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Sad Fayce Streaming Ele PvP

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


Streaming Free Tourneys for a few hours

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


The very fact he’s so dedicated into squeezing out the last few hundreds damage after long study and spec testing is a testament of how hard is to achieve just parity with another class played by a mediocre player.

It’s true. You have to work harder on an ele than other classes in order to achieve the same thing. But making the ele more powerful would mean that All the top tier and competitive players would then play Ele because it was the best class in the game when played correctly.

The class is hard to play because it is so versatile, but because it is versatile I am useful in ANY situation. Meanwhile I dodge your Bulls charge, eat your shield charge mist form your 100 blades always saving a dodge for your eviscerate. You as a warrior can’t do anything in that situation. Guess it’s kinda shetty i still end up winning with like 20% life from you spamming 1 on your greatsword.

Warrior isn’t and can’t be used in competitive play unless in a support shout/banner type role. Opa has a fun Stunlock build with his warrior and i know he’s popular, but its not competitive.

(edited by Kyros.5682)

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


Im playing Staff right now…. i might switch over for tournie play to staff.
And if u spec and rune correctly you can walk out of the roots because the imobilize is so short you can just walk our before it is reapplied.

(edited by Kyros.5682)

Sad Fayce Streaming Ele PvP

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


Streaming Spvp for now. Will be streaming Tourneys tonight in a little. 9/25

Sad Fayce Streaming Ele PvP

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


Streaming high level competitive Ele PvP, Spvp and Free tournie play. Late night 1v1s etc etc….


(edited by Kyros.5682)

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


I stopped it the moment i saw youre using scepter/dagger.

Ele is not strong, you’re useless and you get carried by your team. Sorry to break it down to you

Maybe you could come own me with your glass cannon staff build
1200 games played in Spvp? CSB
stay in spvp. I’ll go get carried in tournies.

(edited by Kyros.5682)

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


Post 2 of 2

Furthermore, I feel there should be a cost to having approximately 20 combat abilities at your disposal at any given time. This cost can be in the form of long cooldowns or “nerfed” effects by comparison to the abilities of other classes, but there needs to be a balance between cost and benefit.

It depends on what the developer wants right now, at this point they could bring ele up to par with other classes who currently use 1 spam Crossfire, 1 spam Trick shot, Haste + Heart seeker spam, Haste + 1 on thief sword, Haste + Hundred blades, summon 2 illusions and go invis repeatedly, etc etc.
They can bring other classes to where the elementalist is currently at, and do away with 1 spamming.

The question becomes: is the design of the Elementalist working as intended? Is the player penalized appropriately for having this level of versatility, or is the player overpenalized (by either certain numerical values or general trait and ability design flaws [such as lack of synergy])?

Its too early in the games life to give a solid answer.

Just to give a personal example: I often find that a given combat can depend on whether or not I land a Dragon’s Tooth and/or a Fire Grab — but both of these abilities are very difficult to target appropriately (Dragon’s Tooth because you cannot manually lead the target, Fire Grab because the cone of effect is deceptive). This may or may not be a design issue — perhaps I’m simply not good enough to force my opponent to hang around under the gigantic stalactite until it lands. But when it does go wrong, I simply switch attunements until I can go back to my ability to do damage — and hope I survive.
What say you?

I say your doing it wrong xD (In a joking manner)
Here’s a vid of what i was doing at that moment when i read his post. Testing new things. There is options out there, explore. And thanks, This topic is really helping me to explore my own class. again this is just what i was doing at the time. im like 10 minutes into playing after making the build and im not used to it yet. but this shows potential. Enjoy

@razerie, I figured you would view it as a convenient “O i deleted it”. I know vsing me was a big episode in your journey through gw2. But I record a TON of footage. Every match, guides, builds, etc…etc… Im sorry the footage of me vs you was a very minor part of my history.

(edited by Kyros.5682)

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


My comment about "traits that benefit attunement swapping tend to outshine traits that do NOT benefit attunement swapping " simply indicates the following:

The Elementalist tree seems to include two types of traits:
1). Traits that benefit a single attunement
2). A few traits that benefit attunement swapping

Yes, But attunement (F1-f4) abilities are sometimes a small part of a spec. So it would make sense to only have a smaller portion dedicated to only a part of the class (Attunements) rather than forcing every ele to always be switching attunements.

