Showing Posts For LORIKEETZ.1029:

Ring wraith !

in Necromancer

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


Love the video of the Necromancer for Heart of Thorns love the ring wraith LOTR look , looks really good , absolutely gobsmacked will maybe have a try at necromancer after Revenant

steam powered pet upgradable for tinkerers

in Engineer

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


A steam powered pet for the engineer class if you like to play around with mechanics , upgrade pet through mechanical upgrades and better parts , circuits etc , fully upgradable pet with interchangeable chassis body parts for a different looking pet would make engineer class more fun to play , YOUR THOUGHTS ? , I know pet AI not the best but would be a hoot to tinker around with to make the perfect steam powered robot lookalike pet as a companion and fighter / guardian etc .

New Races in the future?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


steam powered robotic race with interchangeable parts , create different body chassis looks according to amount of leveling up of character .

Why rangers/Necros pet class only ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


Just a question about other classes not having pets but ranger having a pet/s , can other classes Engineer , Thief , Warrior etc have pets as well , maybe custom pets exclusively for a/that particular class , IE Engineer would have a steam powered robot/pet , Elementalist an elemental pet , etc , seems a little odd but if the game has been balanced for Ranger and Necromancer only pet classes , but if I have a Thief character why can’t I have a pet to aid in instances , no not a miniature a pet pet pet . Will this be addressed in the future , thanks very much from peter .

Crafting System fully upgrading weapons parts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


Although it’s probably easily solved by going to trading post to get a better weapon I’d say that if GW2 had or addapted a similar system of upgrading weapons as Dead Space 3 has where all components minor and major in a particular weapon short bows , rifles , pistols , etc , are fully upgradable , this might be an exciting addition to the game . I don’t quite know how this would be able to be adapted to the crafting but it could be a real winner , I like a challenge .

Guild Wars 2 movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


Having seen Dragon Age Dawn of the seeker and loving it I’d say it would be a sure bet that if Arena net put out a full length Guild Wars 2 movie CGI of course like the Toy Story series or Dragon Age Dawn of the seeker , this would be in my small opinion help boost Guild Wars 2 reputation not that GW2 needs it but a shot in the arm so to speak can’t be a bad thing either ! Of course this would be an alternate story line connected or not the official storyline in game or whatever is deemed okay . A full length movie would be a very exciting prospect .

Direct Song: Support Issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


I,ve got some of the soundtracks by Inon Zur for Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age 2 and " LORD of THE RINGS " War in the North all via iTunes . Whats the big deal with not making the Guild Wars 2 soundtrack available through iTunes I mean really ! in 2013 AD the digital age.
You want to keep up with the competition don’t you , don’t you !

Direct Song: Support Issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


I’ve got to agree I’ve ordered twice for the soundtrack now and no product , I don’t know who has the authority to organise selling this amazing soundtrack but iTunes should be a definite option , to whoever is in charge of the media sales outlets make this a very serious point because a lot of people are complaining and all that is happening is Guild Wars 2 reputation is being dragged into the mud by the questionable repute of the only media sales outlet for this amazing soundtrack , I refuse to complain to Direct Song as they simply won’t listen to people who have legitimate complaints treating them like idiots instead of valued customers with some " simple simons whitewash excuse strategy " of sorts making out the customers are at fault or whatever , etc etc etc , and I just refuse to be treated like an idiot anymore because I certainly feel like one now , is this the response that Arena Net wants , no I don’t think so , so I won’t have anything more to do with these people , do something about it now make it a very serious point at your next bussiness meeting before there are even more complaints , Go through iTunes as a legitimate option for digital downloads and as a CD option apart from the scalpers prices for the CD at at the present moment. Thankyou Arena Net for listening.

6th playable race, what's your top 3 pick?

in Lore

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


An elemental race from the aethereality dimension either earth , water , fire or air .

Griffin/Eagle Shrine's - future expansion ?

in Suggestions

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


Is this possible it maybe a bit of a stretch at the moment if possible , maybe even a shrine to the Eagle I’m not sure how closely that GW2 has to follow the novels by Ree Soesbee and or the lore in the game just an idea or observation at this time .

