Showing Posts For Keal Mindblaster.5783:
Ok, so now my feedback:
At first I’d like to say, 99.9% of this release is AWESOME. But the remaining 0.1% is the Big World Boss Spawn Timer which is more than a HUGE mistake to my mind. Let me explain why (I’m a German player on Riverside Server)
1: It’s a slap in the face for all players who have to maintain a family or work shifts. We have more than handful of players only in my guild who are now not able to do any Tequatl or Triple Trouble Encounters because they work late shifts (1pm to approx 9 or 10pm) or have to look after their kids, so they don’t login before 8 or 9pm. Getting up to do the event 5am after a late shift can’t be the alternative….
2: Why putting a timer on the Karka Queen exept for a cooldown? At least on Riverside it is a well established tradition to kill her after the Tequatl encounter with all the players moving to Southsun Cove. Why are you taking away this opportunity? It was time efficient and a lot of fun seeing the community organizing itself this way…
3: Making Events activatable by guilds who can afford it WILL have a bad influence as it will empower ‘Mass-Guilds’ to make their own rules and control Event times on the server. It’s already foreseeable as it is a similiar situation to the big WvW-guilds. It will be like: What? You are not using OUR Teamspeak? You do not use OUR Skill or Weapon Sets…well then…you will not be allowed to participate.
4: You already have to be in the correct overflows (or Megaservers in the future) way beforehand for the big Events. (More than an hour especially on weekends) ‘Correct’ means you’re on a map where organization and people who use TS are present. This mostly applies to our home-map (Riverside) and MAYBE one overflow on weekends (happens rarely). What do you think will happen when 90% of the people will only be able to do the 8pm Tequatl encounter? Ridiculous….
5: 7-10pm is the most important time frame for our guild as most people are logged in and we’d like to use that time for fractals, dungeons, guild events etc. Instead, we will now be standing in public districts waiting for huge bosses anonymously, instead of playing together. Ok sure, we can still do that, but then we miss the actually well designed events… Tequatl, Worm etc. were always great to do when not enough people were there to play any instanced content, which is in the afternoon, later evening or before lunch (remember the shift workers). That’s impossible now.
These are probably the most important issues I am seeing….
So please, please, PLEASE rethink that concept…
Guys, HUGE +1 on this one.
I don’t want a ‘Pearl-Spear of Mother of God blah’ … I want my Al’ir’aska back
Happended to me twice, first a few days ago, and now just 5 Minutes ago.
Any Anet Statement?
Ok, so let me add my experiences.
This is not supposed to be whining, but since GW2 release my guild members and I are experiencing odd drop-behavior.
Example 1: One Mate was absolutely flooded with Black Lion Chests. Regardless of where he went, every second or third enemy would drop him a chest. After only one month of playing he had several stacks of Chests, I had about 50 on 3 characters.
After a patch in november, (not the one changing the rates) he nearly doesn’t get chests at all anymore. (Maybe one in a week) So…I’d call this odd.
Example 2: I start to feel there is something like luck Accounts, or (which I feel is more likely) the RNG uses some parameters that lead to better drop behavior for certain characters and/oir Accounts. One of my guildies, probably our luckiest person at the mystic forge, buys 24 rare sigills, gets at least 2 superiors and can sell them for profit or at the very least for the money he bought the 24 sigills. When I do the same (and believe me we did this many many many times) I’m very likely to get no superior sigill at all, and if I get one it is nearly a 100% soulbound or worth nothing at the TP. So nearly always a 100% loss for me. The exact same applies to the gambling with rare runes that I get when salvaging rare items.
Example 3: Again the mate from Example two. We approximatly have done the same amount of daily successes and we have opened similar amounts of Black Lion Chests. Until today he got about 25 Black Lion Salvage Kits, I had 5. 500% difference. Nobody in the guild came close to his rate. Same applies to the recipies out of the X-Mas Gifts. So far I got 1, he had about 10 already.
Example 4: I can only underline what others said. The droprate for exotics and rares from bosses and chests SIGNIFICANTLY declined. I did about 10 fractals today, I used to get out with at least 1 ecto per fractal, in 10 fractals I usually had about 1 exotic.
Today I got 2 rares out of 10 fractal chests, nearly no green items, no exotic for any teammate. When I did the Shatterer about 2 hours ago, I got only blue items from the chest. Nothing green, golden or Orange, no Loadstone, NOTHING. Conclusion: Waste of time, like every dragon event I ever did. Fighting Jormags Claw sometimes costs you about 30 Minutes, especially when it’s buggy again, and you are ‘rewarded’ with 5 blues, when you’re lucky with 1 or 2 greens. Including travelling costs, this leaves me with a profit of 5 silver out of 30 minutes. There might be something wrong eh?
