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Blurred Frenzy Change Question

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


you can also ge thit by un evadable attacks… like necro wells i guess?

I don’t think there’s such a thing as an unevadable attack (though static field might be one), only unblockables. Blurred frenzy should still prevent all froms of direct damage, though conditions may tick.

Best healer in game II

in Warrior

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


in terms of the logical fallacies, you could say the same to 80% of the people who have posted in this thread.

but lol @ this thread though, funny

Presenting case A: The fallacy fallacy.

@ Fastcar: do you mind not double posting? There isn’t a rule against it, but it bothers me for some reason (im a bit ocd sometimes) and you can just use the edit button if you forgot to put something in.

Best healer in game II

in Warrior

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


What the nubs dont get “total effect” its NOT just about the healing
Its the total effect you have on battles.

Guardians: aoe projectile reflection (Wall of reflection: 10 sec untraited 40 sec cd).
20 second projetile block (Shield of avenger: 60 sec cd untraited, may allow occasional well timed projectile to go through, shield can be killed early to end effect)
Shield of absorption: 4sec block + heal + 5 target knockback., 40 sec cd untraited.
Tome of courage: Aoe heals up the wazzoo, aoe protection, blinds, and a full heal and a 10 target daze (assuming wiki is correct)
Tome of (whatever the offensive one is called)*: Aoe quickness, fury, knockdown
Healing breeze: Aoe heal (im getting lazy and not going to post the cd’s and skill details anymore, you can look them up at )
Aoe stability: Stand your ground, hallowed stance.
Aoe protection: Multiple sources, most importantly Hold the Line and Shield 4 skill.
Aoe condition removal: Purging Flames, Save yourselves, light combo field + whirling wrath.
Traits: Aoe might, protection, regen from Virtues. Aoe heal over time aura from battle prescence,
Virtues: Aoe heal and aoe block.

Yes some of these are mutually exclusive, please just pick 3 utilityes and 2 weapon sets and don’t complain my inability to permutate all the possible weapon, utility, elite, and trait combinations.
I’m sorry, but according to your argument that healing isn’t everything, I think guardians win. There’s multiple other traits and skills I haven’t even used yet. If you want me to try to theory craft a build (I’m not a guardian expert), I would be happy to help. I am also not required to post a video as you have only given “proof in concept,” that is all I’m obligated to produce as well. I’m sure if you go over to the guardian forums, they would be happy to oblige.

Mesmer Illusionary Leap Bug Report

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


/#3 is a npc pathing issue inherent to the game. Changing it would be really really hard to do. Even regular leaps have issue when leaping up hills occasionally, so the issue isn’t a purely mesmer one.

Edit: gaddamn stupid forum autocorrect, someone tell me the stupid escape key for this….

Putting Flamethrower on Par with GS

in Engineer

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


The base damage on attack one for flamethrower is 490 damage at 10x hits, for a total base damage of 4900 if your target gets all 10 hits. The base damage for the 2 skill on GS Warrior is 1,624 at 8x hits for a total of 12,992 base damage assuming all hits connect. This automatically puts the GS at nearly 3X’s the damage of flamethrower between the 2 skills.

NO NO NO NO NO. That damage listed, which you got from the wiki, is the total amount of damage it deals. It does not deal 4900 at 490 per hit, but 490 at 49 per hit. Same for GS.

Back on topic, GS is a berserker weapon. It contains little to no survivability and utility options compared to flamethrower’s blind, fire field, and knockback. They are really apples and oranges, and can’t be compared with damage alone.

Mesmer - Tried to play an alt.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


try an elementalist. I guarantee that between swapping attunements, spamming skills, and flying all over the place, that you wont be bored.

Quick fix to help non bunker eles.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


First off all, buffing auto attacks doesn’t do anything on elementalists. They are the sole class that almost never uses them. Second of all, Puandro is right saying that landing ele burst is the problem. Dragons Tooth → pheonix has a stupidly long delay, like a hundred blades with all of the damage on the last strike. Fire grab is also….. not accurate, if your moving or your target is moving… its not hitting for what ever reason.