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


Domesticated small Dragon pet to fight along side the ranger.

Pick flowers/herbs for potions/quests

in Suggestions

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


This is also to colour up the enviroment some more to look very pleasing to the eye

Pick flowers/herbs for potions/quests

in Suggestions

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


Just an idea I’ve put forward as in Skyrim and Oblivion there are some different types of flowers to pick GW2 has lots of different varieties of flowers and herbs to pick whilst exploring enviroment for direct or indirect quests with crafting combining different limitless combinations of flowers and herbs creates any numbers of different types of potions to complete quests or finding the more exotic rarer species of flowers and herbs whilst exploring and questing gives substancial rewards to the player including very rare potions from botany related quests or lack thereof and just as a sidepoint there should be more variety and amount of flowers and herbs than either Skyrim and or Oblivion games pc.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


Eagle Raptor , Eagle Griffin , Owl Griffin

GW2 lvl 20 characters as followers re:GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


Will you be able to have your other level 20 plus characters of choice 1 or 2 as followers as in Guild Wars 1 had at some point in the future at later part of game higher level like Ranger class has pets , any suggestions ? Is this a possiblility ?

Skill points redo quests much harder 2 time.

in Suggestions

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


Just a suggestion to be able to accept Skill Point quests throughout map again initial victory with increased levels of difficulty the second and third fourth and fifth times around , suggestions anyone ?

Karma lore/quest for not killing animals PvE

in Suggestions

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


Somehow intergrate this lore into the game if not a fan of killing animals for the sake of killing as an ongoing Karma rewards quest throught game or standalone quest . Any suggestions ?

Pets Owl/Eagle Griffin & Griffin shrine

in Suggestions

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


A possible future edition a mini domesticated dragon pet to accompany and fight with ranger class

Pets Owl/Eagle Griffin & Griffin shrine

in Suggestions

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


Magnificient looking animals would love to see these as pets for ranger class in future major update and or expansion , also for sure a Griffin shrine , mini’s don’t cut it for me except for company if questing and exploring .

Ringtone or ringtones for phones

in Suggestions

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


Quite like Dromund character in Norn area " Hey you over here " dialog for ringtone will this be an option in cashshop at a future date maybe sometime soon.

Flowers and Herbs where !!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


Apart from the auction house and random farming from environment actually picking herbs and flowers from environment including very rare species of flowers giving lots of EXP points and really neat rewards. That would be great . Thanks in advance

Flowers and Herbs where !!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


I along with pretty much everyone else enjoying GW2 may have noticed that in Skyrim or Oblivion If you out there have played these games ,there were some flowers you could pick , but in GW2 somewhat not really a lot to choose from , I’m hoping that will be addressed in a future major update or expansion with some or even a lot of botany ( picking flowers and herbs ) quests , how about fields of different flowers lots and lots of different types of flowers and herbs ( more than Oblivion and Skyrim ) at the moment early days of course , the game seems to be sadly lacking in this area of oportunity to entertain the masses.

Ravens Riddle not challenging enough

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


I’ve done the Ravens Riddle instance that many times the quest is really and I know almost all the answers its to easy , how about harder levels of questions for the veterans , how about riddle quests for the other Animal spirits as well or make the other animals spirit riddle quests harder to different degrees .

More diverse and separate skill trees.

in Suggestions

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


Love the Norn race but no Griffin pets , yet , maybe soon please .

More diverse and separate skill trees.

in Suggestions

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


I’m not sure why the traits system replaces the myriad and very flexible skill trees in the more standard mmorpg’s like Rift , Forsaken world , Dungeon Seige 2 or Diablo 2 but I’m hoping for a major overhaul of the leveling up skill tree options in a future major update or expansion . At the moment there seems to be not much flexability in this area and to a degree very rigid and predictible options with choices in leveling up your character . Dungeon Seige 2 was my favourate leveling system of any PC game to date apart from Skyrim and oblivion .
My only guess as to why the levelingup system was designed like this was to make the leveling up options simple and to the point or just trying to fix or improve upon a tried and trusted system for character development , but not to my personal liking , but overall the game is really a winner.