Showing Posts For Kalriostraz.6819:

Undocumented changes to crafting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


Actually, you do have a point, but only where ascended crafting is concerned. Here, they have just added 3 elonian squares to the cost of each insignia, while leaving the damask at the previous value. It was a straight increase, made to make ascended gear cost more. This at the same time where it has suddenly became more important (due to incoming raids) and also when Anet massively nerfed asended drop rates in fractals.

I’d really, really want to hear reason behind that one.

Don’t have a quote, but a guild mate said it was in response to the request to bring leather and damask more in line with each other. Most expected something like a reduction in the mats needed for damask, because it already requires the most of a single mat than any other ascended piece. But nope, instead they gave us this bull.

But hey, the prices are closer now last I checked!

Mastery experience from Central Tyria

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


Depends on if you want to actually DO something or are just looking to grind it quickly. Because CoF has THE best grind spot. Otherwise I’m not sure much beats SW.

About Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


What are you saying? My best guess is you used a recipe that was labeled account bound on a character without the proper profession. The recipes are account bound so you can move them to the proper character. Just like ascended and legendary gear. It does NOT indicate that using the recipe will unlock it across all characters, it IS still just a normal recipe.

Any1 got Bladed Chest and Mordrem Saber?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


Just got my bladed chest box last night. T4 Verdant Brink night cycle with over 100% participation. Need to complete all day meta events and kill all bosses at night while holding most to all locations. Every player talking in chat got the drop.

Why elite spec reqs DON'T need to be changed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


After playing exclusively my necro/reaper I started fresh with my 100% map completion ranger. Used druid right away and did about 70% map completion with friends withing a couple of hours in Verdant Brink. The only thing I need now is a the grandmaster tier and 2 or 3 skills to completely finish the druid while playing this class.

I don’t see any big grind here. Don’ know what all people are whining about. Forum just shows how spoiled and casualized the game community has become. The pay-to-progress mobile phone generation found it’s way fully into the core game community. Sad but true.

Oh what’s that? You don’t see any grind after having already done full world completion on a character and then going in with most masteries unlocked from your first character? Plus you were playing with people? Well golly, I guess I done goofed in wanting the elite on a class that’s only ever played sPvP before this and not taking three days off work to play it nearly non stop with my guild. Pack it up guys, everything is OK with the current system.

(/sarcasm just in case people don’t catch it.)

Is it really too much to ask to tone down the elite spec unlock cost? I was personally hoping/thinking it was going to be 200 to fully unlock, then 200 for all the extra shinies. That fits much better into their old model imo. Not this crazy 400 point for full unlock thing.

I'd like a refund.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


I would like to point out they have already removed/are removing the mastery requirement from the story quests. It’s not huge exactly but it’s something. It had proven they’re listening if nothing else, so certainly keep watching if you can’t get a refund.

No more transmutation charges in pvp?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


oh so you say that now instead of having one evey 2 tracks we can have one every 4?
Because right now i’ve done 2 paths i only get useless glory shards…

This is what they told us when they announced the shards of glory, that they would be replacing half of the TCharges with them. Also, they aren’t useless, they are for legendary crafting and a source of income for PvP players who aren’t planning to craft. It’s currently a bug that they’re account bound.

No more transmutation charges in pvp?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


Wait what? This a bug perhaps, like with the glory shards not being tradable? Because they said they were only replacing half of them. Have you finished a full track and gotten none?

51 Core & 7 HoT Mastery points

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


The core I can sort of understand the reasoning as they were given out in deference to past achievements and they probably felt the need to gate that content at least a little bit. I still haven’t figured out a logical reason to not have the Maguma masteries work like the old skill point system.

PvP player being forced to PvE ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


Ok. Dumb question

I was in the PvP lobby and tried to train my elite spec. It only allowed me to train for as many hero points as I had in PvE. Is there a different place to train on the UI for PvP?

You don’t need to train it at all. Just open up the sPvP build menu and equip it like you would any other trait line. Just remember it HAS to go in the third trait line position, the one at the bottom. No idea why that is, but that’s the way it is.

