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You guys complaining about PU act like you guys never seen thief lol. gtfo here
Stacking stealth doesn’t really do crap, it’s only good for disengaging. But I’m for those who want it to have it at least 75%.
Most mesmers don’t like PU because it is so thief like! And it’s definitely more then just good for disengaging
I agree with Dastion.
Before the patch mesmers had to make huge compromises to make builds work, this is why they all felt so unique. Now that we have to do less compromise and shatter is useful for any build i can understand why some people feel builds are much more alike then before.
But like Dastion said shatters are our class mechanic! It’s kind of insane to think that it didn’t get used by some mesmer builds before.
Hopefully they will change it to 3% seen that way it seems to be a good balance. On the other hand their aren’t really any competing traits in that tier so i feel kind of meh about that tier in general
It will not last. One-shotting people from insanely long stealth while having all the boons in the world is certainly fun. Still, one could hope that people know pu will certainly be nerfed soon and there is not AGAIN all this crying that mesmers are being unfairly treated once it is (although of course there will be).
From what i’ve seen most mesmers will agree that PU needs to be looked at. I think the thing that is worrying is the nerf to both MtD and Chaotic Dampening which imo were uncalled for, especially so soon
I was one of the people who first said. Holy kitten we got strong, things might have to get toned down a bit.
Now having said that. Anet should wait with fixing things after a while. Every class got some many new tools that there is no point listening to people saying this or that is OP.
From what i have experienced people have already gotten a bit smarter and i don’t feel as strong as the first day of the patch.
Now i just really hope Anet doesn’t go over board in trying to ‘fix’ things way too fast and things ending up unbalanced
I think like always condi is the best way to deal with mesmers. If they are in inspiration they have some counter to it but i doubt most mesmers are currently doing that.
I think Anet should not be nerfing anything for atleast a week(preferably more) that way people have had a chance to get familiar with the new traitlines/find ways to counter them. Then have a look at what to nerf.
I think we also have to consider that these or all initial reactions. Who knows how things will play out when the dust settles, i for one am curious to find out
Are main mesmer players really complaining? after all the kittening on how we wer subpart to all other classes? or is it only a few salty rangers among others trolling for a nerf?
I’m as surprised as you are but, yes. Obviously we can’t say anything for certain since the patch is still new and a new meta has to be created but the fact that i was killing everyone left and right really surprised me. And it’s not because i played well
Things are too strong. I got bored of pvp pretty fast yesterday. I played around 20 matches and only lost 2-3 of them. This is not because i am good in anyway because before the patch it would be more like 50-50. Maybe it’s just because people are trying out all sorts of new builds and that’s why.
I’ll probably just wait a few weeks and see how things change but i was not having fun just completely annihilating everyone with a lockdown build.
ps: Also can’t believe how many pew pew rangers killed themselves thanks to mirror
I think you also have to consider there are many, many people who are coming back for the expansion. Would they still be tempted in coming back after learning about the price? If my guild is any indication that answer is no.
My main issues with thief is not that they are OP but that they are not fun to fight against. I would even be fine if they decrease their roaming ability(because they effectively cast aside any other class for the roaming role. With their superior map control). Decrease their stealth capabilities a bit(or provide more counter play) and then buff them a bit defense wise in other ways. This is probably not a great solution but i just want to fight a thief and have it be fun! Even if i win against a thief it still isn’t fun and for me they are the only class that does that
As a returning player i would love to get back into doing dungeons, but the pugs i’m joining don’t tend to like taking people who don’t know that fastest and most efficient way. Would love to get an invite to learn an explore the dungeons. I’m on EU. This is an amazing idea btw!
Sounds like a good idea- Lvl 7