The exact same applies to the dungeon chests outside the fractals and to the drop rates of recipes from certain dungeon bosses. I have more than one bank tab filled with Tokens, and I already used quiet a few of them. And I NEVER saw one dungeon boss or chest drop a recipe, not for me, not for any teammate. In this whole time, I only saw 3 exotic drops, even rares only occur maybe once a day. Best example is Honor of the Waves way number one. I used to get about 10 greens out of this way, maybe one rare. At the moment I get 2 greens when I’m lucky (Omnom used), I haven’t seen drop a rare from a chest for a couple of runs for anybody and even the normal drops seem to have declined.
What I want to say: I can hardly suppress my feeling that the RNG does not evenly distribute drops form the forge, chests and mobs. Additionally the increase in drop rates especially for boss mobs seems to have turned into the exact opposite.
I’d really like an official statement and some NUMBERS. Do not only talk about increase or decrease. Give the community evidence. What’s the rate for salvaging ectos, what’s the chance for a precursor, how often will you get a rare from a veteran mob and so on. Be transparent here. This is the only way to end this discussion, at least for me, because the latest happenings and observations have created a lot of mistrust and sometimes I felt playing ‘normally’ was a waste of time. (Farming CoF the whole day is not my style of playing)
Thanks for reading, and have a nice X-Mas first
My Addition: I feel you shouldn’t find new Ascended items, instead let us find Upgrade components that can either upgrade exotics OR multiple of them can be used to generate a new ascended item. You can use the Mystic Forge or the related profession for that. This way there’s no need to throw away expensive exotics and if there wasn’t any exotic it is possible to instantly get an ascended item.
I feel a good way of bringing both opinions together (not lowering the HP and keeping fights interesting) would be to change the behavior of the enemy during the fight.
I’ve got an idea for Subject A: How about making those little Essences he scatters into vulnerable? They run away, and the more you manage to kill or damage the weaker he is in the next fight. This is still challenging (if you balance it the right way) and good teams can take an advantage out of their good gameplay.
concerning the waypoints: I still feel waypoint placement in some dungeons is just broken by design. But obviously I’m not the only one who thinks that…
i feel increasing dps and lowering hp might make sense in some fights, but i think Subject A doesn’t need more dps…if you miss out on leaving the circles you’ll definetly die…in his case the fight just becomes boring…especially because there is the same fight 3 times in a row
waypoints: I totally agree, you need to take Players out, that’s why I said a waypoint 30secs away isn’t a problem. I felt a pretty good solution was the waypoint setting in Garden story mode. There you have waypoints in the boss chambers before the boss you’ve just defeated. so you always need some time to get back into the fight, but there’s no way you can pull enemies there. It’s not the fact i have to walk that pisses me of…in some cases it’s just the distance…because a walk of several minutes through areas you’ve completed isn’t that much fun…
And I feel when jumping puzzles occur in the dungeons they should have a waypoint right before them. They’ve done that in CoF (the flame bowl runway) und in CoE (the Laser corridor….I loved that idea…just missed the Red Queen in the form of a little Gwen holograph behind it xD) but they forgot it in the garden. And from there the last waypoint is really several walking minutes away….that makes this good idea somehow stupid…as other team members who made it just stand invisible behind the corridor and wait for the last person to complete the puzzle…but instead of doing the puzzle the person is taking a walk…
2 Questions for the developers (I’d really appreciate an answer from you guys!):
a) I’m loving the Resident Evil-like setting of the Inquest-Dungeon…but why so you have to fight Subject A 3 times EVERY run and why does he have like a trillion hitpoints…I’m not saying nerf his AoE skills or whatever…I’m just saying make those fights shorter. A group unable of dodging his attacks will die in a very short time anyway. But after a while it just gets exhausting and it isn’t any fun anymore because you have to pay alot of attention as those fights are very stressful. Did every way a couple of times now, but I’m always thinking the same afterwards…difficulty is absolutely okay, but the dungeon really suffers from those exhausting and especially boring fights. Which is a pitty, as the rest is awesome as I find, maybe the Destroyer on way 3 should have less HP or the shield should disappear for longer, the fight also gets boring after a few minutes as oneself doesn’t die…but he doesn’t either.
