BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Bob.7160

Shadow Dragon Bob.7160

As others have said give a toggle dodge button on f3 f4 f5
Add a daze to staff 4 because it needed something extra and see below
Add new GM traits (ideas below)
Remove vulnerability from staff auto attack 3rd chain and add an evade

Traits GM
Shadow Armor – Gain Protection (2s) when you sucessfully evade an attack

Skulk in shadows – gain resistance while in stealth – drains 1 ini every second (this could synergise with ’Shadow rejuvenation, nullifying the ini gain from that trait, it would also help thief survive the insane aoe conditions currently in game)

Physical fitness – Staff and Physical skills deal more damage (1% per unspent initiative)

GM Minor
Endurance Thief – Gain Endurance when you succesfully steal from an enemy

Traits Master
Passive Defense Take reduced damage per initiative (1 ini = (-) 1% dmg)

Slip away – Gain stealth (2s) and superspeed (2 secs) when you daze a foe

(this would give old sets like PP SP ways to get stealth and also staff if you added a daze to staff 4)
Escapist’s Absolution – Remove a condition when you evade an attack

Master Minor
Driven Fortitude – Gain Health when you successfully evade an attack

Traits Adept
Staff Master – Gain a stacking toughness buff while wielding a staff (400 toughness) resets on gaining stealth or swapping weapons (this is not crazy – scrapper has a 500 toughness buff)

Quickital Wits – Critical hits reduce weapon swap (by 1 sec – 1 sec cool down)

Brawlers Tenacity – Gain Endurance when you first activate a physical skill. Physical skills have a reduced cooldown 20%

Adept Minor
Gain access to the physical skill category, enhanced dodges, staff weapon type and your maximum endurance threshold is increased.

These right here would be crazy broken. I appreciate that you’re trying to give us something to work with though. I don’t mean to call you out individually, but this is exactly why we will not see grand master traits redone at least until after launch. You do have some ideas I like though! Adding a daze to staff 4 is brilliant and would give some merit to the ability. Unfortunately your traits have heavy thematic synergy with something that daredevil should not be. With multiple classes getting new mechanics to combat stealth, we need non-stealth centrist options in order to stay competitive in sPvP. On PVE, the damage mechanics you have are crazy. Physical fitness + trickery + executioner would result in a 60% damage increase on targets below 50% when you have full initiative (15% trickery, 15% physical fitness, 10% for target having a condition, 20% for executioner). It would be essentially a new mandatory trait for us to run. Critical Wits with thief would allow for almost instantaneous constant weapon swapping between staff 1-2, dagger dagger and sword pistol for their 3 skill. The defensive abilities are not bad, but dip into more stealth mechanics when i believe thematically the daredevil was supposed to be less about stealth.

Mostly my point is that building even just 3 new traits let alone testing them would either delay launch or delay our elite spec from being accessible. Earlier I said that I didn’t want an f3 through f5 dodge, but mechanically that’s because I recognize that this cannot happen before launch. Yes I do want each dodge to be awesome and hard to choose between, but to get there we need to make sure they are fixed. Not only because of coding time, but also because of a lack of testing time. Think of how many things we found out from BW2 that needed tweaking, even just small breaks like impairing daggers using initiative.

That said, if we wanted a best of both worlds compromise down the road where we do get a class mechanic for changing dodges, these would be my recommended Grand Masters that still apply to each dodge. Or if we could just add these in and make them more awesome? Because while I feel dash is close to being ‘there’ as a ready class mechanic, Impaling Lotus and Bound are behind.

Black Lotus: Targets with bleeding, torment, and cripple receive three additional stacks of these conditions when you use impaling lotus.
One with the Wind: Dash becomes a 1 second evade and grants 2 seconds of super speed and stability
Tectonic Bound: Bound deals 10% additional damage and dazes targets for 3/4 second. 7 second cool down on daze.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


As others have said give a toggle dodge button on f3 f4 f5
Add a daze to staff 4 because it needed something extra and see below
Add new GM traits (ideas below)
Remove vulnerability from staff auto attack 3rd chain and add an evade

Traits GM
Shadow Armor – Gain Protection (2s) when you sucessfully evade an attack

Skulk in shadows – gain resistance while in stealth – drains 1 ini every second (this could synergise with ’Shadow rejuvenation, nullifying the ini gain from that trait, it would also help thief survive the insane aoe conditions currently in game)

Physical fitness – Staff and Physical skills deal more damage (1% per unspent initiative)

GM Minor
Endurance Thief – Gain Endurance when you succesfully steal from an enemy

Traits Master
Passive Defense Take reduced damage per initiative (1 ini = (-) 1% dmg)

Slip away – Gain stealth (2s) and superspeed (2 secs) when you daze a foe

(this would give old sets like PP SP ways to get stealth and also staff if you added a daze to staff 4)
Escapist’s Absolution – Remove a condition when you evade an attack

Master Minor
Driven Fortitude – Gain Health when you successfully evade an attack

Traits Adept
Staff Master – Gain a stacking toughness buff while wielding a staff (400 toughness) resets on gaining stealth or swapping weapons (this is not crazy – scrapper has a 500 toughness buff)

Quickital Wits – Critical hits reduce weapon swap (by 1 sec – 1 sec cool down)

Brawlers Tenacity – Gain Endurance when you first activate a physical skill. Physical skills have a reduced cooldown 20%

Adept Minor
Gain access to the physical skill category, enhanced dodges, staff weapon type and your maximum endurance threshold is increased.

These right here would be crazy broken. I appreciate that you’re trying to give us something to work with though. I don’t mean to call you out individually, but this is exactly why we will not see grand master traits redone at least until after launch. You do have some ideas I like though! Adding a daze to staff 4 is brilliant and would give some merit to the ability. Unfortunately your traits have heavy thematic synergy with something that daredevil should not be. With multiple classes getting new mechanics to combat stealth, we need non-stealth centrist options in order to stay competitive in sPvP. On PVE, the damage mechanics you have are crazy. Physical fitness + trickery + executioner would result in a 60% damage increase on targets below 50% when you have full initiative (15% trickery, 15% physical fitness, 10% for target having a condition, 20% for executioner). It would be essentially a new mandatory trait for us to run. Critical Wits with thief would allow for almost instantaneous constant weapon swapping between staff 1-2, dagger dagger and sword pistol for their 3 skill. The defensive abilities are not bad, but dip into more stealth mechanics when i believe thematically the daredevil was supposed to be less about stealth.

