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Sign Cutting Bug. Blocking.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kingz.5436


3 days now and STILL BUGGED, at this rate i will finish the story on all 8 other alts before doing so on my main. WTH ANet pls adds a reset funtions to the journal or something if you cant fix it.

Legend Of The Mists

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Kingz.5436


In regards to Channeled Vigor, I haven’t seen a single positive comment for that skill. I’ll heavily test it in BWE3 but if it’s still as underwhelming as it was in BWE2 will there be time to change it? Why is so much of this elite spec cemented into it’s current iteration against the view and opinions of the customers of the product? Making these adjustments we’re requesting will not make Daredevil replace Elementalist, Guardian or Warrior as the top 3 professions in sPvP even if they are using core traits only.

In regards to the “Shadowstep dodge” we only mean shadowstep in animation. The dodge will funtion exactly like a dodge only:

  • This will all occur over the standard 3/4 second dodge length
  • On first frame they will begin the standard dodge animation
  • Immediately the particle effects for shadowstep will begin
  • The character avatar will go invisible
  • Near the end of the dodge the particle effects for shadowstep will begin again
  • The character will reappear in the particle effects and finish the dodge animation

There’s no actual shadowstep happening so the bugs associated with shadowstepping wont occur. It’s just an animation change that lots of people think will be cool.

Most of what was said was just bug fixes.

There’s no question about it, the clunkiness of the dodges were a bug in BWE2. It’s obvious that you guys needed to get those fixed and, though we’re glad you guys fixed the bugs, you haven’t actually taken any of the feedback we’ve been giving you about how weak the profession is compared to the other elite specs.

The main concerns for the profession are:

1. Please make the dodge selectable outside of combat as if it was the revenant legend so that we can get an actual tier 3 trait line.

2. Add Escapists Absolution into Driven Fortitude and add it as a minor. The current state of the meta pretty much treats Thieves as witches and conditions can get applied to the Thieves low hp pool significantly more efficiently than we can remove conditions. Obv, we would need a new additional trait in tier 2.

3. Staff will likely not be taken as a primary weapon unless it’s tuned to fit the meta more accurately. As it stands it’s not as survivable as S/P, not as mobile kitten and doesn’t really have a place to shine outside of the testing bubble. It needs things like Vault’s distance increased and a darkness field on staff 4 to be able to compete against our other weapon sets for a position on our build. Applying weakness to a burning guard or a terragriff isn’t enough to make us able to survive the few hits we can’t avoid.

4. Adding 1 additional dodge without adjusting our baseline endurance regen to 7.5 over 5 a second is not nearly powerful enough to give us any more sustainability. If we’re to be in-the-thick-of-things we need more than 1 extra dodge. If a fight’s going to last 25 seconds and a S/P Thief is fighting a S/P Daredevil, the Daredevil will only have 1 extra dodge the entire time.

Look at what ALL other professions get from their elite spec minor:

  • Tempest – New Weapon, New Skill Type, 4 new Overload abilities added to the already meta standard profession for all game content
  • Berserker – New Weapon, new Skill Type Berserk Mode with many benefits and 7 new Primal bursts that can be toggled on and off for situational application of which burst style the Warrior wants
  • Reaper – New Weapon, New Skill Type, New Reaper Form with 5 very competetive abilities
  • Dragon Hunter – New Weapon, New Skill Type, 3 new Virtues
  • Scrapper – New Weapon, New Skill Type, The ability to Rez/Stomp targets at range with a drone that can gain additional benefits from traits
  • Chronomancer – New Weapon, New Skill Type, New F5 ability that allows Mesmers a massive array of abilities including using elites twice
  • Herald – New Weapon, New Skill Type, New profession mechanic providing toggle-able mass party support

And then you have the Daredevil…

  • Daredevil – New Weapon, New Skill Type, 1 additional dodge…

It’s so obvious that the dodges need to be rolled into the Daredevil elite spec minor as an out-of-combat selection box. All of the other elite specs have tier 3 traits that strengthen them further… we only have tier 3 traits that unlock the elite spec’s mechanics. I’ve attached a rough UI to show you how dodge selection should look.

Someone please give this guy a Gold medal for BEST suggestion on this thread. I would definately like a change of this nature to be made cause looking at at the other specialisations. Thieves got jacked with our new mechanic. Also inline with this change:

Because while I feel dash is close to being ‘there’ as a ready class mechanic, Impaling Lotus and Bound are behind.

