Showing Posts For Kujo.3678:
I agree 100%. Orbs need to come back. It’s clear that the dominant team will get every orb in most borderlands, but this will create an incentive to attack the team in the borderlands as people won’t be playing solely for points but for orbs as well. Currently there’s nothing to gain in borderlands that people would defend for a long amount of time.
I, and the rest of the Blackgate community, apologize for spamming the WvW thread with countless recruitment posts. We only have one main recruitment post (The one with 2 pages). Please treat this post as a desperate act by an individual of Blackgate, but not as a representative of our server. Thanks. <3
Edit: Post doesn’t apply since threads merged.
(edited by Kujo.3678)
One of the things I’m most proud of Blackgate is during SEA primetime. We have effective communication between our SEA guilds, even though their main language isn’t English, through the use of our server-wide teamspeak. Our response time to situations on the battlefield are insanely fast since we’re able to translate messages on-the-go through our VOIP. The only thing we’re missing is the number of dedicated WvW during this hour. We can get the messages across, but sometimes the guilds are too busy in their respective maps. This is where you come in, you can come in and be the guild that is the game-changer in these situations. Have your name honored and respected by the WvWers of this period and drive fear into your enemies.
Aside from our SEA guilds, guilds from other main timezones are, and will be, appreciated. The other timezones being Oceanic, American and European timezones. We respect each and every one of our guilds equally, regardless of when they came or where they are from. We work collaboratively with with other guilds and communicate to them via our Teamspeak. Need help on a borderland? No worries, call for help and another guild will come and aid you with the push of a button. We will back each other up as best as we can.
Communication between guilds is vital, and this is something that we at Blackgate are proud of.
-Blackgate SEA commander
We should just lock this thread up, throw it down to the pits of hell and ignore it. Seriously, is it impossible for a post to be something along the lines of “Hey, xxx guild of yyy server, I saw your turtle tactics a few hours ago and thought that it could do with some improvements. Maybe you could add some zzz stuff to your tactics and it’ll go better next time round.” Of course not, we’re all immature brats that can’t even give criticism to another server so that they can improve and thus allow us to have more fun and sustainable matches in the long-run. No one looks at the future but is rather too busy boasting about how awesome their server is. (
Pretty sad that less that two days into the match up some folks on one of the servers are already moaning about 2 versus 1. Seriously, have you never played WvWvW before?
Suck it up, at any one time, on any map there is some 2 versus 1 action going on. Thats just the way it plays out. It easy to look at the map you are on and think what you see is teh same for every map but believe me its not. For instance, yesterday on JQ BL we had significant BG and Sos forces on our map working each side and not really attacking each other and yet on EB the postions were reversed. Thats all part of WvWvW and we just roll with it.
Stop moaning and get out there and fight
/Looks at SoS BL
/Looks at JQ BL
Right… The beauty of having an all green and all blue map, respectively.
Dear TC and SoR, thanks a lot for the wonderful duels that occured during these past few hours south of Victor’s Lodge. =]
Especially to Fight Club Orgy for hosting it. ^^
-CQ (Kakine)
(edited by Kujo.3678)
So we, at BG, had the best moment ever (in terms of laughter) in SoR BL. Garrison trebs our NE wall of bay down 30mins-1hour before. We stall them at garrison for 1 hour hence making SoR unable to attack bay. We get pushed out of garrison and SoR attacks bay. Do they rush through the broken wall? No. They use 2 golems and their entire zerg of roughly 30 people (This is during late oceanic prime time btw, so don’t u SoR dare say anything about having no forces during this hour since you managed to push us out of garrison) to attack NW gate.
tldr? SoR attacks NW AB gate with 2 golems while NE outer wall is down
(edited by Kujo.3678)
I don’t ever post , just lurk on the boards but I think something needs to be said.
So just now, 1:55am EST, BG took Redlake on the BG BL— under normal circumstances I wouldn’t come complaining as we are usually outnumbered and we just try try again to reclaim keeps. This evening though is different, I saw for myself the “glitch” /hack/exploit whatever it is that lets you port through the door and come into the keep.
While Im manning seige I notice red behind me .. I get off the seige and theres about 6 BG inside.. I couldnt figure out what the heck happened. I helped kill them and back on the seige when I see it AGAIN.. this time.. they’ve ported in, killed the Captain/ Keep Lord and a few of us .. and again we kill them and rez the guards & Captain. I was able to catch just the innitals of two guilds involved in the portaling in as they lay dead. ND and FRS. (if I run into the players I will get the guild name and edit my post). I can’t say either of the guilds were the one who glitched in, but they didn’t mind partaking in the exploit.