PvP player being forced to PvE ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


sounds like a confusing UI issue led the OP to jump the gun

Pretty much this. Was dumb of them to restrict the elite spec to the third slot in sPvP. No reason to do that, other than to cause confusion.

PvP player being forced to PvE ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


“but now i have to spend hours and hours doing something that i don’t want to do just to gain access to one of the main selling points of the expansion(elite spec’s)”
- please read my post before replying

I did. If you’re playing just sPvP the elite specs are unlocked for you just from owning HoT.

they are not . have to unlocked in pve first . unless i’m missing some teacher that will give you access.

They can only go in the third slot, but they are completely unlocked in sPvP just for owning HoT.

PvP player being forced to PvE ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


“but now i have to spend hours and hours doing something that i don’t want to do just to gain access to one of the main selling points of the expansion(elite spec’s)”
- please read my post before replying

I did. If you’re playing just sPvP the elite specs are unlocked for you just from owning HoT.

PvP player being forced to PvE ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


there is no way to unlock your elite spec through pvp. i either have to grind through wvw levels or grind through hero point challanges

sPvP doesn’t require you to unlock your elite spec. WvW requires it, but you get it through playing WvW or going into PvE, your choice.

PvP player being forced to PvE ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


What are you talking about? There is no PvP mode that requires you to go do PvE for your ESpec. Neither of them.

Elites in PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


So it’s possible to use the elite specs in pvp without purchasing the expansion ? I’m asking, because I have gw2 uninstalled.

No, it is not possible to use elite specializations in PvP if you do not own Heart of Thorns.

Yes, elite specializations are far superior to normal professions, and have no drawbacks whatsoever.

No, you cannot choose to join matches with other players who do not own the expansion.

Yes, this does mean Guild Wars 2 is now technically Pay-to-Win.

How is it pay to win if you can’t use those new specs against players without the expansion? Even IF every elite was strictly better than base, you don’t/can’t fight against people without the expansion. Ergo, it cannot be P2W.

Saved Guild Influence Becoming Worthless

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


Obviously it’s competitive if I’m not disclosing it.

Spamming the speed up option would cut that 1000g to about 100g, if.

Yet with it going away there is no reason to keep it secret other than either your own ego or to cover that you’re lying. Which do you think is more likely to be what everyone is thinking?

On topic a bit, it is annoying that it’s becoming largely irrelevant, but such is what happens with expansions and system overhauls unfortunately.

Will the elite spec be fully unlocked in Spvp

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


All elite specs are fully unlocked in sPvP so long as you own HoT

unlock elite specs with pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


If I’m not mistaken, you can max out most of your current trait lines and utilities using nothing but the points you get from leveling. I’m sure what’s left on the overworld maps would be enough for at least traits and utilities.

Prior to HoT you earn enough points from leveling to unlock everything with a handful left over. Full map completion offers about an extra 200 as I recall. Unfortunately the only milestone we know is 60 points is what’s needed to equip the elite spec.

You're going to hate this question but...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819



That last one is very doubful. What does a reaper bring that other professions do not do better? Especially in dungeons/fractals/raids?

Based on what I was finding in the last beta, they’re going to have a potent burn phase and solid options for condi. But we’ll see what happens. Tbh the only classes i see struggling for a spot are ele and maybe thief and guardian. Ele because Rev is looking to fill a LOT of what ele did/does, and thief/guardian simply because I’m unsure what they will offer that can’t be filled by another class combination of its needed.

Remember for warriors though phalanx relies on crit chance. Which might not be an option. Plus with most groups running 3-4 engi’s all you need is a fire field from someone and coordinated groups won’t have to worry too greatly about might stacks. Again, my impression from beta and he was asking for five.

You're going to hate this question but...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


Top 5 classes imo after the beta and some research of my own, in no particular order and geared towards raids: Druid, Rev/Herald, Mes/Chrono, Engi, Necro/Reaper.

