Isle of Janthir
Showing Posts For Kattami.2084:
Isle of Janthir
For those that’ve given it a try, what do you think so far? I did a few duels running it, trying both 0/0/30/30/10 and 0/0/30/10/30, and it really shuts down condi necros/engis hard. Unless they add in a bit of power through either gear or utility/weapon choice, the fights pretty close to impossible for them. If they pass the hp threshold the condis would start melting me, but even then ether renewal takes care of that problem. Feels like a pretty useless trait outside of duels against condi classes though. Power builds won’t care, and in a group fight an ele isn’t gonna have an easy time staying above 90%.
Overall I’m probably just gonna stick to my regular build. I’m sure there’s some crazy build out there that can utilize this trait well, but for the time being outside of duels against condi classes I don’t see the appeal.
Isle of Janthir
I’m in the same spot as ionfone. Literally, since my sylvari actually looks almost the exact same, strangely. But yeah I miss the vibrancy of the colors we had, compared to their newer, dull shades. And when I dye something orange, I don’t want purples and greens and reds…I want orange. I also really miss how the leaves on the chest and the stems on the shoulders completely lose the separate color down the center. They were tied to the second dye box, but were changed over to the first dye box. So now you can’t dye those separately like in ionfone’s first picture, they HAVE to be the same color as the rest of the jacket.
If anet moves the stem colors back to the second dye box, that would be amazing. And the suggestions ionfone made would be a good way to try and please both crowds. As for the purples and such mixing in to the jacket now…would it be possible to just add a 4th dye box to the jacket? Let us be able to choose what those additional colors are, instead of just sticking us with set colors like that. The people who want their purple accents can have it, while others like ionfine and I, who want it to just be orange, can keep it orange.
Isle of Janthir
I’ve been looking around the forums, and I’m seeing a lot of negative feedback. Some of the big things I’ve seen are dissapointment over Scarlet’s involvement in fractals, outrage over Human light T3 being available as a gem store skin, and a lot of mixed opinions over the sylvari cultural armor, which has once again had its textures and colors changed. So overall, on a 1 to 10 scale, 1 being awful and 10 being amazing, how would you guys rate this update?
My opinions are below, so skip my ranting if you want, but be sure to share your ratings!
Personally, I’d give it a 3/10. Scarlet being behind it all once again is just…ugh. We had a chance to learn something new and interesting with this fractal, but no. Scarlet did it. Again.The new gem store armors annoy me as well, not just because they rehashed the human T3, but because once again we get gem store exclusive armor, that like many other sets, is on fire. We have a ton of gear with a fire theme, why do we need more? And honestly are we ever going to get new skins that aren’t tied to the gem store? I can’t even remember ever getting a new, full set of armor that didn’t cost gems.
The change to sylvari cultural armor is what personally annoyed me the most though. I spent a ton of gold outfitting my sylvari, only to log on today to find her looking MUCH worse. This has happened before, anet. I get that a lot of people complained, and changes were made to get the old looks back. I understand that a lot of people like how it is now. But please, in a game so heavily focused on aesthetics, don’t just change how a sets textures and dye scheme work so suddenly like that. Changing it again hasn’t pleased everyone, it’s just aggravated a new group of people.
The one good thing to me, and the only thing that earned this update a 3/10, is the new gvg arena. Finally we have an area without bloodlust, allowing us to have legitimate duels and gvgs. Yeah there’s people trolling in it, but that’s just people, I can’t entirely blame anet for that one.
I love GW2. I really do. I’ve played since the first week it released and have had a blast doing so. But I mean, lately…there’s new mmos on the horizon, anet. They’re gradually starting to look more and more appealing.
Isle of Janthir
The arena looks nice, great for gvgs. But the amount of people trolling have made it completely useless for duels. Nobody from the enemy servers can get in because our server has a group of sad individuals just killing everyone at spawn. And should they pass that there’s a second group in the arena, running around killing everyone. Without some sort of safe invulnerability areas or something, I don’t see this arena being used for duels until all the trolling dies down.
