Showing Posts For Jeul.1068:

The Eventide - Tarnished Coast

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jeul.1068


Hello all and well met!

We are a group of friends from across the planet that have come together from a varying array of games to create this small, tight-knit guild. We are not formal by any means and have a fully democratic structure – We vote on any items of importance or interest. The veteran members formed this group with the idea that every member would be even, from the newest to the oldest, every single one of us has a vote. Nobody is more or less important than others.

Our motto – One Person, One Vote. Always.

To ensure we keep our guild focused on the importance of the member, we do not accept all applicants. To us, it is more about quality than quantity. We enjoy all aspects of modern games from PVE to PVP and RP. We communicate daily by way of our forums and Mumble and our members play a variety of games. Our community ranges from 18-40 years of age, but older is always welcome. We are working people with a variety of ‘real life’ commitments so ‘hardcore’ is not in our vocabulary. However, we are competitive and strive to be the best in any area we can while having fun.

If all of this sounds good and you think this may be the kind of group you’ve been looking to join, please submit your application today! We will get back to you shortly, and if all goes well, we will discuss the next steps in the recruitment process!

Be well and take care,

The Eventide Gaming Community

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Hitler reacts to the Nov Patch.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jeul.1068


This was incredibly well done and perfect! I agreed with every kitten thing you said in there. I passed the video along to my friends, too.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Jeul.1068


Add me to the list of the very upset. You told us we were getting something to make up for the lack of what you didn’t give us before, and instead, you just bailed on us without a word?

What the…?

I don’t like being lied to and then ignored.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Whatcha Listenin' To? Your Personal Playlist

in Audio

Posted by: Jeul.1068


I listen to Pandora while I play. The channel I have set up is a mixture of soundtracks from movies and TV shows. Bear McCreary is a big one, along with Lisa Gerrard.

Sometimes, I’ll listen to some Celtic music while I craft or run around the world.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

10/26 - Sanctum of Rall / Tarnished Coast / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


First off, congrats to SoR and good luck in the future matchups! I’m sure we’ll meet again.

I think it’s great that RUN has to basically apologize for their previous leader’s absolute demolishing of their ‘reputation’ in every post. With the immense amount of negative public image you guys got due to that one guy’s behavior, I was curious why you all even bothered to keep the same name ( if you’re really all that much better and different ). Seems like it would be quicker to change names. :P

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

The Guild Wars 2 Orb Buffs can DIAF

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


Has there ever been anything from ANet about this subject?

Asking them like this doesn’t seem to do anything.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

The Guild Wars 2 Orb Buffs can DIAF

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


It’s obvious that they want the Outmanned buff where it is. Someone at ANet thought it was a great idea to give 150 stats to the winners and crap to the people outmanned.

Somewhere, in their offices, there are people that STILL think that it makes sense. Even with all of us saying these things, they don’t want to change it. They like it the way it is. Somewhere in that office, there’s a guy that thinks this is a bright idea and nobody has told him yet that everyone else thinks it’s crap. :P

It’s either that or they’re ignoring us all. You take your pick.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Demoting Commanders

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


I’ve yet to see a commander actually command. Right now the Commander status is just a bragging statue and nothing more.

When I see the blue arrow pointing down on someone that has the Commander icon, it just tells me “here’s stupid”. It allows me to avoid them.

This tells me either your server has some really crappy commanders or you don’t WvW. :P

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


I will say that the brief time I’ve spent in WvW the last couple of days, I’ve seen most people advocating against spawn camping in map and team chat.

Nobody likes a landslide like this. I like winning and all, but…

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Just a bad Wv3 week?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


On the NA servers, large guilds are jumping servers like it’s friggin election year here in the US or something.

Hey, wait a second…

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Just a bad Wv3 week?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


With infinite transfers, what did you expect? Nothing can be nailed down because people just jump around.

