Showing Posts For JermyZ.3978:

Revenant Stress Test healing issue.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


I mean, i definitely see the point during the stress testing as there were a lot of mobs around etc. But if you’re in pvp/wvw (what i mainly do) that might be a bit strong. Ele’s and Engi’s dont get weapon swapping (yet if at all), but they still only get 1 heal. Idk just an input on the build. If it stays that way its not going to ruin the class for me at all, I just think its a bit much for pvp type play

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

Feedback on HoT Stress Test [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


Performance wasn’t so much an issue I felt. Given the increase to detail in environment, which are exciting to explore I was impressed with performance. Its a step up from the current GW2 environments, I know people will have a lot of fun to explore and just take it in.

The revenant was exciting to play. The skill animations are gorgeous to watch and play with and the VO was impressive. Jalis and Mallyx talk when u switch to them and use skills. I really enjoyed playing this profession mainly for the animation and voice work. It’ll be interesting to see how the revenant establishes itself in the future.

Open world events felt like more of the same, I didn’t find them any different to what we’ve seen already.

The Wyvern fight was…. Disappointing.
It felt drawn out. I wouldn’t be surprised if its an event that people afk at once they got a few good hits in. Having said that it looks gorgeous and I enjoyed to watch its animations as it would come in to attack you.

Was HORRIBLE. Unless you live on top of an Anet server you can expect to fall a lot and to witness ‘zig zag’ effects on the thermal drafts. Ping/latency is definitely going to be an issue for your enjoyment of this.

I enjoyed my experience. The revenant is gorgeous and exciting to play, much like the environments. The Wyven fight was ok and at this point, I’d be happy if gliding was left out.

Very well put, I was going to type my own thoughts but you nailed it on the head. Wasn’t a fan of the gliding option, but everything else was okay.

Performance wise, things felt fine, lag or ping wasnt typically an issue, graphics looked well done, and while the Wyvern fight was meh at best, the animation of it and its attacks was awesome. Reminded me of the movie Reign of Fire at times. I do like the fact that we’re able to use the dwarf stance chain SS skill to keep the Wyvern down and in the fight so that he’s not able to reign fire as well as get it over with quicker.

I already made a thread about the healing issue I saw with rev class but i’ll mention it briefly here, being in one stance, switching to the other to heal again should be fixed, otherwise i really enjoyed the new class and look forward to playing it!

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

Specializations available in the Beta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


This seems to be basically the Pax demo with a change here and there, so we probably won’t see anything in the stress test that we didn’t see in the demo

essentially this. From what others that rolled current classes were saying, there were no new weapons given to test out

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

Revenant Stress Test healing issue.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


Enjoyed the class a lot with both weapon sets available ( I hoped to try new weapons on each class but I can tell that wasn’t the focus of course), however I did find one thing that may be a little “over powered” in terms of the heal. If you’re in Demon and use your healing, you can swap to Dwarf and use your heal again instantly essentially giving yourself 2 heals right away, one healing per condition, then swapping to the other to cure the conditions off you seems a bit overkill. the heal should be on a timer regardless as to not be able to pull off two large heals right away. Otherwise it was fun!

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

...Thank You!!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


Right there with ya on this. Definitely enjoyed Revenant once i got the hang of it! Digging the mace/axe combo

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

HoT Beta question about recording/streaming!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


ahhh right on, thanks for that!

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

HoT Beta question about recording/streaming!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


So I got the email to join in on the beta question, and I wasn’t sure as I didn’t see anywhere in the email, but wanted to know if we’re allowed to record/twitch stream the gameplay and coverage of the Beta? Just wanna make sure before I do anything like that.

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

(edited by JermyZ.3978)

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


So I ran into an engineer tonight. He’s an asura from FA, in the guild Talons [BT] I think. I was on my d/d ele and had a friend thief with me. We had some fun 1 on 1’s messing around. If that was your or if anyone knows him, can you have him PM me either here or in game (Grimmlett in game). He had a great build, wanted to ask him about it.

Also, for those of you who keep ALT+F4 when you die, I hope your PC blows up. Grow the eff up if you’re going to wvw, if you can’t handle it, go back to pve. Its getting extremely old and more and more are doing it.

That was me…had some very fun fights

I run a glass cannon static discharge build…you were easily the hardest person i have fought…couldnt quite seem to get all my burst to land on you

Thanks man! My friend (the thief) and I were just talking the other day about how we haven’t really encountered any ranger or engineer that surprised us. The two of us often split off from zergs to take camps and small pvp matchups, etc. Both of us were totally surprised by your build. For a glass cannon, you have really good survivability even. Those nets and getting hit by flame blasts and confusion were totally messing me up, haha. Was a great fight. If you don’t mind, would you be able to PM me a build? I’ve been getting tired of playing d/d ele now that everyone and their mom has been trying to make one and a lot of them suck. Lol.

