Showing Posts For Kenny.8961:

Extreme lag spikes since patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kenny.8961


Encountering a similar problem here.

I’m from Hong Kong and 200 ping is normal for me. after patch I would have some constant lag spike as my ping goes to like 500-1000 and drop back to 200. I tried to use cmd of windows with the command “ping -t” targeting the IP I got from using game command and notice packet loss, mostly when lag spike occur.

Funny thing is that I joined a T4 FotM game yesterday, with the same group for 2 fractals, and I only encounter the packet loss at the entrance island (pinged like 15 sec and have 1 loss giving result of average 4% loss) but for the whole run it’s really smooth. All zone travel send me to a new IP. I am computer noob and can’t tell what it means, but it makes me wonder if it’a mine or ANet’s server problem.

DSD's Minions?

in Living World

Posted by: Kenny.8961



Quaggan likes you.

Feeling Rorted - Anet wasting my time?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kenny.8961


I’m not saying your irritation isn’t legitimate, but you don’t need a title to brag. You did it before most people and not only is that something no one can take away from you, but it’s something you can brag about.

Let me pose an analogous scenario to you that happens in raiding games all the time: Top guilds compete to see who can kill the bosses first. Pretty soon, the top guilds get the bosses killed and get them on farm status (meaning they can kill the bosses without fail each weekly reset).

Fast-forward to a few months later. The top guilds have been farming the bosses for a long time and a few 2nd tier guilds are getting some kills, but most raiding guilds are struggling a lot with progressing. They are getting killed over and over by tight requirements and unforgiving mechanics. So to ensure that the bulk of the raiding population (the lower tier guilds) don’t give up on the game, they nerf some of the harder bosses. Inevitably some of the people in top guilds complain about this, but there is no special title for it.

The people in the top guilds already got their reward, in the form of 1) getting all the rewards before everybody else and 2) being able to brag about their accomplishments. In fact, they can now say “I killed X boss pre-nerf.”

This is usually how it works in MMOs, that for the first ones there, the thing that separates them from the people who came later is the feeling of knowing that they got to the finish line first. Like a race.

If you got this stuff before the nerfs, you already placed first. You won the race. Anet could give you a badge to say that you won the race, but I have to ask: Are you sure the medal is what you did it for, or was it for the feeling of beating the competition?

I get what you’re saying and I agree for the most part. In regards to you analogy to say WoW, Blizzard actually make certain achievements and titles unavailable after they nerf them to acknowledge those who were able to do it before the nerfs. I’m just saying Anet are listening to and rewarding a lot of crying about the amount of effort.

I did enjoy the time I put in, but now the next bloke gets to come along, put in half the time and get the same reward….. I hope you can see how that is rough.

Please don’t mind if I add a point. Even for the WoW achievement, afaik it’s gone when next raid is (going to) opened so people won’t be using the new equipment to finish the old raid.

Are we getting new ways for HPs, or did they just tune down the challenging part of the existingHPs? Nope. Seems not the same scenario for me than.

In addition, Blizzard gives you several weeks to challenge the boss before achievement is gone, and they did announce before that. Did Anet do so? Nope. Five days and it changed in a sudden. That’s what makes me feel bad, not the aspect of game play but PR.

*edit for spelling

(edited by Kenny.8961)

Feeling Rorted - Anet wasting my time?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kenny.8961


Last night at 11:45 (GMT+8 here), I just got my last HP needed and told my guildmate “wow finally completed my reaper line”. When I wake up, humm, 250 points now.

I have been running around in the Jungle, like looking for all the updraft or jumping in the pit then choked by poison gas in the pass few days. Though I’m a bit mad for the challenges, it is full of fun. But hey, why do I need to do that, I mean, if upcoming change is expected? I can go back to SW to farm my mastery, join some more FotM or new map events or else, but not going for the HP for all my time. Oh I forgot to mention, I had been taking it as a real challenge, as I tried to look for and solo most of the HP (condition mm Necro is pretty nice), other than the last 60 HPs needed as I am exhausted and I am failed to look for the rest.

