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NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Oh ya, definitely! I guess I did post my observation on that and then didnt provide my opinion of it. I, too, believe it should be based on Current max hp, not the base. That Final Shielding trait may be triggered differently, I didn’t look at those pics too closely, sorry. But the ones for Earth’s Embrace were pretty close.

I guess I could go try each of those talents out with some cheap high Vitality gear on, and try them again with no gear on to see what kind of a difference it makes on triggers. I’ll try it a couple times with something relatively light hitting beating me up, so the increments are small, and we can get a good number. I think there’s some places in Frostgorge with 77-78 mobs where there’s no scaling down from 80.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Klutzy Charlatan.4820

New stuff!

Forked Lightning
Lately this skill (Trident auto-attack with air) will often get into a state where it will shoot above the head of my target and continually miss while the target keeps hitting me until I move around to a spot which lets me hit them (usually above them).

This is especially noticeable when attacking Barracuda, since they are smaller targets. On my Asura, the lightning projectiles all seem to be transposed too high, emanating from over my character’s head and going straight out over the target’s head.

Ride the lightining/Lightning Flash:
If you use Lightning Flash during Ride the lightining animation, the teleport will fail and Lightning Flash will go on cooldown.

I dont know how this is even possible. When I use RtL my heal, utilities and elite are all flipped to the locked state and unusable.

Zephyr’s Focus – Air Major trait II
Gives 10s of endurance regen buff when using channeled skills but disappears as soon as channel is done.
Tested on most of skills so far:
Here are 2 bugs I found out:
- Dagger main hand: Cone of Cold: regen buff does not disappear, lasting full 10s (or either all other channeled skills should get full 10s buff?)
- Staff: Lightning Surge: seems like this skill is not counted as channeled therefore it doesn’t trigger the trait

Never used this before, but I see the issue. Seems most likely that Zephyr’s Focus doesn’t end properly when done channeling Cone of Cold. Lightning Surge is a 1½s cast skill, not a channel. The trait doesn’t work at all with conjured weapon skills, such as Frost Bow’s Frost Volley or Ice Storm. Experimenting with this, I never really realized before how few channeled skills Elementalists have.

Although the scepter skill, Stone Shards functions as a channeled skill, it does not benefit from either Zephyr’s Focus (First tier, Air magic trait line) or Obsidian Focus (First tier, Earth Magic trait line).
All other skills that function in a similar manner increase the armor/toughness attribute displayed in the hero panel (Obsidian Focus), and apply a buff that increases endurance regeneration (Zephyr’s Focus) for the duration of the channel, when traited respectively.

I was initially going to disagree with you on this and say its a cast time skill, not a channel, but you’re right. Stone shards does behave more like the channeled Arc Lightning than the cast Ice Shards.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Klutzy Charlatan.4820


Arcane Fury/Lingering Elements — Function bug
Lingering Elements has no effect on Arcane Fury (intentional or not?).

— Probably intended, as Arcana is not an attunement. But I suppose only an official statement can say for certain. See Lingering Elements below..

Mist Form — Function bug
Utility skills used while in Mist Form don’t get affected by any traits. IE, When using “Glyph of Elemental Harmony” traited with “Quick Glyphs” it goes on full 25sec cd instead of 20sec cd.
Cantrip Mastery — Function issue
Does not reduce the cooldown on Mist Form, despite the tooltip displaying reduced cooldown.
Evasive Arcana — Function bug
Does not proc when dodging in Mist Form.

— These are all the same problem with Mist Form. For example, Mist Form’s tooltip with Cantrip Mastery is correctly reduced. The order of events here is: character uses Mist Form, Mist Form is applied and traits removed, then the cooldown is calculated. The tooltip of Mist Form while still mist shows the cooldown incorrectly with Cantrip Mastery.

Earth’s Embrace — Function bug
Triggers at around 25-30% HP instead of 50%.
Final Shielding — Function bug
Triggers at around10% instead of 25%. May also be bypassed entirely if too much burst is applied.

