Showing Posts For Lavec.8157:

Bag of gold. Not sure if bad luck or possible bug.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lavec.8157


It should be coined a bag of coin.

Suggestions to reduce market manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lavec.8157


commie! It’s fine the way it is, smart people make money, while the rest get left behind. It’s how it works

Well actually we have a hybrid fixed and free market because essential items and services are fixed at vendor prices. A bit like some socialist countries fix the price of milk, bread and even travel but otherwise have a free market. Without this it would mean a new player is immediately unable to even buy essential items for surviving in Tyria. So it’s not a pure capitalist society

Playing the market != manipulating it

I have to agree with that. I stand corrected on my previous statement that manipulation is part of the trading system but everything else stands in terms of playing the market and what the OP is concerned about.

(edited by Lavec.8157)

Suggestions to reduce market manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lavec.8157


Market manipulation is part of having a trading system in place and if people want to play the markets to make money that’s their prerogative. Even if gold sellers are playing the markets that is not the issue it’s them selling the gold made. Police that and you it will help but there’s no use punishing everyone for doing something valid.
It’s no different to real world markets – while some people are interested in the company shares to reap the company profits others are simply there to buy and sell shares to make a profit from that and they will use whatever knowledge they have to speculate and the direction prices will go and at times can even influence share prices by moving large volumes of shares. If criminals are investing in the share market we don’t try and control the market – it’s irrelevant to their criminal activities even if they buy shares with dirty money.
What you are suggesting is controlling short term selling and I think that is wrong (controlling it not doing it) unless there is inside knowledge which is not the case for BLTC. No one has any more knowledge than anyone else except for the designers and devs who will be aware a patch is going to increase/decrease stock and cost of acquisition of a particular item.

Can not sell rare drop because of lack of funds for listing fee

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lavec.8157


Sell it to the highest bidder on TP, then you don’t have to pay any fee out of your pocket, the fee comes from what the buyer pays for it.

Nope. I tested this by putting my gold in the bank. You can’t sell to highest bidder if you don’t have the listing fee. Sell button is greyed out.

This is bordering on a bug. At best it’s a design feature oversight.

Mad Market Manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lavec.8157


If you look at sell listing volume, there isn’t a noticeable change there at all (only a very small dip in the raw data).

I can see quite a dip in raw sell volumes. From 20 to 10, 45 to 17, and 61 to 21.

Mad Market Manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lavec.8157


We don’t know if the seller removed his sale and put it up for a higher price or if the item was sold and put up again for a higher price.

Well from the graphs you can see that quite a number sold of each weapon. Basically they got bought up to a cut off price and only the high priced ones were left.

Mad Market Manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lavec.8157


Isn’t that around the same time the dungeon closed and hence no more weapon drops? It would stand that there would be a hype moment where some called to buy them cheap while you can so it’s not necessarily the work of one person.

Edit: it’s not too dissimilar to speculation on the stock market when prices jump quickly based on a prediction.

(edited by Lavec.8157)

Can not sell rare drop because of lack of funds for listing fee

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lavec.8157


If you sell to highest buyer do you need to have the listing fee on hand? Can’t it be taken out of the transaction immediately? Or maybe there isn’t a listing fee since you aren’t really listing it?

Waypoint costs have to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lavec.8157


Free travel to Lion’s Arch is sufficient but I’m an explorer so I’m biased. If people want to jump around a lot I’m not one to stop them but it could mean less people around for events and helping each other out since there’s less foot traffic.

Alternatively each map could have one or two free travel waypoints (especially near dungeons) and travel to all cities is free too.

MAC version: Inverse scroll wheel option for zoom

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lavec.8157


It would be nice to have an option to inverse the scroll wheel for zoom on the Mac version. Since OS X has inverted the scroll direction since Lion it’s fine for scrolling windows but makes less sense for zooming in and out. If possible keeping the zoom direction for window scrolling the same as OS option would be good.

Hope that makes sense, i.e. new options:

o Mac: Inverse scroll wheel direction for scrolling windows
o Mac: Inverse scroll wheel direction for zooming in and out

Trading system outside of TP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lavec.8157


Duplicate suggestion:

If there is a trade window implemented, even just a cash on delivery mail, then please let there be a trade channel and strict rules not to use any other channel for trade spam. I’d rather leave it as is though. Works fine and it’s only a minor inconvenience when a direct trade is desired.

Trading system outside of TP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lavec.8157


Keep it as is. The only reason you don’t want to trade via TP is either for real money trading or because you want to sell something cheaply to a friend and in the latter case mailing the item is fine since if you can’t trust that person you probably don’t want to sell the item to them cheaply in the first place.
Role players can easily use mail instead to simulate a direct trade – imagination and suspension of disbelief is what they are good at anyway. They save 15% in commission for the trouble. win-win.

Missing Gold

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lavec.8157


maybe you got hacked? contact support.

There is a counter to Zerg Fests

in WvW

Posted by: Lavec.8157


I can’t remember what game it was …

Didn’t Aion do that?

Why night capping is fair and why you shouldn't complain about it.

in WvW

Posted by: Lavec.8157


No, it is not like that in EU.
I don’t want to whine, since now Im kinda ok with it, but just to explain:
Server A and B have same primetime, and fight each other,both win some and lose some.Then at 2-3AM server B goes to sleep, but server A still has an active group of players. They cap everything and go to sleep.
Next day server B has to take back everything that was taken last night, but they meet opposition fro server A since their prime time is the same. So server B can not capture whole map (don’t forget we have server C here too, which does want his pice of the pie).
But whatever B and C have done during their daytime will get destroyed by server’s A night krew.
That is how it works, and that is why it is concidered a problem.

Seems to work as intended, how is this considered a problem?

Once servers a ranked the issue pretty much goes away. Those with active off-peak players AND strong peak play will rank high and be pitted against each other. You won’t see as much capping of everything then.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lavec.8157


Please read the announcement: “If you have any items or gold that you’re waiting for, those will be delivered later tonight.” Hopefully you all will get missing gold then.

I think the collect tab is not clear enough about what has been collected and what it is for. It’s also shared between all characters I think and that’s confusing too. Would help if it listed gold for individual sales and by whom it was sold.