Black Lotus: Targets with bleeding, torment, and cripple receive three additional stacks of these conditions when you use impaling lotus.
One with the Wind: Dash becomes a 1 second evade and grants 2 seconds of super speed and stability
Tectonic Bound: Bound deals 10% additional damage and dazes targets for 3/4 second. 7 second cool down on daze.

Fade.5904 gets my Silver medal for the choices of Grandmaster trait replacement choices. Can a dev give us a NOD of agreement here

Legend Of The Mists

Mordrem Invasion Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kingz.5436


Personal rewards stacks is NOT the problem as it helps you identify how much you helped in each invasion. The REAL problem is a total lack of MAP-WIDE rewards, to help encourage GW2’s community feels. I could go into a huge explanation about this but let me just say “What ever happened to Crown Pavilion?!” I know that had its faults, and we are dealing with a larger map too but did all the devs forget to make such coordinated events or even their thought processes as to how those events as a whole functioned. Just like the Scarlet Lions Arch Invasion we know they can do good rewarding events, where map progress counts to the overall rewards.
1. My biggest suggestion is instead of daily reward for each map, change that to (Or preferably ADD) a MAP-WIDE progress as you used to do so people will come together to progress events to the max and bring back that community feeling of achievement. This will also help eliminate the “slow” rate of time spent to rewards scaling.
2. If you are going to insist on Giving us A BILLION trash mob event, make them drop something – heck even XP would be nice.. otherwise, take some time and bring back engaging boss battles like Legendary Blue Dynamic Assault Knight. Granted they “may not have time thanks to HoT” and have added this event just to tide us over from the boredom of waiting. But if that’s the case, why HYPE it up so much weeks in advance and when its released all we are doing it just tag farming and hitting and inanimate object – I’m looking at you Vine Crawler Spawner >:/


Legend Of The Mists

(edited by Kingz.5436)

[KING] Hardcore PvE guild is recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kingz.5436


Hello, the name is Kingz. Nice to meet you.
Za Kage is my main (thief) however i have 8 other alts of which i’m not going to bore you with the list.
1st main, Thief, full ascended zerks, 2nd war full ascended zerks, 3rd guard mix of zerks and cellestials also 70+ ar, Ele 50 AR zerks 80+AR celestial
I love all the proffessions, which is just aswell as i am an altaholic. I play all pretty well (ALL 8 are Champion “profesion” titled)
Fractal level is 50, would be more but.. well I’m sure you know.
absolewtly would join, no TS runs can get messy.
Reddit and in-game, also before the Fractal tourney you hosted.
IMO fractal is the only reall PvE endgame challenge for me now so thats all i do, even though the rewards suck. I still enjoy the challenge.

Legend Of The Mists

[KING] Hardcore PvE guild is recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kingz.5436


hey, I’d like to Join KING, even better since the Tag is my name

Legend Of The Mists


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kingz.5436


Hello I have been having a LOT of Game crashes since launch and as much as i’ve hated this I have been managing by simply restarting from where I was. The 1 exeption is in WvW where I loose and I’m bk in ques but that was fine as it wasn’t such a big deal and there was lots more beside to do.

However now that these fractal dungeons are runing on multilayers, if the game crashes, I am no longer able to rejoin my team and therefore loose all progress. This means I am unable to get past lv 2(*dont know how happy I was when I managed to finish 1) and I’m falling behind my friends.

Please fix this as I’m missing a large content of the game by not completing these fractal lvs and its rewards.

The game is ALWAYS CRASHING after 2 or 3 loading screens(1st load character to LA → load character to fractal hub → load 1st part of dungeon: sometimes make it to the end – yay → load 2nd part of dungeon = crash or get in and then crashes half way through >:o( ???), honestly at least make it like the other dungeons where I get a prompt to rejoin my team when I log bk in after a crash >:( so I can finish the kitten thing and move up the frackting levels . I am scared to enter pvp tournaments as this will happen and I’ll be letting the team down – which is now exactly what is happening in these fractal 3 layer dungeons.

and before any1 say anything I have read all the post and been keeping up with people’s methods of solving it but none has worked for me. Here’s my specs:
OS: Win 7 Professional (32-bit)
Processor: Intel Core 2 quad Q6600
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460

I’ve checked and I don’t think It’s a graphics issue, nor overheating. Main problem I see is that makes sense is that I’m running Win 7 32bit OS and have 4GB of Ram.

Legend Of The Mists