— I suspect these, and other traits and armor rune effects like it (Superior Rune of Earth, 6pc bonus) that trigger on % of hp are triggering on base hp of 10,805 instead of whatever your real maximum hp is. The images provided show Earth’s Embrace triggered at 5,200 (current hp 5,370 having just received 170hp from a tick of regeneration – too bad combat log wasn’t shown, so we can see how much that moa hit for) which is pretty close.

Lingering Elements — Function bug
Doesn’t apply bonus damage from the “extra 10% damage in X attunement” traits correctly.

— I really cant really figure this trait out. I think the tooltip for this needs to be a little more clear as to what exactly are “Attunement Bonuses”.
• Are they just minor traits? If so, some minors don’t work the same as others. The Fire/Air/Earth 5 point minors may all work properly, but Soothing Mist has a 10s duration that is reapplied every 4s, and will linger naturally with or without this trait.
• Are all traits, major and minor, bonuses? This seems like the best option from a player’s perspective, but again, not all traits work the same. Some are one-off effects (all 15 point minors), others will only work with skills specific to an attunement (any cooldown reducing majors), and yet others will work regardless of attunement (majors that affect utilities, and all 25 point minors). In all those cases, there is nothing to linger. Piercing Shards (Water IV) is the only major trait that reads as if it might linger when changing attunement.
• Or is it just boons that are applied on attunement? In this case, the trait will only do something if you take Elemental Attunement (Arcana V) or Rock Solid (Earth XI), and perhaps Arcane Fury should be affected by it.

Powerful Auras — Visual bug
Often the aura bubble visual doesn’t apply to allies, even when they correctly receive the aura’s effects.

— This is more of a general game bug than anything specifically related to Powerful Auras. Same issue as invisible Tornadoes and Whirlpools.

(edited by Klutzy Charlatan.4820)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Apologies for length, I was bored. I broke the posts up a little so hopefully its not an intimidating wall. Also just wanted to express thanks to Rainshine for keeping this up-to-date.

Cast times — Function bug
Many of the listed cast times are longer than the tooltip says.

— The cast times aren’t really whats wrong, as the cast bar shown while using these skills is about right. The issue is that a lot of these auto-attacking skills have a recovery animation after being cast, which takes a not-so-insignificant amount of time and adds a bit of a recast that isn’t listed. If the cast time is half a second and the pause before recast is half a second, then the time between attacks is double whats expected.

Arc Lightning — Visual bug
Cast animation doesn’t stop once the target is dead or when changing targets and sometimes when the cast has finished.

— I believe this only occurs if Arc Lightning is not the last skill used before the target dies. For example, start Arc Lightning (#1), then cast Lightning Strike (#2), which is instant and does not interrupt the channel. If the target dies before the channel on Arc is complete, then Strike was the last skill used and it seems the game forgets to stop animating Arc. If Arc recasts or is pressed again some time after Strike (or any other skill), the animation will end properly.

Ride the Lightning — Function bug
Does not work with the 20% lightning skill recharge trait, it should recharge at 12 seconds but still recharges at 15.

— This functions correctly in combat, but not out of combat.
— I have an issue with Ride the Lightning where it causes my auto-run to break. It may be the same thing as the self-CC bug, but maybe this situation will help the devs with troubleshooting and solving it. While auto-running, cast RtL so that the skill will end before you hit a target. At the end of the animation the character will remain stationary. In order to start moving again, I have to press the auto-run key twice. Presumably, the first press turns off auto-run and the next resumes. Moving with a direction key forward twice or reverse once (W or A, not S, D, Q or E) also remedies this, because these actions turn off auto-run. In the heat of combat, I usually just end up mashing every direction key in a fit until I can move again.

Shatterstone — Function bug
For around 2 seconds after casting, you can move and dodge normally (and spell goes off as usual) but can’t cast anything else during the dead period. Still lacking a cast bar after Oct. 7 update, despite remaining “hidden” cast time.

— This seems very similar to the auto-attack cast time thing, but I can’t be sure. There is no cast time for the skill’s effect, as the Shatterstone is placed instantly and detonates 2s later, as described. Watching the skill bar, however, the skill does not start its cooldown instantly like other no-cast-time skills, like Lightning Strike. What happens after the skill is used, though, is the character animates some arm waving that takes time before recovering and resuming normal activity. The skill actually behaves as if its a channeled ability. Your character channels for the two seconds it takes for the Shatterstone to detonate, and then the cooldown begins.

