Showing Posts For Jay.3574:

Guild Mission Permission

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jay.3574


I truly hope Anet implement this function to the guild mission. It have been causing us a lot of trouble in the past. Please make it happen Anet!

State of the Engineer Post Patch (tPvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


We used to press Shield 5, attack with pistol (with shield active), then throw shield at the end.
Now we can’t do it and that’s the nerf we were talking about…
Also Shield can’t pass through wall post patch.

Any build ideas using Rocket boot?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


I’ve tried this on both Tpvp and Spvp yesterday with this build:
It works great on Spvp but terrible on Tpvp simply buz it lacks the sustain to fight in close range for bombs and rocket kick. Condition damage with rifle is worst than p/s or p/p.

my 2 cents

State of the Engineer Post Patch (tPvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


Agree, but this is a Tpvp we’re discussing here. Most of the time HGH engi just throw nade from high place and run along with teammate as ani-bunker/attacker. So at least HGH remain viable if you play smart.
However, I feel like I’m being forced to put at least 20 point in Alchemy for “Backpack Regeneration” for sustain and 10 point in tools for “Speedy Kit” (pro invigorating speed) in order to be a moderately team fighter.

State of the Engineer Post Patch (tPvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


I did a some testing yesterday with the new rifle. But none of the setup I tried was competitive to HGH nade(even after nerf).
The only viable build with rifle in my opinion remain to SD build.

Pardon my bad eng btw.

Super Speed question

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


The strange thing is when I try to do the Rocket Boots (blast finisher) on smoke field, I won’t go into stealth during mid air UNTIL the moment I land. Then half a sec later the stealth expire…

builds/combo for post-patch FT

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


Just wanna collect any idea/combo/build + food within this post.
Thanks for your input! =D

The biggest problem with engineers...

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


May u upload any of your tournament gameplay so we can learn from what you claim?

How to quickly deselect target for jump shot?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


well, I say for a strange reason…if you cancel the jump shot with the med kit first then have a target selected. Jump shot will not follow ground targeting rule but rather AUTO AIM travel to your target position!!! I’ve done a similar stupid death in wvw b4.
Try it yourself, maybe this glitch might open up a new combo idea…who knows?

How to quickly deselect target for jump shot?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


Oh, also I might be doing the jump shot cancel in wrong order… But It works?
I usually switch to med kit, press F5, quickly drop kit then jump shot for canceling.
I should try Nevir’s version a try and see if I can still cancel it! Thx guys

How to quickly deselect target for jump shot?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


Thx for the reply, I’m already using fast ground targeting, but strangely while I’m in wvw clicking on the empty space to cancel my target?sometime it won’t deselect it and then jump shot send me back to Zerg ????????????, pvp seems to work fine tho. Anyway, thx for the advice!!!

How to quickly deselect target for jump shot?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


Used to press double ESC to deselect then JUmp shot cancel to run away but its so inconvenience in the heat of battle. Any idea?

(edited by Jay.3574)

I disagree with this combo idea

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


So Lemme go first:
When you face a huge enemy zerg in wvw …
jump shot cancel to the zerg—-> Big O Bomb—-> smoke bomb —> gear shield --> rocket boots out —->utility goggle break stun —-> elixir gun acid bomb —-> Disconnect

(edited by Jay.3574)

Suggestion for bomb kit combat?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


I realized that most of our engi advantage (no matter what kits) comes from a series of non stopping CC/condi dmg. So for a viable bomb build then I need to keep the pressure up and force my opponent to make a mistake. Buz our base dmg is subpar compare to other profession …. =_=+

Suggestion for bomb kit combat?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


I also used a Sigil of Superior Hydromancy (switch weapon pro freeze for 3 sec) to keep opponent at bay so I can drop more bomb near him. but I wonder is there any better option

Suggestion for bomb kit combat?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


That’s pretty sad. I obvious don’t feel like diving into the zerg to plant bomb would be a great idea. (It’s fun tho)
What about having a big O bomb to combo with smoke bomb in the combo chain to create another opportunity for second wave attack?

Suggestion for bomb kit combat?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


Dear fellow engineers,

I’ve got no problem to pull off combo attack for any popular build like SD or tankcat or FT build. But working with bomb kit is much more difficult…
Since we have to trait and gears for better defend in close quarter combat.
Our bomb kit suffer with low dmg… =_=+

Anyway, here’s what I usually do for common encounter.
Armor: PTV
Kits: heal kit/net turret/bomb kit/tool kit/
skill points: 30/0/10/20/10

1 vs 1 wvw situation
Magnet—>prybar—>heal kit (pro freeze for 3 sec) —> drop net turret/net -->Big O
—>fire bomb—> pistol —-> fight whatever my heart contested….

but I realized the chances to use my bomb after my initial attack is limited either…

A: My opportune is being net again
B: He intends to fight in close range (which is rare buz he got a taste of my Big O)

So how can I keep up the pressure to create more opportunity for my bomb kit?
Would that be Elite supply drop? Or switch to rifle and jump shot to close range for bomb?

Thanks for you suggestion
And sorry for my bad english =P

Predator effects tool belt skills removed?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


If you put 30 point into explosion trait you’ll have your Grenade barrage effect back.

The predator

in Engineer

Posted by: Jay.3574


Nice Izzac, I’m looking forward to see it in action tonight!
