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Tears of Itlaocol

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kahooie.7918


I’ve noticed it’s been broken for several months, I’ve bug reported it after every update and they still won’t fix it. Lame, glad I got the achievement when it wasn’t broken. I’d suggest going there right after the next update, maybe it will work for the first person to open it.

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kahooie.7918


It works, I did it once to see if it would work and it did. I got a chest from one sunless, moved to another server and did it again. I got a chest on both. I haven’t done it again cause it just feels wrong, I do see a lot of guild tags on my server that are from other servers. I just tried to get to the maw and got bumped into an overflow. Haven’t seen an overflow in Wayfarer’s since the betas, would it be too much to ask for even a reply from a dev?

Why spy kits are used.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kahooie.7918


I think most people have missed the pink elephant in the room, the developers put an obviously exploitable item in the game, then say “wow, players are exploiting this item, let’s fix it”. Why hire people to work for you if they don’t have enough common sense to tie their own shoes or even know they need to keep them tied? This seems to be a problem all across the corporate United States, not to mention the government.

Risen Nobles...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kahooie.7918


I thought it was just me, then I searched risen in the forums and found all kinds of complaints. The new skillsets for the risen are not balanced, they do way too much damage to be soloing your personal storylines in Orr. I am reminded of a saying… if it’s not broken, don’t fix it :P

Chili Peppers

in Crafting

Posted by: Kahooie.7918


So I heard there was an exploit involving chili peppers, your (arenanet) solution to it was all but remove them from the game. What were you thinking (if you were at all)? They have become an exotic cooking material now. I go into an area and gather and get maybe two. I think this makes the chef very unbalanced. I was lucky to have maxed my chef crafting before you took them away from the karma vendor. Do you plan to just remove everything you can’t fix? Think of the new players who can’t afford them to learn the recipes. Why not increase the drop rate for them, or just make them a node to themselves.

fall damage traits.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kahooie.7918


Maybe you could actually put a falling trait in for elementalists, as it is now they are the only profession without one. Why hate on the ele’s? Doesn’t seem balanced to me.

Arah event chain bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kahooie.7918


This is bugged on all servers I think, shoddy business is what it boils down to. You’re going to loose customers if you keep this up. The best area in the game for karma/drops/etc. is not working right and we can’t even get a response from the devs. Very unprofessional.

Hint achievement bugged? Stuck at 80/82.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kahooie.7918


Mine fixed itself when I had something waiting for me in the Trading Post. I simply removed something I had put up for sale. Try that and see if you get the hint.

Hints Title not complete

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kahooie.7918


I have noticed that my hints list is full, but the title only shows 75 out of 82 complete. When I asked a friend about it, his list is complete but his title shows 81 out of 82. Neither of us have gotten the influence for the title. Is anyone else having this problem? It has been like this for a while.

Whisperer Rifle Skin Changed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kahooie.7918


My staff reverted to the original skin too. If this is a known bug, please tell us so we won’t waste our transmutation stones until it’s fixed. It would be nice if I could at least recieve a stone in the mail, if not a staff with the skin I lost. It wouldn’t have to have nice stats, just the skin I like and lost in the first place.

Ingame Mail Gold Spammers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kahooie.7918


I have received these messages too. I asked in map chat and someone told me to send an email to I have sent two reports that way so far, I’m not 100% sure if this is the correct way to report them, but seeing how the report screen has a warning about false reports and getting banned for doing that, I’m not going to use the in-game report until they put an option there for gold sellers. I would appreciate a developer telling us how to report this problem the correct way