Showing Highly Rated Posts By Karril Daltaya.4980:

Forcing crafting for progression is bad

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

I do not craft. I do not craft in any game, it is a terrible thing to me. This game has always been about ‘play how you want’ but now if I want to get this new item level you will be forced to craft.

Now, they have said that there is a really rare chance for the items (in boxes) to drop, but how realistic is that? Most characters need at least two weapons, some as many as four or more. (For my mesmer and guardian, I tend to use all of the weapons, my ranger I only use a few)

At two weeks a craft, that would take months, if not a year to fully outfit…but with these ‘very rare drops’?

I would not have minded if they were able to be bought on the TP from people who /do/ craft. Give people who like to craft something to make money off of! Go for it! Makes me happy, makes them happy, everyone gets money and items…but forcing people to play in ways they dont want to for progression is against what this game was supposed to be about, isnt it?

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

What does "Role Playing" (RP) Mean?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

The thing is, RP is usually such a small part of ANY population that they would be on a desolate server otherwise.

My suggestion is give them their own chat channel.

Not on TC or Piken we arent. RPers are at least half, if not the majority.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

I am really worried about this as well, we chose two servers so we wouldnt have to worry about harassment and whatnot. We Have worked really hard to make our rather tight knit communities. Now they are going to be scattered about and seeded wtih a bunch of people who probably dont give a crap about rp, or might be hostile to it. Its not like Anet has a tickbox for ‘likes having rpers on their server’

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

I see this as not only a rp problem, but any server that has a really strong sense of community will also feel the sting. TC is pretty big on server pride, not just from rp, but from wvw and other things as well. We are a pretty tight knit bunch, and I know our server cant be the only one.

Things like this can really work to unravel the sense of community we have fostered together. Not to mention its going to make the spy problem on our server mumble even worse (talk about a headache)

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

I have 8 characters. It is going to take me over a month to get one set of armour done, even if I had all the money for it. If I /ever/ decide to change my build, I am screwed.

It costs me like 30 laurels just for the recipes for that alone, for one armour type. Its going to take me months of saving laurels to be able to afford the armour recipes for all three armour types.

All if this is not taking into consideration the heavy cost of even leveling one of the crafts to 500, let alone all three of them.

For those people with one 80, Ascended is a lengthy task. With those of us who have many (those of us who flourished during the days of exotics) we are being crippled by this.

It is going to be almost next year by the time I am done outfitting my characters with this new patch, and it is going to take most of my time and money in the game to do it.

Those people who say ’its only a 5% difference" really need to look at how things add up, it actually does matter.

SIDENOTE IN EDIT: All exotics that require gifts to make, wintersbark/bite, feathers of dwayna, mjölnir… those should become Asccended weapons. They take far far far longer than exotics to make, and really should be bumped up.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

(edited by Karril Daltaya.4980)

You opinion about Dredge?

in Fractured

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

Dredge is the only fractal that even if you hit it at the last fractal, you can go back to the start and go through the full set of another 3 fractals faster than beating it.

This frequently happens.

Please fix it or remove it.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

account bag

in Suggestions

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

This would make me spend real money in the cash shop. I love it.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

We don't like Trahearne *Spoiler Warning* [merged]

in Personal Story

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

Personally, I hope in the later story he pulls an Aizen, ala Bleach. Everyone thinks he is a good guy, a hero and whatnot…but after we defeat the necromantic dragon, the NECROMANCER HERO takes that power upon himself, and becomes the villain we need to defeat.

Then it would all make sense, his stealing our glory and everything, the manipulations… it would be a set up to /make/ us hate him.

That is how I would fix the Trahearne problem.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

Gold Transfer Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

Here is how it works: We make the legendary, I put it up on the tp. It sells. I get the money, put the overhead in the bank (2k) then split the remaining profit between the client, myself, and my partner.

This will normally be around 500+ for the client, 250ish for me, and 250ish for my partner.

Depending on what we make, what the items cost, and how much it is selling for currently.