Mostly my point is that building even just 3 new traits let alone testing them would either delay launch or delay our elite spec from being accessible. Earlier I said that I didn’t want an f3 through f5 dodge, but mechanically that’s because I recognize that this cannot happen before launch. Yes I do want each dodge to be awesome and hard to choose between, but to get there we need to make sure they are fixed. Not only because of coding time, but also because of a lack of testing time. Think of how many things we found out from BW2 that needed tweaking, even just small breaks like impairing daggers using initiative.

That said, if we wanted a best of both worlds compromise down the road where we do get a class mechanic for changing dodges, these would be my recommended Grand Masters that still apply to each dodge. Or if we could just add these in and make them more awesome? Because while I feel dash is close to being ‘there’ as a ready class mechanic, Impaling Lotus and Bound are behind.

Black Lotus: Targets with bleeding, torment, and cripple receive three additional stacks of these conditions when you use impaling lotus.
One with the Wind: Dash becomes a 1 second evade and grants 2 seconds of super speed and stability
Tectonic Bound: Bound deals 10% additional damage and dazes targets for 3/4 second. 7 second cool down on daze.

Really like your ideas for the grand masters. They seem realistic enough.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Naleth.6214


Re: Dash update!
The original reason we had removed the extra distance on Dash was that we lacked the tech. Since that post, it’s been resolved. Thus, the distance of Dash is back, with a fervor. Now you’ll travel a full 450, up from the 360 previous (~300 base dodge), while moving at a faster-than-running speed. Swiftness duration increased to 10 seconds, up from the 8 we talked about originally.
This thing’s about solid movement, so we’re going to push it in that direction for this BWE. Please check it out and let us know how you feel about it. The animation’s going to remain as your character’s run for now.
We are aware that this new distance will cause some de-sync in synergy with Shadow Refuge, but feel that the open-field movement capability for daredevil needs to take precedence over this abliity. note: You can still dodge from edge-to-edge and remain inside the field, but it’s pretty tricky.

NIIIICE thanks for putting this back, I love the idea of a long dodge.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Shalien.9018


How about since there is so much reveal in the game we take away the auto reveal if you leave SR now?

This way the new dodges can still work well with the ability.

Shalien Ascendant [SL]
Sanctum of Rall
Check out our Recruitment Video

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


With these updates I think dash is gm worthy. I say remove the damage from lotus (there’s enough reveal on other professions now to catch a condi ghost easily), and give bound a little extra something and I fully accept them as gm traits.

You could still add an interface for selecting them out if combat for convenience. No reason not to, even if they stay gm traits.

Wait, so if they remove the damage from Impaling Lotus, what’s its use?

the condi application. bound would be the dodge for damage, lotus for condi, and dash for mobility/cleanse.

the problem with lotus is that it’s impossible to control it when you need to dodge but you want to stay in stealth, whereas at least bound you can aim away from the enemies.

I tend to not wanting to use stealth in a dd build and prefer that upfront damge for SOM procs meaning a dodge can garner 1K plus health.

P/D thieves are also condi, and far more reliant on stealth :P

There little need for p/d to dodge in stealth outside setting up in Shadow refuge, Shadow refuge can be set up outside the range of the Impaling lotus. SR will see much less use with the reveals we will be seeing and will be a death sentence in many cases.

With SOM traited a thief can double up on heals with damage inflicted from impaling lotus coupled with the heal on evade trait which would be far greater benefit then those times one needs to dodge whle stealthed. In game terms even in a p/d build i suggest the number of times one dodges while stealthed as compared to regular dodge is about 1 in 30. Indeed the only time I ever see a need for it is with SR which one can cast once very 60 seconds.

Nope there is very much needs for p/d to dodge in stealth CnD is melee may I remind you? Also CiS and SRej are next to each other unknown reasons so even more now. Ballerina thieves are still less effective than p/d so that is something to remember.

Nope? I played p/d for over a year and rarely had to dodge after a CND. I tended to Cnd and than run past for the sneak attack.

As to p/d being better then ballerina , not my experience. I rarely lose to a P/d condition build even non beta. It relatively easy to avoid their Cnds and thats what they need to get off the sneak attack . CnD off a fellow thief is not so easily done.

The max number of bleed stacks a P/d thief can get on is significantly lower then a d/d thief and coupled with that there no easy access to poison in a p/d build. SOM with DB can outheal the damage done by many of those bleed stacks the p/d thief applies.

If I do encounter one who decides to set up a SR nearby to healup or cleanse thats about one of the best times to do a DB spam. You will tend to find a downed theif when it done.

P/d has the advantage of range if they close on a d/d thief and try to swap condition apps d/d wins and the DD spec will favor d/d more then p/d .

(edited by babazhook.6805)

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: martin.1653


Re: Dash update!
The original reason we had removed the extra distance on Dash was that we lacked the tech. Since that post, it’s been resolved. Thus, the distance of Dash is back, with a fervor. Now you’ll travel a full 450, up from the 360 previous (~300 base dodge), while moving at a faster-than-running speed. Swiftness duration increased to 10 seconds, up from the 8 we talked about originally.
This thing’s about solid movement, so we’re going to push it in that direction for this BWE. Please check it out and let us know how you feel about it. The animation’s going to remain as your character’s run for now.
We are aware that this new distance will cause some de-sync in synergy with Shadow Refuge, but feel that the open-field movement capability for daredevil needs to take precedence over this abliity. note: You can still dodge from edge-to-edge and remain inside the field, but it’s pretty tricky.

This is what many have been waiting. Ignore the nay-sayers because there is less synergy with SR. There are 2 other dodges to use there. Variety is what’s needed and this new dash is great step forward and a good step in making the meta more varied. Shadowstep, SR and speed boost being pretty much mandatory really sucks. Dash can now efficiently free up slot where speed boost was (hello swiftness!) and shadowstep, cause dash will hopefully be close to mobility shadowstep provides.

I just hope this gets properly balanced so we don’t get stuck in animation after the evade is gone. Distance traveled needs to happen in the time when evading is active like on regular dodge, and if that’s the case then you’ve nailed it

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Daendur.2357


There are 2 other dodges to use there

tbh you can’t use them since they do damage and you will pop out of stealth.

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Glad to hear all of these changes.

Any word about the Impact Strike chain basically only working once you’ve already won?

Glad you brought this up, I wanted to see how other people felt about this ability. Here are my feelings.