I myself am switching from Ele over to Chrono for my raid group.

9 losses in a row tonight

in PvP

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


Does match making deliberately try to keep you at a 50% win ratio, because every time I approach 50% I start losing multiple games in a row, and start getting teams of 1-3 people that are under lvl 80.

There is NO matchmaking that does this. This is confirmation bias at best. Streaks, both winning and losing, are perfectly normal even if every game was a perfectly balanced 50% chance to win.

Skyhammer hate?

in PvP

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


Man, most of you guys are so salty :P I guess you guys prefer the braindead playstyle couryards offer.

We are speaking about PvP, so how is fighting players braindead? Isn’t that the point?
When a map distracts you from that (Skyhammer is one, Stronghold may be even worse) to force you play gimmicks, this is not fun.

Sitting on the hammer to kill people is not PvP.
Killing people by pushing them over, that is barely PvP.
Playing a match where you have to kill the NPC guards, so that your NPC allies destroy the (NPC) gates so that you can reach the NPC lord and kill it with the help of your NPC heroes… That’s PvE.

I dunno why you are complaining about a guy camping the hammer? How hard is it to go there and have a proper 1vs1? That’s what i do and i love it.

Proper 1v1? 80% of my fights up there end with one of us going off the edge or through the glass. If you call that a proper 1v1 then I’m very confused. Also I don’t see anyone here saying they like courtyard. That map is also trash.

Do the finishers actually do anything?

in PvP

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


Is there a meaningful choice between choosing to using the context prompt finisher or continuing to attack the downed player until they die?

If I’m not mistaken, if you stomp (=use a finisher) in PvP, when the player respawns he will be in-combat.
If you kill a player with normal damage, he will respawn out-of-combat.

In WvW, stomping can grant some points, as others have already explained.

Thanks! I gotta tell all my guildies about this!

Don’t bother, it’s not a thing and even if it was it’s of questionable usefulness.

On topic, I use finishers based largely on my class. Bunker guard and mes I finish most of the time, as the time to kill or required CD’s are too much of a time or resource investment. Especially if they’re on point because they still prevent capture. On ranger or thief? Usually just kill them unless they are engi or necro. Unless I’m like right on top of them when they die.

Ascended Gear to be Required for Raids

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


I think this whole discussion comes down to closed thinking.

People associate progression gear with ‘hard’ and raids, so they think progression gear == actual difficult content.

The thread maybe, the situation no. Fact is it exists. If they tune for exotics then ascended is overpowered. You either need to scale the ascended to exotic levels rendering that extra money you spent useless, or tell your players to suck it up and get the best stuff if you want to max out your abilities in raids. That’s the situation. Either works, it’s just who are they more concerned with upsetting? Those that spent the time/money on ascended, or those too lazy to do so? (yes I know it’s an inflammatory way of putting it but really ascended isn’t hard to acquire, it’s tradeable within your account, and weapons/trinkets make up the majority of the power from it which are even easier to acquire than armor).

The problem with this is simple:

Ascended weapons and trinkets are about a 3% boost.full armor is an additional 2% boost.

Picking the wrong utility skill or trait has a massively greater effect on your effectiveness, offensively or defensively than ‘full ascended’ ever will.

And they can’t tune to that fine a level If they attune to the 2% of full ascended armor, that means that they’ve already tuned to the most efficient group/build makeup that they can think of . Yeah they want it hard, but doing that is suicide — also nearly impossible.

The numbers on ascended gear is well known (although I see some people occasionally throw some crazy numbers out, the math’s been worked many times, including a few in this thread). Given that, it’s just not meaningful, one is left wondering why people are so convinced it is. I have 2 reasons.

1) A dev said it was required (later retracted to reccomended) and they still haven’t fully retracted that statement.

2) Players associate gear progression with raiding so it ‘makes sense’ to them.

Where are you getting those numbers? As far as I’m aware Weapons + Trinkets is a 12.5% dps boost (remember things multiply) for power damage, and armor another about 2.5 for a ~15% total.