My observation is, simply: traits that benefit a single attunement might not provide enough of a benefit to be worth it, since you’ll only be receiving that benefit less than a quarter of the time (and to receive that benefit encourages using a single attunement, which discourages taking full advantage of your class).

Again, If you choose to be versatile you often swap attunements and specializing towards that rewards you better for swapping. Where as specializing more towards 1 attunment almost penalizes you because your supposed to be 1 Dimensional. yet you are utilizing the Advantage’s of your class. *
*Attunment swapping is geared more towards the arcane tree, until you have invested 30 points in arcane you are not ready to fully exploit all of attunement swapping and by swapping without 30 points in, you are taking a risk for the reward of a heal or condition removal or immunity etc…..

Secondly, and perhaps more importantly: certain abilities, such as Flamewall and Fire Shield, tend to have very long cooldowns and cast times, yet they do not influence the battle in a meaningful way — Fire Shield provides 1 second of burning to attackers and lasts for 3 seconds, but it has a 40 second cooldown AND it doesn’t help you avoid damage in any way or buff you in any other respect. Staff abilities tend to suffer from this much more than Scepter/Dagger/Focus abilities, in that staff abilities tend to have longer cooldowns AND longer attunement cooldowns (so you can’t switch as often).

Try using fire shield as a last ditch effort vs fast attacking people, I.E. Pistol whip crossfire spam. Attuneing and fire shield are both off the GCD.
Staff is best Used with Arcane specialization. the “VIII Blasting staff” really helps to Illustrate that the developers encourage using a staff with a support type tree(Arcane).
Arcane helps to lower the CD on attunment swapping. This give’s more of a benefit to staff than any other weapon.

And then there appear to be abilities that suffer from the opposite problem: the Scepter ability Shatterstone is a well-telegraphed ability that does minimal damage on a short cooldown, which appears to be counterintuitive design.

You Can use the 2 and then switch attunments and start casting a different skill. the skill still goes off while your doing something else. Its just there for some added burst to give you options.

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


Elementalist attunement swapping and synergy
I think a lot of people do not fully understand how ele is supposed to be played, same for mesmer, Utilizing your f1-f4 skills for both classes can be detrimental to you if done wrong, and in some cases I feel like you want to avoid using them when not traited to do so.
When you first look at the tree its,
Fire(Power,condi duration)
Air(Precision, crit damage),
Earth(Toughness,condition damage)
Water(Health, Healing)
Arcane (f1-f4 keys, Boon duration).

When you break up the mesmer tree,
Domination (Power,condi duration)
Dueling (Precision, crit damage)
Chaos (Toughness, Boon duration)
Inspiration (Health, healing)
Illusion (Condition damage, F1-f4 Keys)

As you can see the only difference in the tree’s are that condition damage and Boon duration have been swapped. The reason is most likely because earth is our Condition damage, and the f1-f4 abilities along with weapon choice, are the mesmer’s main condition damage. Lets take a step back and look at your question again.

Gaius wrote; “there appear’s to be very few traits that benefit attunement switching, and they appear to outshine those that do not. by simple virtue of the fact that, without attunement switching, your options are limited”

So for the question, Yes, attunement switching traits are limited. I’m not sure what you mean by “outshine those that do not”. And yes, if you are not attunement switching your options are limited, which is why the class and mesmer are much more 1 dimensional when no specializing into their f1-f4 abilities. You do have options however, Here are some of the attunement options/synergy that I know of.

Attunement Options/Synergy
Every 15 points in a tree you get a spell cast when you attune to that specific element. The arcane tree is where the majority of your attunement swapping utility comes from. 10 points in water clears a condition when you attune to water. 30 points in water clears a condition when you apply regen, 10 points in arcane applies regen when you swap to water. etc…. etc… mostly etc in arcane.

Why does water synergize best with attunement swapping?
Most likely because Anet does not want a “Main healer” type class in the game. Healing in games would be considered a support class. Attunement swapping is a Support type of play, water specialization is a healing/support tree. Naturally the 2 come together when trying to make a attunement swapping style of build. again this is similar with mesmer and their f1-f4s.

