Showing Posts For Kokocat.6045:

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kokocat.6045


Ananze, Daughter of Snow Leopard


Can't Edit

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Kokocat.6045


I can’t edit my thread or even delete my thread to start over in the Guild Recruitment Section of the site

(edited by Kokocat.6045)

Somnium [zzZ] -- Desolation EU (PvX)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kokocat.6045


Do you play Guild Wars 2?
Do you play other games along-side Guild Wars 2?
Do you want to meet people from across the globe, with different creeds, thoughts, ideas and dreams, yet still share a common love for gaming?

Somnium may be the place for you.

Somnium is an international multi-gaming community (We play all sorts of games) with our main game being Guild Wars 2 (PvX).

We feature a wide-girth of interesting people that love to play MMOs, Single-Player RPGs, MOBAs, FPS, Survival Horror Games, you name it. Some also have their own youtube channels where they show off games and interact with the Community.

Kaeyi Dream
itsAliceduh – “Alice Croft”
TeaMaker Jason


GW2 Related:

  • Guild Hide N’ Seek
  • Guild Missions
  • Quiz Bowl
  • WvW Reset Sieges
  • sPvP Tournaments

Cross-Game Content:

  • Large-Group BETA Testing
  • LoL Nights
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  • Steam Community Group

Other Media Interests/Social Hours:

  • Game of Thrones
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  • Anime (Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online, Cowboy Bebop, Tora Dora, FLCL etc.)

If you’re interested in more information, contact me via in-game, this forum or ours.

Click Here to Apply!


Can any Charr help this indecisive guy?

in Charr

Posted by: Kokocat.6045


Lore wise: Charr guardians are virtually non-existent. It’s not in charr culture to be a protector/defender of others, because everyone is expected to defend him or herself. The only one in-game is Dinky, and he’s considered weird and unintelligent by others. So in terms of cultural norms, a charr born in Ascalon would not be a guardian. It might be viable for a charr who grew up orphaned among another race, but that’s it. A thief, on the other hand, works well for charr

Roleplaying: Pretty much same as lore. If you have a charr guardian, you’re going to need a legitimate excuse or backstory as to how and why it’s so.

Armor: Guardian is heavy and thief is medium. It’s easier to find good looking heavy armor for charr, but there are some very cool medium sets as well.

Gameplay: Hard to say. There’s a lot of variety with all the classes

I would actually say this is wrong. There are a lot of Charr Guardians (especially in Iron Legion). It’s not uncommon for a Charr to be a guardian since warbandmates look out for warbandmates. Yes, you are expected to be independent, but also trustworthy, loyal and a teamplayer. Charr are a powerful warmachine. Everyone from the smallest cub to the oldest veteran is a cog to this machine.

And the whole faith thing incase someone asks, faith doesn’t always apply to God or religion. I have faith in my guild we don’t screw up this week in Guild Bounty. I have faith my dad will live to be 100. I have faith GW2 will continue to be a decent game. You can have faith in anything.

All right. Find me one of these so-called Iron Legion guardians. They don’t exist. Arenanet even stated that they don’t in a lore discussion, because it’s against charr culture. Your character is intended to be unique and stand-out from the culture. But when it comes to NPC’s, there are no guardians except Dinky.

Challenge Accepted.

Challenge Complete.

You were saying?


(edited by Kokocat.6045)

Rate the Charrmor (Charr Armor) above you!

in Charr

Posted by: Kokocat.6045


8/10. I like the black and yellow color scheme against the stark white fur, but I’ve never really been a fan of Albinos. Nothing against you just from the wide array of fur color choices, a majority of people are STILL W, B, or W/B.

Vice Blitzshot (Thief)


More magic/mysticism less technology

in Living World

Posted by: Kokocat.6045


to find the correct term? What exactly is magitech?

technology that is powered by magic rather than engineering (eg, a flamethrower powered by a fire elemental rather than fuel), that’s the point, it’s magical tech :P

(magepunk is modern technology where things are done magically for no good reason, much like steam is used in steampunk, in magitech, the difference is that it is used for a GOOD reason, eg, “fuel is rare but we have lots of elementals wandering about” or it fills a niche that couldn’t be done with technology in that setting, and cyberpunk is modern technology where computers are added for even the simplest things, like on a table)

Don’t make me link TVTropes, I swear to god I will

Hee. I like Asura, but…they make Final Fantasy 7+ settings (skipping 9, as that’s a something of a throwback to the old more fantasy-style days) look primitive. the Charr…are Furry Mad Max. The problem isn’t so much with the style itself, it’s that it’s rather badly inconsistant with either the established past (the Asura do have the Gates and the golems…but the rest is kinda overboard even if you try to throw in the Gods actually being extradimensional aliens…and how the heck did Charr get Spaceship Earth and such given their medieval-barbarian tech base??)

It’s been 250 years. Cultures change and evolve. Humans are a lot more technologically advanced, look at the agriculture, and so are Charr. Charr’s engineering and tech is stemmed from wanting be a powerful military force and global power.

What wouldn’t make sense is if Charr stayed the same after 250 years when they’ve shown to be a developing species and proactive in improving their infrastructure. They have the drive, they the will, they will find a way.

In less than 50 years, people have developed technology in the real world at an alarming rate. 50 years ago, we didn’t have the internet. I think 2.5 centuries is enough time at least develop steam/gear tech.

Can any Charr help this indecisive guy?

in Charr

Posted by: Kokocat.6045


Lore wise: Charr guardians are virtually non-existent. It’s not in charr culture to be a protector/defender of others, because everyone is expected to defend him or herself. The only one in-game is Dinky, and he’s considered weird and unintelligent by others. So in terms of cultural norms, a charr born in Ascalon would not be a guardian. It might be viable for a charr who grew up orphaned among another race, but that’s it. A thief, on the other hand, works well for charr

Roleplaying: Pretty much same as lore. If you have a charr guardian, you’re going to need a legitimate excuse or backstory as to how and why it’s so.

Armor: Guardian is heavy and thief is medium. It’s easier to find good looking heavy armor for charr, but there are some very cool medium sets as well.

Gameplay: Hard to say. There’s a lot of variety with all the classes

I would actually say this is wrong. There are a lot of Charr Guardians (especially in Iron Legion). It’s not uncommon for a Charr to be a guardian since warbandmates look out for warbandmates. Yes, you are expected to be independent, but also trustworthy, loyal and a teamplayer. Charr are a powerful warmachine. Everyone from the smallest cub to the oldest veteran is a cog to this machine.

And the whole faith thing incase someone asks, faith doesn’t always apply to God or religion. I have faith in my guild we don’t screw up this week in Guild Bounty. I have faith my dad will live to be 100. I have faith GW2 will continue to be a decent game. You can have faith in anything.

Rate the Charr Name Above You

in Charr

Posted by: Kokocat.6045


Taigrr Bloodhorn – 6/10: You used the primus warband in your name (aka its not Lore Friendly).
Mow Threefingers – 8/10: Very engineer like.

Vice Blitzshot – Iron Legion Thief. What’s worse than a thief? A smart thief. Dismantling and stealing battle plans/machines from enemies while at the same time reassembling and improving their prototypes for Iron Legion purposes. Blitzshot from the Blitz Warband, nothing brings a bigger smile to your muzzle than unloading your bullets into a Flame Legion Shaman’s heart.

Is "Midnight Fire" Dye bugged?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kokocat.6045


It’s not bugged. Color changes depending on the type of material/texture of the clothing.

There’s a reason why when you sort colors, it gives you the option “By Material”.

Weapon Swap - Can you make the offhand from set 1 the main hand in set 2?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kokocat.6045


There is a way to repeat the same weapon with different weapon sets.

Drag your mace to the slot you choose not from the side panel to the right but from the actual weapons below your equipment list.

So take the Mace from offhand weapon set 1 and drag it to the mainhand of weapon set 2.