Showing Posts For Kilyan II.7164:
Map reward still doesn’t works properly. I complete the exploration of Verdant on my warr and didn’t receive the chest reward.
In PvE/DG a warrior glass cannon work fine with an organized party or with a guardian support/shouter. GS/axe+mace it’s the better solution to do enough dps. If you want a ranged weapon, take a rifle: it’s a single target weapon but in my opinion it’s better that way.
To maximize the dps on warrior, you must have an equip full berserker (armor-trinket-weapon) runes berserker (the scholars are the best) and running a 30/0/0/10/30 build.
You can see a more details here
If you play most in solo, you can running a different build: 30/25/0/0/15 with traits that increase the dmg with gs
(edited by Kilyan II.7164)
I’ve read in forum and chats many people have this problem. It’s a bug that doesn’t show the correct percentage of crit chance; but the pump of that trait works.
Agreed. I think it’s a system like the HoM: when you reach a determinate AP level, you unlock those determinate armors/weapons skins without spend your AP.
Hello. The best build avaiable at the moment is the 30/25/0/0/15 for solo or the 30/0/0/10/30 in dungeon-party/premade as you said.
A pure gs build it’s difficult to make. If you want the max dps with high crit, take the second build; if you want a “balanced” version… you can use the first build or modify it in 20(30)/20/0/0/30(20) for example. I think the better version is 30/0/0/10/30 for solo and party because you can do the max dps with high crit. Remeber to use discipline banner to increase the crit chance
The bug is still up or has been fixed? I’d like (I need) to do the jp to get the last achivement to complete Sky Pirates, but I’m not sure… It possible to do the jp in safely without get the ban? I’d not be banned for this. Thank you.
I have a problem whit HotW dungeon. In story mode, my team can do it; but if we try to do in explo mode, we are scattered in different istance. This thing happens only in HotW explo mode. And the path1 it’s still bugged or fix?
We need the preview of the objects on TP
Yep, it’s a nice idea. This feature is a must for leaders and officer to keep under control the roster and log-in in the guilds.