Showing Posts For Jordyy.3219:

Poll just hit 75%, please go vote!

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


+1 for who made this post, they are looking to double kill the wvw community.

WvW Poll 21 May: World Linking (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


PvE players vote yes.
WvW core players probably vote no.

Kill the game again, and I won’t be coming back.

Unite servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


Hi everyone.

I just literally got back in the game.
After 8 months of quitting playing, and I was about to actually get the expansion since Anet did something good for once, (getting rid of those kitten maps, WvW looks better again) but now I am not sure if to keep playing again.

I used to be hardcore WvW only and still am, kitten, I got this game purely for the WvW.

So basically your getting back old players that wanna give a go at it again, and now after 2 weeks of being back, you decide you want to kill the WvW community once more.

- I won’t be buying the expansion which costs 44,95 hence already having bought the game at launch. (and I was about to)
- I might aswell stop playing the game again, and that goes for everyone that purely got this game for WvW. Why would you unite servers? Only PvE players would vote for such thing, so I am just asking ArenaNet to open their eyes for once, and that such vote will deffinitly kill a gamemode once more.


Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


ArenaNet event makers are either high on crack, waste of WvW time, another week afk.

The permaquickness meta

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


Depends on how you want to play it, battles are utter stupid now.
And personally I am not a fan of PvD.

The permaquickness meta

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


I never play PvE, and it’s a shame that WvW has come to a point where it’s unplayable.

I would revert WvW back to it’s original state @ 2012/2013 and come up with some decent updates before it completely dies.

Oh yeah, and “kitten league tournaments” that’s the main reason WvW died.
People are only used to KT nowadays since League 1 and it sucks kitten .
No skill required anymore…

Please FIX WvW.

PS: Nobody cares about new “EotM” maps, only PvE players come on there.

(edited by Jordyy.3219)

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


I mean look at those heads, asfar as I know everyone has this XD


Unbalanced League for WvW (Green Borderland).

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


Actually Heta have lot of reason on his post… There are maybe ¿4-5 threads? talking about the same. This post isn’t constructive there’s one exposing the bug and lot of people just saying “100% agree”, and the best way to react is with bug reports.

Also, as i said today to lot of baruch people, i’m sure that Anet know this issue, and if we don’t have already the patch, is because they are looking the way on how to fix it, no because they don’t want to fix it. We don’t know where is the fail and maybe it’s not easy to fix.

So.. be patient… Of course i also hate this bug, but we can’t do anything more than wait or quit WvW (or even the game)… I preffer to wait.

No. We’ve seen that being patient with Anet does not work. Threads like these are unfortunately necessary if we want action.

If we assume that Anet doesn’t know about this then bug reports and posting in this thread would help bring it to their attention. If we assume they are working on it then all we can do is wait because as majos said this is likely a very complex problem and not easily fixed. If any programmers out there know what might have caused this then please give advice but unfortunately we need to give Anet time to identify, fix, test , and release the fix in the live client

I am not sure if you guys have read the post carefully.

It is quite obvious the bug is there, OK, no problem.
But the fact is we are in League mode.

If you read the post carefully,

I asked for them either to re-consider resetting the League WHEN the bug is fixxed, and if this is not posible take in consideration the servers that have played in the Green Borderlands and have encountered this issue.

Asfor the 100% Agree posts, and comments from other servers I am glad you took 5 minutes of your time to read the actual post.

We are NOT demanding that they fix it right away. We are just asking to take it seriously since in a League fairplay is acquired.

Note we made in the post with a total of 200 people together so quite obvious alot of people agreed inmediatly. Those are the guys that assisted this re-union.

Many thanks to all for their interest.


Unbalanced League for WvW (Green Borderland).

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


Those aren’t bots Ben K, those are people from different servers that have united to contribute to this post, thats why you get so many posts at the same time.

Unbalanced League for WvW (Green Borderland).

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


Ben K, I dont think it is suspicious, I think its asking for equality in a League.

You don’t go to a LAN to play 4v5, you go to play a fair match 5v5. This is exactly what’s happening. This league is competetive, so the rules and conditions should be the same for everyone.

Unbalanced League for WvW (Green Borderland).

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


Dear ArenaNet,

We would like to file a new complaint.

Right now WvWvW mode is in League mode, that means that fairplay is 100% necessary.
Since the beginning the League started, in all the Green Borderlands if you are defending your map there is a limited player that only permits 50% of the total players to enter.
This is a HUGE stopper for the whole WvWvW community to play this League.