I took that partiular example from upthread somewhere (or my memory of it).

Even granting I’m remembering wrong about weapons/trinkets, the numbers for armor are close, and armor is the primary cost in ‘full ascended’.

So take the revised statement: “Partial ascended is recommended for all raids, and the late ones recommend full ascended.” If I grant 10%, the ‘partial’ kind of works, but in what world does the ‘full’ work?

Ascended armor still cannot be a meaningful limitation

Naw Armor won’t be a huge thing, but it could be the difference between a near win and a failure.

Only in the absolute least way. So many other things have more impact,

really depends how much unavoidable damage is in raids as the game continues.

3% reduction in damage compounds with healing in long fights.

and even though you dont believe it, they can optimize fight success on having protection up/90% of the time and clearing conditions within 2-3 seconds, as well as strong average heal per second while still maintaing X dps on a boss ( to beat enrage)

its just mathematics at that point.

I know they can, I don’t think they will.

It’s too restrictive, and they want this to be a major game feature.

This exactly. The issue here is simply that if they balance around having that ~2-5% damage/healing/mitigation increase from armor, suddenly there is a required party comp and build set up, to do the raid. Because there is more than a 2% difference even among builds of the same class, much less between the classes. I know they can do this, but two things stop them imo. 1) Doing so goes greatly against basically everything in the game so far. 2) I’m honestly doubtful about the devs ability to play the game at a high level, or even math it. Their idea of an ‘ideal party’ could be very different from what actually comes about.

The core issue here, is for them to make Ascended mandatory, would make things FAR more toxic than it will be with the community enforcing Ascended. Because it would basically mean that only X classes would even be allowed into the raid. Y and Z need not apply. Sounds familiar right? Except this time Y and Z literally cannot do enough damage/healing to even bother taking along, so even the proponents for variety don’t have a leg to stand on. I feel like they should have at least learned from what’s going on with dungeons. I hope…

(edited by Kalriostraz.6819)

[suggestion] Trans charges from glory shards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


You can, if you want, sell the glory shards and then use the funds for transmutation. It’s 3 steps (instead of just one), but it gets the job done and allows others to make use of the shards you might not want.

That won’t work. They are going to be account bound.

Just like the Transmutation Charges.

Then the wiki is wrong. The blog post specifically called them out as being tradable.

(edited by Kalriostraz.6819)

'returning' player LFG NA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


So been playing off and on for a while, and with the impending release of HoT I’m looking to add a guild or two to my list that is looking to raid or form a few raid groups. I’m a decent player in my mind, and am open to rolling just about anything, although at the present point in time leaning towards Ele or Druid. I’ve got a buddy looking to come with who really wants to do Rev as well.

Just needs to be NA, but it would be doubly awesome if there was a TC based RP guild with interest! Not required, but a definite plus.

Returning player. I wanna learn how to solo.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


Coming back from a long break from the game. I’ve been working at dungeons some and doing what I can to catch up on what’s been learned while I was gone. But it’s a lot. I’ve really narrowed it down to two things I’m trying to figure out and not having much luck on my own.

1) I would love to eventually learn how to solo every explorable path. I would love if this were possible on my favorite class (ele) but any class will do.

2) I really want to start by learning Spider Queen. She used to kick my kitten so hard, and even still does often enough when playing with friends. I’ve watched a few videos of people do it, but just can’t seem to grasp exactly what they’re doing.

I would love just some good resources online, an offer to help teach, and especially perhaps a dungeon guild or two (I’m on TC if that makes a difference?) to help me diff into this!

Removal Of WvW Map Completion In Patch

in WvW

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


I’m a bit confused here. Why is this a bad thing for serious WvW players? I’ve been honestly dreading going into WvW to do my map completion, not because I hate PvP, but because there’s this sort of cloud I get over it that if you’re not there to help then everyone looks down on you in annoyance or worse. The only bad thing I see about this change in particular, is maybe losing out on players who stick around after that wouldn’t have otherwise. But I have a hard time believing that’s a relevant number.

