Showing Posts For Katlan.6301:
They gave two weeks notice before they turned off free transfers. If you followed the game at any length then you would have noticed this since they announced it all over the place, including on the launcher.
Moreover, it doesn’t sound like Anet’s fault at all, this is more on your “friends.” They could have easily notified you that they moved servers and that free server transfers were coming to an end.
My guild ended up moving also, and we also have some “friends” who no longer play even somewhat regularly. But we contacted them via vent, IM, ect… to let them know we were moving so that they could move before the free transfers were over. Did we contact everyone in the guild who no longer plays? No. But we did go out of our way to inform our “friends.”
Sounds like you are pointing the finger at the wrong people here just because umad
Ahh. thank you!
It seems that upon moving from Crystal Desert to Tarnished Coast (before free transfers were removed) I am no longer getting the WvW buffs. Is this a bug or can you not get said WvW buffs when you move servers in between a match or while you are on transfer cool down? Thank you!
Originally Twilight/Sunrise didn’t even give the “Legendary collector” achievement or count towards it. So they fixed that for people who recently have made the legendary’s, but they haven’t fixed the login screen issue. I mean you get the legendary achievement, so its clearly a legendary and intended to not require both to be merged into Eternity to get the achievement. But they havent fixed the login screen issue yet.
Id guess it will be fixed sometime in the next 36 months
(edited by Katlan.6301)
granted we may not see the actual fix for months and months and months. I am hoping that when they introduce the new legendary’s in January or February they go back and fix this. All it requires is adding Twilight/Sunrise to the existing coding for the achievement, which isn’t hard to do, but when they need to go back and add the new legendaries to it they have no excuse not to update it at that time.
This question is also raised nearly every few days, if not every week, by people. Which is good because it lets Anet know that people are constantly frustrated about it and that it is unfair
so basically afk for a few minutes so you lose a few times. because when I do it on my first run I get nothing. got it. And why is this botting protection? You get a booster and a karma jug on the first attempt…
a dev responded a while ago stating that it was a bug and a fix is in the works. I actually just made my twilight 2 days ago and I got the legendary collector achievement but i didn’t get the login screen achievement.
So it’s like they partially fixed it. tbh I wouldn’t expect it to be actually fixed until middle of january or february when they push the new patch/update that adds new legendaries. I would expect them, at that time, to go back and recode the existing legendaries to make it Twilight/Sunrise count
(edited by Katlan.6301)
Katlan, this is also a new thing. Legendaries weren’t able to be bought/sold before even though they were soulbound on equip. Go ask anybody who has made one, they weren’t able to be listed in the TP. Also, it’s clearly a bug one way or another because only three of them show up, twilight, the moot, and incinerator. So even if they are supposed to be able to be sold, it’s still bugged. Shush, kitten.
I made my own Twilight, I know what im talking about.. as confirmed by the poster above me
since you just look at the wiki and not on actual player findings. allow me to show you a post over 2 months ago:
Also.. if they weren’t sellable why would there be a legendary drop down tab in the AH? do people think before posting and claiming something is a bug
Way to look at the wiki and not the actual item description. They are soulbound on use, not on acquire. They have been this way from launch. You realize that at launch some of the components to making the legendary were soulbound to that character. So unless you acquired everything on that character you where out of luck. So they allowed you to make it on one character and give it to another.
Hence why soulbound on use. Instead of looking at the wiki, go ask anybody who has made one
they were always soulbind on eqp
It was answered about a week ago from the dev’s. I am not looking for the post, if you want to see it word for word you can do that effort
But they said it is a bug, a fix is in the work and will be released “soon” although they do not know “how soon.” The dev also thanked everyone for their patience
I agree with everyone else. if this is intentional then i don’t understand why, but a staple of mmo’s for generations is to be able to preview gear you can’t wear on your class.
What if i want to know to use my dungeon tokens for my clothie or to save it for when my leather wearer is 80? I need to be able to see how it looks.. making me need to switch characters is tedious and makes no sense since the feature was already implemented.
They are soulbound on use, not on acquire.
And lol… how is it Pay to win? Anet didn’t make that legendary and put it on the AH, another player did. And I was never aware of a legendary being BiS. It doesn’t have have any better stats than an exotic and its arguable worse since you can’t transmute it to have the states you want and your stuck w/Power, Vit, Toughness.
Please think about what your saying before you throw the P2W stuff out there
Thank you for the update/confirmation that it is a bug
I definitely think it should at least track between zoning into different maps, but at 80 its relatively simple and fast to get. Go to Cursed Shore and karma farm for an hour. You can do this solo or in a group. So long as you are careful and don’t get yourself killed, or switch maps, you should have the achievement in about an hour or less
people have been posting about this a lot and never once a response from a developer. would be nice for them to address this. Nothing like working for months on something to be denied part the benefit of your labor
has it been reduced to a .25 delay yet? Thought that change was not going to happen until the balance patch
Oh yeah, my friend finished Twilight last night and didn’t get the achievement or the character select screen image… least to say he was rather bitter
I am almost done making my legendary and I had been wondering this. So I guess I can’t transmute it to have different stat’s before or after I make the legendary? That stinks
If you do transmute it (only to have different stats, but still keeping the name of the legendary – i.e., the top bar) after you make the legendary, even if it goes to exotic status, do you still keep the cosmetic look of the weapon?
(edited by Katlan.6301)
Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5
Posted by: Katlan.6301
don’t know why anybody actually thinks it’s a nerf. Some of my nods do respawn by 90% of them don’t. If it was a nerf then they would all respawn at the same time. It’s clearly a bug that was introduced when they tried to make a code that prevented ppl from exploiting ori between overflow and normal servers.
Furthermore, some of my friends are not affected
Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5
Posted by: Katlan.6301
if this isnt fixed by monday… I think a lot of people are gonna lose motivation to play. making money is this game is very difficult (not that this is a bad thing), but if they continue to let a bug go on w/affects ppl’s main way to make money then they have made a huge mistake. probably one of the biggest mistakes a mmo company could make
Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5
Posted by: Katlan.6301
for everyone who thinks this is DR related.. y ou are wrong. If it was DR then every single nod would respawn at the same time for everyone. Some ppl are not affected by this, others are. Those who are affected have a few nodes repop but the others don’t. This is a bug and has nothing to do w/DR.
The fact Anet has not made an official response for something so game breaking blows my mind. This directly affects the economy and people’s ability to farm and craft. At least w/ the dungeon DR stuff they acknowledged it, this they ignore.
companies need to start realizing that communication is almost more important than promptly fixing bugs. Communication makes ppl feel like they are heard and that the companies know of certain issues and are sorry about it. But flat out ignoring something, so critical like this, is a huge mistake and all it does is turn ppl off from their game
Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5
Posted by: Katlan.6301
yep… still broken. reset didn’t fix anything.
They didn’t change Ori/Saplings to only reset w/ the daily timer because some ppl aren’t affected and some nodes “still” do respawn regularly. But at this rate it looks like we are all laughed at while Anet won’t do anything about this until Monday’s patch
Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5
Posted by: Katlan.6301
looks like the daily reset fixed the issue as all of the bugged ones respawned. Hopefully it’s fixed now
Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5
Posted by: Katlan.6301
this is pretty game breaking. I hope they don’t wait until Monday to “fix” this
Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5
Posted by: Katlan.6301
at least some of you are getting “some” nodes to respawn.
On Crystal Desert: 0 ori or orian saplings have respawned and only 1 ori node has respawned in frostreach.