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


So I ran into an engineer tonight. He’s an asura from FA, in the guild Talons [BT] I think. I was on my d/d ele and had a friend thief with me. We had some fun 1 on 1’s messing around. If that was your or if anyone knows him, can you have him PM me either here or in game (Grimmlett in game). He had a great build, wanted to ask him about it.

Also, for those of you who keep ALT+F4 when you die, I hope your PC blows up. Grow the eff up if you’re going to wvw, if you can’t handle it, go back to pve. Its getting extremely old and more and more are doing it.

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

Got bored in WvWvW so...

in Elementalist

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


posting videos like this on the official forums will get us nerfed even sooner. i know they will do.

Not really. You can do this on just about any class in full exotics. Seen a guardian and thief do it in person so it’s not that big a deal.

yeah, its really not hard for many tanky classes to do this. It just takes time.

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

A couple random videos

in Community Creations

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


Planning on doing a lot more wvwvw/spvp videos in the future. Just been messing around with my d/d elementalist and learning play styles a little bit better. Been playing it about 2 weeks or so. Gear is all done, but building another set of armor with stats a little different. These vids are just kinda messing around, I’ll get better footage eventually lol. Going to to a bunch of wvw kill vids when i ever get around to editing it all.

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

Got bored in WvWvW so...

in Elementalist

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


Hmm never really looked into it that much lol. Just pew pew things and move, but the more might i can get stacked off of doing something i already do, the better. thanks for the info, i’ll definitely have to start getting used to setting that combo up.

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

(edited by JermyZ.3978)

Got bored in WvWvW so...

in Elementalist

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


Lol I have no clue what you mean, that was confusing >.<

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

Got bored in WvWvW so...

in Elementalist

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


The reason I have 2 daggers with corruption runes is to build condition damage faster, when its close to the 25th stack I usually swap to my battle sigil dagger.

I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure that those Sigils don’t stack. Meaning you’re not building to the max 25 any faster by having two.

it definitely builds faster. it builds by 2 instead of 1. You can’t, however use 2 different stacking sigils like bloodlust and corruption. But 2 of the same help it build quicker

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

Got bored in WvWvW so...

in Elementalist

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


You should talk to my wife.. Any chance you could pm me your traits? Your armor? Your sigils/runes. If not its fine but nice vid!

Thanks! I got the build from Excala ( Definitely an amazing D/D build thread.

Here are shots of my armor/weapons: x2 x2

The reason I have 2 daggers with corruption runes is to build condition damage faster, when its close to the 25th stack I usually swap to my battle sigil dagger.

Traits are

Right now I’m working on another set of armor, I’ll post up more info when I get em, gotta farm AC a few more times for the last 3 pieces

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


Here’s my asura ele


13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

Semi-survivable dual dagger ele build?

in Elementalist

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


Anyone that’s suggested Excala’s threads/build I totally agree with. Built around the same traits/gear/concept as him and survivability is amazing along with killing many people without worry.

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

Got bored in WvWvW so...

in Elementalist

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


Figured I would attempt soloing a supply camp with my d/d ele. Never had to pop heal thanks to HP regen. Crappy vid and music, forgot bandicam records stuff playing in the background lol.

Not a special or exciting build really but gear is shown at the end of the vid

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

Tanky DPS Elementalist [Videos] 11/21/12

in Elementalist

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


Heya Excala, ran into you in WvW with my friend Exilus (thief, im the necro lol) and we had our fun little 1 on 1’s. Thanks a bunch for all the great build info, building a new ele right now and cant wait. Did as best i could to match the stats/build in sPVP and kitten the build is so kitten, even though its not quite the same haha. Can’t want to get it in to wvw!

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

Issues with getting in dungeon instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


Server: Tarnished Coast

Dungeon: Citadel of Flames

Issue: Still locked out of it for the 2nd day… Razen Frozen at the bridge, events wont trigger…

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

Awarded wrong Item

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


Honestly, the customer support on this game is terrible and will lose them a lot of loyal, dedicated, or even new players. As stated before, many other MMO’s have decent in game support that at least pretend to care. I love this game, but this service is embarrassing. There are simple solutions to resolve these kinds of issues posted, and I’m not sure what the problem is with resolving these. Understaffed? Bring in more people to help. Like I’ve seen other express in different threads/issues it feels as though they got us to buy the game, now they can care less about customer satisfaction…

/End rant. Lol

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

Trouble logging in or getting randomly booted from game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


Okay, this crap is getting really old. It’s been happening for the past day or so, along with many others that I’ve heard with this issue…
I get the following issue at random times while playing.

after this pops up, I’m unable to log back in for quite some time. Last night it was over a half hour with no indication of what was going on. It would be nice if someone could explain wtf is going on…

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]