Showing Posts For Kari.7863:
Are we crafting legendaries or precursors? Since when did exotic weapons take ascended crafting materials and PvP and WvW grinds? Since the books are called, for example Bolt Vol. 1, are we crafting Bolt or Zap? I have not finished, and may not ever if the rng is as bad as you say for some of the collection items.
I am unhappy to admit that I do not enjoy the HoT areas. I absolutely hate jumping puzzles, hour-long story fights, and PvP. The living story was going along just fine, do-able but buggy. Then I got to the last part and found it horribly long, buggy, and requiring a party to successfully finish. I find the new terrain confusing and convoluted requiring repeating map events over and over to attain sufficient masteries to even access some areas; overall frustrating to navigate. I was super excited about the new precursor crafting, then found it costs much in ascended crafting items, and you must grind through hours and hours of PvP to get account bound currency. That was the deal breaker for me. I can follow the zerg and enjoy map chat in WvW, but PvP is vicious, repetitive, and time consuming. Most, if any chat is negative in nature, there. The old legendaries called for WvW but never for PvP, so why now? Not to mention the scavenger hunt part calling for fractal drops. I am disappointed in so many aspects of HoT and do not much enjoy playing it. All of my guild mates are spending most of their time in HoT areas and this makes it a choice of either buying HoT or giving up playing gw2. So I feel I was forced to buy it and hoping for better in the future. Legendaries was the main thing I enjoyed working toward, and I guess it will be back to tossing many, many rares and exotics in the mystic forge for me….
Yes to all above issues. I thought it would be trading time and exploration for a precursor, which is essentially an exotic weapon. This cost is way to much for materials and I really don’t like being forced to plod through endless rounds of PvP and WvW just to get recipe items; so—-I won’t do it and regret the 25 gold I spent buying the volumes.
I got Rodogort V. 1 done then saw the cost of the materials. The TP is a bargain in comparison since there must be similar costs for the next 2 levels, plus I really am not enjoying PvP at all. This seems excessive for what is essentially an exotic weapon, albeit a very rare one.
I just downloaded the 64 bit client on my laptop today and was able to see other player’s armor for the first time as I was able to play with autodetect selected for graphics instead of low for best performance. I have had no additional problems with this, that last fight in the living story though….
I finally got to this fight and was very disappointed. I fell prey to all the above mentioned bugs and my husband quit after 2 hours of this insanity. Is this story chapter meant to be done by a full 5 person group?
Please add a crafted exotic back slot item. This has been lacking since the beginning of GW2 and has apparently not been addressed in the new Celestial item additions.
I very rarely get in a dungeon party and play almost exclusively PvE since I find PvP and dungeons stressful – so – I need a soloable back piece and am really disappointed that there is no celestial option. I so look forward to using that beautiful windcatcher skin on a nice, exotic CRAFTED back item.
I see great potential in the new celestial armor. It is lacking a spineguard or trinket for the back slot.
I was hoping to see the back item in this update. There are really no exotic back items available to a solo player. Crafting makes everything else; why no back item?
I got stuck in “Air Drop-Defend the Cauldron in the Temple of Zephyrs until the Pact reinforcements arrive”. After an hour of fighting off wave after wave of enemies with no drops in hundreds (thousands?) of kills and no progress I must conclude it was bugged with an endless loop of fighting. The golem suit was fun, though it got to be tedious after an hour.
I have no intention of deleting the character stuck in this quest because she has nearly mastered jewelry crafting. I really would like to finish my personal quest story line, though. I would settle for being able to delete The Hatchery to take the alternate, or just declare it finished in order to get to the next episode. But I will not be happy just waiting endlessly for a fix to be implemented.