ok, like i said i will leave for about three weeks now.
hope to hear something till then
Thank-you for taking the time to state this. Your reward is the effort you took. If we look at the entire statement that extends to all 2H weapons you can see the greater implications of what I am saying. The point being, if we take any 2H weapon that can be used across multiple professions, in this case the greatsword, how it performs in the hands of a mesmer as compared to warrior is very different. However this doesn’t change the fact that damage is damage. It doesn’t matter whether it is applied via conditions or directly. Double sigil would carry more benefit to those apply damage via different sources as opposed to professions that are locked in to a singular mode of damage. That is why I specifically choose necromancer and guardian as my example. The necromancer can play a power focused role and supplement with conditions,..the guardian, unless there is a hidden pure condition build that also gets supplemental damage from power, would not receive as much benefit as other professions. Ergo double sigils would only, in the end, create more disparity between professions that have already been baked into specific play styles as opposed that have a little more range to what they can do.
you know sarcasm?
well nvm. what you are trying to say is that having two sigils on 2hand weapons is better for classes with multiple types of damage (power+condi) and that is plain wrong. in gw2 you have enough sigils for both types of damage. so even a damage guardian (imo one of the least viable classes in the game) can profit in the same way when he would go fire/force on his greatsword.
for example as a thief i could go bloodlust on my shortbow and then have fire/force + 250power on my mainhand weaponset what is huge.. and i only deal power based damage.
yeah adding speed to the game is stupid and lame. rrrrrrrright.
i start thinking the only thing you do is trolling.
Ok so you agree automated response is broken. We are getting somewhere here.
honestly? /facepalm
Who says necros dont pay attention? Pay more attention than thieves who just spam…
tell me how you care if you have weakness on yourself while spamming condis, tell me how you care if your target has protection on him but dont try to tell me how a necro is not spamming their skills. played this fotm necro enough myself. its so easy to play that every cat who jumps over the keyboard is doing well. the only hard thing with this spec is interrupting casts with fear.. and in most cases you dont even need it because you dont care about what your enemy is doing anyways.
(edited by LeGi.3921)
If the runes are used by so many people then they are clearly OP
lets follow that logic:
nightmare runes are used by every condiclass; clearly op
terror is used by every condinecro; clearly op
dhuumfire is used by every condinecro: clearly op
spectral wall is used by every condinecro: clearly op
brain is used by every decent player: clearly op
how funny that condiclasses start to talk about immunities.. yes engi automated response is broken and should be fixed. but berserker stance and lyssa are only counters to condioverload.
all i read in this topic is someone that wants the only counters other players have against their class to be nerfed.
and WOW, as a condiclass you have to actually pay attention to the boons or skills an enemy is using? you have to wait out stuff like berserkers stance or stability to land your stuff? you have to actually start using your brain a tiny bit? well, seems like the games is advancing in the right direction because you know what? powerbased classes have to watch that since beta.
no, i said that lyssa dont need to be nerfed when every condition class can reapply those condis without any effort in no time again.
btw, thanks for proving my last sentence before this post right.
It made as much sense as your statement, only made it for you to realize. but i guess its a wasted effort to discuss with you.
Who needs a nerfed lyssa set when you can perma condispam everything with no skill?
thieves overall lack condi removal and thats the reason why we have to rely on lyssa.
utterly crap outside of those permastealth builds that are more boring to play than s/d atm
one condition for 5 initiative. probably the best condiremove for the thief, but pretty expensive as you need initiative for damage as well.
60 second CD and having both stunbreak + condiremove on the same skill is not working out.
1 condition. period.
good but easy interruptable for the fotm condiclasses (necro/engi)
not removing the damaging condis but still great for several reasons
yep and thats the end of the list.
(edited by LeGi.3921)
engi is OP as a farpoint assaulter, but as most people whining on the forums/defending their class are hotjoin heroes noone realizes it.
but well, thats not the topic for that.
yes, please remove even more condicleanse from the game so the worst necros out there have a chance to beat decent players.
just save your instant fear to interrupt the ultimate. when you are lucky you can even let the cast happen and fear directly after that. like this condis wont be removed and boon wont be applied because this set is actually bugged.
really. know your enemy and know how to counter it. when you got the knowledge learn to do it ingame. when you learned it and its still not working it might be too good.. or you are just too b.. havent finished your learning -.-, but dont go onto the forums and whine all day. i know its the easier way but not the right one.