Disregarding other trends or perceived slights (however true they may or may not be) how is this change not a good thing for WvW? This is an honest question, I have done very little WvW but it would appear a good thing that there will no longer be people taking up slots doing this at busy times.

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


Interesting, well thought out. I have mentioned adding things like how many times a given class kills another class. Because that is one area that would be an indicator of class on class imbalance.

But I disagree w/ your 5% comment . If the class is just fine in 95% of the game, then it logically follows that IT SHOULD be fine for the remaining 5%. If it is using mechanics that are so specialized or difficult to use that 95% of the players (read customers) cannot play that class well and as a result DO NOT USE THAT CLASS, THAT issue needs to be resolved.

How doe it logically follow that because it’s ok at 95% of skill level, that it has to be ok for the top 5%? I also don’t believe I said anything about not using the class at all, I was transferring a specific happenstance I’ve seen a number of times in games like LoL and SMITE into a GW2 example. Where a champion/god is rarely seen in bronze to ~platinum play, but is often seen in challenger and above and does extremely well there. Or a strategy is barely seen in solo Q, but is highly prevalent at tournaments or similar situations. Simply because of the difference in skill level. Highly competitive games like Marvel Vs Capcom have things that take a high degree of skill to pull off, but are expected that you can do if you plan to compete at a higher level.

How about we take your statement then. Let’s say DPS Guardian is a very solid pick, and is seen in plenty of team comps at high level play, but the degree of skill required to play it is such that it’s seen played effectively in very few if any casual/low tier games. This is healthy! This is a natural happening in a game that has varying degrees of skill. The main thing that now needs to be taken into account is if it makes the game more fun to watch. Which has nothing to do with balance at all, but is an incredibly important aspect to consider in any game striving to be an esport. Now, does that mean they should just leave it alone? No, but something like this should be low on the priority pole compared to something that’s dominating high tier play, or dominating low tier play and never seen in high tier.

On the flip side, let’s say DPS Guardian is seen very little in high tier play, but it dominates and destroys in low tier play because countering it requires high degrees of skill and/or coordination. This much be approached much differently. You need to try and figure out what it is that makes it a skill ‘hurdle’ in dealing with, and decide if you actually need to adjust it. Is the skill something required for high tier play? Well, perhaps you work gently to reduce the skill level you need in that. You need to figure out why it’s not an issue at high tier, what could be adjusted to bring it up to high tier, and combine and mix the two, likely across a few patches, in order to bring it in line with where you want it to be. Most importantly though is that this needs to be done slowly. If you do it too quick you risk running into the ‘nerf bat’ trap, where it falls off the map for all levels of play because it just sucks now.
Although to be honest, most game companies will just end up nerfing them into the ground and they’ll vanish from any tier of competitive play until they do something more. This was a common occurrence in the early life of plenty of MOBAs.

In general though, you need to balance around high tier play. Your priority for fixes has to go: OP across all tiers > OP in high tier play > UP in high tier play > OP in low tier but it under performs comparatively in high tier play > UP in low tier play > UP across all tiers.

This is all about the health of the game at a competitive level, making the options as varied as possible at high tier, and ensuring the game is fun to watch. Those three things need to be kept in mind for any game trying to have a competitive scene. Of course by far the hardest part of this will become figuring out just what is ‘balanced’ because that varies greatly by skill level. But that’s why it’s best to balance around what your top players can do. Because everyone else can always get better, and in fact are presumed to be striving to do just that. It also gives you a pool of players with more experience in your game than any other. In other words, a resource for balance that more companies should look into tapping. But that’s an issue for another thread.

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


Ok, I just wanna touch on a few things that have come up before addressing your primary question.

ANet shouldn’t balance around high tier play

I see this kind of thing a TON around any PvP game, and if you take it as true that the company wants to grow the game at a competitive level then you need to stop. Because that’s exactly what they should be doing. You don’t balance a competitive PvP game around the 95%, you balance it around the 5%. Example: There’s a guardian build that you can be night unkillable outside of a 5v1 scenario, but the skill floor is so high for it that only the best players can do it. Do you A)Leave it alone, after all the majority of players can’t do it, or B) Figure out the problem and nerf it in the best way you can figure out. By this logic you wouldn’t do anything about it, regardless of the impact it has upon high tier play.