Also, considering the culling issue, I know several people that are taking a break until it gets fixed. Maybe this is happening more frequent than people realize.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Feeling Useless in WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Jeul.1068


I have played a ranger almost exclusively since the first beta weekend event and I gotta tell you – I love this class. I’m ticked off about this shortbow thing, but I still love my class. It takes some skill to make it work due to the fact that we’re not the best at anything. What I love about it, though, is that I have so many different, diverse skills and I, as a player, can play the class well.

I learned how to play the class over time and now, when I try to play other classes, I end up missing all of my abilities from the ranger.

Now, it may not be for you. It’s not for everyone. Personally, I really enjoy it.

FIX the shortbow abilities or all of the other abilities, though! <—— that part is for ANet.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

10/12 Tarnished Coast/Fort Aspenwood/Blackgate

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


Did someone say ‘toast’? I’m hungry all of a sudden.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

TC is full?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


I love it when people catagorize RPers as more than the title expects. We like to roleplay. That means nothing more than that. It means that we like to act as though our characters are real people in this world. Does that mean that we don’t like to PvP? Of course not! We may even have some people in our midst that enjoy short walks on the beach, too…

All of you that think that RPers don’t PvP, I would like to extend an offer – bring your best PvPers and we’ll bring ours. Let’s do a sPvP tournament and see how bad us RPers are.

Besides – when did 7th place out of all of the NA servers mean that we were bad? You guys crack me up.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

10/12 Tarnished Coast/Fort Aspenwood/Blackgate

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


Coral from TC here,

Tonight was, bar none, the best WvW experience I’ve personally had to date. I will post more words but great fights with BG.

I only managed to take one semi decent photo with all the fighting and fun but I think it really captures the night.

TC Pride!

I was there! That was some epic fighting going back and forth with BG there! Good battles for both sides, indeed.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

10/12 Tarnished Coast/Fort Aspenwood/Blackgate

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


As to the question about whether or not there is a strong RP community on TC – the answer is a definite “yes!” I see RP happening all the time. Everyone on the server is either an RPer or at least respects it enough not to troll.

We have a nice, strong community here. We would welcome anyone, RP or no.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

10/12 Tarnished Coast/Fort Aspenwood/Blackgate

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


Of all the things we could complain about in WvW ( invisible armies, hackers running around without fear, orbs overpowering the winners, etc..), why on earth would we complain about a matchup against a strong opponent?

I am from TC and I’ve been enjoying what we’ve been doing so far. The battles have been epic and sweeping. The only thing I don’t like is the defeatists in /team chat. There are only a couple, but they are loud and annoying.

The scared little guy from TC up there ( don’t remember his name and don’t care ) can stay or go as he pleases. If he complains too much in team chat, just /block him. Easy. :P

FA, BG – this has been fun so far. You better believe we’re not done yet!

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Players completely invisible post-update (Oct 7)

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


Talking to a lot of players in WvW, I am hearing more and more that people are getting very upset about this and are already leaking out into other games. They haven’t “left” yet, but they’re getting close.

From what I can tell, you guys ( ANet ) have a window of opportunity here. People are already getting very upset and starting to leave. If you don’t do something very soon, you will lose more than you realize. You’re already losing quite a few.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


The transfers were never in place to help with WvWvW. They are there to allow players to find friends and group up with them. It is intended for players new to the game, so that they don’t feel locked into a server and then find out that all of their friends are somewhere else.

I don’t remember ANet stating that transfers were there to help with anything related to WvW, let alone to help with off-hour capping.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


However, the reasoning behind it was because RUN was being blamed for some of the hackings that occurred on 9/10 and wanted to preserve their reputation.

^ This is pure comedy gold right here! How do you do it with a straight face?

Dear Sea of Sorrows,

We warned you.

Yours sincerely,
Tarnished Coast


Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Players completely invisible post-update (Oct 7)

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


I loved when the one Dev came out and started on about the ‘mechanical, spinning parts’ and the limitations of them. Well, I have a SSD with GW2 and Windows on it, 8 gigs RAM, i5 CPU – and it still does this like crazy. Care to explain?

Also, if every other game we play can render PCs and NPCs on the fly, what gives?