BG you already outnumber us, why do you have to resort to cheating too?Bria
Yay for more exploiting! Honestly, posting a post here about the details of exploiting is asking this thread to be closed. (Not to mention the way you just ended your post is just asking for a flame war to start).
Is it so hard to type, "Hey, I found what I believe to be an exploiter in “xxx” BL from “yyy” server. Can anyone from “yyy” server PM me so we can discuss about this? I have guild info and “zzz” other stuff to show you that can support my claim"
Hello, Nocturnal Beard.8217
We’re a oceanic guild that’s really PvE oreintated with lots of our members doing dungeons. We also do lots of casual WvW runs (I’m personally a commander myself and I tend to command in EBG). Our guild uses our influence for karma boosts and magic find boosts to benefit our members more when they go farming in PvE, and kill exp boosts for people who are leveling. Our guild members are extremely friendly and will answer any questions you have if you ask on the guild chat.
Our guild is more of a gaming community than a guild. We have members that don’t only play GW2, but other games as well such as Planetside 2, Diablo 3, League of Legends, Torchlight 2, etc. Our teamspeak server is filled with people playing those games as well as people playing GW2 and so you’ll be able to play with many people within our gaming community if you wish to play different games.
If you want more information, please check out this thread:
Or visit our website directly:
Have a good day!
Hello, Swish.2463
We’re a oceanic guild that’s really PvE oreintated with lots of our members doing dungeons. We also do lots of casual WvW runs (I’m personally a commander myself and I tend to command in EBG, though we’d love the addition of another commander and an avid dungeon player like yourself). Our guild uses our influence for karma boosts and magic find boosts to benefit our members more when they go farming in PvE, and kill exp boosts for people who are leveling.
Our guild is more of a gaming community than a guild. We have members that don’t only play GW2, but other games as well such as Planetside 2, Diablo 3, League of Legends, Torchlight 2, etc. Our teamspeak server is filled with people playing those games as well as people playing GW2 and so you’ll be able to play with many people within our gaming community if you wish to play different games.
If you want more information, please check out this thread:
Or visit our website directly:
Have a good day!
Of course we do. It’s just that most of our members are Oceanic so it may not be of your best interest. However, we do have a few U.S. players and we are keen on expanding our number of U.S. players.
Hello, Rhapsodical.8706
We’re a oceanic guild that’s really PvE oreintated with lots of our members doing dungeons. We also do lots of casual WvW runs (I’m personally a commander myself and I tend to command in EBG). Our guild uses our influence for karma boosts and magic find boosts to benefit our members more when they go farming in PvE, and kill exp boosts for people who are leveling. Our guild members are extremely friendly and will answer any questions you have if you ask on the guild chat.
Our guild is more of a gaming community than a guild. We have members that don’t only play GW2, but other games as well such as Planetside 2, Diablo 3, League of Legends, Torchlight 2, etc. Our teamspeak server is filled with people playing those games as well as people playing GW2 and so you’ll be able to play with many people within our gaming community if you wish to play different games.
If you want more information, please check out this thread:
Or visit our website directly:
Have a good day!
Hello, Kuya.3180
We’re a oceanic guild that’s really PvE oreintated with lots of our members doing dungeons. We also do lots of casual WvW runs (I’m personally a commander myself and I tend to command in EBG). Our guild uses our influence for karma boosts and magic find boosts to benefit our members more when they go farming in PvE, and kill exp boosts for people who are leveling.
Our guild is more of a gaming community than a guild. We have members that don’t only play GW2, but other games as well such as Planetside 2, Diablo 3, League of Legends, Torchlight 2, etc. Our teamspeak server is filled with people playing those games as well as people playing GW2 and so you’ll be able to play with many people within our gaming community if you wish to play different games.
If you want more information, please check out this thread:
Or visit our website directly:
Have a good day!
Hello, Juyoon.7984
If you’re willing to switch over to Blackgate from Tarnished Coast, please continue reading this post. If not, then please disregard this post.
We’re a oceanic guild (Meaning most of our members live in the GMT+8-11 region) that’s really PvE oreintated with lots of our members doing dungeons. We also do lots of casual WvW runs (I’m personally a commander myself and I tend to command in EBG). Our guild uses our influence for karma boosts and magic find boosts to benefit our members more when they go farming in PvE, and kill exp boosts for people who are leveling.