Primary concerns with Impact Strike:

1. The total chain cast time is 2.75 seconds long. That’s a too large of a window for a profession that has no access to stability to be interrupted or countered.

2. What makes this ability an elite in the first place is the instant stomp at the end of a hard control chain. Due to the mechanics of this ability, to gain the full benefit a DD must wait towards the end of a fight when the enemies health is low. Unlike every other elite in the game there is no mechanical requirement when an elite should be used. As Arachnid put it, when the fight was already won.

3. Boons are going to stop this ability in it’s tracks. One aegis, protection or stability boon makes this elite practically useless in it’s current state, and just about every profession now a days has access to these and can reapply them relatively quickly.


[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Kingz.5436


In regards to Channeled Vigor, I haven’t seen a single positive comment for that skill. I’ll heavily test it in BWE3 but if it’s still as underwhelming as it was in BWE2 will there be time to change it? Why is so much of this elite spec cemented into it’s current iteration against the view and opinions of the customers of the product? Making these adjustments we’re requesting will not make Daredevil replace Elementalist, Guardian or Warrior as the top 3 professions in sPvP even if they are using core traits only.

In regards to the “Shadowstep dodge” we only mean shadowstep in animation. The dodge will funtion exactly like a dodge only:

  • This will all occur over the standard 3/4 second dodge length
  • On first frame they will begin the standard dodge animation
  • Immediately the particle effects for shadowstep will begin
  • The character avatar will go invisible
  • Near the end of the dodge the particle effects for shadowstep will begin again
  • The character will reappear in the particle effects and finish the dodge animation

There’s no actual shadowstep happening so the bugs associated with shadowstepping wont occur. It’s just an animation change that lots of people think will be cool.

Most of what was said was just bug fixes.

There’s no question about it, the clunkiness of the dodges were a bug in BWE2. It’s obvious that you guys needed to get those fixed and, though we’re glad you guys fixed the bugs, you haven’t actually taken any of the feedback we’ve been giving you about how weak the profession is compared to the other elite specs.

The main concerns for the profession are:

1. Please make the dodge selectable outside of combat as if it was the revenant legend so that we can get an actual tier 3 trait line.

2. Add Escapists Absolution into Driven Fortitude and add it as a minor. The current state of the meta pretty much treats Thieves as witches and conditions can get applied to the Thieves low hp pool significantly more efficiently than we can remove conditions. Obv, we would need a new additional trait in tier 2.

3. Staff will likely not be taken as a primary weapon unless it’s tuned to fit the meta more accurately. As it stands it’s not as survivable as S/P, not as mobile kitten and doesn’t really have a place to shine outside of the testing bubble. It needs things like Vault’s distance increased and a darkness field on staff 4 to be able to compete against our other weapon sets for a position on our build. Applying weakness to a burning guard or a terragriff isn’t enough to make us able to survive the few hits we can’t avoid.

4. Adding 1 additional dodge without adjusting our baseline endurance regen to 7.5 over 5 a second is not nearly powerful enough to give us any more sustainability. If we’re to be in-the-thick-of-things we need more than 1 extra dodge. If a fight’s going to last 25 seconds and a S/P Thief is fighting a S/P Daredevil, the Daredevil will only have 1 extra dodge the entire time.

Look at what ALL other professions get from their elite spec minor:

  • Tempest – New Weapon, New Skill Type, 4 new Overload abilities added to the already meta standard profession for all game content
  • Berserker – New Weapon, new Skill Type Berserk Mode with many benefits and 7 new Primal bursts that can be toggled on and off for situational application of which burst style the Warrior wants
  • Reaper – New Weapon, New Skill Type, New Reaper Form with 5 very competetive abilities
  • Dragon Hunter – New Weapon, New Skill Type, 3 new Virtues
  • Scrapper – New Weapon, New Skill Type, The ability to Rez/Stomp targets at range with a drone that can gain additional benefits from traits
  • Chronomancer – New Weapon, New Skill Type, New F5 ability that allows Mesmers a massive array of abilities including using elites twice
  • Herald – New Weapon, New Skill Type, New profession mechanic providing toggle-able mass party support

And then you have the Daredevil…

  • Daredevil – New Weapon, New Skill Type, 1 additional dodge…

It’s so obvious that the dodges need to be rolled into the Daredevil elite spec minor as an out-of-combat selection box. All of the other elite specs have tier 3 traits that strengthen them further… we only have tier 3 traits that unlock the elite spec’s mechanics. I’ve attached a rough UI to show you how dodge selection should look.

Someone please give this guy a Gold medal for BEST suggestion on this thread. I would definately like a change of this nature to be made cause looking at at the other specialisations. Thieves got jacked with our new mechanic. Also inline with this change:

Because while I feel dash is close to being ‘there’ as a ready class mechanic, Impaling Lotus and Bound are behind.

Black Lotus: Targets with bleeding, torment, and cripple receive three additional stacks of these conditions when you use impaling lotus.
One with the Wind: Dash becomes a 1 second evade and grants 2 seconds of super speed and stability
Tectonic Bound: Bound deals 10% additional damage and dazes targets for 3/4 second. 7 second cool down on daze.

Fade.5904 gets my Silver medal for the choices of Grandmaster trait replacement choices. Can a dev give us a NOD of agreement here

Legend Of The Mists

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Pukc.6328


I saw the implementation of the dodges in the UI and thought of new GM traits. So what if we could choose 1 out of 3(+1 for standard dodge?) dodges.
1 would be increased dodge distance
2 would be leap finisher dodge
3 would be whirl finisher dodge

The GM traits could be independent of the type of dodge, so something like
1: Gain swiftness and remove immobilizing conditions when you dodge
2: Throw out 2 daggers that do some conditions when you dodge
3: Deal damage at the end of your dodge roll

That way, we could customise our dodges more freely while still being able to pick a dodge that can be used without rolling out of Shadow Refuge.

So basically you want to take away the things that are unique about the dodges? No thank you. I wish the they weren’t traits but it seems unlikely that they will change. But in the unlikely event they do, think of ideas for grandmaster traits that don’t change the dodges.

My idea for one is: You are unable to gain stealth(should change certain stolen abilities while under the effects of this) When you dodge gain one random boon.
Physical apply boons.
Channeled Vigor- Aegis
Bandit defense- Protection
Distracting Daggers- 3 stacks of Stability
Fist Flurry- Might for each hit
Impairing Daggers- Resistance
Impact Strike- Quickness

I know alot of you will object to the no stealth part of this but I believe that reason we lack boons is because we gain so much from stealth(not interested in talking mesmer to much there).