The S/D set is technically the epitome of bursting. Staff skills have too long of a delay, and is mostly damage over time, while d/d has too many channel skills. The only problem is how hard it is to land a proper S/D burst. Fixing it would really just entail making fire grab hit more consistently, decreasing dragons tooth delay, and increasing phoenix missile speed by a bit. Even better, they could make grounded work with blowout skills like updraft, its kinda useless atm.

Feb 26 Update - Broken Items For Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


iBerezerker is no longer a combo finisher. Bug, HUGE nerf to GS?

zerker is still a combo finisher

The combo field reacts but no observable confusion on mobs. (ethereal)

Tested a few times myself.

Weird… i tested in HotM big aoe mob of golems, and i can find at least one or 2 that have confusion on them.

The Prestige CD Glitch

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


It is a double blast finisher now. It blasts when you activate, and blasts when the fire goes. Wow.

it was always like this

The Prestige CD Glitch

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


Actually, it just became the 2nd most spammable blast finisher in game.

I predict emergency patch fix within 48 hours.

actually wouldn’t it be the most spamable blast finisher in the game? Cluster bomb is limited by intitiative, only allowing you to use one every 4ish seconds at max assuming one point of initiative = 1.67 seconds to regen. iirc, the prestige was a double blast finisher, thus one blast finisher per 2 seconds.

Feb 26 Update - Broken Items For Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


The prestige has an effective cd of 4 seconds when interrupted by any skill with a cast time right after it’s cast. The stealth, blind, and aoe burn still apply like normal.

Are you saying you can recast it 4 seconds after stealth drops?

1 second after stealth drops.

Unless it hits something, then 3 seconds until you can stealth again.

The Prestige CD Glitch

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


The prestige has a glitch… where if you cancel it, it goes on the interrupt cd. It’s still not an instant cast, but there’s absolutely no detriment to canceling at all. All the effects are applied, including blind, delayed burn, and the 3 second stealth. The interrupt cd is 4 seconds. Stealth is 3 seconds. You can draw you own conclusions.

Feb 26 Update - Broken Items For Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


The prestige has an effective cd of 4 seconds when interrupted by any skill with a cast time right after it’s cast. The stealth, blind, and aoe burn still apply like normal.

Jan 28 Update

in Guardian

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


Just playing devil’s advocate here. I’m guessing the rational behind the spirit weapon nerfs is that it brings them in line with every single other summon in the game. The most similar being mesmer phantasms. Essentially, spirit weapons were “free” effects that the opponent couldnt really counter. Shield shuts down all ranged opposition, hammer is constant interruption, bow is constant cleansing. Unlike the mesmer phantasm versions, like phantasmal warden, and phantasmal disenchanter, they could not be stopped from doing their jobs, and thus the nerf simply brought them in line. Though now… something about that insane cd probably has to be reduced. Maybe 40 seconds instead of 60 for most SW.

Edit: okay a ton of people are taking my argument the wrong way. I’m not comparing them to the phantasms, only the balance philosphy behind them. Phantasms, as stated by Anet are balanced around the fact that they are powerful, but have 2 chances to counter. Spirit weapons used to have no ways of countering the summon in itself, rendering them supurior to every single other summon in the game. What I’m trying to say is that this brings them in line, at the cost of uniqueness. I’m not arguing that it was called for, that it was neccessary, i think its totally out of the blue and not. But the logic behind the nerf exists and does make sense to a degree.

(edited by Jusanden.3897)

Guardians kit vs Warriors'

in Guardian

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


I highly recommend you actually play the class before complaining about the class…

Sword is absolutely terrible. Flashing blade animation is awful, and you will almost never land the blind unless you are point blank range.

If you have ever even tried the guardian sword, you would know that flashing blades has an instant travel time and that the only delay between firing it and the blind landing is around 0.5 seconds of swinging time which does not change with distance.
Like several others have mentioned: How the heck do warriors dodge flashing blades, zealots defense, ray of judgement and the 0.5 second cast immobilize skill. Those can be cast in way less then 5 seconds, the only classes that has anywhere near the amound of dodges to dodge even more then a half of that combination are mesmers, elementalists and thiefs.

Let me counter your argument with a warrior greatsword/rifle argument, written in the same style as yours.