Character locking doesn’t happen until the game start countdown. You still have the ready time to switch. This decision was made specifically in consideration for solo queue. We can always move when character locking begins, but when the feature launches, it will happen at the countdown. This feature is intended mostly to stop exploits where people would switch characters for different skill setups or to reset cooldowns.
Thanks for the clarification!
Does this also include weapon and skill choices? As in, will Necros still be able to start matches with Life Force and Eles be able to give their team swiftness with staff before switching weapons?
stacking swiftness through ele lightning field → switch to s/d should definitly stay.
no offense but its just the fotm faceroll meta everyone is running and even newer teams are doing great with.
so its the easy way to just copy that for a new team.. it will get interesting with the next big metachange and how fast a team can adapt.
Good luck in finding a team, shame that [ugly] burnt out.
Why do you have 25 months in your year?
@spoiler: its month/day/year so 5th of august to 25th of august
thanks for the good luck, some people already asked but till now nothing is fixed.
characterlocking on soloQ is a bad idea.
when it comes to that it will be again very luck dependant if you rise or fall in the ladder. every skill locked is a bad choice as well. you adapt your skills/specs to your enemy. thats what teams do in tournaments, why shouldnt you be able to do so in tPvP.
example: as a thief.. why bring pain response when the enemy is lacking any sort of condi damage (yeah hard to imagine in the current meta)
Sigil of minor corruption+ any of sigil of condition extension+ coupled with traits that further extend condition damage+ runes amplify condition damage on necro staff= more powerful than guardian with sigil of force+sigil of bloodlust+traits that increase great sword damage by 5%+runes that increase power= some professions would greatly benefit over double sigil than others. Already we see poor profession representation..this would only carry ranged staff wielders/ rifle users/bow users further a head of the current disparity of ranged versus melee. Great sword users would always come off second best.
yes, comparing a condi necro with a damage guardian on that is probably a good idea.
maybe i misunderstood your posts as it “sounded” like you are lecturing people.. but however i ment no offense with my post. i just gave clear examples where your damage argument is clearly wrong and – as it is not the first time i correct you on some facts in this forum – i would like you to doublecheck what you are posting.
i appreciate your posts and even when i dont read every post from every thread i scroll through most threads and read posts from people that i feel have experience in the game and are able to make objective posts. you are one of them.
i understood your basic damage as autoattack damage. and even when you ment damagepotential of that weapon i would disagree. ask a mesmer how staff is dealing more damage than 1h sword; ask a thief if shortbow is dealing more damage (over time; without initiative) than cleaving with your sword.
yes you can argue with the bigger aoe effect of 2handed weapons, but in spvp the aoe of most 1handed weapons is enough. in most fights there arent 4+ targets at the same spot where you can get an advantage of having a 2hand sword as a warrior.
and on another page, not every 2handed weapon is aoe~
to sum it up: there are arguments for both opinions and i – personally – feel it would make some 2handed weapons more viable to give two sigils for 2handed weapons, but can understand when other people disagree.
traitwise you are right for some classes but damagewise..
mace (one handed) dealing more damage than GS (two handed). while axe is dealing more damage than both of them over three attacks but even there you can easily see that you are wrong.
try to get your facts straight before lecturing other people.
other example: http://intothemists.com/calc/index.php?build=-7F-gu
(edited by LeGi.3921)
+1 would love to see that
are you from EU or NA?
for EU its Desolation, for NA its seems like a mix of Jade Quarry and Anvil Rock.
my team is kinda disbanding due to several reasons i wont elaborate here. The only thing i will say is ‘Summer is coming’.
So im searching for a new competitive team that is playing this game to win. Best would be a Team that is already playing Mist League succesful and will participate in the upcoming tournaments. I am ambitious in this game and hope for a team that knows good sportsmanship, is well mannered and shares my ambition.
Ingame name: Legi
Main Class / Potential Classes (Incase team requires): S/D-Thief / (up to train Necro or Ele)
Region: Germany (GMT+1)
Practice Times: 4 to 5 days a week; 6pm to 11pm
Experience: Right now i am Rank 47 and somewhere around 116 in the Leaderboards. On top of that i played the TP Invitational, the ESL Cup and several Mist League Matches for [ugly].