We do this quite often, and it would ruin our way of making money.

You say, “normally,” and, “quite often,” in reference to your profit. Assuming that you have done this many times in order to establish a norm, what do you need the client for ? Isn’t that 500g profit (x the number of times you’ve done this) split between yours partner and yourself sufficient to fund ongoing production ? 500g times, lets say, 20 for quite often means ten thousand gold profit. Wouldn’t that be sufficient to keep the ball rolling ?

We have sold over 40+ legendaries. We take on Clients to provide map completion/karma/the things that money cannot buy. We then take those things, buy the precursor and all the materials, and create the legendary together.

We sell it on the TP, then we split the profit between the Client and Us 50/50 (Though our side then splits our half between the two of us)

As for the person who said that we are using an ‘unsupported way to make money’ How is selling things on the TP not supported? We are supposed to be able to make trades, are we not?

Or is it the fact that we habitually make trades that are larger than you do that it is ‘unsupported’?

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

It would be really nice for you to have more use in the personal story area of your hero panel. Perhaps a few more tabs? Something adding the stories and whatnot for you to read again later. Bonus points if you could get copies of old meta award skins again here.

Secondly POIs are boring as hell, collecting them is just a chore, but if each one gave you like…a codex entry? That you could collect and read later with a bit of lore or info about the site a lot more people would be interested in exploring and learning about the world for more than just getting their legendary.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

What does "Role Playing" (RP) Mean?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

The thing is, RP is usually such a small part of ANY population that they would be on a desolate server otherwise.

My suggestion is give them their own chat channel.

Not on TC or Piken we arent. RPers are at least half, if not the majority.

Not on TC, sorry. I can tell you there are more people NOT RP’ing on TC than there are RP’ers. That is a fact. RP’ers would like to make TC an ‘unofficial RP’ server but there are so many WvW guilds on TC now due to the awesomeness of the WvW play and the Tournament, it would be hard to do that.

My suggestion stands – have a local chat channel just for RP, so no one else can read it other than RP’ers. I would appreciate and I am sure the RPer’s would too.

Here is a neat little secret, you may not know: A lot of the rpers are also WvWers. In fact, I am in 4 wvw guilds CERN/PHS/KAZO/ZZZZ

I also rp. I am not a minority.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

Forcing crafting for progression is bad

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

crafting is a form of progression.

every other MMO out there has great icentives for lvling up crafting

WoW for example lets u craft gear that is the same tier as the current raid. and lets u sell to players.

its about time u had crafting so you can be self sufficant and start learning how mmos work.

Seriously? This is your argument?

I know very well how mmorpgs work, because I have had the misfortune of playing quite a few of them. None of which has ever forced me to craft so I could obtain the next tier of gear. There are always other ways that are just as viable to obtain it.

In this one, however, there is only a ‘very rare’ chance that you will get a box where you can get an ascended weapon. Considering that I, like many people, have multiple characters with multiple weapon sets…this poses quite a problem.

I do not need an ‘incentive’ to level up crafting. If i wanted to craft, I would. My point is that I do not wish to do it. This game has been all about not forcing you to do things, and now they are making it so you are going to be forced to craft. Not only craft, but spend quite a long time doing so, just to keep to the forefront of progression.

This takes away from the time I can be spending enjoying the aspects of the game that I /do/ find enjoyable, world vs world.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

What about people who do not like crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

Well you can say the same thing about an legendary if you do not like to craft then you CANT make one. Some ppl like to craft and a lot of the players have 400 crafting for the most part only to level up to 80. Crafting as is is pointless beyond making an legendary and some ppl like to craft and in truth most of GW2 is aimed at non craters this is just the first time crafting has a point i am sry every one is not you.

Actually, if you want you can earn the money to buy a Legendary without ever having to craft at all.

However, you cannot by an ascended weapon, this is drawkcab.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

This would really be helpful to keep the rp people together, I am worried that we have worked hard to create such a good community that fosters and supports rp, and now its just going to get broken up by them tossing people about willy nilly.

