Showing Posts For KillMEiDareU.8026:

Damage Reduction

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


How does damage reduction work exactly? i mean it in the sense of stacking damage reduction.

I have protection that gives 33% reduction and Frost Aura which gives 10%
Do they stack in the sense of 33+10 = 43% reduction? or is it 33+10% = 36.3%?

Thanks for the reply!!!

Help with a build

in Elementalist

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Im trying out an Auramancer Support Healing Build. for everything. PVP/PVE/Raids/etc.

Currently for this im going to use D/W.

Traits im going to try and use. Need help Here
Tempest (of course)
- (Unstable Conduit, Invigorating Torrents, And Element Bastion)
-(Soothing Ice, Aquamancers Training) and I cannot decide on Cleansing Water or Powerful Aura. To make use of Element Bastion i know i need Powerful aura, but without Cleansing Water id only have my water overload as a condition cleanse.
Earth or Lightning
-(Elemental Shielding, Rock Solid and Diamond Skin)
-(Zephyrs Boon, Tempest Defence and Fresh Air)

As for Utility Skills
Signet of Restoration, Aftershock, Feel the Burn, Flashfreeze and rebound.
Gives me lots of aura casting. It is very lacking in the stun break area, but since overloads break stuns i think it would be fine.

Tottally need help as you can see, so throw me some suggestions, it would greatly help.

Zinc Ore

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


For the first tier Incinerator, is there a bug right now that doesnt let you get the Zinc ore from mining copper? Or does it just take a lot of nodes? Got the other 2 ores really easily.

Winter Blunderland 3

in In-game Events

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


21 Thanks for hosting this event

Graphic Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Two issues actually. 1 is the little graphic of the aetherblade quartermaster.

The other i was unable to open a rift in the final fight due to it being in mid air(Fixed when i restarted the fight but had to die)


Blade Shard Merchant

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Dear Anet
Is there going to be a different Blade Shard Merchant later in the living story? Personally i dont feel like spending them on the equipment boxes but if it is to be the only merchant i’ll buy them.

Pink Everywhere?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Awesome Thanks…… do i run a repair command? i can’t find it.

Pink Everywhere?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


I really have no clue how this happened other then i see pink very often now


New Weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


note: if this has been suggested before i am sorry Search never works for me

As the Title says new weapons, I know at somepoint in the future whether its in a few months or years i know arenanet will release more types of weapons, but what kinds of weapons would you want to see implemented? and on what class?

Personally i really want to see fist weapons on a ele. (Dont judge! I like being up close and personal as a glass cannon. Reason why i didnt like other MMO’s)
I think another interesting weapon would be a chain and sickle… trying to imagine it on a necro as they do have a Tainted Shackles move that makes it sound similar, but idk
Your turn to discuss =P

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


OK so ArenaNet i am ok with these changes except with one thing. Cleansing Wave being moved to master tier. Please oh please dont do that. Personally i think builds on an elementalist benefit greatly from having a condition removal skill on the adept tier, that leaves more room to spend point on other tiers. Spending 15 points is almost always a maximum you really need to spend in water, and that cleansing wave is very important part of most of those builds.
Geez… just rambling now…..sorry

Sorry, I dont feel like reading 15 pages to see if this was stated before.

Viability of this build?

in Elementalist

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Personally i find having 10 in arcana is just fine, sure i cant get into attunements as fast, but its still fine for a rotation of elements.

^_^ Ya everyone bugs me for my 30 in earth just trying to find some viable that isnt the normal 30 in arcana and 30 in water etc.

Viability of this build?

in Elementalist

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Ok so im just wondering if this build if viable for WvW and PvE(includes dungeons).
Often i run either Beserker or Cleric gear as i have both.
For the lesser elemental summon skill i switch it out for Armour of Earth or Lightning Flash.

Any and all responses welcome

Rune of the Noble

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Read no further if you dont wanna read about me crying/complaining. This is all my opinion and as such i am giving you fair warning

OK, So ArenaNet this is my one major complaint i have. ;_; Why did you take away my pet doggy!? i loved having a little puppy dog chasing me around and protecting me whenever i got hit. I had a problem with being a pet minion summoner etc and was able to have up to 6 pets out fighting with me at one time. Yes i have tried the Rock Dog but its just so meh compared to my little Hound.

Now that im done crying Thank You very much ArenaNet for everything else you have done *cough*Having jumping puzzles*cough*


in Suggestions

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Sorry if someones posted this before

For Auto-Looting and aoe looting
-To have a system that allows the player to choose what items to pick up. As with auto looting it loots everything.

