Showing Posts For KevEveryDay.8163:

New PVP Mesmer Title

in Mesmer

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


Transcended Illusionist sounds cool. i was thinking like at 5k wins have a Legendary Illusionist or something like that

New PVP Mesmer Title

in Mesmer

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


I think in HOT they should make new titles in pvp Larger than Champion Illusionist just hit my 3.5k win on mesmer … just saying =]

Mesmer Shield Phantasm!

in Mesmer

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


what if we dont have sheild thats just a new skill some kind of manipulation of taking the enemy’s offhand)

Mesmer Shield Phantasm!

in Mesmer

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


no dagger or pistol :/????


in Mesmer

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


Maybe with the expansion we will get eternity beams and mainhand pistol?

Hall Of Heroes

in PvP

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


it doesnt even need to be the same besides the last match relic runs or king of hill

Hall Of Heroes

in PvP

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


I am oldschool PD mesmer whats the chance of getting hall of heroes in gw2 has anyone heard anything? is it a possibility.. kind of love and miss that place.

Champion Illusionisttttttt

in PvP

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


Don’t troll me ! I’m being serious … Thought it was a good idea

Champion Illusionisttttttt

in PvP

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


Hi so im coming up to 1000 pvp wins with my mesmer… 150 tourney win gave title. What about adding more Titles for people who play a lot of one class Like Legendary Illusionist. etc :p just a thought id hate to hit 1000 wins and not get something for it

This is for the Old School Guild wars pvpers

in Suggestions

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


What is the chances of getting Hall of Heroes back.. man that brings back some memories… :/ such a fun pvp structure.

What to do with Glory

in Suggestions

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


I Pvp a lot… my suggestion for the 200k glory i have is to come out with some sort of Zashien chest like in gw1 so PVP players have a chance to make money by pvping also.. put a chance for mini ghostly in it and eternal blade thats all.

Mesmer's could counter conditions if...

in Mesmer

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


Unfortunately, just like our dazes. Arcane Thievery can be blocked and dodged.

Don’t know why? But you have to have an opening for it to land. That might be what your seeing.

doesnt it actually say on the skill description thakittens UNBLOCKABLE? so unless they dodge it should ALWAYS hit?


Mesmer's could counter conditions if...

in Mesmer

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


Arcane Theivery actually worked, been using it with Null Field in tPVP and I don’t think it worked one time anyone else have this issue?

I want the Beta Start up screen back......

in Suggestions

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


What happened to it?

Did phantasmal zerker get fixed this patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


I have a sunrise on my Mesmer

Race Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


Yea, I know I would like to change my mesmer’s race aftering getting a legendary.. im just one of those who kinda get bored so i change from male to female every month or so… just saying


in Mesmer

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


TBH, I’d rather have 25% speed signet, more than main hand pistol :/

WvW Phantasm Mesmer PvP Video

in Mesmer

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


I cant find the traits in your link?

Mesmer needs a 25% Mov. Speed Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


I would love this, really bring this into game!

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: KevEveryDay.8163


I’m glad I farmed Sunrise…