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Karl McLain


Karl McLain

Game Designer


To the question regarding dash being able to remove immobilize:
Yes, the dodge ability will continue to remove immobilize. It was originally in the design to behave this way, but didn’t have a way to enable it being that you couldn’t actually initiate a dodge while you were immobilized. We now have the tech to make it work cleanly and would like to test it all out in the next beta.


BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Sagat.3285


With these updates I think dash is gm worthy. I say remove the damage from lotus (there’s enough reveal on other professions now to catch a condi ghost easily), and give bound a little extra something and I fully accept them as gm traits.

You could still add an interface for selecting them out if combat for convenience. No reason not to, even if they stay gm traits.

Wait, so if they remove the damage from Impaling Lotus, what’s its use?

the condi application. bound would be the dodge for damage, lotus for condi, and dash for mobility/cleanse.

the problem with lotus is that it’s impossible to control it when you need to dodge but you want to stay in stealth, whereas at least bound you can aim away from the enemies.

I tend to not wanting to use stealth in a dd build and prefer that upfront damge for SOM procs meaning a dodge can garner 1K plus health.

P/D thieves are also condi, and far more reliant on stealth :P

There little need for p/d to dodge in stealth outside setting up in Shadow refuge, Shadow refuge can be set up outside the range of the Impaling lotus. SR will see much less use with the reveals we will be seeing and will be a death sentence in many cases.

With SOM traited a thief can double up on heals with damage inflicted from impaling lotus coupled with the heal on evade trait which would be far greater benefit then those times one needs to dodge whle stealthed. In game terms even in a p/d build i suggest the number of times one dodges while stealthed as compared to regular dodge is about 1 in 30. Indeed the only time I ever see a need for it is with SR which one can cast once very 60 seconds.

Nope there is very much needs for p/d to dodge in stealth CnD is melee may I remind you? Also CiS and SRej are next to each other unknown reasons so even more now. Ballerina thieves are still less effective than p/d so that is something to remember.

Nope? I played p/d for over a year and rarely had to dodge after a CND. I tended to Cnd and than run past for the sneak attack.

As to p/d being better then ballerina , not my experience. I rarely lose to a P/d condition build even non beta. It relatively easy to avoid their Cnds and thats what they need to get off the sneak attack . CnD off a fellow thief is not so easily done.

The max number of bleed stacks a P/d thief can get on is significantly lower then a d/d thief and coupled with that there no easy access to poison in a p/d build. SOM with DB can outheal the damage done by many of those bleed stacks the p/d thief applies.

If I do encounter one who decides to set up a SR nearby to healup or cleanse thats about one of the best times to do a DB spam. You will tend to find a downed theif when it done.

P/d has the advantage of range if they close on a d/d thief and try to swap condition apps d/d wins and the DD spec will favor d/d more then p/d .

We faced different foes then, as for vs p/d currently yes it child play to deal with them but I question where did you play p/d but no with ballerina thief Death Blossom is just as easy to avoid and has melee requirement. The goal would be too use both instead of SB for in combat efficiency at the cost of mobility and actually wanting to swap so I see Impaling Lotus as an hindrance the lack of reliable condi AA on d/d as well despite it being melee.

No comments were made on dagger mastery.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Amante.8109



How much longer are you going to ignore the elephant in the room of the dodges unnecessarily taking the spot of real Grandmaster traits? Are you not allowed to make a statement on it? Blink once for yes, twice for no

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Bllade.1029


My idea for one is: You are unable to gain stealth(should change certain stolen abilities while under the effects of this) When you dodge gain one random boon.
Physical apply boons.
Channeled Vigor- Aegis
Bandit defense- Protection
Distracting Daggers- 3 stacks of Stability
Fist Flurry- Might for each hit
Impairing Daggers- Resistance
Impact Strike- Quickness

I know alot of you will object to the no stealth part of this but I believe that reason we lack boons is because we gain so much from stealth(not interested in talking mesmer to much there).

The boon meta is really boring and unoriginal. Every profession has access to boons one way or another, instead of piling on more boons for an already prevalent boon meta, this might be a good opportunity to embrace what the class is by nature: A Thief.

Instead of providing our own boons, have more access to stealing other peoples boons.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

(edited by Bllade.1029)

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Shalien.9018


I really hope he puts a blinking gif in here…

Shalien Ascendant [SL]
Sanctum of Rall
Check out our Recruitment Video

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Nike.2631


The boon meta is really boring and unoriginal. Every profession has access to boons one way or another, instead of piling on more boons for an already prevalent boon meta, this might be a good opportunity to embrace what the class is by nature: A Thief.

Instead of providing our own boons, have more access to stealing other peoples boons.

We have some boon steal from enemies now, but I agree there’s room for more.

What would also be neat is some sort of boon copy from allies as uniquely thief-ish stunt. (boonstriping allies would be one of those no-no of hostile play between allied players the game really tries to avoid, but copying? That’s new.)

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Glad to hear all of these changes.

Any word about the Impact Strike chain basically only working once you’ve already won?

Glad you brought this up, I wanted to see how other people felt about this ability. Here are my feelings.

Primary concerns with Impact Strike:

1. The total chain cast time is 2.75 seconds long. That’s a too large of a window for a profession that has no access to stability to be interrupted or countered.

2. What makes this ability an elite in the first place is the instant stomp at the end of a hard control chain. Due to the mechanics of this ability, to gain the full benefit a DD must wait towards the end of a fight when the enemies health is low. Unlike every other elite in the game there is no mechanical requirement when an elite should be used. As Arachnid put it, when the fight was already won.

3. Boons are going to stop this ability in it’s tracks. One aegis, protection or stability boon makes this elite practically useless in it’s current state, and just about every profession now a days has access to these and can reapply them relatively quickly.


I wrote about this at length earlier, but the gist of of issues is as follows

#1: It doesn’t do more damage than auto attacking, so as far as damage contribution goes it adds nothing.

#2: The stun effects are about as equivalent basilisk venom. The DPS is equivalent to precasting or stealthcasting basilisk venom.

#3: The finishing mechanic isn’t good tech, at least not on the thief. Thieves already stealth-stomp and blind stomp with ease. This skill doesn’t make it easier to kill anyone.

#4: In order to make use of the finisher, you have to have already won the fight. This makes inferior to nearly all other choices that help you to win the fight.

