Holy SMOKE you guys…. YOU GUYS…….. People need to read this because there is so much QQ about this patch that I think is great and put GW2 into the RIGHT PATH.
First of all, first time I went into fractal, I went in with ONE other player, a friend of mine. We nailed it. Took long but we 2-man’d fractal (the charr vs human battle, the blizzard area and the asura lab) and yes maybe those were a bit easy and also take into consideration that we did it in Scale difficulty 1 because yeah.. it was our first time.. WE STILL 2-MAN’D that.
As my friend logged out and left me hungry for more as I knew there was more than 3 path (that were awesome by the way) I asked a few friends to come and try it. They didn’t really like doing dungeons in the game and one of them is a full berserker glass cannon warrior that has NEVER done ANY explorable and my other friend was a Necro that did a couple EXP.
We went in, difficulty scale 1 still (because they hadnt done it before) and as you figured probably, we didn’t bring ANYBODY else with us, meaning we did 3-man that.
Again I will have to say and precise that it was difficulty scale level 1 nothing to brag about but that is not the point which imma get to in a sec. These are the path we got: The underwater path with the dolphins, the dredge cavern path and the captured collossus path. The underwater was quite easy, with 3 player it took a bit of time to kill the boss but nobody really got into a dangerous situation during the run, the second path was the dredge cavern which was HARD with 3 people and we figured we got lucky that we were 3 since you can’t actually do it with less than 3…. it is literally impossible since you won’t be able to open the doors… but we managed to open each doors and get to the last boss which took us about 20 sec to realize how it worked and about 1 hour of try and fail to kill him WITH 3 PLAYERS. The collossus path took us less time to complete but was rather hard too with 3 players. Would’ve been a cakewalk with 5 (AGAIN.. it was difficulty scale 1 so it’s kinda normal to finish it without too much trouble).
My point is that you said the mechanics were badly designed and this is where I think you’re wrong here, the dredge boss is awesome, there is everything you need in a boss fight, a specific role for someone and a important one at that (the one activating the cauldron of lava), dpsing while moving and dodging trying to squeeze every bit of dps into this 30 sec of vulnerability the dredge beasty machine get and a need to survive at all cost. OP, if I/We did it with 3 people, which one of them never did any explorable before and was fully glass canon, I think the problem wasnt the encounter, it was YOU/YOUR GROUP. It may sound a bit elitist or something and have that flavor of ’’L2P’’ but in that case, it is the truth and you have to face it. You also said that the hammer was not always working but thats probably because you didnt understand how it worked in the first place. You had to kill a chanter with it to get a charge to be able to smash the seals (not needed to have the killing blow but at least ‘’tag it’‘). Normally I’m not the one saying those kind of things as I hate to be ‘’THAT GUY’’ but for real…PEOPLE….. sometimes when you cry on the forums… we just want to say one thing: GET GOOD
Off topic: The fact that you can’t rez(use a waypoint or checkpoint) until your whole group is dead is AWESOME too, no more graveyard running. 5/5 for me on that one.