In these circumstances the balance on the Green Borderlands, is unfair.
That means that the current points made on this league, are not valid from any point of view.

We are playing with 55/60 players, against more or less 80/80 players from each server which is a total of 140/150 players, in the green borderland.
In short terms this whole League is unbalanced.

Being in this circumstances, we ask ArenaNet to re-consider:
Resetting the league when the BUG is solved, or either have this in consideration for the servers that played in the Green map when the League ends.

Yours sincerely,
The Green Borderlands community!

PS: We only are asking for a FAIR League!

(edited by Jordyy.3219)

Green Bordelands still bugged

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


I am glad the problem is global and lets just hope ArenaNet fixxes this problem asap!
Fairplay is needed in cases like League’s and competive play.

Saludos desde spain! xD

Double post, continue in the other one.

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


Well it seems that ArenaNet knows about the problem in the green borderlands, and that was the only thing I wanted to do, letting them know that there are problems.

I guess our server just has bad-luck that we have been the Green Borderland during the first 3 weeks of the League. I still hope ArenaNet fix’s the issue asap simply because “fairplay” in league’s is key to success in a game.

Relative posts on this problem:

So I guess we weren’t the only ones with this problem, I just hope ArenaNet keeps monitoring the situation during the League period. I will log-off and go back to charge enemy zergs! xD

Thanks to all of you who have supported, and as for Anet, please fix this asap.

Cheers, Jordyy

the unfair schedule?

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


The season 1 schedule cannot change while the season is in progress. Feedback and data will be taken into account when scheduling the next season, but the scheduled matchups and league structure are locked in until the end of this season.

Does this also mean that the problems [EU] (Baruch Bay) Green map has been locked to 40/50 players to the end of the season?

If so then this so called League competition is a big joke.

Why PvE(LW) events on WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


Totally agree on this aswell.

Double post, continue in the other one.

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


I will be posting proof right now:

Screenshot 1: (24 people in raid)
Screenshot 2: (10/15 people with commander)
Screenshot 3: (3/4 afks – commander just used teleport)
Screenshot 4: (Chat commentaries with translation)
Screenshot 5: (Waiting line)

Well this is all you need to know to confirm the problem.
About the supermen people, lets forget about that for now, I totally agree with Jayne that the report system might be overwhelmed by so many people reporting each other.

Another video just to show you guys that the problem really exists:

Will be done rendering when youtube is done.

So now everyone can see what I mean right? we have about 40/50 people in our mainmap, and theres a huge waiting line..

I just want to point out the obvious that this should be a map with full 120players capacity.

Asfor in my mainpost if you scroll up, you can read that we are having this problem since the Leagues started. But I just wanted to inform ArenaNet.

Now with the Leagues, last week we lost with only a 1000 points difference to (Jade Sea) and if we didnt had this problem we would of easily won.

I made some calculations on how many points it has affected our server, and there’s a difference of 35.000/40.000 points on weekly bases since we couldn’t do much in our main map because of this problem.

NOTE: I have no IDEA if this is happening to other servers aswell, but we just lost by 1.000 points last week and that’s a serious problem since it became competetive with League’s and stuff.

I really hope you guys can see into our problem and maybe check of other servers have the same problem, since we just lost 2 league points totally unfair seeing the circumstances we are in.

Have a nice day


Double post, continue in the other one.

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


Jayne, I personally checked the puzzle, and there were exactly 3 players there.

When the reset was done, I was “first” in the map with other 10 players and when we reached about 30/40 players the waiting lines became active. (I am aware that some players enter in the next 5 minutes) But that does not change the fact that MAX 60/70 players at a time have entered while the mainmap is designed for the full 120 players.

Asfor the flying superman, I totally agree, from now on and ahead, I will make screenshots of it and report it directly, thing is I forget since its just ridiculous to see it happen :P and it totally escapes my mind to make kitten of it.

PS: (I have no idea if other servers have encountered the same problems, but it sure is something that should be fixxed.)

PS2: I just collected some screens so everyone can witness the problem we have, also have made a little video on youtube to document the problem. I will post in another little while with all the proof gathered, that we “do” have this problem.


(edited by Jordyy.3219)

Double post, continue in the other one.

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


Dawdler we do, we have it exactly since the League started, in our main map Baruch Bay which is the green map, we can only enter with 40+/- players instead of the full 120.

We are ticking quite well at the moment because we have a wide organisation of clans that is currently trying to kitten all the other maps while the problem persists in the green map.

All of you thanks for the interest and I hope we can find a solution to this problem asap!

Cheers, Jordyy.