Originally I wasn’t hesitant to make any suggestions on the Impact Strike chain. Partly this was because I wasn’t sure how to go about the instant finishing mechanic. Another part was because Brawlers Tenacity used to give 30 endurance for the whole chain. That’s a lot of endurance, and given the roughly 3 second stun nature of the skill, it was 5 points shy of being a free dodge. But now that has been changed, and there’s no reason to use the skill.

I mean, I guess it synergizes better with impacting disruption than basilisk venom does, but meh. The venom synergizes well with palm strike, which would cancel out that benefit.

I’m not too concerned about stability and aegis stopping this skill. That’s what aegis and stability are supposed to do: stop attacks and stuns. They wouldn’t be very good boons if they didn’t. Having counterplay isn’t the problem. I just want this chain to do 50% more damage, that way when we see an opening it is worthwhile to actually use the skill.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823


The boon meta is really boring and unoriginal. Every profession has access to boons one way or another, instead of piling on more boons for an already prevalent boon meta, this might be a good opportunity to embrace what the class is by nature: A Thief.

Instead of providing our own boons, have more access to stealing other peoples boons.

I agree with this assessment. I think this is half the reason why cele necro is a soft counter to cele ele right now . They’re the only one who can keep the boon corruption up. Returning the 2 boon steal to larcenous strike and giving a way to share it would help tone down the cele ele and put S/D back on the board for team fights.

I had an idea of how to rearrange trickery slightly to boost core thief and build variety a while ago.

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

(edited by Maugetarr.6823)

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Noct.2718


Umm, why do we still have no comment on personal finisher with Daredevil elite specialization?
Is the technology there?

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Amante.8109


Seconding what everyone else said: while Thief desperately needs more access to boons, more direct access to them would further encourage an already boon heavy meta that not a lot of people enjoy. Stealing boons would be much more flavorful and balanced.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Bllade.1029


I’m not too concerned about stability and aegis stopping this skill. That’s what aegis and stability are supposed to do: stop attacks and stuns. They wouldn’t be very good boons if they didn’t. Having counterplay isn’t the problem. I just want this chain to do 50% more damage, that way when we see an opening it is worthwhile to actually use the skill.

I agree, it’s not the counter play. It’s the fact that everyone has it. Now a days boons are everywhere dished out on relatively low cooldowns. Many of these boons are passive traits we find in defensive trees, so imagine we have to use this ability when the enemy is close to 25%, just so happens at 25% they gain 5 stacks of stability for 15 seconds.

It’s an easy fix though, like i said unblockable, significant damage increase like you suggested and something like a 100% critical hit on the final strike with a knockdown if it doesn’t instantly kill an enemy. That way you could use the ability at any point in an engagement; maybe find an opening where their stab is down and use the ability to lock ’em down for a combo with fist flurry.

The synergy here is potentially amazing.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

(edited by Bllade.1029)

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Rainiris.1975


>We now have the tech to make it work cleanly

Is this tech something related to make skills complete before the action related to them happens? (Evade, activate heal skill, activate elite skill, other trigger conditions)

Could this tech see future use in future skill developments? Like condition removal skills that trigger after confusion.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408


How much longer are you going to ignore the elephant in the room of the dodges unnecessarily taking the spot of real Grandmaster traits? Are you not allowed to make a statement on it? Blink once for yes, twice for no

I’m shocked that you’ve persisted so diligently in asserting that the Daredevil GMs aren’t “real”. They all have very real effects on dodge, and all augment dodge in a unique way that makes them very strong. I’m not sure what you genuinely expect to change in response to your complaints.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Driften.8716


Glad to hear all of these changes.

Any word about the Impact Strike chain basically only working once you’ve already won?

Glad you brought this up, I wanted to see how other people felt about this ability. Here are my feelings.

Primary concerns with Impact Strike:

1. The total chain cast time is 2.75 seconds long. That’s a too large of a window for a profession that has no access to stability to be interrupted or countered.

2. What makes this ability an elite in the first place is the instant stomp at the end of a hard control chain. Due to the mechanics of this ability, to gain the full benefit a DD must wait towards the end of a fight when the enemies health is low. Unlike every other elite in the game there is no mechanical requirement when an elite should be used. As Arachnid put it, when the fight was already won.

3. Boons are going to stop this ability in it’s tracks. One aegis, protection or stability boon makes this elite practically useless in it’s current state, and just about every profession now a days has access to these and can reapply them relatively quickly.


I wrote about this at length earlier, but the gist of of issues is as follows

#1: It doesn’t do more damage than auto attacking, so as far as damage contribution goes it adds nothing.

#2: The stun effects are about as equivalent basilisk venom. The DPS is equivalent to precasting or stealthcasting basilisk venom.

#3: The finishing mechanic isn’t good tech, at least not on the thief. Thieves already stealth-stomp and blind stomp with ease. This skill doesn’t make it easier to kill anyone.

#4: In order to make use of the finisher, you have to have already won the fight. This makes inferior to nearly all other choices that help you to win the fight.

Originally I wasn’t hesitant to make any suggestions on the Impact Strike chain. Partly this was because I wasn’t sure how to go about the instant finishing mechanic. Another part was because Brawlers Tenacity used to give 30 endurance for the whole chain. That’s a lot of endurance, and given the roughly 3 second stun nature of the skill, it was 5 points shy of being a free dodge. But now that has been changed, and there’s no reason to use the skill.

I mean, I guess it synergizes better with impacting disruption than basilisk venom does, but meh. The venom synergizes well with palm strike, which would cancel out that benefit.

I’m not too concerned about stability and aegis stopping this skill. That’s what aegis and stability are supposed to do: stop attacks and stuns. They wouldn’t be very good boons if they didn’t. Having counterplay isn’t the problem. I just want this chain to do 50% more damage, that way when we see an opening it is worthwhile to actually use the skill.

Impact Strike is meant to keep your enemy pacified while you finish them off without giving them the option to escape. It was even said that the main game play of this skill was meant to take out fleeing foes during POI 31. I will agree I think it lacks a little in the damage department but it is a skill meant to be used when your enemy has like 15% of there health left. It is the “coup de grâce” that will finish of there slither of health and force them to skip there “downed” stage. If it has a slight damage increase or is able to ignore armor and be unblockable I think this would make it truly worth using. I think it will see some modification in damage by the developments end it just isn’t as broken as other skills. This is one of those skills that a slight damage adjustment will fix for the most part. In it’s current state it does not break the game.

