Showing Posts For JohnCray.9675:

7/12 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate v2

in Match-ups

Posted by: JohnCray.9675


Ward/Prx is just a bandwagon guild looking to recruit from SoR’s high pop NA. […]

With all due respect, I’m sure that the remaining guilds in JQ appreciate you calling WARD “just a bandwagon guild”. May those guilds mourn the day they depart JQ. /sarcasm

Mance, I’ll repeat some very good advice people gave to my former guild leader shortly after he left JQ: “use the community forum to discuss community issues.” This is a crucial time for JQ, where you can’t afford to alienate the JQ community further than it already has. Assuming that what you said about WARD is true and all, it doesn’t change the fact that your statement reflects how influential members of JQ regard others in the community.

If what I’ve been told is correct, Jed, Wok, and others are already trying to bridge the gap between leadership and the community-at-large – please don’t drive a wedge into the relationship between those two elements.

7/12 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate v2

in Match-ups

Posted by: JohnCray.9675


why would NA guild transferred to already stacked NA server?
or is this a new SOR thingy? stack overload hahahah

I think you meant stack overflow, but I’ll let it pass.

Gave a couple of reasons for this a couple of months ago, when Omen decided to move from JQ to DB. I’m quoting this not to reopen old wounds, but rather to contextualize to those who follow these movements the recent mass exodus out of JQ. The bleed could’ve been stopped at Red Essence; frankly, I’m saddened that the bleeding has come to this.

Now, I’ve been told that there indeed is a group stepping up to get all the remaining guilds in JQ on the level and deployed (praise Our Lord and Savior Jedsus Chris!) but they have to act fast – even common bonds of pre-GW2 camaraderie can break with the proper stimulus.

Edit: let me say this for the record: I believe that the decision to transfer servers is, in more cases than not, never an easy one to make. Let’s remember that at the end of the day, there is a person sitting in front of a keyboard who lives through the repercussions of their digital decisions. I know not a few people from my former guilds who practically quit the game after learning of their impending transfer to another server. A good friend of mine actually cried and became mildly depressed when she learned of her guild’s (TKG) migration to BG about two weeks ago. These are real people, and as such, I hope we can extend to them the same courtesy online as we do offline.

(edited by JohnCray.9675)

7/12 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate v2

in Match-ups

Posted by: JohnCray.9675


From what I’ve seen tonight on the field, yes [ACO] and [WARD] transferred to SoR. Beyond the “Way to screw the Tier further!” aspect of it, I’m irked that two specific people would leave us on JQ. It’s like family stabbing you in the back.

Which I’ll be happy to reciprocate in WvW tonight You know which BL we usually pick. Come join us, please

Well, that absolutely is a pain in the kitten for JQ. Also, I’ve managed to read Waha’s statement on that Chinese forum that was mentioned earlier (thanks to the guy who sent me the link – you know who you are), and that cynicism alluded to is present. This does not bode well, in my book.

I absolutely hope that someone – or a group of people – in JQ is stepping up to rein in the situation before it affects the server beyond repair. I’ve just received more information about at least two other guilds from JQ considering a move to TC/BG (no names until I get more proof), so all I can say is this:

Lord Jedsus Chris, save us.

7/12 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate v2

in Match-ups

Posted by: JohnCray.9675


Whatever ATM/FOO are doing are just playing WvW. They are focusing on who they want to focus because end of the day, the position/ranking remains the same, on top of that the RNG involved, you cant hold any position.

Even if they did focus on BG, they will still lose towers/keeps thru EU simply because of lack of coverage. Whatever JQ SEA do now is probably just fighting. No planning involved for next day as they simply do not have the EU/NA coverage. Perhaps to JQ SEA, WvW is a daily thing as everything resets the next day.

To blame an individual on destroying the server is ridiculous though, if you have a cmder which nobody respects, nobody will follow and another more competent commander can rise to the occasion. no?

This is clearly person/people trying to create an internal issue to divide us. I can assure you Waha and ATM are at the top of the food chain in terms of respect. They know that. Our core guilds are family and not going anywhere.

‘Soldiers need the battlefield, If JQ is going down, why I have to stay?’
Thats what Waha said in a Chinese forum

Chinese, with all of the different dialects in use, is one heckuva nuanced creature. I have friends who can speak Mandarin, Cantonese, and Fookien, and I can understand a bit of Mandarin; a screenshot would be nice to verify if that’s what he really said.

7/12 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate v2

in Match-ups

Posted by: JohnCray.9675


Wait… DC is no longer in JQ as well???

My last informant had seen them tagged up in Tarnished Coast.

7/12 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate v2

in Match-ups

Posted by: JohnCray.9675


So, uhhh… where exactly did JQ’s [WARD] and [Aco] go? My former guildies are seeing a couple of those tags on SoR, but I don’t want to jump into making any conclusions.