Other (Anything else that you would like to add): A big problem is: I will be on holidays from the 08/05/2013 to 08/25/2013. In those three weeks i wont be online that much (maybe once a week to check emails) but when i am back home i would like to have a running team i can play with.
When you want more information about me as a player ask me ingame or write a PM.
(edited by LeGi.3921)
well, it seems like every part of the game is not happy about the balancing that is going on..
still waiting for a GW2-like MMO (instant access to all classes) with only pvp so they can balance it only for pvp.
as it is right now noone is really happy with the state of the game and it feels like people get demotivated. I even started playing PvE again because there you see new things from time to time (living world).
obvious troll is obvious.
it was mentioned several times that a stat/boon for condi damage reduction would be nice.
you cant say if it really fixes the problem. it would probably be better to make condiclasses glassy as well. right now you can stack toughness and condidmg pretty easy but when you want to go powerburst you are extremly squishy.
i dont think necromancers need more access to weakness. with the conditions a necromancer can spam (even without burning) weakness is covered pretty well.
you only need an offhand dagger or the trait that casts enfeebling blood when going into deathshroud to have a good (when not cleaned/dodged 100%) uptime on AOE weakness.
i would rather nerf the access of necromancers too weakness tbh.
this vampirism idea might work but im not sure if it will work like that. i played some necromancer games myself but not enough to be able to tell how to fix the class but what i know while playing vs a necromancer is that i am weakened most of the time.
mesmer has enough stuff, but they are not allowed to use it because of portal/illusion. the last is taken for survivability (blink) or harder burst (mirror images). you just dont have a utility slot especially for condi cleanse
quite sad to see a great thread go to waste with all this kittening about who has the biggest/best kittens.
after reading this whole thread and adding my own opinion the “current meta” would be like that:
303010 necro: too easy to play, too much conditions/damage, not enough disengages
s/d thief: too easy to play, too much evades, too much damage
ele: not too hard to play, too much burst
engi: pretty hard to play, but when mastered a must have for a team
guardian: the only real bunkeroption because of the access to stability (rocksolid ele might be able to compete with him)
(spirit)ranger: too easy to play, most of his skills are passive
Mesmer: not viable in the aoe condi meta
Warrior: some CC warriorspecs may be successful but still too bad to be really considered
Im a thief myself and all I have to say is that I fear that any further nerfs to s/d without any buffs (to other weaponsets) will put the thief into the same position where mesmers are right now: not viable in the aoe condi meta.
I think the big problem is the dual s/d thief with quick pockets, energy sigils, signet use and signet of agility. With this spec you have low mobility and you are bound to fight teamfights in the middle. You have (too) great sustain but I personally wouldn’t say too much damage on your own. You shine with mightstacks of your guard/ele but without you are only “bursty” vs full offense/no defense specs like xeph or phantaram run.
When you take a s/d+sb thief without those, its not like you can permaspam dodgerolls. You can still sustain in melee for a bit but have to pay attention. Take away that sustain through evades and you have a second warrior. How AoE works in this game and with all those kiting tools there are, as a melee, you need something to survive this.
Its hard enough to deal powerbased damage with the state of weakness. Try not to destroy the last viable spec of my favourite class with the next “balance” patch. I would recommend looking into quick pockets and signet of agility but when you tone down signet of agility some should go for other endurance giving utilitys like elixir R.
i stated my opinion here several times and to get a closure here i just say this:
funny how many engis that are not even ranked say that they beat most of the classes but in the same sentence say that they arent overpowered but its all skill.
i dont wanna say rank matters, but when you have not been playing vs well organized teams i think you lack experience to actually comprehend the problem here.
the other thing is, how can you say that engi is totally fine when you beat anyone 1on1?
just think about what you posted in an objective way and maybe read my posts again.
but nvm me, im outta here.
So you’re running all those since they’re the strongest builds atm right?
Imho the biggest balance issue is the various easy to play builds. It’s ridiculous that some guys pick up a necro or a spirit ranger, roll their face over the keyboard and are able to win vs. others who play their class near perfect. The kitteny thing is, that those guys dont get punished if a neff comes in, they just switch to the next flavor of the month op build.