Greatswords HB can be dodged easily, its 100% useless in sPvP and WvW, if you use frenzy and bulls rush to hit it, congradulations someone just used a stunbreaker and walked away leaving you with 2 used cds. whirlwind attack is a good skill, bladetrail is so slow and does bad damage even if it hits, rush is utter crap, rifle’s cripple shot does next to no damage, volley is so easy to dodge, its so slow, and vunerability shot thingy does no damage. Kill shot won’t ever hit, it takes too long to cast, and is dodged so easily.Therefore you would be smashed within seconds. So the warrior cookie cutter build is quite weak. I applaud your attempts at countering someones argument, but your logic is quite flawed.

Stealth Proposal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


At the moment, the build people seem to complain the most about are burst builds, like the shattercat Mesmer, and the backstab thief build. Before I launch into a proposal on how I would change stealth, I would like to state my philosophy behind glass cannons.

Glass cannons are high risk, high reward builds. They get in, either do the job, or get decimated. There should always be a way to counter a GC burst, and once it’s countered, the GC shouldn’t have very many get out of jail cards to get away with. Essentially, if the burst is countered, the GC should be in very hot water.

An example of this would be the frenzy -HB warrior. It hits hard, it hits fast, but its counterable. Once its countered, the warriors down 2 utilities and can be killed extremely fast.

The problem I see with thiefs isn’t that their burst is too great, it one shots people like a HB warrior. There are 2 differences. One is which the speed it comes out at. This can be countered by having good reaction times, practicing, and experience. You can also take advantage of back stabs back facing requirement and dodge the cloak and dagger, or kite the thief around.

Now that we have established that the burst can be countered, where is the problem? The problem lies with how easily the thief can get away. The burst requires 6 initiative, out of potentially 15, and no utilities, unless one were to augment the burst using assassin’s signet. If the burst gets countered, the thief could then easily slip away into the shadows, coming back for a second try.

The root of the thiefs escapability is stealth, and to a lesser degree, shadow steps. As stealth is one of the 2 main components of thiefs survivability, I propose this.

1. Add one trait, maybe in place of last refuge, or some other not so useful trait in a defensive line, that gives protection for the duration of the stealth. You could also work it into the stealth mechanic itself.

2. Rework stealth so that upon being hit you are revealed slightly, one hit would do almost nothing, 2 would be a very faint outline, 3 would be like allied stealth vision, something along those lines. We might also have to let stealth break channels, otherwise rapid fire could just instantly reveal where a thief is.

Now why do I think this is a good idea? It retains the flavor of the class, while rewarding skill and compensates survivability. We can’t simply remove stealth or thiefs will be too squishy. It rewards skills by letting good players hit where they think a thief is and be rewarded. The reveal would let them be able to hunt the thief down easier, but a well played thief could still avoid getting hit during the stealth and get away safely.

The thief would still need to be countered, which will be as hard as it is right now, but once countered, the thief wouldn’t be able to slip out so easily, especially not with more utility skills like shadowstep.

The change would also be easier to balance as we could alter the amount of transparency that each hit would reveal, thus nerfing or buffing stealth without making any drastic changes.

Tl;dr: There is no tl;dr, I feel that every part of my wall of text is essential to my reasoning, and that omitting any part of it would be a disservice to everyone that reads the forums. (Boy that went on for longer then I thought it would, and yes I know I’m contradicting myself by writing a tl;dr)

Spvp destiny. An important message

in PvP

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


For all of you guys complaining about ETA’s not given. There’s a simple reason. If they don’t meet that deadline for or another, there is going to be massive amounts of raging on the forums. How often do you see dev’s give ETA’s? Personally, I see very few. There’s also the possibility that they simply don’t know. Hype can be a very bad thing, especially when people love to take words from devs and just throw it right back at them. If people would stop doing that, maybe the risk-reward ratio of giving an eta would be worth it. As it stands now, Jonathan already tried to appease you guys by stating what they are working on, and instantly you guys pounce on him like a pack of rabid wolves. This is precisely the reason companies hate posting on forums, giving ETAs and things of that nature.

Fire Mages

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


The simple fact is, even if swapping attunements wastes time and lowers dps, which I disagree, it adds a ton of utility and more importantly for a gc build, survivabilty. If your dead, your dps is worse then 0, someone has to come and revive you after all.