Gaius Wrote: “My second question: I constantly switch attunements after burning through the cooldowns available, but I feel that some abilities appear to not offer enough benefit for their cast or cooldown time.
Do you feel this is the case?”

I switch after burning through the Cooldowns I want to use, then i generally come back to my chosen attunement (Air) for sustained. Some abilities that you feel do not offer enough benefit for their cast or cooldown you may be using them at the wrong time. I dont know of any skills that I dont use because of its long Cooldown. I can however think of situations where I do not use the scepter earth 2 (Gives like rock armor//Increased toughness) because it has such a long cast time. However I like to start battles with this on because it is beneficial. Again the only time I don’t use the earth “2” on scepter is when I’m already engaged and did not cast it when I should have.

Only abilities that I feel may need to be improved would be the 1 on most of the attunments. Maybe allow the elementalist’s 1 of that attunment have a passive added effect to the spells cast instead of having to cast the 1. That would allow you to swap from Fire and add a burning effect to your spells cast in earth or air etc.. for a small duration of time, as well as getting the new added bonus from the 1 of w/e element you changed to. That would really help to promote attunement swapping and specializing in arcane “Maintain attunment bonus’ for longer” would help out more. But I could see that rapidly becoming the Only way to play ele. Because of that, Im not 100% sure I would want this yet. I also don’t do nearly enough spam 1 builds on any of my classes. So this could just be me seeing a ranger spam cross fire and a Thief spamming trick shot, and me never really just spamming the 1 on any of my elements.

I’d have to say, I don’t feel this is the case. Mainly a user error in that case. <_< I make mistakes to though (Not casting scepter earth 2 and such)

Again sorry for the long post, I think this is a pretty good read and I hope it helps.

(edited by Kyros.5682)

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


The only other class that I feel extremely comfortable with is the mesmer, though i can play other classes I will reference and compare mesmer to ele the most.

Gaius wrote; “there appear’s to be very few traits that benefit attunement switching, and they appear to outshine those that do not. by simple virtue of the fact that, without attunement switching, your options are limited”
First before I go into your question I would like to stamp out what Attunement swapping is, and what role it plays for ele as a class and mesmer as a class.

What is attunement swapping(F1-f4keys) and what role should that style of play take on? also applicable to mesmer
With the ability to change attunments the class becomes easily, the most versatile class in the game. Now when trying to make a build that specializes in being versatile, you will be able to do a little of everything, but not great at 1 thing. I really think thats where a lot of the confusion and belief that ele is weak comes from.
In my eye’s, if your going to specialize into your f1-f4 abilities you should be adapting a more support like style of play. That’s probably why “Staff abilities are larger” trait is in the arcane tree. You can of course make a more damaging or tanky style of play with the arcane tree, but again your still attunment swapping so much that you still end up doing a little of everything, and not enough of 1 thing. So i consider you support.

From a mesmer comparison with their f1-f4
Specializing into the mesmer’s bottom tree, wants you to shatter your illusions. The illusions (Mainly phants) are a good chunk of a mesmers DPS. So if your specializing into this tree your going to be applying a ton of confusion, a small amount of direct damage, daze, and vulnerability. In doing this your forced to shatter your illusions at a steady rate, and you never really allow your illusions to sit and do damage.
Again we see here that using their f1-f4 abilities often, gives their class more versatility but causing the style of play to be more support based.

Other Mesmer Tree’s not F1-f4
In other tree’s where a mesmer does not spec into shattering, their shatter’s would be/should be, extremely situational, and if they are using a shatter spell too often they are likely taking a hit to their overall dps. Mind wrack is often over used and is sometimes detrimental becuase the illusions your shattering are hitting me for 3-5k and mind wrack for at max 2.2k, and 2.7k if paired with 20stacks of vuln. But again that is extremely situational when you should or could do that, your sacrifising a lot of sustained damage to do that burst.
In short they should be using their f1-f4 abilities much much less. As a result they are way more 1 dimensional.

(edited by Kyros.5682)

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


I wanted to quote you, but the Forums are buggin out.

@gaius; You worded yourself carefully and it appears that you have put a lot of thought into your post. The following will likely end up as a HUGE wall of text, so i will Bold each new paragraph with a brief description of what its saying, so you can skip to what you would like if your skimming.

Its a really long post… gonna have to split it up into several it looks like

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


I decided I was going to post it and then It failed. to upload due to length. I kinda lost interest In it and listened to some advice about ignoring the trolls and how no matter what you say or show, some people just can’t be convinced. “It’s like arguing religion, they alrdy have their mind made up before they read the first word of your post”

annnnnnnnd then you asked if I was going to post it,….. and I realized that I mass deleted a ton of Footage from fraps today cause I filled up both my 500gb hard drives.

As for me vsing raz, He does fine. Prooves more of my point, that Ele can hold their own vs other classes. Though the builds he went up against might have been shody he still went up against good players. which means his build at the very least was good, which would indicate he has at least some knowledge of the class.

When it comes to myself vs him it rly doesnt go to show anything except for kittens. And we called it a draw at the end. Ele lacks sustained damage, and as much as he denies himself being a bunker, he is. And he does very little direct damage. Most of his damage comes from Condition based, I’d guess he’s using a shamans amulet for condition and healing stats based on the ammount he was healing from regen, and his damage ticks from bleed were like 97. Condition spec damage is something my ele build is strong against since the 30 points in water. Becuase of this, he was unable to really do damage to me unless I allowed it (Do i want to remove these condition now or try to burst him down?) was generally my train of thought.

I rly dont want to argue with the guy anymore, I got a little disgusted when he twisted some of the things i said. We fought like 3 times and the first time the time ran out, 2nd time a necro came in and did 4.7k+ damage to me and downed me. 3rd time a thief came inkitten end and did 4k+ damage to me, (I had like 8 stacks of bleed from a churning earth on me, but I had water attunement up) and the last time I challenged him to holding a node that i said i would take from him. I neutralized the node due to a bad dodge on his part or him habitually running away due to instinct when your on low life. Personally I don’t think i would have finished him off so im going to assume it was a bad dodge on his part that let me cap the node, but he was low on life several times so he could have very well just been instinctfully scared.

I may be ankitten hole sometimes but im not a liar…. I remember this so well because Of the ammount of kitten i was talkin in mumble when my guildies would say “You lost??” and I would respond “What?! No!! lol, im at 95% life and hes below half….. still” and then I remember raging that he heals from 10% life to 95% life in 1 swift motion…. In hindsight I realize It was due to my lack of boon removal capabilities that rly allowed him to live. I’ve told my guildies many times “I often wont be able to kill a bunker/tank 1v1 due to my lack of sustained damage, But they wont kill me either.”

Anyways, sorry sky I know you and other were prolly lookin forward to watching it to get the story straight. Unless you know of a way to get the history of my uploading it to be able to reupload it, if you know what i mean. thats the old link and I can see the history of me uploading it and still change whether its private or public, it also says my account can now upload more thant 15minutes of stuff. Was hoping maybe it would auto do it >_<

Wall of text Scores a critical strike against you for 10,000,000,000,000,999 damage.
You die.

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


@Razerei. My cat cooks bacon in the morning therefore your argument is invalid. Btw no one is saying ele is OP only that ele is not weak. Thats you twisting words again. Brb bacon is done

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


Hey thanks. I’m glad you tweaked it! Tell me what you changed though, I’m interested in knowing because That helps me to learn things too. I theory craft a ton but sometimes I cant think of everything. So if you tweak it and have good success with your new build Link it up I’d like to see the different variations out there.

I’ve already seen a ton more ele’s owning me out there in Spvp. Someone Lightning flash Churning earthed me today and killed me. I’d like to think its because we are growing as a community and sharing what we know. This in turn helps all of us become better at the game!

I’ve updated my Build a little and Made a new video showing some of the updates. Mostly the changes made are simple changes that are shifting with the meta game and 1 thing is kinda a new trick I’ve learned thanks to Ellisd, a necro on our team who really enjoys theory crafting with me (He’s done some amazing and unique things with necro). Here’s the link, It will should be finished uploading within the hour.

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


Churning earth is the hardest hitting skill we have maybe besides fire grab. However Keep in mind Churning earth is a very large AoE. Also applying 8 stacks of bleed. If your hitting a warrior for 2k Im going to guess you didnt crit, and im going to assume he has a high amount of toughness. You’re creating a perfect scenario saying that he would just remove the bleeds. I can tell you right now that if I hit a thief with churning earth, I win that fight 100% of the time. Anyway a lot of the arguments that have been posted by the People saying that ele is weak, often include perfect scenarios where the opposing player has exactly what he needs, when in reality its not always true. You win some you lose some.

Again I agree it is easier to jump on a warrior or a guardian (which i did today) and own. But at no point did I feel like any of these classes were able to do something that I couldnt on my ele. And in many ways I have more options and am more useful in different situations where a warrior or guardian would not be. Some classes are Good at everything and not great at anything. Ele has many manyhard hitting AoE atks that quickly divide that battle field. what other class has that kind of power? Everyone is always afraid of getting 100blades by a warrior, but when that warrior jump on the person next to you, you think “Phew” dodged a bullet there and carry on. When i drop a dragon tooth on the guy next to you, you both go running for the hills. Thats power.

As for our down state. In team fights it is extremely strong. Our 2 roots someone in place, I often mark a target and say burn this guy hes rooted for hella days. And in a downstate vs downstate war I win vs all classes except a ranger. Our 3 heals resets our downstate health and allows us to reposition?! thats like the best 3 in the game for downstate. I Like the trade off of not having an interupt on my 2 for having 1 of the strongest 3’s and having a team oriented 2 that can mean the death of someone who downed me. And again, having that kind of power in my downstate abilities means that Im risking an early stomp and having to rely on my team to keep people from stomping me. Im fine with that, again you win some you lose some.

(edited by Kyros.5682)

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


I’m not sure if any of you played rift, but when that game first came out the EXACT same thing was said/thought about the mage class. I’m not sure if its group thinking or ppl brought up on crappy games but I really couldn’t get it because I thought it was great. So it was kind of crazy to see all the noobs cry again.

to be honest, I kind of wish you wouldn’t share so much info :p

I did play rift, I ran a top ten in the world Guild at the time. Its name was and still is, Terrible Idea. Mage class was weak at launch i remember but in beta i still managed to find ways to “Dominate” people if you know what i mean. here’s a link. For those of you who dont know, Keep an eye on the level of my opponents. they are not standing still, Im controlling them.

I’d rather see other classes changed to require the same work needed to play an elementalist instead of making the elementalist just another faceroll class like in most games.

100% agree. I think that ele should and could be a central point for developers to balance the other classes. As I’ve stated before. ele is fine fix the other classes.

(edited by Kyros.5682)

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


@erebus. I do love ele very much. I’m semi intrested in playing mesmer once they fix some things. I think that mesmer will be the hardest class to play in the future but for now im sticking to ele until mesmer gets toned down.

So you see my reasons for even picking up a ele is because When ever i Killed someone on the mesmer they would say “Mesmer OP” and I would get no credit even though I did a good job.

On the ele however, I kill people and people dont talk shet about ele being op. They might even ask for my build or just say good job your the first good ele I’ve seen. I enjoy playing Classes that people struggle to understand or play. I dont enjoy playing class’ that are easy to play and everyone dominates with.

I simply dont wish to see ele turn into a class that everyone can play and dominate easily. Its a hard class to play, and i would appreaciate it if it stays that way.

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


Maybe this will lighten your mood.

A comprehensive guide.

Comprehensive warrior guide. Here to help.

in Warrior

Posted by: Kyros.5682


Possibly the best warrior alive.

Hope that helps.

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


lool removed cause its too long xD

Good contribution to the 100+ post thread sezu. your input is valuable. I’m a whiny aggressive kid, got it. oh and lets not forget a stupid noob D-bag.

@those of you who wanted me to go more in depth when i make builds I’ve recorded and made a new build tonight. Its a condition build with dagger focus. I’m pretty tired right now I’ll piece it together and link it here or start a new thread in a bit.

@razarei, your twisting words again. I agree with you that you have to work harder on an ele for the same results on other classes in certain situations (still doesn’t make the class weak). If that’s all you have been trying to say this whole time, are you done? do you have anything else to add?

(edited by Kyros.5682)

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


There is the video when it finishes uploading. That is everything I recorded, I didn’t get the fight where we just stop fighting and call it a draw when I’m sitting on a neutralized zone that i took from you. But you can deny that all you would like. In this video you can see who is chasing who.

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


@razerie You speak many half truths. I told you i was not going to post the video and bash you, “Why would i do that” i said to u. yet u still think for some reason that i was going to. I can post the video if you would like. All its going to show is that ele can in fact hold its own in a 1v1. which would further solidify my points. you are however running a tanky bunker style build similar to my bunker build. Your output in damage is extremely low so its no wonder you would be able to take a hit.

You contradict yourself in many ways and post blatant trolls and half truths through out this thread and the forums. “Insert class here vs insert class here, inset class here wins, Why? because ele is Under powered” you posted that. At this point you only disgust me more. What you have to say is not important only inaccurate.

At this point your asking Anet for a fireball spam spec, mad at the world because you have to press more buttons. Ele is not broken, 1 button spam builds are. Ele may be 1 of the more balanced classes in this game at the moment and in my eye Anet should strive to balance the rest of the classes to be on par with ele.

Your half truths and trolls disgust me, If you want me to post the video just ask and I will post what I have maybe with some commentary breaking down what your doing and what im doing.

In short:
You held your own in 1v1 with a bunker type build that put out very little damage and had high survive-ability. Yet you still Scream Ele is UP because other classes can do what ele’s do and have a easier time. I.E 1 button builds. I say to you, ele is fine fix the 1 button builds.

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


no, Ele vs ele wouldn’t prove anything. I would have them fight some of the best players I know on their ele, then i would fight the same person on my ele and we could compare the differences.

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


soo some one calling a necro a warlock and got no vids or any proof that he can even hold his ground alone is credible -_-

I’m the OP. but i dont think english is your first language. So OP means Original Poster, Topic starter. The guy who posted a tutorial video to help the community.

since your already frapsing and since your such a good player you should easily be able to find yourself doing some amazing stuff with a ele fighting against all odds

I am a good player, And I’m making a movie called “Ele battle at the alamo” Brief description of the movie is a Single ele takes on a horde of mexican Erebus’ at the alamo and comes out on top until a lone mesmer shows up. Im sorry i didnt mean to say that, that was mean.

btw. if you can do an arranged spvp so i can have full gear etc on other classes i would gladly take that fight, (not even sure if we can dual at all even with scenario pvp … but if so i gladly noob around on a necro in a 1v1 against you

Classic example of the quality of player that is saying Ele is Under powered and needs a buff. Clearly you don’t understand how Spvp works. nor do you have any confidence in your abilities or knowledge of the game.

and dude you are a d-bag through the entire thread, almost EVERY one is saying the ele is up and you come with a statement "you all just suck too muchkitten and i am uber pro with the holy grail answer which you where all too stupid to figure out….

That is a D-bag thing to say. I’ve not littered this thread with such statements however, maybe 1 such statement at the top of page 2 in bold. There is actually less people in this thread QQing about ele being UP, while there is more people posting “TY i tried your build and I’ve improved so much”, or stating that “ele is fine dont listen to the naysayers.”

Rock is OP, Paper is balanced, From scissors.

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


I hope people understand I’m not doing this to be a D-bag.
I’m doing this to show that there is absolutely no credibility to what these clowns are saying.

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


O hay erebus.
Did you find your 80 warlock and are ready to 1v1 me or my guildies now?

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


Here is imgur for better quality…
Soysauce’ Excuse
Erebus’ Clueless rant

(edited by Kyros.5682)

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


Edited out for Imgur cause imageshack is bayd <_<

(edited by Kyros.5682)

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


^ Sure, add me. I hope your attitude changes afterwards. What time zone are you in? It’s 5:30 am here, but I’ll be on in about four hours. I’ll leave the trash-talking to you, but I hope my point is seen better after this encounter.

Your not online.

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


K well, Tired of the people Talkin shet. You think im bad. fine, You think My team is stomping pugs only, Fine.

Heres my tag, in game Sad fayce and sadd Fayce. You add me and send me a tell. we can settle this 1v1 if you think ele is weak and cant stand its own against other classes. Mesmer with a Illusion does all your damage build is the ONLY thing that will dominate my ele 1v1. I may lose to some guardians but it will be a close fight.

So put your money where your mouth is and send me a tell. Dont worry I’ll be running fraps for you.

If you dont want any cause your not very good at the game and you know im going to stomp you then you have no place running your mouth about anything. You dont know how to play the game so what makes you think you know the game?!

@ Razeri Luckyo and Erebus Callin you 3 out. Alrdy have you added just waiting for you to come out from your hiding place.

Ele vs ele proves nothing to u? fine I’ll have you vs my guildies and then I’ll vs them right infront of you and we can see the difference between you and I.

Internet tuff guy? Fuq yea internet tough guy, I can walk my talk, lets see you walk yours.

(edited by Kyros.5682)

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


@luckyo Im sorry you feel that way. I look forward to playing you and your pug or your team in tourny and we can see who is who.

@Windowlicker Don’t think he is trolling but your right I’m just getting frustrated with my inability to defend myself in the forums like I can in game. Forums need a buff

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


@Razerei I main a mesmer and I’ve only been playing Ele for like 2 weeks. I Have played the majority of the classes and know which of these are hardest to play for me etc… etc..
Play style plays a large role in the difficulty of a class. so to just Sum up Ele as being a much harder class to play i think you are extremely mistaken. In many ways I find Mesmer a harder class to play than ele when not running the Illusion does all your damage build. And same for warrior with a greatsword. You are a 1 trick pony and you have to ensure your trick lands. This is all opinions formulated from playing against some of the best players in the game. You can throw out the Spvp shet I base none of my experiences from that. And I take no credit for stomping a 90% win ratio against garbage pug teams in tourneys.

I’ve restrained myself from saying this until now
I find ele a extremely easy class to play, You spam skills and have a good amount of success without any specific rotation or order, you just dominate while spaming like you would button mash in teken

That perspective is against the average joe. You can mash buttons on an ele with a good build and destroy. With the signet heal the faster you mash the more healing you get, that to me = a win – win scenario.

@Boozer, What you say is very true in many ways. What you may fail to realize is that there is very little money in Spvp while there is a potential to make loads of money in competitive tourney play for Anet. So balancing the game towards a more competitive nature would benefit them more as a company and lets face it, money makes the world go round. Those with money could give a shet about human emotion.
Also the builds that require “High risk” end up with little reward in any pvp scenario. High risk for high reward builds dont work in PvP. People think better than AI. Stick to high risk high reward builds for PvE and try to find a more balanced consistant build that can do both damage and Defense. Otherwise your doing it wrong. And if your doing it for fun than by all means do it your way and have fun but dont QQ when your not winning.

(edited by Kyros.5682)

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


Keep in mind that they have 4 Elementalists on their team so If im getting stomped then good maybe that helps to show something.

(edited by Kyros.5682)

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


What you dont understand is that the 1 button builds “Heartseaker. Pistol whip, Crossfire, Hundred blades” are builds that should not be viable in competitive play yet are. To me it sounds like you are complaining because ele isnt a 1 button class.

And to clarify I did not say that ele was OP. You’ve obviously already made your mind up that Ele is weak and you wont hear what I or others have to say. Just brushing it off as elitest crap.

I Practice and make my builds with what i consider some of the best players in the game right now. I base 0 of my opinions off of Spvp and base 0 of my opinions of off steam rolling bads. My videos come from a poor selection of pug stomping videos I cant control the quality of teams I’m pit against. As for my opinions and Posts about how strong an ele is etc….. It comes from practicing with the best players I know.

You dont know what your talking about.

Skill is everything when it comes to balance…… How else can you utilize the Potential of a class if you herpkittenthe whole time. I think what you want from Anet is a Fireball spam spec.

(edited by Kyros.5682)

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


I really wish guys would stop assuming everyone that complains is an average joe with no skill.

Elementalists certainly are not weak beyond all means, but they aren’t good as other classes. Of course, videos as this aren’t going to be great help when we’re talking about skill levels either. Just because you’ve beaten this (to be honest fairly weak / random team) doesn’t mean elementalists are strong.

to OP, as Raz said if you really want to prove a point, make a video of you doing two of three different tourney games from start to finish (no cutting the bad parts) and then we’ll see what happen. I want to see what you’re going to do when you’re getting focus….I did not see it anywhere in your video. I mean we know that you’re a decent player but you should not use your current video to say that there’s nothing wrong with eles because it’s clearly a bad example.