When BM ranger came up (the old one) a lot of ppls switched on it and they easily won most 1v1 just because its face rolling. Same thing for Mesmers 8 months ago. Its a easy to pick up class. You can play an effective Mesmer after 5h of practice. As soon as you play vs. better opponents you need do adapt, because every1 dodges your spikes. Thats the point where you can actually spot good mesmers because they can set gheir spike properly and close to instant, but that needs a lot of time. I mean there are not many mesmers left, afaik even xeph switche on thief
This just happens to many classes. They get a cookie-cutter build, it gets nerfed – ohh just pick up the next one, np. So bring up some builds which are harder to learn but in the end are more effective than all those cookie-cutters. Engi is probably a good example for a hard to pick up class (except hgh
yeah and people who actually like the class – like for me thief – miss depths to the class. i would love to have so many tools like for example an elementalist or an engineer but im stuck on a class that is best while spamming 2-3 buttons. yeah i could reroll, but for that i like the class too much and my team needs me on the thief.
The only teamcomp a S/D Thief should/would run Shadow Trap is when the team has no engineer.
I tested Shadow Trap a lot and it is an amazing utility but in the current game it doesnt help you that much. As Engineer is the god of farpoint you could only use it as a defensive port for your close and then you would have to fight a 1on1 with probably blown cooldowns vs the enemy Engineer. That would be a quick death for you.
So yes, i love shadowtrap, but right now its pretty much crap. Or to be less destructive there are better utilitys to bring as your job is hunting glassy eles/mesmers in teamfights.
Imo Weakness should be a counter to upcoming bursts you anticipate. It should work a bit like the “offensive” protection with a pretty good addition to it. But right now some classes can hold up weakness 100% of the time on multiple targets.
Here is a list of weakness sources that should be looked at (the weakness I list is always the baseduration, so your duration can be up to 50% longer when you spec for it):
8s of weakness on a 12s cooldown is too much. Ok, this spell is melee and has a big animation, but it is AOE and you can trait for reduced Hammer CDs. In combination with conditionduration you can keep Weakness up 100% of the time on every melee you hit with it.
The Weakness lasts 10s and the cooldown is 10s too. Its only single target, but this is still too much to hold weakness on a target for 100% of the time.
Here again 5s Weakness on a 10s cooldown. This skill can hit up to 3 targets.
Here again this Weakness is just too long.
3s Weakness on an autoattack (single target) is really hard. We all know Elementalist don’t autoattack much but this is still too much.
I would replace the Weakness with a short duration bleed.
This is just overall strong, I cant really say how to balance that, or if its ok. Its just too much right now and this seems to be worth looking at too. When you don’t have a skill that clears all conditions at hand with this much cover you will probably die.
10s Weakness in a really big AOE on a 900unit range, 25s cd.
15 second internal cooldown, independent of Enfeebling Blood’s cooldown.
This is just huge and this trait is only on Adept level. I would say raise the internal cooldown and probably put that on a master level.
Those are the weakness sources that have really long durations on short cooldowns/easy to apply. In my opinion weakness from a single source should have a maximum uptime of 50% (while specced/traited for it) otherwise its damagemitigation is “too kitten high”. But you may want to look on the damage of glancing strikes too. Maybe a 30-40% damagereduction would be enough for glancing hits.
it would be great if you could fix/give us a better searchbar to browse public & private servers.
Yesterday we had a Mist League Match and it was near impossible to actually find the Server. You couldnt find it in the complete list (without any filters). You couldnt find it with the exact name of the Server. The only way was to know the Owner of the Server.
It would be great if the searchbar would actually work and when you could you “*” too.
For example “Mist League *” should give you every server that starts with "Mist League ". Just a normal searchbar would be so nice.
He probably means Incendiary Ammo, Incendiary Powder, Sharpshooter, (Shrapnel,) Steam-Packed Powder and the Weaponsigils too.
And lets be honest, an Engineer has too many spells that you should dodge, so you cant save all your evades for pistol 2/3.
and still you are running through threads flapping with your arms and all i read is “cluckclucklcuk”
well, at least you are funny with your “do they make any sense” while actually thinking your posts make some.
funny how people defend an obvious bug because they fear their class/classmechanic will get nerfed.