Though I would say if “Finishing Blow” was more like this people would not care to have there own personal finishers :p

(edited by Driften.8716)

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Amante.8109


I’m shocked that you’ve persisted so diligently in asserting that the Daredevil GMs aren’t “real”. They all have very real effects on dodge, and all augment dodge in a unique way that makes them very strong. I’m not sure what you genuinely expect to change in response to your complaints.

How many other elite specializations trade a whole tier of trait choices for their elite mechanic, exactly? Oh right… zero.

Or are you going to insist with a straight face that it’s an extra dodge-bar pip?

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823



How much longer are you going to ignore the elephant in the room of the dodges unnecessarily taking the spot of real Grandmaster traits? Are you not allowed to make a statement on it? Blink once for yes, twice for no

I’m shocked that you’ve persisted so diligently in asserting that the Daredevil GMs aren’t “real”. They all have very real effects on dodge, and all augment dodge in a unique way that makes them very strong. I’m not sure what you genuinely expect to change in response to your complaints.

Im going to agree with you here partially. I think bound could use some strengthening (mechanically, not a numbers boost, but rather a way to make it hit better), but other than that, they are GM’s made to augment out spec boost. I’m only partially agreeing because 1 more dodge is pretty weak mechanically for an elite spec. If they rolled the healing into the condi removal trait and added a trait to improve endurance regen and not just capacity, the whole spec would fill out better. (PS: good condi removal when traiting for it should be part of core thief and not necessary on elite spec).

As an explanation as to why I think the extra dodge alone is weak: it’s equal to half of the endurance gained by using signet of agility or hard to catch proccing. Adding an endurance regen that stacked with vigor would be more useful. Simply scaling base endurance regen with the max size would be best I think, so our base regen when taking DrD would be 7.5.

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Bllade.1029


I’m shocked that you’ve persisted so diligently in asserting that the Daredevil GMs aren’t “real”. They all have very real effects on dodge, and all augment dodge in a unique way that makes them very strong. I’m not sure what you genuinely expect to change in response to your complaints.

How many other elite specializations trade a whole tier of trait choices for their elite mechanic, exactly? Oh right… zero.

Or are you going to insist with a straight face that it’s an extra dodge-bar pip?

Agreed 100%. Does Reaper need to spec into a GM trait to gain Reaper Shroud? Does Tempest need a GM trait to Overload?

Should DD be forced to choose one GM trait just to use its core mechanic? The Dodges should be a package deal, here’s DD you get an extra endurance bar and three unique dodges you can select from via this handy dandy UI we put in; very much like Revenant.

Here are your GM traits, they compliment your over all play style depending on your needs.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

(edited by Bllade.1029)

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Driften.8716


I’m shocked that you’ve persisted so diligently in asserting that the Daredevil GMs aren’t “real”. They all have very real effects on dodge, and all augment dodge in a unique way that makes them very strong. I’m not sure what you genuinely expect to change in response to your complaints.

How many other elite specializations trade a whole tier of trait choices for their elite mechanic, exactly? Oh right… zero.

Or are you going to insist with a straight face that it’s an extra dodge-bar pip?

Agreed 100%. Does Reaper need to spec into a GM trait to gain Reaper Shroud? Does Tempest need a GM trait to Overload?

Should DD be forced to choose one GM trait just to use its core mechanic? The Dodges should be a package deal, here’s DD you get an extra endurance bar and three unique dodges you can select from via this handy dandy UI we put in; very much like Revenant.

Here are you GM traits, they compliment your over all play style depending on your needs.

I agree. This would open up a bit more diversity to the DD role. Specially since DD will be wiping out SA and Acro as the main defense trait line making it a must have.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Shogun.7401


Since DD is an elite specilization it should be a 4th trait. I am not happy that we are losing SA/Acro to get DD.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Amante.8109


Agreed 100%. Does Reaper need to spec into a GM trait to gain Reaper Shroud? Does Tempest need a GM trait to Overload?

Should DD be forced to choose one GM trait just to use its core mechanic? The Dodges should be a package deal, here’s DD you get an extra endurance bar and three unique dodges you can select from via this handy dandy UI we put in; very much like Revenant.

Here are you GM traits, they compliment your over all play style depending on your needs.

That pretty much sums it up. Reading other elite specialization GM traits and seeing how much they bring to the table on top of the elite mechanics they’re already getting makes me legitimately frustrated, especially when it’s something that you could copy over boilerplate and address a major Thief need (such as Scrapper’s Adaptive Armor, which grants up to 5 stacks worth of a Toughness buff when hit, as well as a passive -20% incoming condition damage).

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

I’m shocked that you’ve persisted so diligently in asserting that the Daredevil GMs aren’t “real”. They all have very real effects on dodge, and all augment dodge in a unique way that makes them very strong. I’m not sure what you genuinely expect to change in response to your complaints.

How many other elite specializations trade a whole tier of trait choices for their elite mechanic, exactly? Oh right… zero.

Or are you going to insist with a straight face that it’s an extra dodge-bar pip?

Agreed 100%. Does Reaper need to spec into a GM trait to gain Reaper Shroud? Does Tempest need a GM trait to Overload?

Should DD be forced to choose one GM trait just to use its core mechanic? The Dodges should be a package deal, here’s DD you get an extra endurance bar and three unique dodges you can select from via this handy dandy UI we put in; very much like Revenant.

Here are your GM traits, they compliment your over all play style depending on your needs.

This should be the next thing on their list. I don’t think it would be complicated nor it will require new tech. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: BobbyT.7192


I’m shocked that you’ve persisted so diligently in asserting that the Daredevil GMs aren’t “real”. They all have very real effects on dodge, and all augment dodge in a unique way that makes them very strong. I’m not sure what you genuinely expect to change in response to your complaints.

How many other elite specializations trade a whole tier of trait choices for their elite mechanic, exactly? Oh right… zero.

Or are you going to insist with a straight face that it’s an extra dodge-bar pip?

It’s an extra dodge-bar pip :|

(edited by BobbyT.7192)

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Everyone crying about our new “elite spec mechanic” being “locked into a gm trait” is really starting to become annoying. Technically our new mechanic is being able to dodge three times, which is actually pretty big, considering that is something very unique to daredevil. (I wouldn’t be against a regen increase as some suggested, but still.) Our GM’s augment them, which is exactly what a trait should do. Seems like you guys just can’t be pleased.

Also, toggling dodges in combat would just be too much, too complicated, and somewhat pointless, since most people would just stay in one dodge most of the time. One person has suggested making this toggle-able out of combat, however, which I’m more open to, but I keep my original statement.