Tidal Wave — Function bug
At the end of the animation your character will freeze for 1/2s , cannot move or cast during that time.

— I haven’t seen this happen in a while, perhaps its fixed? This happens to be my favorite skill underwater, haha. Get a target up against a wall, or get yourself immobilized first, and the target gets struck with all 15 hits this skill causes. Devastating.

(edited by Klutzy Charlatan.4820)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Not sure if this has been mentioned before. I’ve noticed at times that the dagger skills “Drake’s Breath” and “Cone of Cold” sometimes don’t fire at the target. To clarify, I have a mob targeted and use either skill and occasionally my character will actually turn his head slightly and fire to the side of the mob. I’ve watched this multiple times to be sure of what I was seeing.

I’ve noticed this as well. It can happen while standing still, so I don’t think its just a motion/facing issue. What I think is happening is your character is performing a flinching animation from being hit, and the fire/ice spray just goes wild as your head moves about. I’m pretty sure all the damage is still dealt correctly, though I haven’t done testing specifically for this. I’m just speaking from my experiences using d/d (my preferred weapons). I’ve gotten into a habit of backpedaling a step or two before using spells like Cone of Cold, Drake’s Breath, Fire Grab or Lightning Touch. Landing these skills has gotten a bit easier since Arenanet widened their cones, but it can still be a bit awkward.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Lightning flash: I can understand that there are places where they don’t want you to be able to teleport to. But when it fails it shouldn’t go on full cooldown, but maximum of 1-2 seconds.

I agree, and that probably would be the easiest solution, but ideally, if the target location is someplace they don’t want you to teleport to, you shouldn’t be able to use the skill (the reticule should stay red)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Magnetic Grasp is now broken…

I haven’t seen this happening. Can anyone else confirm?

I see a lot of people talking about stunbreaks failing (cantrips) but I haven’t been able to reproduce this. I also haven’t been able to reproduce the bug where you can still be CC’d during Armor of Earth. Is anyone still having these problems? If not, I will probably remove those bugs in the next day or so.

I’m pretty sure this has happened to me even in recent days out and about in the world, so I just tried Magnetic Grasp a few times against Svanir and Chieftain Utahein in the Mists to rule out terrain or other circumstances, and occasionally still got “self-CC’d”. It is much more reliable than it used to be since this “Magnetic Grasp: The responsiveness of skills used after this skill has been improved.” patch note, but its still not fixed.

As far as Cantrips are concerned, Lightning Flash hasn’t changed from what’s listed as bugs already. I’m fairly certain its more of a terrain issue than a skill issue though, much like Mesmer’s Phase Retreat occasionally placing them under the world or a Thief’s Shadowstep effects failing. Lightning Flash will fire, you can see the lightning bolts appear at your targeted location, but your character will not move, or will not move the full distance. A similar result can be created by targeting LF halfway up a vertical wall. The reticule is still green, but there’s just no way your character will end up where you are aiming. (Just going to stress the similar part.. its not an ideal replication because obviously you aren’t going to walk on the vertical face of a wall, but it is the exact same result.) I can truly recreate this bug in the final boss room of Submarine path in Crucible of Eternity.

Armor of Earth’s issues are a bit harder to replicate.
A player can still be CCd if they try to anticipate a move and use Armor of Earth for stability before the control effect is applied, instead of breaking it afterward. In this case, it may be related to server-client latency. Client sees an incoming control effect and uses Armor of Earth to prevent it, but the server has already applied the control effect by the time it gets the message. If Armor of Earth client-side has to request the stun break, it may skip that because the client isn’t stunned when the skill is used. The server applies the boons, but doesn’t break any CC.

Man that bit looks so clear in my head, but I know it sounds like gibberish.. I hope its understandable.