“Skills that stun break will cancel control effects such as stun”
“Control effects, also known as disables, are a set of effects that temporarily prevent actions or movement and disable all skills for the effect’s duration.”
my first thought was “wow, nerf thief further and he is the new warrior” but when you take all changes into account it might be ok. the biggest problem for a thief right now is condiremoval and the strength of conditions. first place probably going to weakness as it negates most of the damage a thief is dealing, the other conditions are only a pain that eat through my small HP-Pool. Before 6/25 it was a race who will die faster but with the state of weakness/blind it feels like i got no wheels.
long text short, when you tone down weakness you might want to look at thief damagenumbers again but without that i dont feel a thief can get many more nerfs before he disapears from competitive pvp (again).
always consider a thief has low hp/selfheal and has to be melee (so survive this aoespam) to deal his damage. especially as a s/d you are mostly dealing “sustained” damage and dont burst someone in 1-2 seconds like for example the ele can do right now. so you need many evades to sustain yourself.
to get on another topic that was discussed here.. people talked about how they think rangers, thiefs and GS mesmers have too much access to vigor/evades and how strong those specs are. I feel the same way, but when you list those you might wanna list another class as well.
People might already know, but imho engi is too strong.
He has:
- 100% Vigor and Swiftness uptime through 2 adepttraits
- the three strongest combofields (fire, water, smoke) and on himself at least 3 (4 with rocketboots) blastfinisher on a very short CD (max 30sec)
- multiple CCs (Flamethrower #3, Shield #4, Gluebomb into Bigbomb, 2sec AOE Stun); Flamethrower #3 and Shield #4 being undodgable; Flamethrower #3 only having 15sec CD
- the possibilty to selfrezz in most 1on1 situations (not every class has access to knockbacks to kick him out of this zone)
- an extrem access to burning with incendiary ammo (FT Toolbelt) and incendiary powder (trait) plus Fire Bomb and the FT; Fire Bomb and the rest of the FT skills arent great and easily avoidable but in addition to the first mentioned still noticable
- a good amount of other conditions to cover the burning
and those are only the things that are over the top.
- I would move invigorating Speed to the Mastertier and give it an uptime of 50% (every 10second for 5seconds)
- Remove the Waterfield on Regenerating Mist (Healtower toolbelt); wont do much, but having two waterfields on those short CDs are too much.
- Remove the Blastfinisher from Magnetic Inversion (Shield #4)
- Increase the Flamethrower #3 CD to 30seconds and give it a .5 second casttime. Shield #4 being undodgable is good as you sacrifice your projectile reflection when you instantpop it.
- change Elixir R back to having a Stunbreak and no casttime, increasing the CD to 40s;
- Toss Elixir R: reducing the revive per tick to 15%, reducing the duration to 4seconds and adding a .75sec casttime
- reduce a) the burningduration an engineer can apply or b) reducing the conditions he can apply to cover the burning; i think b) would be better because then he is still good in groupfights where his conditions are covered by other players but he isnt that much of a monster in 1on1 situations when you actually bring condiremoval with you.
The next thing is my teams most beloved skill. Spirit of Nature \o/ As im getting lazy writing it all over again i just copy my old post:
“We have two big problems with this skill. The first one is that you can put it anywhere on the map and activate Nature’s Renewal (NR) from an infinite range. For Example on Forest of Niflhel you can set the Spirit of Nature (SoN) behind the Keep and rush back to Henge to defend it and just trigger NR while you are defending that point. In our opinion the activation of FN should have a range. Say you need to be in a 900 – 1.500 unit range to the Spirit to be able to cast it.
The second problem is that FN has no Line of Sight (LoS) check. You actually can place it behind the Keep (bottom of the stairs) and resurrect downed Players at the Cappoint while the other team can’t do anything about it. It would mean that for the duration of the Spirit you can’t attack this point and that’s huge. On Battle of Khylo SoN is at least as bad as on Forest of Niflhel. In the “old” Meta Ranger was defending close or attacking far, so in most cases you don’t have someone on him all the time and you cant afford that someone is spirithunting all the time either. He can just set the spirit below the Clocktower and resurrect people that are downed inside it. Give FN a LoS Check (Spirit to downed Player, not Spirit to Ranger) to fix this, in our opinion, broken spell.”
