


Add to this its tendency to attack stupid. As in moronically stupid.

I mean, you’re standing right next to a monster who is already aggroed and it picks some other random monster — unaggroed — to shoot at. Or you’ll be standing there shooting at an aggroed monster, kill it, and it just keeps on shooting,bringing aggro on you from outside the aggro range even if you needed to give your skills a few secs to recharge. Even stupider is when it does this against a yellow monster, one that would NEVER attack you if you did not directly aggro it.

1) Auto attacks should shoot at the nearest aggroed monster if you haven’t specifically clicked on one within a short fraction of a second… and I do mean short — short enough that it’s clear you were targeting.
2) If there are no aggroed attackers within range after a kill, it should “shut off” for a fraction of a second to allow you to choose to continue attacking.
3) It should NEVER auto-switch to attacking yellows after a red has died.

The Top 10 Things GW2 Needs to Improve.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


As suggested, the problem with this version iis the annoying respawn crap that makes the style of play that was a hallmark of both Diablo II and GW-1 was to carefully draw what you could handle. No more. Forget it. You try that and the stuff you killed two freaking minutes ago is going to respawn right on top of your head and you’ll get smothered.

It makes solo playing near impossible — you just have to run in and run out of places and hope you can survive. And yet they provide virtually no tools for finding groups who are aiming for the same activities.

It makes the game annoyingly frustrating in places. There needs to be far more instancing outside just the personal story that allows you — or a group, with the opposition rationally buffed — that allows you to aim for goals and accomplish them.

Edge of world bug in Bloodtide Coast

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


A rather minor one, but I managed to find a way to get pretty stuck at the edge of the world.

“Well, don’t do that again, then…”

LOL, I don’t plan to, but it’s a behavior that might in some way be possible to screw with things so I thought I’d doc it for you.

At the “bottom edge” of Bloodtide Coast, there’s a series of islands in Mournful Depths…. Attempt to swim through them and you get the “strong current” message, even though they nominally connect to Sparkfly.

However, on the right side of this is a skill point (don’t confuse with the left side, at Jellako Cliffrise), down at the corner near Whisperwill Bogs. If you happen to be swimming around there, there’s a spot where you can get out of the water and onto some land/cliff faces which look an awful lot like a jumping puzzle. You can actually get fairly high up this by jumping — I mean like 65-75% of the cliff or more. There’s a sort of flat face on the “back” side of this (i.e., the side nominally facing Sparkfly).

If you jump onto this looking for a “foothold”, you slide down into the water. If you try and swim anywhere — even though you can see the openings and attempt to head towards them, the “strong current” “splashes” you back up high on the side of the cliff… with no foothold and so you go sliding back down in the water… and get another warning about the strong current… repeat ad infinitem . I just waypointed out of it but when you’re playing that close to the edge of the system’s allowed space it might be a point where people get screwed if they do things juuuuust exactly wrong. I’d hate to have an L80 character get lost because I was trying to jump up a cliff face. You really can get quite a ways up there.

Attached is a screen shot from in the water. You can probably see from the minimap where it is given the above.

The triangle shaped outcrop off the mainland is the cliff face, and that little abutment in the middle of the left-facing wall, coming off like a fractal is where you can climb up onto the cliff face. You probably didn’t expect anyone to be able to get out that far past the “strong current warning” but since you can do it on land and then fall into the water fairly well out of the allowed space therein lies the problem.

Msg me if you have any other questions, I’m pretty sure I could repeat it.


Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jaxson.1593



For God’s sake, PING.

You had this in GW but you appear to have forgotten it. It would be useful to be able to ping a location or direction on the minimap for another user. Trying to define left right up down for someone else when you can see them is silly. Heck, take it a step further and allow you to highlight an NPC for someone else to go to, IF you’re in sight of the NPC would be good… and have it show up highlighted in THEIR main viewscreen (not just the minimap).

It’s 2013. Time to move forward in gaming informatics.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


It would be nice to for a Ranger to stow their pets UNTIL they are in combat.
If we fall during a jumping puzzle, or vista, they pop up, and it can be difficult to see where you’re going with them around, forcing you to repeatedly stow them so that you can proceed.
Traveling around can also be a problem, as they tend to be ahead, and off to the left, which can oft times agro enemies that could otherwise be avoided.
That, in turn, causes further problems when you enter or exit instances, map to new areas, etcetera, requiring you to constantly stow them every few minutes.
Personally, I’d love to see pets only activated in two ways, you activate them, or you enter combat; either by initiating combat, or by being attacked.

I kind of like this with an additional option that the pet doesn’t chase out and aggro someone near to someone you’re trying to draw away.

You have to shoot, then call back the pet… and then they stand there while you’re getting beat on until you tell them to attack your target again.

Something that had them attack things NEAR you (esp. if they are attacking) but not to go out chasing something at the limit of your ranged attack would be good. If this is possible already, I haven’t seen any sign of it.

The obvious problem is you hit something that’s out at the limit of your range, the pet runs out and hits it waaaay out there and also aggros another enemy nearby, while if they’d stayed close you’d only be dealing with one enemy and not a handful.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jaxson.1593


Someone suggested this about six months ago:
}}} Waypoint costs need readjusting. A reduced cost for completing a zone you can travel to would be nice.

I’d suggest that it’s silly to really penalize someone for transferring directly from Kessex to Caledon. By forcing them to go for “free” through the home city, then Lion’s Arch, then to the home city, you just increase your server load pointlessly.

1) Once you have completed a city, the costs should be negligible to transfer between any WP in one to another.
2) Additional suggestion — once you have completed an AREA then transferring between WPs between that and any completed area should be negligible.

The first seems obvious to reduce pointless server loading… why force your servers to handle the load on Lion’s Arch when the user is only going to transfer right back out again? Even if you do it on the “underside” — that is, you transfer them into LA and then back out again due to some behind-the-scenes server management issues, it gives you the knowledge of what is intended by the user, and saves considerably on what load your servers are placed under, since the entire process of xferring into LA would be lower for an interim transfer… You could even specifically set up interim tranfer servers that handled ONLY people “passing through”.

The second would be convenient and seems obvious but I’ll grant it to be less so.

(edited by Jaxson.1593)