It was bad enough on TC when the huge amount of SoR people came and a lot of them were pretty anti rp at first (maybe they still are, but they shut up about it) I dont want to think about what it will be like with having people from any server just wandering through all the time.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

Account bound WXP

in WvW

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

Accbound WXP seems to be a huge undertaking. Have you considered starting a Kickstarter for it, ANet?

First thing about this whole debacle that has made me laugh, thank you.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

So we tried doing guild missions today, and it was an unmitigated disaster trying to get 150 people onto the same version of the same map.

Supposedly being in the same guild and the same server should help, but it didnt. We had to keep ferrying people into the same one, and trying to figure out which map had the most people in the first place in it and all kinds of other things.

It was kittening terrible.

Between this and the hero panel UI being totally borked, this patch has been pretty annoying for me.

(However, thank you for account bound things. That was pretty awesome)

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

A Formal Complaint: Take 2

in Mesmer

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

I am sitting here trying to stop the bleeding from my kitten from all the diversity they have bestowed upon us. As it is, it is going to be a while before I can sit down again…

(On a serious note: Thanks Pyro, I think your words pretty much sum up how must of us feel about now)

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

Queen's Gauntlet Engineer Tips and Tricks

in Engineer

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

Gold Transfer Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

500G may seem like an entirely arbitrary number, but I guarantee it is not. I took a look at our mail data (believe me, you guys really like mail and there is a lot of data) and set the value based on that. At 500G, it is not only functionally effective, but also it will only impact 0.175% of our players during an entire month’s worth of mails (if an account would hit the restriction once per month/30 days).

Looking more directly at those transactions, a large majority (98.228%) of those mails are being sent by RMT or compromised accounts (after selling off everything of value on an account).

Yes, there are going to be some edge cases that this is going to bump into, and as we look more into the impact that this change will have, we might change the restriction. However, we feel that this change is going to significantly impact RMT in our game along with help remove a very large reason to compromise accounts.

This is just the first step in our plan to help users keep their accounts secure. More will come as we progress through the year (and forevers!).

Any answer for those of us who deal in highend items, since you may have actually killed our business that we have had for, at least in my case, years?

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

Suggestion: WvW server channel on Chat Panel

in WvW

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

This is a wonderful idea, I really hope we can make this happen. When we lost lion’s arch, all servers lost a really important way to get reinforcements. Having a server chat would help bring that back.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

Gold Transfer Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

My partner and I make and sell legendaries, we handle sums of gold more than 500g several times a week. This will literally kill our business.

Sell them on the TP as intended and your business can continue.

We do sell them on the tp, but we also have Clients who own a piece of the profit. They have to be paid. Their share is normally more than 500g each time. Not to mention we have 2 guild bank slots that have 1k gold each in them for the purpose of making said legendaries.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

Antitoxic Fashion - Gas Mask Question

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

I agree, I would really like to have this helmet on easily half of my characters. I love it.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

Gold Transfer Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

Here is how it works: We make the legendary, I put it up on the tp. It sells. I get the money, put the overhead in the bank (2k) then split the remaining profit between the client, myself, and my partner.

This will normally be around 500+ for the client, 250ish for me, and 250ish for my partner.

Depending on what we make, what the items cost, and how much it is selling for currently.

We do this quite often, and it would ruin our way of making money.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

best overall server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

Tarnished Coast, voted Best Coast 2 years running.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

SnS recruitment *OPEN* [TC] Women/Couples+

in Guilds

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

Joined this Guild with my woman a while back, I have never had as much fun in this game as I have had since I joined this guild, thats about all I can say.

Love you guys.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

RNG - Please stop Anet.

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

Please stop with this RNG box nonsense! we all /hate/ it!

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

Nightmare Wallet for Alt-players Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

For me it is a nightmare because i relied on the bank to keep the money out of my inventory so i didnt spend it all the time. Now I just see ‘hrmmm…. I /can/ afford that thing i dont really need…’

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…