Showing Posts For Kees.2573:
Flaming Xaoc is lol Blacktide got to the position it was at because these guys logged in 7 days a week and pulled 14-15 hour shifts. They paved the way for more guilds to move in and capitalize on the morning dominance to make EU primetime easier to hold.
CIR – Ins For Da Wagh
Thanks for giving tribute to us. We really appreciate.
“Blacktide has a “never give up, never bow down” attitude that will carry us to the top.”
Haha kind of funny that server hopper say this. One bad week and you probably change server again.
Pff… They didnt go to Desolation or other T1 server. They didnt avoid challenge and joined T4 server, which had more potential than their previous one. I dont see any reasons to blame them.
(edited by Kees.2573)
Project Blacktide - Pan Continental Alliance Looking for US and EU Guilds
in WvW
Posted by: Kees.2573
we were slacking during last few days, cause of guaranteed win
Lin, we still have major presence on BGs. Chaos never sleeps
2 other guys, especially from Desolation, stop crying about mesmers, terrain exploits etc. ThUn are skilled enough to organize such tricks. If you cant do the same, then search problem in yourself.
(edited by Kees.2573)
We talk about glitching, which was used once, but we still dont know names to punish them.
Using portals isnt exploit, lol. If you couldnt find a mesmer in your castle, then you lose it. It’s just smart using of ingame mechanics. L2p, ok?
The only problem it was a silent leading. Where they were talking to eachother (probably via TS) while the rest of us were just following them. It kinda worked.
Well, yes, that is the problem. Actually, I can tell you right now that it is so not only for Russian guilds. I saw other organized raids, and they, while doing a good job and being organized, also were pretty silent, never saying where they go.
Now, I am in GF, so I can talk on behalf of GF only, and I can say, that GF tries to work on that problem. Actually, it is my exact job to, while I am with GF raid, to coordinate and explain to others what our plans are. And that helps, cause unaffiliated players add a lot of power to the raid.
But anyways, that is the discussion for other topic, I think. Maybe even not for this forum either.The score part is off but so i’m going by what the other guy translated because the context fits.
It is said by the Greenfire person which I guess is part of the alliance.To understand this in full context, you would have to translate like 100+ pages of angry arguments on forums, which is like a central station for Russian MMO community. You know, the main argument of people who don’t like us there (and the Petrichor is one of them) is that we – DL – do not do anything on FS, and are being pulled up by Scandinavian guilds. After months of such trolling and other insults, it is no wonder, that people would start to respond in a similar manner.
That’s really all there is to it.
I know the main reason why other russian players dont like you – you are arrogant trolls.
“Xaoc from Blacktide just tried getting into Ascension Bay on AR borderlands by using the underwater exploit. Pretty sad tbh. I guess this is what you try to do when you are losing to us in primetime, huh?”
In primetime, problem is to hold a castle for long. Those imbeciles could get it (did they even try? cause they saw defenders outnumber them) but couldnt hold.
Glitching into AB couldnt give us 100k advantage to the end of the week.
don’t worry they not glitching only on your broderlands but everywhere when they are not able take something by swarm, but taking bay by exploit is theyr favourite,
You lie. Ask any other past enemy. We never used it before and wont use it in future. Problem is to find that imbecile who initiated glitching and smash his head.
Btw, you look like another jealous Xaoc hater (they are russians too, usually).
If they think they are gods, and success of the server is their success, remember any failure is yours too.
It’s completely understandable that they’d take that position, however we should probably also consider that by the same reasoning I could use a Mesmer glitch/skill to swim “under the world” and destroy the alters of power from below. Whether or not it’s officially cheating I am sure we can all agree it’s bad sportsmanship. Naughty Russians, naughty!
Agree, bad sportsmanship. I even cant understand why they tryed it. They knew that they are spotted. Maybe it was just an “exploration” for fun. I would understand if mesmer sneak to castle and summon mates through portal, thats unfair, but typical.
It’s a shame to see a big guild like Xaoc using these methods in order to bypass defences. You’re clearly not supposed to stand on air nor jump on vertical pillars in order to get in.
Yes I have sent a report to Arena net via in game and mail, sadly I tried to delete this post before mainly because I did not really think when I posted it. Someone told me that posting it on the forum was a bad idea, and yeah it is.
So if a moderator see this, can you please delete the post. I don’t want everyone and their mother to know of this glitch. Just arenanet.
Nothing shame. Yes, we are a big guild. It gives us some benefits but problems also. Lack of organisation and control over our members is the first one. I am a private member, but i know official position – we cant answer for deeds of all members, but they will be punished if we know them.
(edited by Kees.2573)
Typical Xaoc they tried that couple weeks ago too. but i dont have fraps or anytinh lik that.
typical Xaos never use exploits
We arent nightcappers. We have GMT +4, so you feel stronger at your primetime cause we sleep already.
Discussed? lol
hey FS, stop crying and l2p
Thanks <3
we try hard