Isle of Janthir
wow kattami what a cool sylvari! xD
Used to be! I really loved that look. I was gonna look for a different shade of orange, since I felt the current one was a bit too…well, orange. I guess that won’t really be an issue anymore though.
Isle of Janthir
I’m incredibly dissapointed. I spent a lot of time and gold trying to give my sylvari a destroyer-esque look. Sure it wasn’t perfect, but I really liked how it was turning out. The armor was a nice mix of blacks and oranges, and the orange actually glowed like it was molten underneath in some spots. I log on today to find my T3 coats pretty much been ruined. No more orange, just a lot of black, purple and some green. Doesn’t really glow much anymore either. I get that a lot of people disliked the changes, especially when it came to stuff like the light armor…but some of us really LIKED it too.
Isle of Janthir
So I’ve played the game with this new voice line for a good few hours now. I still cringe every time I hear it. Please, please make this stop being a thing.
Isle of Janthir
Well I closed GW2, logged back in, and am still hearing it. Unless there’s some odd bug going on, female asura just got a really awkward sounding voice effect.
Isle of Janthir
I play a female asura elementalist, and I noticed that when I use burning speed, my character sometimes makes some “HWAAAAUGH” sound effect i’ve never heard before. Can’t say I’m a fan…makes her sound like she’s terrified. Has anyone else noticed new voice effects or have I run into some very, very strange glitch?
Edit: It seems to happen using the scepter auto attack in air as well. Ohhh I hope this is not a permanent thing.
Isle of Janthir
(edited by Kattami.2084)
Bumping to say, we are still recruiting! Come one, come all, join us in the fun!
Isle of Janthir
My new sylvari engi is my current favorite. I tried to give her a destroyerish look!
Isle of Janthir
I’d like an invite as well, still haven’t managed to beat Tequatl even once
Isle of Janthir
So far I’m hearing that the only way to get ascended weapons are to craft them or get really lucky with a drop. Does this mean the fractal weapons can’t be upgraded at all? I would assume they could since most of the other fractal gear is ascended or can be upgraded, but if the weapons can’t then that’s just odd.
Isle of Janthir
Oh wow, it’s the classic matchup! All of our servers have improved a ton since the last time we were all together, it’s gonna be an interesting week! :D
Isle of Janthir
Come on, Anet needs to see this! Even outside of WvW it’d be nice to know that someone you’ve blocked cannot find you at all.
Isle of Janthir
Oh man I can’t wait to see how mine will look! I’m more excited for this than I am for christmas!
Isle of Janthir
This really is something that should be enabled. Spies in WvW can easily ruin a servers plans, and this just gives both commanders and players some security they can rely on, instead of having to be as secretive as possible in their own TEAM chat.
Isle of Janthir
Definitely gotta agree with nyckolag, you were crazy out there! I remember seeing DDLG run through foghaven, and I’ve never seen a zerg that huge balled up so tightly. Gonna have to keep an eye out for you guys this week.
Isle of Janthir
Oh my goodness, your artwork is awesome and I need some! My character’s an Asura elementalist, and I’ve got nothing in mind for a pose, but I can say that she pretty much always looks happy. Dunno if this will be enough reference pictures but if it’s not I’ll gladly get some more.
Isle of Janthir
Just something fun I thought of when messing with some guildies. With such a wide variety in races, two of which are quite large, the ability to ride on the backs of others would be a very nifty little feature. Obviously piggyback rides would just be for fun and have no real use: they wouldn’t get people around any faster(Possibly even slower), wouldn’t be doable in combat mode, and would maybe even remove the ability to jump when doing so. All it would be is an entertaining way to travel around Tyria with a friend. I realize it would take a lot of work to implement such a thing, but it would definetly be awesome to be able to do so someday!
Isle of Janthir