They just transferred to Sanctum of Rall.

Well, color me surprised. I was already pretty wary of the server dynamics when I heard that [vH] and the Japanese [DC] moved out, but this really seems rather… unsettling. I loved to work alongside WARD and Aco when I was back in JQ, and losing them is a rather sharp blow to JQ’s organized WvW efforts.

7/12 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate v2

in Match-ups

Posted by: JohnCray.9675


So, uhhh… where exactly did JQ’s [WARD] and [Aco] go? My former guildies are seeing a couple of those tags on SoR, but I don’t want to jump into making any conclusions.

6/7 DragonBrand/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: JohnCray.9675


TW is probably just bored with their match up and is looking to kill a weeks times by staying on JQ for a week before heading back over to SoR once the new match ups are almost under way. Should be fun times.

Looks like this is the case. Quoting my guildie: “Indo said they will be on JQ until its SOR/JQ/BG again matchup. […]”

Fun times. Fun times indeed.

6/7 DragonBrand/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: JohnCray.9675


I’ve just heard from one of my guildies in JQ that Tempest Wolves is considering a move/has moved back to JQ. I’d love to check myself, but I’m currently on vacation. Is there any truth to this?

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: JohnCray.9675


Just passed by to give a shout-out to that Mag thief from [iLL] roaming in SBI BL a couple of minutes ago. I was that DB staff ele you were engaged with near vale, and I must say you gave me a run for my money (despite me falling in the end.) Was about to compliment you when my connection dropped

Contrary to what I was led to believe, the majority of Maguumans I’ve encountered so far have been nothing but classy, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the fights you bring day in and day out. Believe me, I and many other former JQ residents have been surprised at what you’ve been able to bring to the table in terms of tenacity and skill.

Keep it up guys, and good luck to all of you wherever you go!

So long Jade Quarry

in WvW

Posted by: JohnCray.9675


Orly, EXI left with OMEN as well? Guess they are the same time zone.

Hi Flake, former officer of Exitializ here. I say “former” since EXI as it was first started in JQ has been dissolved, and the majority of its members has been integrated with the Omen gaming community. This was a very difficult collective decision, as we have been resistant to any sort of merger or server transfer until recently, when IRL issues swallowed up the guild’s leadership. In order to keep whatever semblance of community we had left intact, the decision to merge and transfer to DB was made.

I do not speak for what was EXI but personally, it’s hard to speak ill of the people we’ve run with in JQ – working with Indevar, Waha, Tanna, Andyguo, Kada, Charles, and other Oceanic/SEA commanders was a blast, and Jed, Wok, Ben, I Am Not A Commander et al. have made our odd forays into other time zones very memorable. Save for a very vocal minority that has recently affected our members’ desire to join WvW, my assessment is that the JQ community is resilient and awesome, and is still a good choice for guilds looking to fight the good fight. I am confident that with a little soul-searching and reorganization, JQ has what it takes to remain in T1 for the foreseeable future.

In any case, thank you so much people of JQ for never giving up despite the odds stacked up against the community; it was your tenacity that kept us going until the end.

P.S. We have a few members who have opted to remain in Jade Quarry. I would appreciate referrals to guilds that accept non-native English speakers and that are active during early Oceanic-mid European timezones.

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/10/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: JohnCray.9675


Why are guilds leaving or in rumor of leaving jq. Theres no balance issue anymore. Jq is the weakest of t1 and any guild leaving it is just avoiding losing. Anyone else not seeing the score trend?

There are other reasons why a guild may decide to change environments. Perhaps their relationship with other guilds has soured? Is it possible that they feel their efforts are unappreciated – or even punished – by others in their community?

I’ve enough knowledge of what’s going on to infer what’s going to happen next, but since a lot of things are still up in the air I’ll wait for Ultima Hyperion (OMEN’s guild leader) to make the call.

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/10/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: JohnCray.9675


Saw JQs omen on SoR, did they officially move?

I for one know that Omen is not moving to SoR. Whether they will move out of JQ is a whole other issue and is to be seen in the coming weeks.

Giver's Weapons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JohnCray.9675


Yep, using 2 Giver’s pistols right now on my Engineer, and I can confirm that these give +20% Condition Duration. The March patch fixed the bug with that attribute.

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: JohnCray.9675


Balthazar temple open @ Jade Quarry as of 8:35PM, server time.

Network error in Character(Jade Quarry)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JohnCray.9675


Yep, definitely looks like a Jade Quarry issue initially. Guildies giving me the same error code: 1074:4:5:2939:101

Network error in Character(Jade Quarry)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JohnCray.9675


I’m based on JQ, and am having the same issues. I can guest successfully however on SoS and SoR.