Also this is just personal preference, but allow us to choose whether or not we want the loot we have picked up to appear on the side of the screen. Just annoys me for some reason

Rate the elementalist above you!

in Elementalist

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


10/10 O.O i love the combinations of the colour and the gear.


Elite Skill Slots

in Suggestions

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Just curious as to what others think on this as well,
But i believe for our elite skill slots we should have the option to chose one of the lower level utility skills to throw in that slot.

Im not sure if it would make builds more viable or not, or even if this is a good suggestion, but meh if you guys/girls have something to say about this feel free to leave a reply

Ele's and Orr

in Elementalist

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Sorry please forgive me if it sounds like i am bragging.
It is not what i intended.
As for you fortus, no i dont have full ascended equipment, i dont grind mobs/ gathering nodes daily, or really ever. I am just a casual player. I am only ranting in my first post, so if you want to rant at my rant go right ahead, it is just to get stuff off my chest

Oh and also, i know im not the best ele, im not a great ele. There are numerous ele’s better than me.

(edited by KillMEiDareU.8026)


in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Ya know i was actually kinda disappointed this update.
It is nice that the world bosses got a new challenge to them, and that tequatl has new attacks…..but when i was reading the Tequatl Rising main page and it said that Tequatl is evolving, i thought that meant he would have become bigger and had a new look to him that was similar to the old one, but was more intimidating.
Other than that, i like everything else in this update

Runes on gear

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Currently i have 6 runes on my gear, but it shows i only have 5/6 of the runes equipped. i have checked/double checked and all 6 pieces have the same rune.

Currently also as it is saying 5/6 i am not recieving the effect of the rune either.

Superior Rune of the Noble

Ele's and Orr

in Elementalist

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


This is just me ranting cause i have to.
Ok so awhile ago i read something on the forums about Ele’s not surviving in orr from any mob.
Like seriously? i dont see the problem. It just means that you arent playing ele correctly. I play ele, but am only an average one. Yet in orr i can take on about 5+ mobs at once? Of course i have troubles when it comes to the champions thats a no brainer….but seriously if youre dying in orr its cause you arent using your skills correctly.
Sorry if ya read it all, just wanted to rant alittle

Emissary Runes

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Hi…..i dont wanna buy any of those Superior runes from the Emissaries in the Pavilion just yet, so basically What does each rune do as i have yet to see?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Just Curious but ive noticed we have a mini Rytlock Eir and Logan….why dont we have a mini Caithe or Zojia? i guess i can understand zojia as she’s already a mini XD….idk. Another know the reasons why we dont have those 2 as minis yet?

Salvaging and Upgrades

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


So ive been wondering for awhile now and havent been able to find out but is it possible to swap the stats of one gear with another? While keeping both of the gears intact.

Also is it possible to remove an upgrade from a piece of gear(sigil, jewel, etc) WITHOUT destroying the gear?


Character Select Not showing proper designs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Currently on the character select screen for 2/4 of my characters the design is wrong on the tiny box picture on the bottom. For Example my Sylvari has an invisible head with only the eyes and head piece showing.


Protecting Trahearne at the Artesian Waters

in Personal Story

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


I must say im not overly a fan of Trahearne but i was acting greatly impressed with the fight at the end when we are protecting him during the ritual…..not the fight particularly, but more so the music that was playing. It was seriously beautiful music XD

When did d/d become so popular?

in Elementalist

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Ya know i think that D/D is so popular because its very rare ti have a close Combat Glass Cannon. personally i am a major fan of melee combat so when i found out a long distance magic class could be close combat i just had to…..Guardians don’t count i haven’t played that yet.

Whats better for an Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


PvE or PvP? Which weapon are you using? Without any information we will not be able to help you.

(I am not a huge condition damage fan to be honest when it comes to ele. The skills are either difficult to hit or they don’t deal a lot of damage. If you play PvE it is possible to play a condition damage ele though.)

im a pve + pvp ele. I tend to do more pve but pvp is nice too. Dual Dagger, with multi pets (Lesser/ elite Elementals + dog / Fleshreaver)

Whats better for an Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


im currently having troubles deciding between a Crit Damage or a Condition Damage Build. Currently as an Ele im a condition damage + Toughness build to have great defence while surviving long enough for my Conditions to kill opponent.

I have not been able to try a Crit Damage build so curious which is better and why?

Superior Sigil of Demon Summoning

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Oh ok Thanx! didnt think they were that cheap wow

Superior Sigil of Demon Summoning

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KillMEiDareU.8026


Can anyone tell me how to get the Sigil of Demon Summoning? I’ve searched on the wiki and googled, but all it ever says is what it does, they dont tell me how to get the sigil.
Thanx for the replies!