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Help with Engineer WvW Turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: Khrome.4316


Can I get some input on the build found here:

I know I don’t have any movement (switch kits for perma swiftness, or elixers) but I don’t plan to run without a support warrior or others that can solve that issue.

With the changes to turrets, I chose the turrets that have short cooldown (flame turret was reduced a lot), added the ability for them to be ground targeted and explode on destruction. With flame turrets arc increase, i am curious the number of targets it can hit, is it limited to 5? Same with thumper turret, does it have a AOE limit?

This is mainly for small group roaming, and a little damage in larger groups.

The runes I chose were for survival, same with soldiers gear.

This is my first turret or power build. I normally role p/p with elixer.


Khrome Surzen – Human Engineer

WintersDay Wallpaper

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khrome.4316


@Kyosji – Thanks, but those are just screenshots. If you look at the other event pages, there is a actual dedicated wallpaper, complete with different size resolutions.

Khrome Surzen – Human Engineer

WintersDay Wallpaper

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khrome.4316



I have been keeping a copy of all event wallpapers. Perviously a wallpaper was posted with each event at the announcement. I was hoping to have one with Winter’s Day as well.

If not, no biggie. But I love the concept art and direction, and it has plastered my monitor since launch. It goes well with my GW2 headset and mouse from Steel Series.

Khrome Surzen – Human Engineer

A possible fix for ranged guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Khrome.4316


So guardians not having Range is a design. You can suggest that it is a bad design, that is fine. The issue is, guardians are either front line tankers, or min-line support. They defend points, or take hits. You can do DPS with them, and I do with my Greatsword, but they fit there role like everyone else. The engineer is a ranged class, and has all of 2 melee attacks on the Toolkit. The warrior has ranged options because a feature of the warrior over the guardian and engineer is it’s large amount of weapon variety. The design was planned, and changing it is something you should give up on.

In reality the place it needs ranged in WvWvW when defending a keep. But that means the Guardian should be the one on a Cannon or Oil because of the natural regen and other stats and gear like Heavy Armor.

In sPVP not having ranged is not a issue. We have many teleports that are instant. Including several that are 1200 meters on low cooldown. One allows you to teleport without line of sign if the target was selected previously. I can’t tell you how many times I scared people off a point because I can hide, select them, then pop onto them and wreck them. I don’t need to struggle trying to close in to 600 meters for the leap, which we also have, or the short 1-h sword teleport.

If you want to kite enemies, play a different class. If you want to CC, play a different class. The guardian blocks it, takes it in the face, burns them and heals all while swinging giant swords, or using mid-range support weapons.

What I will say, is that the scepter is a little weapon in sPVP. Just don’t use it till it gets a buff. The mace/sword torch/focus makes for a better offhand set. Use staff/hammer/great sword for main.


Khrome Surzen – Human Engineer