Showing Highly Rated Posts By Lantz.7240:
Only having the heal for pvp I think would make sense.
This to me is my biggest problem with engineer. Well one of them. Every other glass gets to pick out 10 different weapon skills and then pick utility skills to complement them. The only other class that doesn’t get weapon swap are elementalist who get 20 skills with one weapon set. To equal that we would have to take up almost every utility slot with kits which usually means a lack of CC or stun-breakers. I suggest we get a weapon swap but only able to equip kits. Except med kit. The weapon swap kit special ability would become F5 and this would allow all engineers to use kits which are suppose to be a big defining feature for us and not force us to lose a utility we really need.
This could be a completely stupid idea but its one that I keep coming back to and i’m interested to see what others think about us not having weapon swap. Maybe i’m way off but as much as I love my engineer I always feel incomplete and missing something no matter what build I use.
The problem is though that I love the idea of the engineer. Turrets, Kits, Elixirs and shield/pistol combo is just cool. As much fun as everything is though pretty much none of it is up to snuff. I have play most other classes and while they played really well just not as much fun.
So those are my options apparently. Play a useful class that bores me or one i enjoy that is weak and almost useless.
No the have said several times we are a mid range class. If try not to be we get nerfed. Know your place.
Even if you can tell which is the real one its still 1vs4. This is only fun for the mesmer who can easily hide/escape while they continually spawn clones to do their work.