Besides, chances are this won’t change.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Driften.8716


Everyone crying about our new “elite spec mechanic” being “locked into a gm trait” is really starting to become annoying. Technically our new mechanic is being able to dodge three times, which is actually pretty big, considering that is something very unique to daredevil. (I wouldn’t be against a regen increase as some suggested, but still.) Our GM’s augment them, which is exactly what a trait should do. Seems like you guys just can’t be pleased.

Also, toggling dodges in combat would just be too much, too complicated, and somewhat pointless, since most people would just stay in one dodge most of the time. One person has suggested making this toggle-able out of combat, however, which I’m more open to, but I keep my original statement.

Besides, chances are this won’t change.

This has been brought up and discussed before. A 10 sec dodge swap (like weapon swap) would fix any type of OPism. Yes most people would probably stay to one or another but this would be there choice. It is all about making things more versified. We can change them at anytime already outside of combat but it is just a pain to open up the trait panel every time. This would just give easier access to something that is already there. To say it would be too complicated to switch between dodges is saying it is too complicated to weapon swap, Legend swap, pet swap or element swap. The only difference is the other swaps are not stuck behind GM walls and doesn’t even require you to open a panel.

I would say at this point with the lack of time to develop before HoT if this feedback was even met half way it would be be beneficial. Even if the new dodges stay as the current GMs but we were given a 3 button UI set to toggle between the “3 GMs” during battle with a 10 sec CD I think it would be going in the right direction. Just think of them as “stances” from GW1.

(edited by Driften.8716)

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Amante.8109


Everyone crying about our new “elite spec mechanic” being “locked into a gm trait” is really starting to become annoying.

Delivering feedback in the feedback thread that you personally disagree with does not make it “crying”. Try to be constructive.

Technically our new mechanic is being able to dodge three times, which is actually pretty big, considering that is something very unique to daredevil.

I wouldn’t call a watered down version of something Thieves had from the release of the game to three months ago “unique”, nor is it very big on its own. In PvP, it’ll play out as one extra dodge at the beginning of a fight and then the rest will go as usual.

Also, toggling dodges in combat would just be too much, too complicated, and somewhat pointless, since most people would just stay in one dodge most of the time.

Good thing that isn’t what 90% of us “whiners” are suggesting. Changing dodges in combat would be both hard to implement and hard to balance, so it’s not what most people are asking for. Guess you cared more about shutting down the “whiners” than delivering a factual argument, though.

Besides, chances are this won’t change.

And here we have the cherry on top. Don’t ask for practical improvements, don’t ask for parity in how elite specializations are treated, don’t ask for accountability on the part of developers, because things just won’t change!

Well then, since nothing will change, go ahead and help yourself right out of the thread. The rest of us will continue communicating useful feedback that could actually improve the Daredevil in a meaningful manner.

“The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it." – Chinese proverb

(edited by Amante.8109)

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

This has been brought up and discussed before. A 10 sec dodge swap (like weapon swap) would fix any type of OPism

Or they can go with the UI similar to Ranger’s pets UI. We click on the icon and select the type of dodge. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Shogun.7401


I think it’s because we have not heard any official response from Dev stating that they are going to do any improvements on thief class. I am not talking about elite specialization.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Yulan.4069


Here are your GM traits, they compliment your over all play style depending on your needs.

Please enlighten me on how this isn’t exactly what the 3 different dodge traits do.

Ah, the Scepter of Orr. You have taken a risk to deliver this. Now I shall return the favor.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Amante.8109


I think it’s because we have not heard any official response from Dev stating that they are going to do any improvements on thief class. I am not talking about elite specialization.

This is a big concern for sure. It is because we have heard so little on much needed fixes for the core Thief profession (other than “Pistols are something we want to look at”) that I am focused on delivering the best possible Daredevil feedback. If it really is as much of a band-aid meant to hold us off for another 2-3 years as it appears to be, then we better make sure it’s the best possible band-aid

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Here are your GM traits, they compliment your over all play style depending on your needs.

Please enlighten me on how this isn’t exactly what the 3 different dodge traits do.

I would enlighten you, but that would take me a wall of text to show you the point we’re trying to make here.

Best thing I can say for you is to look up all of the other Grandmaster traits of the other specializations then compare them to what we have currently. Note the differences and i’m sure you’ll come to your own conclusion.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Besides, chances are this won’t change.

And here we have the cherry on top. Don’t ask for practical improvements, don’t ask for parity in how elite specializations are treated, don’t ask for accountability on the part of developers, because things just won’t change!

Well then, since nothing will change, go ahead and help yourself right out of the thread. The rest of us will continue communicating useful feedback that could actually improve the Daredevil in a meaningful manner.

“The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it." – Chinese proverb

1. You’re telling me to be constructive, yet you use your own sarcastic comments in your arguments.

2. Actually, since the max endurance is increased, you’re not wasting as much endurance-giving traits/skills. For example, if you used signet of agility previously at 50 endurance, you only got 50/100 endurance. Now you have more potential for gaining endurance as well, because at that same level you can get the full amount of endurance. You have to think about that as well.

3. Yes, I was addressing those who were saying that there should be a toggled dodge in combat. But I’m trying to give a factual argument as well.

4. I’m all for suggestions, but I’m just trying to give perspective here. Sometimes you have to realize that things might not change. You can try, and sometimes it goes somewhere but sometimes it doesn’t. Yes this is a feedback thread. Does that mean every suggestion will go in? No.

(edited by alchemyst.2165)

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

Here are your GM traits, they compliment your over all play style depending on your needs.

Please enlighten me on how this isn’t exactly what the 3 different dodge traits do.

It means that I can choose to Dash or Bound and activate Impaling Lotus since Dash/Bound will not be restricted by a GM trait while IL is the Gm trait.

The potential usefulness of that combination is it gives a P/P build a way to defend themselves. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: blarghhrrkblah.3412


So…maybe I’m being a bit hypocritical here, but I don’t think arguing about each other is really helpful as feedback. My impression is that as the discussion about certain opinions became more developed, the arguments became more about destroying the credibility of the poster, rather than the validity of the argument itself. There’s just no need for such hostility towards each other…we’re all just trying to make things better for us.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Shalien.9018


I’m shocked that you’ve persisted so diligently in asserting that the Daredevil GMs aren’t “real”. They all have very real effects on dodge, and all augment dodge in a unique way that makes them very strong. I’m not sure what you genuinely expect to change in response to your complaints.