Our guild is more of a gaming community than a guild. We have members that don’t only play GW2, but other games as well such as Planetside 2, Diablo 3, League of Legends, Torchlight 2, etc. Our teamspeak server is filled with people playing those games as well as people playing GW2 and so you’ll be able to play with many people within our gaming community if you wish to play different games.
If you want more information, please check out this thread:
Or visit our website directly:
Have a good day!
Hello, Awkward.5076
We’re a oceanic guild that’s really PvE oreintated with lots of our members doing dungeons. We also do lots of casual WvW runs (I’m personally a commander myself and I tend to command in EBG). Our guild uses our influence for karma boosts and magic find boosts to benefit our members more when they go farming in PvE, and kill exp boosts for people who are leveling.
Our guild is more of a gaming community than a guild. We have members that don’t only play GW2, but other games as well such as Planetside 2, Diablo 3, League of Legends, Torchlight 2, etc. Our teamspeak server is filled with people playing those games as well as people playing GW2 and so you’ll be able to play with many people within our gaming community if you wish to play different games.
If you want more information, please check out this thread:
Or visit our website directly:
Have a good day!
Hello, PizzaSlice.4526
We’re a oceanic guild that’s really PvE oreintated with lots of our members doing dungeons. We also do lots of casual WvW runs (I’m personally a commander myself and I tend to command in EBG). Our guild uses our influence for karma boosts and magic find boosts to benefit our members more when they go farming in PvE, and kill exp boosts for people who are leveling.
Our guild is more of a gaming community than a guild. We have members that don’t only play GW2, but other games as well such as Planetside 2, Diablo 3, League of Legends, Torchlight 2, etc. Our teamspeak server is filled with people playing those games as well as people playing GW2 and so you’ll be able to play with many people within our gaming community if you wish to play different games.
If you want more information, please check out this thread:
Or visit our website directly:
Have a good day!
Home World: Blackgate
Guild Name: Conquest [CQ]
Guild Website:
In-Game Contact: Kakine, xROOx
Focus: PvX
Quick Notes: We’re a medium sized guild looking for oceanic’s to increase the size of our gaming community. Our gaming community includes a large variety of people playing different games, allowing you to team up with other people over our teamspeak server if there’s another game you wish to play. With regards to GW2, most of our guild does dungeon runs with occasional WvW runs.
Hello, rose.8537
We’re a oceanic guild that’s really PvE oreintated with lots of our members doing dungeons. We also do lots of casual WvW runs (I’m personally a commander myself and I tend to command in EBG).
Our guild is more of a gaming community than a guild. We have members that don’t only play GW2, but other games as well such as Planetside 2, Diablo 3, League of Legends, Torchlight 2, etc. Our teamspeak server is filled with people playing those games as well as people playing GW2 and so you’ll be able to play with many people within our gaming community if you wish to play different games.
If you want more information, please check out this thread:
Or visit our website directly:
Have a good day!
Guild: Conquest
GM: xROOx, Kakine
Location: Oceanic GMT+10
Server: Blackgate
Conquest was founded in March, 2012. The sole purpose of creating Conquest was to develop a great community of gamers for Guild Wars 2. Since this original idea the guild has grown quite rapidly and started merging into other games.
Conquest has an established community with a Teamspeak server where a variety of games are being played such as League of Legends, Battlefield 3, PlanetSide 2 and Diablo 3.
The Leadership:
Conquest’s leadership is a straight democracy everything is put to the guild and everyone gets to voice their opinions and put forward their ideas.
Although there are leaders per se they are just figure heads to keep the guild organised and drama free. The Guild Wars 2 administrators are xROOx and Kakine.
The Community:
Conquest’s members are very helpful and a pleasure to play with. During our time together on the Guild Wars 2 we decided to expand the community into other games and start hosting our own game servers for games that are popular within the community.
Our Goal:
Our goal is to establish an Oceanic gaming community where you can jump on and have people to play with for any game.
Running tournaments within the community for prizes and organizing teams for cybergamer and other similar games competitions.
Guild Wars 2 Recruitment:
We are still actively recruiting for Guild Wars 2 as we have a large population of players keen on WvW and PvE content.
We’re after Oceanic players that are active, WvW & PvE orientated (Especially with dungeons), willing to listen and learn.
(edited by Kujo.3678)