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Jeul.1068


What a lot of people don’t realize here is that the reason everyone is posting rude goodbyes to this jerk is because a good amount of us bit our tongue for the 2 days he was relevant.

That’s why you’re seeing so many people latching on to the burning at the stake – he ticked off a TON of people on TC. It wasn’t him leaving that made them mad, it was him being there. You’re not seeing the sigh of relief we have now, not having to deal with the perpetual drama. We can choose to look at it from afar – like here.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Defiance [RUN] is moving to Sea of Sorrows! NA Guilds Join us!

in Guilds

Posted by: Jeul.1068


Very glad to be rid of this jerk. Enjoy the chaos, SoS. I’m sure we’ll miss out on some good pvpers, too, but TC is a better place for sure.

Bye, RUN!

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

WvW badge rate

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


I am making about 4-5 badges an hour on average, I think. You have to make sure you spam “F” to pick stuff up.

Just in the last three days, I’ve picked up about 110 badges.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


Hey guys, I wanted to apologize about that post I made earlier. I was getting pretty irritated at the slow progress by EB last night( we were REALLY disorganized and just zerging mostly). So when I saw some Mag players trolling around in our back-court I assumed the worst. I thought I let it go, but when I logged on and saw this thread it all snuck up on me again and I made that post above.

Really this was a pretty close match up. I know TC did a fine job of staying on top of things, but orbs and territory has passed back and forth throughout the entire week. None of our servers really has anything to be ashamed of, and I shouldn’t have lashed out at Maguuma for attacking us, since all three servers are always enemies no matter what territory they control.

When people ask me how this matchup went, I really like the fact that it’s been a good fight with very little negativity. Statements like this help that out.

Oh, and I’m from TC.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


I still love fighting against both of your servers ( TC here ). Even if we were to be on the losing side of this match, I would enjoy the fact that it’s been a lot more even than last week.

Maguuma and TC have some good fights that will continue, I’m sure. I wouldn’t mind adding EB to that list.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

More carrots! Less stick.

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


30 minute expiration? Where did you see this info?

I have heard everything from 30 minutes to 12 hours.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


I am a part of the Alliance War Council on TC ( Over 30 guilds in it ) and there has been no mention of any kind of truce with Mag. I was on for quite a bit last night and I fought against Mag and EB people.

Do we have a healthy respect for Mag after last week’s beatdown? Sure do! Are we organizing some kind of treaty with them? Nope. This is fairly competitive right now, and I think we would all agree that this is the kind of matchup we all want.

So.. in other words… stop complaining. This is working so far.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


I agree that it would make perfect sense for TC and Mag to limit the night presence of EB. It wasn’t bad last night, but you can definitely see that they still have more than TC and Mag.

It’s not like we’ll be teaming up against EB for anything large – just for the night hours to stop expansion.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

No sound all of a sudden tonight 9-22

in Audio

Posted by: Jeul.1068


Bump for lack of reply.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

No sound all of a sudden tonight 9-22

in Audio

Posted by: Jeul.1068


During WvW, my sound cut out. I had other music playing in the background, so I didn’t notice right away, but I stayed in the game for a short bit. When I restarted the client and my pc, it’s still doing the same thing.

I can hear everything my PC is putting out, my volume levels are good inside the game and out, I have tried every variation of settings in-game, and none of them do anything.

What gives?

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

If you could destroy your world's orb, would you?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


The orbs should not give stat bonuses to the team that’s winning, that’s for sure.

Why developers continue to reward winning players with more in-game bonuses completely astounds me.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


1. Priority should not be granted on level, it should remain first come first enter. Simply because you are a higher level does not make you more important then someone else.

2. I’d really like to hear an explanation on this one as to how WvW is the only “real” pvp.

3. Again, level does not distinguish someone’s capabilities as a leader. I’d imagine the type of leadership you are wanting for this system is along the lines of the intent of the commander chat.

4. I actually agree with you on this point, WvW leadership roles should be based on WvW capabilities.

I find myself agreeing with Fayth entirely.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast