Connection Issues: July 11 and 12
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Krogan Battlemaster.9634
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Krogan Battlemaster.9634
Just glad I wasn’t the only one experiencing the problem here, I will just wait for them to fix their borked system lol
Loved the very first Halloween GW2 had. Was so much excitement in the air, so much craziness going on. I really hope Anet gives us something to make me feel that way again. I am sure I will play it a ton either way though.
We need at least 15 more threads
All forums shall quake with the tremble of the users running around in circles like chickens with their heads cut off! Make our presence known! Make all know that on this day, the servers were full!
Never seen this error before now lol. Was certainly interesting when I first saw it.
As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to have that Bloodstone Crown.
(edited by Krogan Battlemaster.9634)
It might be nice to offer more selection, but to sit there AND WHINE about what we got, is just petty. As was said, it’s not a personal gift, it’s a company giving their players what they think they want. And most players were MORE than happy to receive the dyes just for their character moving up in age. They could have made it account bound, and gave one item, but they didn’t. They thought of the best way to reward the majority of their players, and to make them all have a great third year.
The few elitist who sits there and expects them to hand them a reward they want, for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, besides logging in to their character after it hits another year older, is just ludicrous. I currently have every single Black Lion weapon skin, since the Balthazar skins first came out. Doesn’t mean I will kitten, moan, and complain about feeling left out if they decide to give players their choice of Black Lion skin, because I went out of my way to buy it when I did. I took the risks, knowing that at any point, Anet could change something. But you know what? I signed up and accepted those risks, when I agreed to buy it. Just because someone else will get a good reward for it, doesn’t belittle how good it was of the company to give out.
And, the people who are complaining are making it out to be like they ONLY gave out the dye packs and left them out of the loop. Are they forgetting about the 5 skill point package, the birthday booster, title, and the free boost to level 30 that we got as well? Oh, no, they must have thought those was leaving them out too since they have a good amount of characters and don’t need them either. This entire ranting and raving is going to get them no where.
As I said, while I do think it will be nice for Anet to offer more selection in their rewards, it in no way belittles what they gave us FOR FREE.
I’d like to reply to those who are saying that making this set account-bound is “a money grab.” Please keep in mind that we make the same amount of revenue for each BLC weapon skin that enters the game through MTX regardless of whether or not that weapon skin is later resold on the trading post.
The currency exchange is a player driven market and as the gem-to-gold exchange rate has increased, the trading post value of BLC weapon skins hasn’t kept pace. That leads to the common complaint that it feels bad to buy Black Lion chests for gems, because it seems as if they’re full of things that you could have bought more cheaply by converting your gems to gold instead. It’s not our goal to make you feel like a chump for buying chests. After all, by buying chests, you’re supporting the creation of the content that everyone plays. So it’s nice for there to be account-bound things in the chests in addition to the other tradeable items. With a lot of the chest contents, it’s not possible for them to be account-bound, because for a lot of things you’d be screwed if you got dupes and couldn’t off-load them to friends or onto the Trading Post. By putting the skins on the Black Lion Weapon Specialists we support those who have stored tickets and still have a combination of account-bound and non-account-bound items in the chest, as we did before today’s release.
This set of purely cosmetic skins still can ultimately be acquired either by purchasing them or by earning gold in the game and trading it for gems. If you like getting skins from the chests that can’t be obtained more cheaply through the trading post, use your claim tickets on these weapons. Or if you prefer tradeable skins, use your claim tickets for the other weapon sets, or acquire those weapon sets by trading for them with other players who bought them with claim tickets.
We on the dev team want to thank you again for taking the time to share your views with us.
This is complete and total bullcrap. The Black Lion sets are community driven. Their prices, demand, supply, etc. is ENTIRELY community driven. So saying that players feel they aren’t worth it when they drop, then that’s on the community for selling them so cheap and/or having no interest in them and dumping them off. If you realeased Black Lion sets that didn’t SUCK, like Balthazar or Chaos, or Fused again, you would see the price per skin would be a LOT higher than what they have been recently. Until you decide to rerelease those in Black Lion chests as another money grab attempt. So to pretend this is anything except a money grab is a total and blatant lie.
Sorry, but I don’t think the “average” player has stacks upon stacks upon stacks of these, and thousands of Spirit Shards from these. When they were first introduced into the Black Lion Chests, they were a godsend for alt-a-holics like myself and others. But, I can see the problems people today have with getting them since you get 3 just for doing a higher level fractal these days. I think they might need to drop them or introduce an item in the Black Lion chests that let you redeem for a Tome Of Knowledge or a few other things, for newer players who needs the Tomes or alt-a-holics like myself [though my use for them was dried up now that I have 15 80’s lol].
i have NEVER seen anyone with the aetherized weapons , and they’re never on the TP.
also until Anet decided to give them out for rares in the mystic toilet the 2012 halloween skins were really rare to see.
I have used the Aetherized Hammer skin on my Warrior since they first came out for 1 Black Lion ticket. I still use it today. Though I have been wanting to make Juggernaut, I just don’t know if I will keep the Aether Hammer on him for memory sake or not.
I know someone else kind of mentioned it, but any of the karma skins like the Peacemaker Weapons, Wolfborn, Ebonguard, Lionguard, Seraph, etc. Weapons are the rarest I have seen, here lately. They were widespread back in the day, but now, I never see anyone with these.