Stealth is OP because it’s (maybe) strong in low to mid tier play.

If you don’t see it at high tier play, it’s not OP, and in fact is more likely to be UP. That’s the name of the game in a setting that’s supposed to be all about playing at that high tier. Seriously. If the top tier players don’t use it, then there’s no reason it should be nerfed without some compensation, preferably something that brings said class/build into viability in high tier play. If stealth (and Mesmers) were actually OP (OP: Overpowered; stronger than other options when played with the same amount of skill) then you would see them all over every tournament. Do you? If you don’t, then it’s not actually OP, and it’s simply a skill issue that you need to work at. Now, could we nerf stealth, and maybe buff the classes that rely on it in some other way? Absolutely. Ask high tier players how to buff the classes that rely on it, and work to figure out a way to incorporate some of those buffs while you target nerf stealth. Boom, good balancing.

Death statistics by class are extremely relevant.

By themselves? No, not at all, because deaths are only one part of the equation. It could maybe be useful if you combined it with data about number of points capped per game, or a similar stat. But by itself it shows very little beyond what classes have lower skill floors, at least when taken from the whole game population. IF you also sorted it out by build, you could perhaps have something of merit, or if you took it only from high tier play. But blanket from the entire community? Worthless numbers from a competitive balance perspective, which is what the game is striving towards.

Countering stealth is a skill and perhaps build issue, not a mechanic issue. It has strengths and weaknesses like every other part of the game, it’s main strength lying in the time it takes to develop the skill to deal smartly with it when your enemy does it. It’s quite possible you developed a play style that get’s hard countered by stealth. It’s not the devs job to change things to suit your style though. It’s yours to take a step back, get some time in either on the class or playing against the class, and figure out how you can change your play style to deal with it, and hopefully get better in the process.

(Quotes are not sourced because they are at best a contraction of statements found in this thread, and at worst me putting together the basic ideas of a post found in this thread.)

Getting into PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


Coming back with some friends after a long absence. Since I last played I’ve really gotten into PvP. Coming back though, and reading some of the things posted in the PvP forum have me realizing how little I know. I’ve tried watching a few steamers but none really talked much at all, much less talking about why they do something.
I’m wondering if there might be a more experienced player who would be up for being sort of a mentor as I learn things, or at least who would be willing to field noob questions. Or if there might perhaps be some YouTube videos out there that would be good to watch. I’m looking for real in depth info/explanations. Like, why is double capping bad, how many people should be killing Svanir/Chieftain, and when should I consider back capping. Sort of meta stuff. Skill will come in time I know, but this is stuff that I’m just not sure where a good resource might be to learn.

Mostly what I’m looking for is some good ‘guide’ resources that might break down the maps some, or someone that’s up for answering questions and maybe running me through a few scenarios. Looking for the basics of the map metas here. I’m coming back after being gone for nearly a year and a half. Last time I played sPvP Ele’s best build was a support, and the maps had underwater points!

Any help is greatly appreciated!

sPvP help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


Coming back with some friends after a long absence. Since I last played I’ve really gotten into PvP. Coming back though, and reading some of the things posted in the PvP forum have me realizing how little I know. I’ve tried watching a few steamers but none really talked much at all, much less talking about why they do something.

I’m wondering if there might be a more experienced player who would be up for being sort of a mentor as I learn things, or at least who would be willing to field noob questions. Or if there might perhaps be some YouTube videos out there that would be good to watch. I’m looking for real in depth info/explanations. Like, why is double capping bad, how many people should be killing Svanir/Chieftain, and when should I consider back capping. Sort of meta stuff. Skill will come in time I know, but this is stuff that I’m just not sure where a good resource might be to learn.

Any help is greatly appreciated!