Showing Posts For Jeraziah.3809:
If you are interested you can join The Sacred Nobility, it is friendly to veteran people and new players. We are casual as well, meaning that our clan won’t get in the way of your romance. We focus on WvW PvE and having fun with everyone, if your interested pm me ; )
The Sacred Nobility is a new guild, which is now recruiting
Our priority is to have fun, which expands up to WvW,PvE and PvP. We respect your real life obligations, thats why we are casual. And only expect you to be active on a averige basis. We experience ourself as mature guild. And with “mature” we mean relaxed and social, yet serious when required. Our community is helpful, and friendly. Willing to compromise with you when needed, and assist you when wanted.
Our community has a leader, though we seek to give you freedom as much as possible. And not to let you be worried about rules or boundaries other guilds mostly use on their members. Core decisions like which area to claim on WvW or which emblem are been chosen by the elders of the guild. But that does not mean your opinion goes unheard. In our guild we try to create a friendly atmosphere, and a feeling that we are always there for you. For real life advice or in game.
We consider ourselves as casual, though when it comes to group events we thrive to be discipled, and organized. Though we don’t ask you to participate in every group event. Nor to let the game become your second job. We let you play as you want it, the only thing we ask from you is atleast a little input in the guild, and participation.
As community we try to be Drama-free. But sometimes conflicts cannot be avoided. When something like that occurs. You can expect that atleast the guild elders will try to solve it as fast and fair as possible. Though we have experienced that the whole community tries to solve it.
As we described before, we are new. Not “new” as not having any members or upgrades. But some content is still under construction, like our website. player pool and some expensive upgrades. Though even now you can still fully enjoy our guild, and we will recieve you with a open heart
If you are looking for a growing community with a nice atmosphere and focus on many fun things, then comment down below. with your IGN ( in game name ) and w’ell contact you!
The Sacred Nobility has that offer, though we aren’t fully upgraded nor are we large at the moment. though if you are patient enough to let our guild grow so we can provide you alot of nice people to party with.
what happens if you pick the weather changing thingy called VAC?
Zojja’s armour is way more detailed in my opinion. where do I get that?
It fits with my personality. A large ego, intelligent. And always want to be better/the best. And my Elyssa is cute as well ^^, its like a fluffy cat killing you with a rifle.
I would join them, get high in their ranks. Be a head-scientist, which creates all their golems. and once they have armies, I simply order all my mechanic babies to slay the inquest. and then create my own version of the inquest, which HQ will be settled in Rata Sum, when I captured it ^^
Endgame? You mean the time when all the updating/adding content will be gone?
I would be disseapointed if it is so, if not please explain me what it is?
Mounts should be added, with enough extra speed to be useful. And maybe with the possibility to take 1-2 passengers with you. a 6% speed boost would be nice, and mounts are awesome in a cosmetic way.
Though Guild wars 2 is a legacy which have to make stand. And focusing on mounts should be a priority, but not the first one. I would rather have capes, more land and a higher level cap. then a dolyak or griffon which I’m riding on.
That is a great idea, I can already see myself writing a old-fashioned story in a ancient basement with candlelight :P
But really, it is a amazing idea!
A cloack will look heroic, and awesome indeed. And i agree with the people saying it is the best way of representing your guild. I’m in.
So, people want dumb rats. Who are lab rats of the asura, and are almost all thiefs. As a actuall race? the krait or the hylek would be better. As they play some importnant part in the lore. and have some intelligence to participate in a story -_-
I picked a sylvari because i like nature myself, and their innoncent mentality really inspired me. Their 3 choseable phrases like “act with wisdom, but act” and “everything has a right to grow” really are lessons humanity in the real world should learn. But besides the psychology behind its lore and way of living/thinking. The looks were amazing, and no game has them like the sylvari in guild wars 2.
Get some sense here people, ArenaNet certainly cares for its community. As it adds content on peoples feedback. Further, the ranger is a very complex class like the engineer. It might be weak, but is very dependable on tactic and pet. If you fail in your traits, and having your stock tiger as pet. You’re not gonna make it. But because it is so complex it is a playground for Anet to make it perfect. Add less damage, it becomes to weak. Add more life/armor and it becomes quite more OP. Weaken pets and their to weak, make pets stronger and it is OP again.
Have respect for those people, they are working on that stated above. I bet 60% of the complainers of this topic would get a migraine when working on that. And what do you expect of a game like this? that it is all perfect and fine? almost 50% is something new in the mmo genre, a experiment. I am amazed that i can play it without seeing any bugs or noticeable issues. Yes, there are some. But i wont kill myself if i see a animation glitching.
