Showing Posts For KiloG.8713:
So, if i download like ‘’World Champion Boss’’ App its allowed, but only my FPS get’s low?
‘’First of all, i have no idea where to post this question so if an admin/mod move it to the right category it will be awsome.If u moved the topic please delete this’’
I use Overwolf for browers than i discovered ‘’Gw2 Apps’’, I would like to use an App, but is it allowed, do i get banned or somthing? I would like to get a response from an Admin/Mod.
I i drop it to Low settings is run smooth, the freez/lagg happens only when 30v30+
Soo…No one can help me?
Op:Win 7 ultimate 64-bit
Processor: Intel® Core i5-2300 cpu 2.80 GHz
DirectX: DirectX 11
NVIDIA Geforce GTX 550 Ti
Ram 4.00 GB
I’m playing on Aurora glade
(edited by KiloG.8713)
I sended support ticket about my specs i can play it Max settings they said’’ My internet conenction was to low’’ and the lagg is only on WvW
Btw when i send the support ticket they told me that your internet is your problem
I’ve had issues in WvW ’’lagg’’ i submit a ticket and i had help from arenanet but 1 question has never been answered to me. How much Mb/s do i need to play Gw2 max settings i got atm 20/mbs but i dont know how much Upload speed i have, I’m about to change my internet and i found one 60/mbs and 6/mb Upload speed is that enough to play Gw2 on max settings with a router and 2 pc’s?
I wish i could swap to another server but my problem is that i got many friends in Auroraglade.
Get them to move with you, they are all welcome to join us
Hahaha, alright i’ll try to do that :p
Hi KiloG
Have a look at my recruitment post and see if you think we would be a good fit for you. have guild Bounties unlocked and run Dungeons Fractals and WvWvW aswell as general PvE content.
We are quite a small guild (~50 members) and casual but slowly increasing in numbers, we intend to stay relatively small so people don’t just feel like a number.
We are based on Desolation and would be glad to have you onboard if you are open to a server move.Any questions just ask away
P.S. I know you are on Auroraglade but I thought I would try and peek your mind and see if I could interest you in a server swap We have players from around Europe and also a couple still on a different server that are working towards moving to Deso.
I wish i could swap to another server but my problem is that i got many friends in Auroraglade.
Thanks, the link you’ve send was useful.
i would like to see Guild castle
When you create a guild the guild is level 2/3 what ever than your able to create a guild castle witch make’s you challenge other guild’s, how to create a guild is to farm materials like wood/iron/copper example.
To start a castle you need your guild to be level 2/3 and 100g singe up at castle NPC, than you start collecting materials. to start building you need 1k copper you farm it with your guild members. the castle will start at level 1 than the more you spend on the castle the higher level castle will be.Level 1 wall cost 1k copper Level 3 wall cost 2k gold ore.
Challenge Home/Out that means Challenge the guild in your castle witch make’s you to defend you’r castle or fight as attacker witch makes them as defender’s. 30/45 min match and who got the most kills/score that wins or if the attackers controlled the castle.
If there are more idea’s feel free to post them, if you guys are against it i would like to see why.
Good idea but, if its mount like bike/car/rocket or any thing like that i’m against that.I also like fly mounts.
I’ve got a problem, I used to play WoW after few months i was unactive so i decided to check my Hotmail inbox and than i found witch is a fake e-mail i clicked on it ’’dumb’’ and than i logged into witch the site was exactly the same as the real one i logged in than it says you couldn’t login Ip blocked or something like that so after few days i checked my inbox again and the real battlenet send me an e-mail witch say’s my account has been blocked for ‘’@!$#’’ i bought wow again and went on my account i found that my account was cleaned up every single piece that was trade able was gone. So now my question is i checked my inbox and found ‘’Guild wars 2’’ so i’m worry’d to click on it it can happen like my WoW account so my whooooole story is just to ask,
how can i recognize a real ArenaNet E-mail?
I know some of you are lazy to read or say ‘’true story Brah’’ but i really need help!
Let me be the first to call you dumb. Now that formalities are done with.
The way I find out is when you hover over a link in the email, at the bottom, which is the status bar, it will show you what that link is. If it has something like here, it’s usually good. But if it’s something like, it’s usually fake.
To be safe, just don’t click links.
Example 1: Link 1
Example 2: Link 2
Well, as you said in your example ’’url’’ you named it ’’link’’ witch i can’t see the link if its. This e-mails are professional written the the link you clicked is exactly the same as they can easily change it like you did in stead of Link they just do Guilwars2 and i already found how to find it the best way to check the e-mail from who you receive it, i used to check on Hotmail but its Outlook now. this is the real e-mail of ArenaNet ‘’’’ and got supriced that i found also the fake one omg withc is this one ‘’’’ want to see how the e-mail look like ?
I’ve got a problem, I used to play WoW after few months i was unactive so i decided to check my Hotmail inbox and than i found witch is a fake e-mail i clicked on it ’’dumb’’ and than i logged into witch the site was exactly the same as the real one i logged in than it says you couldn’t login Ip blocked or something like that so after few days i checked my inbox again and the real battlenet send me an e-mail witch say’s my account has been blocked for ‘’@!$#’’ i bought wow again and went on my account i found that my account was cleaned up every single piece that was trade able was gone. So now my question is i checked my inbox and found ‘’Guild wars 2’’ so i’m worry’d to click on it it can happen like my WoW account so my whooooole story is just to ask,
how can i recognize a real ArenaNet E-mail?
I know some of you are lazy to read or say ‘’true story Brah’’ but i really need help!
AuroraGlade, Sorry for not adding this on my topic I’m interested but its not in Auroraglade….
I’m hardly looking for PVP/PVE guild. (EU) AuroraGlade Server!
(edited by KiloG.8713)
Hello everyone, i’m back playing GW2 again i missed allot of things but that’s OK.