Fire Mages

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


First of all: take a chill pill. Second of all, you’re repeating stuff you’ve already said. 3k twice as fast is false due to the fact that you should NOT be standing around doing nothing for the timeit takes for the ice spike to fall. Cast a frozen ground, cast a healing rain, switch attunements or w/e. As I have stated, have you taken the bleeds into account? In a dungeon, your kinda hard pressed to run into 19+ stacks of bleed even with a condition spec on the team. Its an additional 4k ish damage assuming absolutley no condition damage. Thats the causes eruption to be around the equivelent of 2 fireballs, with a lower cast time. It’s also a blast finisher giving might. And I’m using wiki data which i think assumes base power only thats why the numbers are low.
What utility? Let me start listing everything you can’t get with fire only:
Area might
aoe swiftness
aoe stun
aoe blind
the only lightning field in the game
aoe regen
aoe condition removal
aoe chill
aoe vunerability
aoe heal
Water fields
a good spammy blast finisher
perma weakness
aoe cripple
projectile reflection
aoe immobilize
aoe protection
aoe frost armor

Seriously, even if there was a dps gain by staying in fire, you would be increasing everyone’s damage by switching.

Fire Mages

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


The cast time of Fire auto atack and Ice spike is exacly 1s for both.But ice spikes takes another 1 second to drop.So you can cast 2 auto atacks in that time.Dealing a great deal more damage considering that Fire auto atack is 3/4 damage of ice spike.The 5stacks of vulnerability is not even worth considering but if so , you gain much more damage building might.

The problem with your logic here is why the hell are you waiting for it to drop before moving on? I use my one second cast, during that cast, i switch to air or earth and as soon as that 1 second cast ends, I start casting my next ability. Also, 5 stacks of vulnerability isn’t exactly useless, its a 5% dps increase for the entire party, which is quite significant if you ask me.

Earth main damage is by bleeds so not worth switching to it aswell.Because bleeds are damage over time .In the time it takes to burn the 6 stacks of bleeds over a period of 15 seconds for 4k damage you can do 15 auto atacks 3k each whit fire.
Earth only goes whit condition builds and power builds deal way more damage .

Random note: according to the wiki, fireball has a 1.4 second casting time, or 1 attack per 1.4 seconds with 314 damage. Assuming eruption has a 2 second cast time, its still doing 462 damage + bleeds however paltry that may be, its still damage, (3060 without any condition damage to be precise, if you factor in the 30% condition duration from fire 30, you get 3978) it also theoretically gives 3 stacks of might to your team.

The faster you cast the more damage you do whats that hard to understand.

The thing is, your casting higher damage spells in the same time your casting fireball while providing more utility to the entire group.

Or gain even more might from sigil of strenght and fire trait line.

Blast finisher in fire field, cough eruption cough

Because spamming fire auto atack deals more damage than any other spell in other atunements while also building might.

Using other spells not only out damages fireballs, but provides more utility as well.

(edited by Jusanden.3897)

Conjured Weapons bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


Conjured weapons seem to drop after you get hit a few times, sometimes not lasting for 5 attacks.

Give steal a cast time?

in Thief

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


What would happen if we gave steal a cast time and had it interrupt other skill castings? Right now, the Mug-CnD-BS combo can be done extremely fast without time for reactions because a thief can steal while casting CnD and go instant stealth mode. If we gave it something, say a 0.25 second cast time, a thief would have to steal, then cast CnD, which gives the recipient at least some time to react to the impending burst and potentially dodge it. Even if they were to use a utility to compensate, that’s still a utility slot being spent on the burst vs it being spent on escapes or other things.

I’m no expert on thieves, but I would like to hear your opinions.

Keybinding Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


I currently have a standard 101 key keyboard and a logitech g700. I’m currently using Taugrim’s keybinds:
It works great but doesn’t really utilize my mouse at all. Does anyone have any suggestions for mouse keybinds?

AOE Rings on Friendly Abilities

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


Previously, from the BWE’s, I’ve noticed that even for friendly aoe damage abilites, like smite and dragon’s tooth, there would be a white ring showing the aoe range of the ability. Now, for what ever reason, I don’t see any indicators for the radius of those abilities. Did they get removed in the transition from the beta to the launch or is something just messed up on my end?