(edited by LeGi.3921)
No, everyone should play what they like/chose to and get the skins/stuff for that. you can give pvp stuff to pveers but not stuff that you cant get through pvp too. and yes, that could work the other way around too.
It’s hard to argue with unexpierenced players, which never have seen the competitive side in this game. However they can write whatever they want, because it’s the internet.
truth be told. still i tried (past tense).
@Vuh: Then you should face someone that can actually play this spec. I played several classes and specs and i never had problems vs warriors.
@Derps: yeah, im getting tired of people like you too.
yeah i thought i would pull back from this thread but i guess i have to answer that post. maybe someone will actually give a suggestion that works.
btw do you think thakittens coincidence that engineers won in the recent 1on1 tournaments in EU and NA? i dont.
and again ostricheggs: what class would you bring to counter the engineer?
i dont know if you have red my recent posts but to your necro/other engi suggestion i quote myself:
“when we leave 1 at close he will just engage him, neutralise the point in no time and probably kill the guy defending it because engis are pretty much invincible 1on1.
so we need to +1 this point, that means we fight 3vs4 in mid and 2on1 on close to be able to defend it. it takes best case 30seconds to go from mid to close, kill the engi and come back. in those 30seconds you will have the disadvantage in middle.
when we put a necro on the spot the engi is not enganging our close and just fight middle. he is not that great in middle but is still good at denying stomps and corpsedamage. so we need our fifth in middle too. when he sees that he can just stealth somewhere and decap our point because. with perma swiftness/vigor(maybe rocketboots) he can outrun the necro easily. when we want to send another one to defend, someone that can keep up with him we have the problem from #1.
so in conclusion to counter that engi we need a) an engi with the same build or b) an engi with this forsaker spec. so we need an engi to counter an engi because no other class can do that effectivly."
burst would be d/p?
any decent pvp player can dodge basivenom/backstab in a 1on1 and when you need to 2on1 the engi we are in a bad spot (3vs4) on the rest of the map and will probably lose the teamfight there.
on top of that d/p needs to land that backstab and the engi got a blind bomb, a 7sec blind on FT#5 (instacast), this shield stun and so much area denial that it is pretty hard to be melee with him.
i say it again, to be great with the engi and pull all that stuff off it really takes practise and skill, much more than for example a s/d thief, but when you know your kittens then your are a freaking monster.
but like i said above, as Arenanet is not going to change anything soon, i guess i just roll engi myself and hope that i get good with this class before everyone else realises how OP this class is -.-, (omg he said it!)
(edited by LeGi.3921)
i think i will just start learning engi myself, thief isnt a great class anyway at this moment.
too bad i lack about 1 year exp with this class -_-;
they mentioned it in one SotG, i think the one of may.
they are working on it, soon™
Yeah, as we are clearly talking about the bombkit as a problem in this thread.
maybe read again before loling hard.. or well try thinking too it might actually work.
the build mentioned is this one: http://www.intothemists.com/calc/index.php?build=-VRw;2cPVv0c-VQFx0;9;4T9-J91475;308-5;0EJ0;3hoHAhoHA2VK
or variations of it with rocket boots and/or 15 firearms/tools.
i dont know if NA has no decent engineers but there is probably a reason why the only reasonable counter to an engineer is another engineer.
ok, here is the situation we face:
when we leave 1 at close he will just engage him, neutralise the point in no time and probably kill the guy defending it because engis are pretty much invincible 1on1.
so we need to +1 this point, that means we fight 3vs4 in mid and 2on1 on close to be able to defend it. it takes best case 30seconds to go from mid to close, kill the engi and come back. in those 30seconds you will have the disadvantage in middle.
when we put a necro on the spot the engi is not enganging our close and just fight middle. he is not that great in middle but is still good at denying stomps and corpsedamage. so we need our fifth in middle too. when he sees that he can just stealth somewhere and decap our point because with perma swiftness/vigor(maybe rocketboots) he can outrun the necro with easily. when we want to send another one to defend, someone that can keep up with him we have the problem from #1.