(edited by Krogan Battlemaster.9634)
Just thought I would add why this more than likely won’t be added in: In those given games you were talking about, monster/Pokemon collecting is the entire point of the game. You collect, to then train, and battle those monsters/Pokemon/etc you caught, while someone else has all the chances to get said monster as well. If you add this for just rangers with their Juveniles, it will add a small biased to one profession over all the others for no other reason than to get a pet skin that no other profession in the game can use or acquire. Maybe if they did this for Minis, that would be cool, but doing it for one profession only is a waste of time, resources, and is biased.
At least you learned the gambling lesson with ectos and not BL chests, or worse, a actual casino.
it can actually be worse than an actual casino. since you can buy gems and turn them into gold to use to gamble ectos
I did that before, with about $100 worth of gems. I have also spent real money on Black Lion Chests gambling and even Mystic Forge Stones with random exotics to try for pre’s back in the day.
Hi – is that the same skritt that leads to the Tarktun achievement?
Yes it is
Just wanted to share my story with Ecto Gambling. I know a lot of you don’t really care, but I feel like telling it to those who might be considering it or who might be a gambling addict like myself lol.
It was a few months ago, I just got back from a long hiatus. I learned of people talking about Ecto Gambling and wondered what the heck it was. I did a lot of searching on the Wiki to find out what it was, and where to find the Skritt responsible.
It wasn’t too long after finding him and playing a little that I got addicted, really badly addicted. I made a Sunrise and combined it with the Twilight I had to make an Eternity. I sold the Eternity on the Trading Post. I then set out to gamble a little bit.
Every time I thought I was done and was going to stop, my anger got the better of me and I get going. I spent HOURS at this spot Ecto gambling. Always doing the Ascended bags. After all these hours, the only thing I was left with was 50g and 100 Ecto.
I quit for a while after this, but just came back to play Super Adventure Box yesterday. I got back into Ecto gambling, figured what the heck? It can’t hurt me that bad since I only had 100g and a stack of Ecto. I began to get really lucky. After a few hours, and selling a lot of Ecto later, I was up 7,900g and had 4 stacks of Ecto left.
I decided to play a little with all that I earned today. Started out with a stack of Ecto and 5,000 gold. Spent a long time going back and forth with my gold count. But eventually, I had to go to work. I ended up losing 4,000 of the gold I won before. But I had 8,000 Ecto to sell in its place.
So I hope this story gives you a little idea as to what can happen on both extremes and to always be cautious when gambling. The rush/anger can be extremely overwhelming and make you do things you never thought you would in a million years. So if you get ahead, take the gold and stop. You will thank yourself later for it.
Thanks for reading, hope it was enlightening/interesting for some even if most won’t care.
Lixas, my Guardian Asuran.
The third picture he is wondering why he still has a regular mace, despite being on grand adventures and having the means to upgrade it.
The last picture is him showing off our frustration at Arena Net for taking over three hours to give us our gems:
(edited by Krogan Battlemaster.9634)
Warriors can’t survive now? Really?
I believe that is an overstatement and maybe a certain niche of warriors (full zerker warriors) will have a harder time surviving but certainly not all warriors as a whole.
Yes, yes we will. Warrior sustain is horrible. Getting hit by random cleave from melee mobs will be a lot worse.
I guess warriors have to all go rifle now, Melee will be horrible without the sustain they had before.
Or they could….you know….wear some toughness gear. Guess us Guardians will just have to carry warriors more than ever. (Note, Sarcasm meters should be blowing up now.)
I’m wearing Knight’s.
All the Toughness/Vitality in the world will not help you as a Warrior because you do not have the awesome sustain of a Guardian.
If you are having problems staying alive as a Warrior, then you fail. I can main tank, pull groups of mobs, etc. without any food on me what so ever. I do use food in dungeons, if I can remember to bring it. But it’s in no way “required” and I can do my job as main tank as well if not more than a guardian can.
That is not possible, you don’t have any access to any boons, the only way you can do that is if there IS a guardian with you giving you those boons.
All I need is a good healer at my back. My Dolyak runes, Knight’s Armor, Hammer knock downs, and great movement are enough to keep me alive through any fight I have come across. And we have 3 manned AC with me on my warrior.
Warriors can’t survive now? Really?
I believe that is an overstatement and maybe a certain niche of warriors (full zerker warriors) will have a harder time surviving but certainly not all warriors as a whole.
Yes, yes we will. Warrior sustain is horrible. Getting hit by random cleave from melee mobs will be a lot worse.
I guess warriors have to all go rifle now, Melee will be horrible without the sustain they had before.
Or they could….you know….wear some toughness gear. Guess us Guardians will just have to carry warriors more than ever. (Note, Sarcasm meters should be blowing up now.)
I’m wearing Knight’s.
All the Toughness/Vitality in the world will not help you as a Warrior because you do not have the awesome sustain of a Guardian.
If you are having problems staying alive as a Warrior, then you fail. I can main tank, pull groups of mobs, etc. without any food on me what so ever. I do use food in dungeons, if I can remember to bring it. But it’s in no way “required” and I can do my job as main tank as well if not more than a guardian can.
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