Showing Posts For Keen.9530:

Launch Time?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Keen.9530


People are really making a fuss about this? So what if it hasn’t started yet? Go do everything you would normally do if there was no event.
I really don’t see what’s the big issue here.

Some of us paid for this game. As a paying customer, I think I have a right to voice my concern on a forum kindly provided by the developers of the game. YOU may not be able to empathize enough to understand your fellow players’ frustrations, but just as you feel some of us should not be fussing about what you perceive as a small issue, some of us feel it is not your place to be telling us what we should or should not be doing.

Launch Time?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Keen.9530


They are advertising on the EN-GB website as December 14, for sure. I imagine it’s the same for all, if not most, of the other EU sites. Which is why so many people are upset right now.

Launch Time?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Keen.9530


By stating on their official website that Wintersday begins on 14th December (even without giving a specified time) ANet should have had the foresight to expect that their playerbase WILL log on and expect the event to begin. I don’t think the EU community is wrong for getting upset that many of them, including me, are staying up late to attend this event. I will go as far to say that ANet is being a little irresponsible for providing such vague information.

I want baby Quaggan stuffed animal please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Keen.9530


Here’s a fan-made quaggan plushie toy that a lady called Koreena made:

If you check out her website (you can find the links somewhere in the article), she does take commissions, but as she is a very busy woman and mother, her pre-order lists for quaggans can be long.

Cheers and happy gaming!

(edited by Keen.9530)

Things I miss from Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keen.9530


Thank you Sabo for a great post. I am complete agreement with most, if not all of your points presented.

There is one thing I would like to add to your list:

Enemies do not immediately respawn in GW1. When you entered an instanced area, whatever you killed stayed dead. Eventually, if you were so inclined, you could clear out the whole area as part of progression towards your Exploration title. But titles aside, the fact that my downed enemy stayed dead (and didn’t return unless you zoned in and out again) gave me that sense of temporary achievement.

In GW2, that sense of achievement is slapped back in your face. An example of this occurs very early in the start of GW2 – the Bandithaunt Caverns. Running in, meeting thugs, killing or stealing back supplies as part of your quest objective. Then, you turn around to head home. Not 5 minutes later, the thugs you fought respawn in the exact same spot you killed them. This can start to feel frustrating especially when you’re low on health and suddenly you’re swarmed by a mob which you thought you killed earlier.
It also makes playing solo nearly impossible especially for caster classes; even with my Warrior I struggled through areas that have incredibly insane respawn rates. Not everyone wants to team up with another player or their guildies – some days, maybe I just want to be on my own – but in GW1, this wasn’t really a problem because, you’re right, I could bring my henchmen or my heroes.

This is one of the biggest flaws in GW2 that is a deal-breaker for me. While I am no stranger to dodging like a maniac and picking out a path that contains the least number of wandering mobs if I don’t feel like fighting, it doesn’t change the fact that some of the respawn rates are so ridiculous, even a full party of five can’t handle it.

(edited by Keen.9530)

Beetletun Omelette Recipe When Armorsmithing?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Keen.9530


On one of my characters, I have Armorsmithing and Chef as my disciplines. When I go to an Armorsmithing station and click “Production” tab, there is a production sub-header called “Meal”, stating the recipe for “Beetletun Omelette”.

I thought this is very strange. Shouldn’t this be classified as a Chef-based recipe, rather than Armorsmithing?

Has anyone experienced this too?