So please reduce HP of Subject A or just make him the end-boss without the need to fight him 3 times…that just doesn’t makes sense.
b) Biggest concern: WAYPOINTS. Who decided on the placement of waypoints? Please send him to the moon and give him his return ticket when he did his homework. I understand the logic behind the fact that you do not put a waypoint everywhere, as boss fights would become too easy in some cases. But in some dungeons, namely Inquest and the Garden, waypoint placement’s a bad joke.
Where is the sense behind walking like 5 minutes through the dungeon after you have died? That doesn’t make it harder, it makes it stupid. I remember you guys saying: Death shouldn’t feel like a huge penalty…well you failed on that one to my mind.
Keeping dead players away for like 30 secs too make sure the fight goes on without them is okay…but those endless walks make me tired…and sometimes it is not avoidable that someone dies…and in most boss fights rezzing is not possible as it takes ages (another point i find….strange). Ever tried to rezz a completly dead person (not in fight to survive anymore) in a fight against Subject A? Impossible. You’ll see what I mean. Another good example is the puzzle where you become invisble in the Garden…I loved the idea…but after the failing the first time i tried…I walked like 500 miles (bad joke I know) to get back and give it another try…where’s the sense in that?
And why do the flowers respawn in completed areas…nerve-wrecking!?
Please pay attention to those points, as I find changing them doesn’t make things easier (which is not necessary as I find) but makes the game more fun.
As already stated, I absolutely support the idea of limiting inflation. I just said I find that paying this much for armor repairs is a frustrating factor which could be easily eliminated.
Before I start I want to cite you, Anet: We want the players to have fun, death shouldn’t be as bad as in other games and traveling costs will be moderate.
Ok, have a look at the status quo:
2 days ago I did Caudecus with a couple of friends, explorer mode, task: Find the Seraphs.
Group compilation: 2 Rangers lvl 69 and 80, 1 Engineer lvl 70 (me), 1 Guardian Lvl 70 and an Elementalist lvl 65
Required lvl: 45
Items gained: all Blue Crap
Money earned: -5 Silver
This is where my criticism starts. Repair costs are INSANE. I played 2 hours, we got to the completely imbalanced end boss (how won’t you die in that fight? Once he focuses on, you are dead within seconds) and I ended up repairing my broken armor 2 times. ALL Parts. Not included the smaller repairs I had to do before.
So…where is this not frustrating? I experienced the same in Ascalonian Catacombs with the Asura quest where you have to collect Essence. I do not complain about difficulty at all. I want it to be hard, I want it to last 2 hours, I want to have a challenge.
BUT Bosses must allow tactics (I haven’t found an effective one for the ‘Blinkaround-beinvisible-poisoneveryone-makeredcircleseverywhere-ikillyouwithtwostrikes-Boss’ in Caudecus yet), but all that is irrelevant if you spend money instead of actually earning it. This is FRUSTRATING…exactly what you didn’t want it to be. 10 Silver means I have to participate in at least 5 or 6 Events in a lvl 60 Area to get this money back…but to travel there I spend another 2 Silver. I absolutely understand you have to keep an eye on the amount of money that is in the game…but please do it in a way that does not frustrate players that much. Traveling and Repair Costs seem so absolutely senseless when you have played Guild Wars 1 before. On lower levels it was sometimes cheaper to buy a new armor at the Trading Post instead of repairing it…a clear sign of a broken game mechanic to me.
So my absolute clear suggestion:
Completely REMOVE Repair and Traveling Costs. Having to get back to the Repair-Anvil and HP-reduction is enough penalty for death as the boss you fought might just have fully regenerated .
Traveling costs of that height limit the will to play together or to ‘help someone quickly’ as you have to play for a minimum of 15 or more minutes just to get that money back you actually wanted to spend on a piece of armor or something. And
they introduce stupid repetitive actions. When I want to get back to a city I always ‘Travel to the mists’ then go to the portal to Lions Arch and then I use the Portals there to get to my destination city. Stupid and long way to do it…but better than paying 2 or more Silver for traveling. I thougth that where things Anet didn’t want to do with Guildwars 2. I hope you read this and do something about it and other opinions are very very welcome.
And to be nice in the end: I enjoy the game a lot, I honor the hard work behind it…but keep this work up, it is still needed!
I absolutely agree. I want to play a dungeon with different characters, although I may have a certain item in mind i want to get through tokens. Best Example: I want an item for my mesmer out of Ascalonian Catacombs, but I feel much more comfortable with my engineer in there…so why would you make it that hard for me?
Equipping More than one Rune in Armor fails but destroys the second Rune
Posted by: Keal Mindblaster.5783
This is not a bug.
You have to apply the second rune to another piece of armor to make them stack.
You sort of create a special armor set when applying multiple runes of the same type