The 250 change is good, at least a herald is much more possible for people like me that don’t have much time to play. Still, It would be much better if, at least the change is not coming out all in a sudden, like if you announce it and give us a few days to prepare our mind for the change (Ya I am salty, but if people have already been crying that 400 HP is harsh for them, why don’t let them cry for just a few days more? An upcoming change as a promise should be enough to ease part of the rage) . We are minority, but still, please consider our feeling.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kenny.8961


Is it intended that the bouncing mushroom next to the HP challenge “Toxin-cured Hog” cannot be step on? I have been trying to jump onto it and keep overlapping with the mushroom as shown, and can do nothing but jump hopelessly in it but cannot trigger the jump. I tried another two mushroom around the waypoint, the these mushroom cannot be “pass through”.


Having both DS and RS for Reapers?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kenny.8961


Thanks for your comments! I’m not good at collating ideas, sorry for not updating the first post.

Thanks for pointing out this: can’t swap between DS and RS (need to leave and wait for CD first), that’s important. For myself, I won’t asking for access to all 10 skills without leaving Shroud by swapping or other means, still need to consider which skill set is needed, but at least we can choose that set.

While I’m the one giving ideas, it might be not so suitable but I myself don’t like the idea of adding utility in DS/RS. I personally like the RS setting and think it has potential (and accept the DS setting), if we add too much in, which might end out as “OK RS is too strong, lets nerf it”.

I also notice the point the elite is substituting, not simply upgrading the class. It might be right, but we don’t have enough sample right now, so lets look forward for more reveal. Still, lets throw more ideas right now and wish the dev will give us some more funny things, no need to be OP but more fun is always welcome. They need time to work on even if they love an idea.

  • Got my CoF zerker armor set and exotic necklace, and having some ascended ring ready. Can’t want for the release of reaper! Some suggestion would be pleased: would Rune of Traveller good for PvE Reaper?

Having both DS and RS for Reapers?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kenny.8961


It’s a QQ thread.

As far as I know, for the already (partly) revealed elite, Necro and Guardian will have their mechanisms replaced, for Mesmer a new button is added and Ele might choose whether overdrive or not.

I am not saying the new Reaper Shroud is bad, as I am actually looking forward for it (and farming for zerker). What makes me feel strange is that, it’s like I must be dedicated in melee once I spec the Reaper path, which is a bit different with the “add-up” for Ele and Mesmer.

So my little (?) suggestion is that, if it is possible to have a F2 button for Reaper Shroud, and retain the F1 button for original Death Shroud?

To avoid imba (thought it might be imba already), both share the same Life Force bar is a must. In addition, same button will have CD according to the skill used, for example, if you use DS2, both DS2 and RS2 go for 15 sec CD; on the other hand, after using RS2, both DS2 and RS2 have 6 sec CD. For some trait works on RS, I’m not sure if it would be OP to work on DS, well +20% attack speed for DS1 seems nice, but hey since we don’t have RS in water, so I guess ANet can deal with it with the same idea.

I’m not sure if it is needed or just for fun, but sure it gives us more choice like, if you really needs a CC at that moment, instead of RS3 > RS2 jump in > RS3 again for fear, DS2’s doom will be a better choice (with much more distance!); or like I don’t need to change my trait so I can shoot Teq or some dragon with DS1 far away.

Oh it might be unfair to Guardian if we have this change, so simply give them a F4 button to swap between version of virtue can be a solution, and with the share CD system should be OK, as both version of passive seems to be the same and shouldn’t matter much.

Full minion builds will never be good.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kenny.8961


sorry for interrupt

I have never tried mm necromancer at all, and I just pick up some minion and wander around as I am bored. I don’t know if it is called “fixed”, but, other then the golem, most of the minion (didn’t try shadow) will stand still until I start attacking some mob, or if it is being attacked (no response when other minion or I am under attack). Golem will seek nearby aggressive mob (red name one) and beat it, but will also stand still when there are only neutral mob (yellow name one) around. While my friend told me that mm always bring him some new friend in GW1, I think is acceptable.

I cannot say it is perfect now as I also noticed some situation that even bone minion would not response to, namely when a newly summoned wolf is under my attack, but it only happened once. Still, grateful if some mm necro can try and see if there is a (partly) ninja fix on the mm AI issue.

Hey Orange!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kenny.8961


The witch outlet looks nice so I bought one, and I really love that skill 4 (Ride Bloom), which is really cute, until I look at my face, as attached.

Oh well, I understand that it must be fun riding on a bloom, but is that a must to modify the facial detail to such extend?