so in conclusion to counter that engi we need a) an engi with the same build or b) an engi with this forsaker spec. so we need an engi to counter an engi because no other class can do that effectivly.
and here im back at my argument that the lineup for highend tpvp is getting more and more fixed. guard(to bunker/rezz/stomp/groupsupport), ele(for groupboons and combofields), engi(for farpointinvading/closepointdefending) +2 and that is something i dont think is good for the game.
arenanet wants diversity in builds, but that wont happen when you have to bring special classes because there are no other classes that are half as effective.
really its not like we havent thought about our options but when we see things like an undodgable knockback on a 15s CD there is not much to discuss. that skill alone can neutralise a point in a matter of 30seconds.
(edited by LeGi.3921)
and again no arguments.
got better things to do than teaching a know it all that he is living in a dreamworld.
so i gave you an explenation why the two counters you suggested wont work and all you do is saying “in my kindergarten club where we play gw2 with a joystick or a steering wheel it works pretty good”. please go on comparing two completely different levels of play. i dont even want to compare it with other games/sports. it just makes no sense.
seriously. when you said warrior and guardian counter that it would mean that you actually had problems with those two and that alone told me that you cant be taken serious. when you have problems with these two classes as an node engi and you call yourself an “exceptionally skilled player” all i can do i laugh at your face.
well normally im not that kind of guy but with your level of ignorance and your subjective view of this game/your class/your skilllevel i checked the NA and EU rankings. didnt surprise me that you were nowhere to be found.
try to find some arguments that are at least a tiny bit reasonable before you post and stop QQing because you fear a nerf for you class.
and just for you i copy my post from another thread
“I can agree with most of the OPs arguments but when you change the engineer like you want to he would be an invincible 1on1 machine again.
lets be honest, to play an engineer to its fullest you need lots of practise but when you finally get your things together you are pretty much unbeatable. post patch the only class that can take you on is a necromancer that is stated OP and will be toned down with the upcoming patch.
When you give back the stunbreak for elixir R you will see those farpoint invading engis everywhere. with flamethrower #3 (cone-knockback without casttime on a 15s cooldown) and his bombkit he will neutralize the point in a matter of 15 to 30 seconds in a 1on1 and most likely kill the defender afterwards/while capping it full.
Watch older VODs of TPs Teldo when you want to see it.
The only thing that should happen to engineers is that they should be toned down.
Like i said above, the flamethrower #3 is amazing. I would kill to have a skill like that. but thats not all of that 1 utility. you get a savestomp vs 5 out of 8 classes with #5, a long lasting firefield and a pretty huge toolbelt skill. Airblast (#3) should have a casttime of .5seconds with a noticable animation and probably a cooldown of 25-35 seconds. Incendiary Ammo may be toned down a tiny bit as well.
Toss Elixir R is still an amazing selfrezz on a 2 minute cooldown (traited 100s) for 1on1 situations and at least a decent rezz in groupfights. ok you probably cant rezz someone in groupfights with only that but it helps alot.
Here i would give it a 3 minute cooldown, a casttime of 3/4 – 1 second, a noticable throw animation while casting and maybe remove it from the 15point trait of tools to not have it twice in a single fight. To make up for those nerfs the casttime on Elixir R should be removed and the stunbreaker can come back.
When those changes were made it would be easier for burst dds to stop the damage when engineers toss the elixir while engineers still buy time to let the conditions tick and let their CDs/heal come up again.
For the Speedy Gadgets trait: Ok, you normally dont spec for speedy gadgets (20% faster recharge on toolbelt skills) because you go with Speedy Kits and Invigorating Speed where you can get a 100% Swiftness and Vigor uptime with 2 Adepttraits… I would move the Vigortrait to the Mastertrait and give it a 50% uptime. Swiftness is fine on a 100% uptime. Its still great but without it engineers would need rocket boots to have enough mobility.
and to comment on the heal"problem".. the turret is freaking amazing. as an engineer you have to utilize your combofields pretty well and when you do that your self/groupheal is pretty amazing.
the shield change is ok, look at warriors or guardians.
as mentioned before. engineers have probably the highest skillcap in the game but when you are playing on a higher level other classes lack so much compared to the engineer that the engineer can outshine most of them."
i dont know if that would fix the engineer but its probably a start.