How many other elite specializations trade a whole tier of trait choices for their elite mechanic, exactly? Oh right… zero.

Or are you going to insist with a straight face that it’s an extra dodge-bar pip?

I’m genuinely surprised that there are people who think that the dodges should be locked into the trait line instead of havign them baseline in the spec.

Just a simple glance at how the elite specs are laid out you can clearly see that the elite spec mechanic is baseline for every single one of the other professions…

Shalien Ascendant [SL]
Sanctum of Rall
Check out our Recruitment Video

(edited by Shalien.9018)

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


So…maybe I’m being a bit hypocritical here, but I don’t think arguing about each other is really helpful as feedback. My impression is that as the discussion about certain opinions became more developed, the arguments became more about destroying the credibility of the poster, rather than the validity of the argument itself. There’s just no need for such hostility towards each other…we’re all just trying to make things better for us.

I agree with this.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Driften.8716


I think it’s because we have not heard any official response from Dev stating that they are going to do any improvements on thief class. I am not talking about elite specialization.

This is a big concern for sure. It is because we have heard so little on much needed fixes for the core Thief profession (other than “Pistols are something we want to look at”) that I am focused on delivering the best possible Daredevil feedback. If it really is as much of a band-aid meant to hold us off for another 2-3 years as it appears to be, then we better make sure it’s the best possible band-aid

I really hope it isn’t another 2-3 year band-aid. If sales and everything goes as planned and Anet is making cash it will be a year band-aid till they release the 2nd set of Elite Specializations. Hopefully by than we can get a Rifle and some core fixes. If we don’t see the 2nd wave of Elites after 1 year there will be no worries because it will mean the game is dead.

Until than yes, please keep the feedback coming as we only have a month to have a chance to make the best DD as we can. Currently Karl is paying attention to the forums which is the most attention thieves have seen in a while. It might seem like a lot of us are “whining” about things outside of DD. However its because this is the only time we have received any direct attention or response.

Yes I will agree the responses have been only directed toward DD development but as others have already said, core thief has been broken for a while, DD is fixing some of what is broken but DD will also remain broken until the thief is totally re-balanced. Until than CS and DA will remain the offensive trait lines, Trickery will remain the support trait. These will govern your play style. Acro/SA will be replaced by DD as they are less effective as defensive lines. Acro and SA may be used with DD to create a staff weilding dodge tank. But when it comes to offensive builds DD will hard replace SA and Acro as the defensive 3rd trait for survivability.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

Everyone crying about our new “elite spec mechanic” being “locked into a gm trait” is really starting to become annoying. Technically our new mechanic is being able to dodge three times, which is actually pretty big, considering that is something very unique to daredevil. (I wouldn’t be against a regen increase as some suggested, but still.) Our GM’s augment them, which is exactly what a trait should do. Seems like you guys just can’t be pleased.

You’re missing the point.

Taking Necro for example, their Shroud is augmented without taking any GM trait — plus they have access to 5 new weapon skills.

Same goes with the rest of the professions except Thief (not counting Ranger).

Augmenting the endurance bar is crumbs compare to the augmentations the other professions will receive.

This is not even counting the number of new skills they are getting, in my example, Necro is getting 10 new weapon skills. Thief only gets 6 new weapon skills.

Also, toggling dodges in combat would just be too much, too complicated, and somewhat pointless, since most people would just stay in one dodge most of the time.

That would be up to the player. The point is to give the players options on how they want to play their Thief — you on the other hand wants to limit it.

One person has suggested making this toggle-able out of combat, however, which I’m more open to, but I keep my original statement.

Either way is fine.

Besides, chances are this won’t change.

Defeatist attitude never progress, never improves. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Everyone crying about our new “elite spec mechanic” being “locked into a gm trait” is really starting to become annoying. Technically our new mechanic is being able to dodge three times, which is actually pretty big, considering that is something very unique to daredevil. (I wouldn’t be against a regen increase as some suggested, but still.) Our GM’s augment them, which is exactly what a trait should do. Seems like you guys just can’t be pleased.

You’re missing the point.

Taking Necro for example, their Shroud is augmented without taking any GM trait — plus they have access to 5 new weapon skills.

Same goes with the rest of the professions except Thief (not counting Ranger).

Augmenting the endurance bar is crumbs compare to the augmentations the other professions will receive.

This is not even counting the number of new skills they are getting, in my example, Necro is getting 10 new weapon skills. Thief only gets 6 new weapon skills.

Also, toggling dodges in combat would just be too much, too complicated, and somewhat pointless, since most people would just stay in one dodge most of the time.

That would be up to the player. The point is to give the players options on how they want to play their Thief — you on the other hand wants to limit it.

One person has suggested making this toggle-able out of combat, however, which I’m more open to, but I keep my original statement.

Either way is fine.

Besides, chances are this won’t change.

Defeatist attitude never progress, never improves.

Refer to my last reply to Amante for more understanding on my viewpoint.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

2. Actually, since the max endurance is increased, you’re not wasting as much endurance-giving traits/skills. For example, if you used signet of agility previously at 50 endurance, you only got 50/100 endurance. Now you have more potential for gaining endurance as well, because at that same level you can get the full amount of endurance. You have to think about that as well.

What you’re missing is that, the larger the endurance bar gets, the longer it will take to refill, thus you might not take SoA but you are forced to take something with Vigor or forced to spec for Brawler’s Tenacity just to refill the bars quickly.

If the Dev didn’t see any problems with this, there will be no traits like BT (endurance refill) and Endurance Thief. The very existence of these traits are red flags that the increase of the endurance bar is a problem already in development and they’re simply massaging it to make it work when it should have been scrapped. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: blarghhrrkblah.3412


Everyone crying about our new “elite spec mechanic” being “locked into a gm trait” is really starting to become annoying. Technically our new mechanic is being able to dodge three times, which is actually pretty big, considering that is something very unique to daredevil. (I wouldn’t be against a regen increase as some suggested, but still.) Our GM’s augment them, which is exactly what a trait should do. Seems like you guys just can’t be pleased.

You’re missing the point.

Taking Necro for example, their Shroud is augmented without taking any GM trait — plus they have access to 5 new weapon skills.

Same goes with the rest of the professions except Thief (not counting Ranger).

Augmenting the endurance bar is crumbs compare to the augmentations the other professions will receive.

This is kind of hard to talk about for me because I agree with both of you haha. I think the half way then is that our Endurance bar just isn’t augmented enough.