There is a bug listed saying Blasting Staff doesn’t increase the reticule size for skills. Just played around with this a bit, and it increases both tooltip radius numbers and reticule size for some skills.
Fire 2; Water 2, 3, 4 and 5; Air 5; Earth 2 – these skills all are updated correctly.
Fire 1, 3 and 5; Air 2 – These skills have radial components but are not affected by the trait.
Water 1; Air 4 – These skills have radial components that are not attacks, so I am unsure if these should be affected or not (probably not, as the trait reads “Area attacks with staff are larger”)

Also just want to add that meteors from Meteor Shower can land outside the storm radius (with and without the Blasting Staff trait, which has no apparent effect on this skill). Tooltip says 360, its probably more like 400.

A lot more text than anticipated, sorry!

(edited by Klutzy Charlatan.4820)

Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Asura Female Classdoesntmatter

This might just be me, but there’s one face for Asura females that looks pretty google-eyed on the Hero pane and Preview pane.

My character, a warrior, has Loud Orange eyes.. images show in the game world, then the hero pane. Kinda hard to capture the googlieness in a still, but they do appear mismatched in that hero pane image.

The third and fourth images are of a necro in character creation showing what I think might be the cause of the problem. I’ve centered all the sliders, and used bold colors for clarity. Looking at the characters right eye, very little white of the eye shows around the iris. On the flip side, a tremendous amount of white shows on the left eye.
Looking back at the straight-on image of the warrior, you can see the white edge on that left eye, making it look like the one eye is looking a different direction.

edit note: just noticed some bad textures on the buckles on that necro armor during character creation.


(edited by Klutzy Charlatan.4820)

Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Male Asura Elementalist

Nightmare Armor (Light) full set: Acquired through Twilight Arbor dungeon
There’s a gap between the chest and legs. Equipping each without the other has no gap, only together. (In light and dark dye for contrast so you can see the sky through my gut)

When using one-handed weapons, the shoulders tend to clip through the head… a lot. (armor dyed with each individual piece a different crazy color to exhibit the behavior more clearly)

Personally, I love the style, but the shoulders really are just way too massive. Here’s me with my head cone after I got back from the vet- wait what?

Svanir Armor (Light) full set: Acquired through Honor of the Waves dungeon
The shoulders sit kinda low and clip into the chest.

There’s also an animation …thing. Is it a bug? More like an oversight, or mismatch. A seam, that’s a good word. I remember seeing a video in a thread here some time ago of an Asura dual-wielding pistols, and as they came to rest after moving, the character’s arms would snap to a new position. For the Svanir armor, this snapping happens on the shoulders and legs when wielding a drawn staff. Running forward and stopping, or strafing (left or right) and coming to a stop, the shoulders and legs snap to a new position during transition from one animation to the next. So.. for the animations, it would be “moving” “stopping” SNAP “stationary”. Does not happen when running backwards, while the staff is sheathed, or at all with one-handed weapons.
Forgive me for not posting a video of my own, I just don’t know the first thing about making one. Oh, the shoulders also bounce a little after the idle animation plays, when the character spins the staff over its head.
And incidentally, I noticed the Nightmare legs snap the same way, but I’m usually too distracted by the shoulder size.

Svanir gloves also exhibit the same issue LadyHorus and mammon posted on previously in this thread. I noticed the gloves changed seemingly randomly to that weird red/white pattern, and after reading mammon’s post I ventured an experiment, and sure enough, it occurs after taking a swim. I’ve dyed the piece one solid color, and removed chest/legs for clarity.
Changing dyes, or removing/re-equipping restores them to the correct appearance, and swimming to glitch it is pretty easy to duplicate.

Ok, so images aren’t allowed in the thread where images are requested. Kinda inhibits the ability to caption the images describing whats gone wrong.
This attachment thing for multiple images is also a p.i.t.a. Anywho, topic for a different thread in a different subforum.


Elemental bugs/glitches thread.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Klutzy Charlatan.4820

Water trait XI, Cleansing Water, removes conditions when applying regeneration, but does not work with water-attuned Trident skill 4, Undercurrent.
I thought the trait wasn’t working at all underwater, but after a number of Honor of the Waves runs, it seems to work on attunement (with Arcane V trait) and when using Glyph of Elemental Harmony, just not with the trident skill.

(edited by Klutzy Charlatan.4820)