Average Joe’s Complain when something isnt easily played like a thief (1 button). And the only classes i Lose to in 1v1 vs good players are gaurdians power necros and mesmers. The rest of the classes i beat. So I dont understand how you can sit there and say its weaker than the other classes when in reality its only weaker than the 2 really strong classes and a power build necro that few people have caught onto.

The video is a basic understanding of how I try to play ele and if you take it for that it will help the majority of people out. Stop trying to deflect it to Skill level when i practice with and make builds based on my experiences with my team who I consider some of the best players in the game right now.

Here is a video of us vsing 1 of the best teams in the world… BTW this was my 2nd day on ele so the build im using is a silly hybrid build and I did not finished tweaking the build yet.

Anyways im done with the negative nancies. As stated before
“I know its hard to believe but I actually do know what im talking about. Which cant be said for a lot of you based on the comments you have made.”

I’ve nothing more to say to the “Non-Believers” lol

(edited by Kyros.5682)

[Mesmer] List of bugged abilities and traits.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kyros.5682



1.Illusions that inflict Stacks of bleed
2. Said Illusions get killed or are shattered
3. Bleeds stop ticking on target even though duration is not finished

use the 15 trait in dueling for illusions inflict bleeds on crit and use a illusionary duelist then shatter him on the dummy and watch the bleeds stop ticking.

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


First thanks for the appreciation.

For those of you saying its a low damage build or a support build Or it only works with your team or you cant 1v1 good players with it etc….

IDK what to tell you, your wrong. go practice xD
As for the 30 points in arcane vs the 30 points in water. It is a bit of preference, but more so that i could not 1v1 my fellow guardian with 30 in arcane, while i was able to beat him with 30 in water.

The build is “Stable” and consistent. and is supposed to be used as a Damage dealer type role while if you get focused you have the ability to play defensive.

I’ve done extensive testing with this build and the ele in general. I know its hard to believe but i do actually know what I’m doing >_<. Which can’t be said for a lot you, based on the comments you have said.

@DreadShinobi If i used ring of fire first, You will miss dragon tooth without them having to use a dodge. “Its basic stuff” bro.

Once the average joe gets better at “Understanding” the mechanics of the game more so than just mashing buttons better than the next guy. Then maybe you will see where I’m coming from.

P.S. Every warrior uses a greatsword because the class is “Unplayable” without one. Mesmers use the Illusion damage build because It is nearly “unplayable” without one. Many people just chalk their lack of success up to it being a balance issue and always thinking the grass is greener on the other side. With that said, Ele is not the only class having issues and in many ways it has more options or playstyles than other classes atm.

Sorry if i come off harsh. I just dont want to see Anet listening to the majority of you and make major balance changes based on what the average joe QQs about. Recently a Dev posted something about a Necro getting a Power buff to bring the class more in line with its condition damage specs because most people are QQing that condition spec is the only viable option for necro. Shame that the necro i run with uses a power build and it doesnt need a buff. So now necro gets to be flavor of the month when it gets buffed Because some people decided to QQ about something they know very little about and put just as much effort into learning. Thats some Heart to heart ^

Sad fayce (strictly Business)

(edited by Kyros.5682)

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


here is the build before someone asks xD

(edited by Kyros.5682)

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyros.5682


Ele is strong, If your having trouble Please dont complain about the class being weak because you cannot figure it out. Seek help, Then cry if none is given :P

Here, hope this helps people here like it helped people before.

@Developer I cannot beat Top tier Guardians (still a close fight) in 1v1. I cannot Beat top tier Illusion damage based build mesmers (Cant beat most Dull witted ones either) but mesmer other than that style of build is a close fight. I beat Condition necros But Power necros are a good counter to this build. I beat the other class’s (Engi, Thief, warrior etc…) Top tier players generally good fights but ele comes out on top for 1v1 while still being an extremely good class for group fighting. Staff ele is not viable 1v1 but hands down the best support in the game.

This class seems fine right now, hard to tell till the meta game shifts a lil more and new builds are discovered.

(edited by Kyros.5682)