Just let them do their job, and post your suggestions/ideas. Your not helping the game like this.
I personally play with the longbow as primary, and a sword with horn as secondary
Because with the long bow (and traits in markmanship and skirmishing ) I can make the enemies weaker with vurnability. And do a good amount of damage. Which is handy in boss/dungeon fights. Although, i had to get a polar bear ( tanky pet ) for the longbow to be efficient.
And with the sword, i can be fast. Dodging attacks, or push myself backwhards to grab my longbow and shoot at the enemies again. With the horn i can buff myself with the “call of the wild” and see enemies being damaged by epic birds picking at them.
You just have to cover everything up, and hard to reach for the longbow to be effective.
Hope i helped.
What is it?
Dimension Clash is my idea of what i think as a great new, and fresh event for Tyria.
And this is how it works:
You have 2 servers, A and B. On A there suddenly spawns a massive portal somewhere in the world. This portal creates a path way to server B. On server B there comes a runic tower out of the earth, with the portal where hostile forces from server A should pass through. Both servers has 15 minutes to prepare and stand at the portal/tower. Once the 15 minutes passed server A charges through the portal, moving to server B to destroy that tower. \
How would people know that the event starts?
Once the portal spawns all people in server A will get a broadcast that it actually spawned, and a marker on his/her map. ( which can be used as a more expensive warp-point )
What about the pvp balance?
Because it is in the PvE world, your level would be automaticly downgraded. Making even people from lvl80 weak to a lvl20 player. And you may not forget the potential hostile envirioment it might spawn in.
What if A destroys the runic tower, or B defends it succesfully?
If A manages to destroy the tower, they will get a %5 experience boost for 4 days, on the whole server. But, if B defends it succesfully. And it has killed all the participating players from server A, then they get the bonus. In that way you are fighting for a goal.
What happens after the 15 minutes of preparation time?
After 15 minutes the portal opens for 2 minutes, making all players there being able to enter the portal. On the other side, people can take position behind some mortar pods, or just from a nice spot to attack them.
What about the player balance?
It certainly would be unfair if 1000 people fight agaisn’t 100. So this is how the balance works:
The amount of players being let through the portal to server B, depends on how much people are registered at the protection/event zone around the runic tower. If a 100 people are standing there to protect the tower, within the circle. A 100 people will be let through the portal at server A. The others would simply gain a message: “Event is full”.
How would we block off other players from the protecting servers?
There won’t be, as the runic tower will spawn at a instance like your main storyline. The attackers from A will be teleported there, and the protectors from B as well. If the battlefield is full, or already happening, people would simply be blocked off the instance. the same way as with the portal. ( and deserting the battlefield would be impossible )
Would the players from server A be stuck in server B?
No, once the battle is decided, all players are teleported out of the instance. back to the portal/instance spot.
Would you earn exp from slaying a enemy?
Yes, each enemy will give you a 100exp points. and destroying or defending the tower, what will be harder then you might think will give you 500exp points.
So how would B “Defend” the tower?
The tower is defended if every enemy is killed from the attacking server, the tower is defended. But afcourse, the tower has to still stand.
But jeraziah, this is like WvW!
This exists in the PvE world, which means it counts as a server-wide event. You don’t have to w8 for the qeue, or to have a big kitten guild to mean anything like in WvW.
Importnant details:
~The warp-point, will be seen in unexplored areas as well. and is click-able by everyone.
~the max level will be different each time.
~The lower levels, are not being upped. But still can be usefull as suppression, distraction or to use the mortar pods
~mortar pods, these are small cannons doing bigger damage to the enemy, but it takes alot of time between shots.
~The landscape can vary between 3 maps:
1. A swamp, full of obstacles and blockades. Hell for a ranged player, but a playground for the melee
3. A duel ship battle, 2 ships around the tower in the middle of a sea. Climbing through the ship like hardcore parkour, cannons firing. The true paradise for the jumpy/fast players
4. A village, a bit of everything. Climbing roofs, annoying trees, open fields and close alleys. A good arena to start, with equal chances for everyone.
Any suggestions, or issues with this idea? post them as well,.
Thank you for reading my idea.
ASG ( Ascalons fallen guardians)is a new casual gaming guild, which is preparing itself to be a known force in events, and WvW. But we do not set any pressure on anyone, or demand certain skills. We help new players, and support proffesional ones. And have a fun time chatting and playing with eachother.
Although we are in beginners stage right now, we are growing and improving. We open our doors for you to become a part of it.
Write down your name, and i’ll invite you. And we hope you will enjoy your stay.